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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov, and i will briefly announce the topic that we will now discuss, we will discuss whether the united states will strike... iran in the coming hours or days. and will the states itself face civil confrontation, even leading to internal conflict, over the situation in texas? we have connections with sergei vladimirovich kislitsin. let's discuss these with him. sergey vladimirovich, hello. to be honest, we wanted to start with you on the topic of texas and what is happening in the domestic politics of the united states. but - informational the agenda dictates its own rules. let's, if i may, start with the middle east. but in the --
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in the context of the actions that states are taking or may take. i’ll briefly tell our viewers what’s happening, a drone attacked an american military base in the northeast of jordan, it was reported that several people were killed, a figure was brought in that three servicemen were killed, another 25 were injured, then these figures were clarified, now we are talking about that more than 30 people were injured, jordan this indicates that an attack on the base has occurred. not on the territory of jordan, on the territory of syria, iran says it is not connected with this strike, but bloomberg writes that the united states is studying the possibility of conducting a covert operation against iran, different scenarios are mentioned. how do you assess what is happening and whether to really expect an open or covert strike in some form by the united states on iran in the coming hours or days. yeah, well, you know, here you need to look, firstly, at previous experience. american-iranian such
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there is enough conflict interaction , which shows that individual incidents between the parties are possible, while on the part of the united states these could be some small targeted strikes, as in 2020 there was a strike on the baghdad airport, when iranian general qasim sulaymaniyah was killed, well then there are full-scale conflicts, i would not expect in this direction from the point of view of the states, since this is the twenty-fourth year, an election year and some large ground operations. and even large air ones operations that will lead to an open hot phase of confrontation with iran, of course, now the united states does not need them; in particular , the biden administration does not need them, since this will cause certain proceedings in congress, contradictions, the president has the opportunity to act only for 2 weeks, according to us law, to apply military force for two weeks, after which he either must disband the troops or must obtain congressional approval, accordingly this will be a very difficult story and some kind of large-scale invasion and
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i would not expect any major... large-scale operation on the part of the united states, while i do not completely rule out some individual targeted strikes that the united states could inflict, and not necessarily on the territory of iran, but on some adjacent territories , where iranian allies or individual iranian forces are located, that is, do you think that the united states will still respond with something, it may respond, it may not respond, the response will not necessarily be, it does not have to be symmetrical, it may be something else indirectly inflicted on iranian allies, including in number or in terms of... say, infrastructure that iran is interested in, it will not necessarily be on the territory of iran itself, that is, here such, you know, such a confrontation is very flexible between the united states and iran, it is not always expressed precisely in direct exchanges , some kind of blows and some kind of actions towards each other, well, if we exclude, of course, sanctions in this case, or this is sometimes done by the hands of american allies, for example there by the forces of israel, let’s assume, that is, we haven’t seen an open direct one yet and i wouldn't expect it anyway.
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not the most pleasant processes for american society, so it’s unlikely that i wouldn’t expect it now. sergei vladimevich, moving on to domestic politics and what is happening on the southern borders, please comment on how you assess the situation and whether this can really lead to some kind of serious civil confrontation? and well, you know, what is happening now, of course, we are observing this process of political polarization, we have been observing it for almost 10 years in an acute phase, it continues. and this
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the democratic party and the republican party have different approaches to migration policy, because democrats are traditionally softer and republicans, on the contrary, are in favor of easing immigration legislation. with the position that migration legislation needs to be tightened and migration services need to work more actively to expel illegal migrants. the last immigration amnesty in the united states was undertaken under ronald reagan, that is, about 40 years ago, in principle it was considered quite unsuccessful, but now it is the same problem, that is, the constant influx of refugees, illegal migrants into the territory of the united states, well, naturally, texas, since it stands on the border, is the first to meet these waves. well, they are faced with these problems, yes, but at the same time, i would not expect any open civil confrontation on this issue, since here, talking about this, we are still looking at our own historical experience, and at the collapse of the soviet union, and how it happened, in the united states there is a fundamentally different situation: texas is one of the leaders
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in economic growth among american states, last year it was about seven out of 7%, which means growth for the year, texas is one of the largest... such territories where american high-tech companies are located, such as yulet and asus, and it is one of the leaders in the production of microelectronics, semiconductors, and so on, accordingly , texas is extremely important for the federal system, for the american economy, between the state, specifically this and a number of other states, there is a constant flow of population the population in the united states is extremely mobile, accordingly it is such a living network, structure, interconnection, which simply cannot be broken in principle...
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refused to introduce a ban on the use of plastic bags, which in principle the federal government of the united states ordered to introduce, that is some minor contradictions or larger ones, they are possible, this is a normal process of american political life, in this case. well, this is the law that biden is talking about, it could become a solution, and will it be accepted? it, but now i can’t actually say, because we still have to go through this acute phase of the crisis, although on the other hand, you know, it is acute, sharper, it
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is perceived here if you look at the american media and some news aggregators, then, in principle, the problem in texas is not the most important problem now and the relationship there with trump and... regarding some legal proceedings attracts the american voter much more at the moment, do you think, uh, here’s a rather interesting story in continuation of the topic , which they are also discussing in our internet space, i think in the american one, this is a film that should be released in april of this year, it’s called civil war, but in my opinion it was translated as the fall of an empire, the trailer was released in russian, it was translated, let’s we’ll include a fragment, but in fact we won’t show the whole thing, but i think citizens can watch a small fragment. today they're heading towards washington, we have to go there, they're shooting journalists on sight, every instinct in me says it's death, flood, every time i survived in a war zone, yes,
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well, actually, the convo of the film is such a plot that the split in the united states, california, texas unite, challenge washington or washington to them, we won’t announce it in detail there. at least yes in the public space it sounds, yeah, well it sounds , of course, it’s still normal when people discuss some current issues, i don’t see any problems here, if you look at it from an economic political point of view, then such a scenario is extremely unlikely, since the united states is it’s still, of course, a federation, these are states that are part of one big country, but the interrelations are so great between the population, between the economy, they...
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the conditions for the reproduction of the economy of the southern states itself, yes, that is, to abolish slavery. the point was that the way of life was changing in principle; this was a much more aggressive intervention in the life of the southern states than we are seeing now. now there are problems with migration legislation and differences in some value issues, but it is not so fundamentally, since all the same , both the left and the right in the united states remain primarily democrats, of the liberal persuasion, that for them there is such a common unifying convoy, they just interpret this issue somewhat differently. what do you think is additional?
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this is such a very flexible process, but of course the administration, god, forgive me, trump and his team and the trump campaign company are gaining, of course, in general, i think points in this matter, since they advocate solving a specific problem quite tough thus, in texas, of course, for example , in the last election of the twentieth year, trump received 38 electoral votes, these are all the electoral votes that are in texas, in his favor against biden, where several counties there voted for a fairly small number. can lawsuits stop the trump company, what do you think? you know,
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hypothetically, it’s probably possible, they write about it, they talk about it, if you look at the fundamental law, at the constitution of the united states, then in principle there are no such restrictions there, you can always refer to constitution, it says that a person over 35 years of age, who was born in the united states and has lived for more than 14 years in the united states, can become president; accordingly , trump certainly fulfills these requirements; everything else is a trial, like attempts to exclude him from...
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well, one question is how all this is linked with assistance to ukraine, because yes, we know that the biden administration is asking to allocate money to support ukraine, to support kiev, and says that yes, the republicans, in turn , link this with the decision on migration crisis, it seems like this new bill, if it is agreed upon, it should again somehow solve these problems and resolve them, do you think this will happen again? will this support be allocated or will it still stall and kiev
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shouldn’t expect help in the near future, if possible in a compressed manner, because we don’t have much time, yes, yes, you know, i must say that such bills are generally are traditional for the usa, where a number of completely incompatible worlds are accepted, but they accept with the package, in this case, if it is possible to agree on the border problem to fulfill the demands of the republicans, at least one or another, then in principle it is likely that the republicans will support... gigantic bills, which, for example, there is a law on reducing inflation, which is primarily aimed at ensuring the development of renewable energy sources and high-tech industries in the united states, although it was initially devoted to problems with reducing inflation. it's a process bargaining, here's how to negotiate between the parties. i do not rule out the adoption of this bill to fulfill the demands of the parties, because after all, both parties are forced to look for some kind of
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compromise and come to some kind of common interaction without paralyzing the work of the federal government. yes, sergey vladimevich, thank you for the comment. thank you for taking part in the live broadcast, answering our questions, we will follow the developments with you. it was the fifth studio program. apartment in moscow count five. only five purchases from 1,000 rubles. with any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. the pain can vary. there
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profitable, alpha is profitable! i'm yulia musikhina, co-owner of a large company. now i’ll show you everything, this is reception, on the right is the department of advanced developments and the growth chart, the product portfolio is developing, a large family is like a large organization, and its development requires support, a national project demographics by decision of the president, all measures to support families with children. assault units of the vostok group of troops captured six strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in... above the donetsk direction. the fighters from primorye distinguished themselves by capturing dozens of enemy fortified positions. eduard punigov will tell you how the battle went. look, you can clearly see how they are crawling towards them. they come in, they come in, they come in, they come in. look, look, the wing is coming. these unique shots were taken in the southern donetsk direction.
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an assault unit, 394th regiment, is working on the front line. fifth army from primorye. they thought we had left. our positions , but they don’t know that we are sitting on the right, i’m telling my fighters, two of you walk quietly, carefully, without making noise, throw a grenade, go into the trench, if at least one of you can, take a whip, a fighter throws a grenade, a grenade explodes and a fighter immediately throws himself into a trench, the legendary commander saval leads the stormtroopers, the count of his unit from dozens of strong points taken, in this battle from our country there are only four stormtroopers... the enemy has about 60 soldiers, he doesn’t know that mine are crawling, absolutely not visible at all, you see , kamikaze, i start teasing them, one hit doesn’t bury, i did it so that they wouldn’t understand that they were being attacked, well, i deceived them like that, here’s another battle of saval’s unit, 20 attack aircraft against 200 soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces, the battle lasted 5 days,
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in the end the enemy threw down their weapons and fled, 30 people leave, commander, we need people, we need people faster. only my dear, speak clearly, everything is clear, 30 people are leaving along the road, the commander is running away, that’s how we go, we took about six oporniks like this, without losses, under their fire, they are still moving forward, so we were called iron attack aircraft, one of the participants in this battle is a sixty-year-old attack aircraft with the call sign fireman, he served in the army for more than 30 years, he went through afghanistan, chechnya, signed up as a volunteer for a special operation, how did you feel in those moments? and of course i wanted to stay alive, but there was an order, an order, the order was carried out, with dignity. the stormtroopers are now on vacation, recuperating in a camp a couple of kilometers from the front line. the camp where assault troops are located - this is. such a mini-town hidden in a forest belt, soldiers live underground in these fortified dugouts, but in fact, inside there are almost all the amenities, since along the entire forest belt there are generators like these that
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generate electricity. the dugouts reliably protect soldiers from any shells, and they fly here almost every day. this is our medical center, equipment for providing medical care. the first aid station has everything you need, supplies are replenished at every week. in winter, of course, they are most in demand...
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the guys cook, maybe just like at home, the stormtroopers regularly receive parcels from volunteers, the soldiers always accept them with joy, thank you very much, but if they want to help us, they must clarify what we need, sweets are better you can’t do much, it’s better to bring copters instead, here are mavics, there are thermal imagers, rodeikas, the same thing and walkie-talkies, now saval’s group is preparing for the next assault operation, in a couple of days the fighters will go to the front line again, eduard pungov, alexander botkin. news south donetsk direction. russian geological exploration is entering a new stage of development. within 5 years , they plan to replace foreign technologies in this industry
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with domestic analogues. this period is indicated in the program that was previously approved by the government. denis alekseev will talk about the implementation. with the advent of the road map for import substitution, signed by the government and rosgeo, russian geological exploration is entering a new stage of development. now the machines. software, drilling rigs in the industry will be developed, tested and mass produced at production sites in russia. this is an important event, i am sure that this will become the basis for the fact that in the near future our industrial enterprises that are dealing with this issue, our ministry and department, together, the team, will solve the problem that the president of the russian federation has set for us, and this will give us an additional impetus for the development of our...
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with the government in the direction of a road map that determines the directions, priorities, timing for import substitution of key import-dependent technologies, assumed in geology 27. does not mean more expensive, the first production batch of m3 machines has already been sent for geological exploration work in eastern siberia, the plant does not stand still, the plant is breathing, after this batch, you see in
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the background, another batch of machines is in progress, being manufactured, we are constantly improving machines, or another example, not so long ago in rosgeo they took on the creation of a completely domestic machine for core, that is, highly efficient high-speed... support only stimulated the creation of colleagues, and the departure of foreign software own, even more adapted to russian realities, take at least this electronic drilling log, operators, being in moscow, can monitor drilling performance 5-7-9 km away from them. as part of the industrial... development of competencies, of which rosgeology is a leader in the field of geology, specifically, we are working on import substitution of our software, and by combining these two projects, import substitution of drilling rigs,
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import... substitution of software , we received a comprehensive project, comprehensive a product that will allow us to more efficiently and, most importantly, quickly provide information to our customers. the number of projects related to geological exploration is only growing every year, and this is why there is a high demand for equipment and software. russian geologists need at least a hundred from such drilling rigs alone every year. they are already waiting in yakutia in the far east. over 4 years, rosgeo’s investment program for the technical re-equipment of enterprises with russian equipment has exceeded 20 billion rubles. denis alekseev news.
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