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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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in some countries, disruption of supply chains, attempts at transport blockades , of course, have made it difficult for enterprises to operate in kaleningrad, industrial production has decreased, in general the situation is improving , and we have seen growth in the economy since august, but it takes time to overcome this failure that we had , yes, we need to support this positive trend; in addition, apparently, there is a circle circled around the object, the timing of construction, which putin is concerned about. when will this ocean museum be completed? there will be a museum completed by the end of the year, what year? this year, vladivich, i’ll clarify. there is an analogue of such a museum in monaco. they have a small one, they have a small one, and so their country is like that, many such construction projects in the kaliningrad region are under the control of the president, he ordered the creation of an oncology center here several years ago. result. it turns out to be a beautiful 130 km long bicycle path along the shore of the baltic sea. the governor and i tried it out,
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it’s a wonderful path, we drove 130 km, no, there was less, yes, here our program heard, on your instructions, we will continue, did you hear the plenipotentiary when you talked about your attempts to ride a bicycle, no, he says, weaklings, he himself definitely rode, hello, a departing kaliningrader straight away. yes, i am from india, i, yes , i am from india, that is, you are from kaleningrad, yes, foreign students like it here also because russia has long had very warm relations with india, and they are warm because delhi does not change its position on principle, whichever way the wind blows, such games do not work with india, the country’s strict nationally oriented leadership, live by your own wits, call emmanuel kant and russia does so, this does not mean at all that we did not give a damn about the interests of others, it means... to
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respect the interests of our partners, we do so, but we will never allow the interests of russia to be neglected, and the interests russia is also a multipolar world, in the literal sense of the word, at the snap of a finger, the leader of the child and his assistants bring a folder for negotiations with putin. our program changed the idea of ​​political television journalism; every detail of this visit attracted the attention of journalists, but only us found out why the leader of chad first entered the first building of the kremlin, and then into the representative office of the president. it's not a cane, it's a staff of command.
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egyptian event, these were the gestures during this teleconference. to express my gratitude and joy to the noble participation of my dear friend, his excellency, president vladimir putin. rosatam's large-scale work around the world greatly irritates some politicians. zelensky and a sympathizer...
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i’ll tell you honestly, this worries us, but it’s not very practical, that’s why there’s no solution, and very much, and you just came from egypt , the climate is already completely different, how do you like it, it was colder, neither frost nor heat, it’s not a hindrance for us, such important events are busy, practically for the laying of the new icebreaker leningrad in the twenty-fifth year, we’ll lay another one icebreaker of the same class, let's call it stalingrad. again, of course, everyone is discussing that putin is without a hat, but i want to tell you that here, being in st. petersburg, without a hat, it’s really very cold, only -6, it would seem, but it’s very chilly, because before we started as close to the heaters as possible, it’s better to give up. come on,
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of course, a lot of workers came to the ceremony, and they joked, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, push, push, oh, that's it, horseradish gave a damn on the right side.
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i had to travel for hours to get to work, school, or a social facility. putin and lukashenko, as it happens, experienced local traffic jams themselves. the motorcade hit one of them. bus passengers look out the window in surprise and realize that the president’s car is on the same road, in the same traffic jam. it is clear that the city’s development plans are enormous and they require huge amounts of money. for the first time, we will show you the moment of the closed part of the meeting, maybe about money, yes about money, please, now it’s still in use, please, but the final word is always with the president, who smiles slyly, he drank a copper here, thinks that we will now fork out, we will fork out, indeed,
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this is correct, the federation has helped and will always help st. petersburg, everyone here is talking about the northern capital, but st. petersburg does not receive any money for its capital functions. doesn’t get it, of course you have to go to some complex solutions , but it is possible to find solutions and i think it is necessary, st. petersburg deserves it, st. petersburg deserved and received another new sports complex - she’s scared, you’ll move soon, she says, but we’ve already moved, she says we’re moving, she smiles slyly , no, well, a natural palace.
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putin and lukashenko were given personalized sweaters, asked about a lot, but understandably, they were excited. vladimirevich, there is a very important question, but...
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it becomes, vladimir yakovich, that we have a chance to exist normally in the next 10,000 years, there are chances, but for this you definitely need to better understand how life on earth works. molecules of dna, bacteria , thermophiles were discovered that live in waters,
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the temperature is over 60°, which means that there could be volcanoes in these lakes below, yes, we can only build - some, well, let's say, theory, the official part of the negotiations has now started, a few words. for journalists, further, if you look closely, another table is ready, and there the presidents of russia and belarus will continue negotiations face to face, and of course, i today, during our conversation , i will inform you in detail about what is happening in the special military operation zone, and tomorrow there will be another meeting, i remind you that an exclusive interview, unexpected footage and details of the president’s week event can be seen before anyone else in the zarubin telegram channel, join us. the family should be at the center of all public policy. vladimir putin kicked off the year of the family. the president took part in
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the all-russian family forum “family and loved ones” and met with participants in family competitions. special attention the president, large families. it is in them that those basic human qualities are brought up on which the country rests. and putin emphasized that the government is trying to do everything possible to support parents with children. by the way, during the filming of this story, we remembered that dmitry peskov is a father of many children, and asked him about personal things, for which peskov is ashamed, a couple of minutes later in our story the answer. and the family living in the tundra invited putin. for the golden wedding, we'll give you a ride on three white deer, my grandson has a great ride on a deer,
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a fast deer drives, what a speed, well , big, 70, yes, the fastest deer, 70 km/h, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, they run so fast, well, it runs, this one doesn’t get tired, the deer walks day and night. like athletes on skis, there is no safety train, no , no, there is no need, but there is a rope there, you are going to secure the president there with a rope, yes, but i showed that the rope is the steering wheel right, left, and this steering wheel, a rope , and gre is speed, yeah, daughter, this is the smallest one i have. the very last, the smallest, your dad always so fiery, yes always
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, he’s just not a tv star, i worked as a supervisor all my life, i was a commander, but it’s understandable, and then, but you always commanded with a smile, apparently, of course, he loved me through everything, that’s another thing who is loved there by the atmosphere of the meeting such that he turned to you, loves you very much, rush together on the reindeer early in the morning, let’s rush straight to the reindeer, so if we go, let ’s cooperate, i’ll definitely help you get there, that’s me for you i promise, thank you, we brought two accordions here completely new, you won’t break the accordion at the wedding there, no, no, no, how do you know?
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it seemed like they had already said goodbye, thank you very much, but immediately, as if nothing had happened, after that the presidential plans for the next few minutes were already predetermined by the children, parents with children. also parents with children
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, but how could it be otherwise, relatives, loved ones, an all-russian forum with this name, the beginning of special events, the start of the year of the family, an important presidential decree so that large families have the same status throughout the country, its status is established without... urgent social support is provided to children under 18 years of age or up to 23 years of age if they are undergoing full-time education as university or college students.
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most likely to sacrifice some family , common affairs, because the work is important, it is necessary, it is necessary, and they are offended, yes they are internally offended, they understand, they get used to it, but there is resentment , as they grow up, they then they begin to pour out their grievances, talk about them, feel ashamed,
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well, sure enough, yes, of course, i hope so, because in fact, children are more important than job. the population decreases , even if it is two, it remains on a horizontal bar, in order to ensure the growth of the population, this minimum is needed for a family to have three children, and for this to happen, the family must be born earlier, you have no children, bureaucrats some are planning. well, it’s a blessing to have children, you will know this, well, probably this question is already addressed to my wife, to nastenka, please, after all, you really are like a bureaucrat, first i need to enroll in graduate school this year, we will tell you they said they didn't we need to plan everything in the world like this, for me, entering graduate school will allow me to become a candidate of technical sciences, during
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graduate school we are planning the birth of our first child, their love is very strong. is already quite big, vanya is with us , and secondly, respect for the fact that children, who are closest to their parents, is valuable, and legally too, you are offended that mom and dad pay more attention to the little ones, you are the same senior, no, you fight, yes, it happens, yes, yes, but you love each other,
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tell me, yes, but why are you fighting, if it happens, it’s different, did you argue a little over the microphone? brothers from another family and even showed it to dad, they say, let me talk to putin, the eldest, now it’s mandatory, this is myself, our post-retirement, but when they threw the microphone, however, everyone told everything, although arguing for the microphone turned out to be easier than talking about myself, my position is forward... does your mother tell you what you love most? myself, i don’t know, i don’t know, you know, you said recently that you still remember how your mother put you in a corner, exactly, but remember, why did this pop up by chance, because there was an unexpected question, i don’t remember, i
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was 3-4 years old, i remember how i did something wrong, she put me in a corner, and then... why did i remember that, so she walked next to me back and forth all the time asking the same question: you will ask for forgiveness, you will about i sat, stood there sulking, she walked, walked around me asking all the questions, then she couldn’t stand it, grabbed me in her arms and started, as i said, kissing me in all places, this unconditional absolute maternal love, i remember this and carry it with me throughout life. about the payment of 450 thousand rubles to pay off the mortgage at the birth of a third child, preferential mortgages for families with children will also continue, despite the fact that they are issued at 6% per annum, and real bank rates
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are already 16 and higher, with an increase in the key rate , budget expenses subsidies for preferential mortgages will double to a trillion rubles, we are doing this, we are not canceling anything and we will continue to do this, at such events, asking a question, everything is always they stand up, in response, they ask you to sit down, hello , vladimir vladimirovich, sit down, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, sit, please, dear, yes sit, let's vladimirovich, vladimir vladimirovich, great honor, good, good, i can't help but stand up, because the most the best president, i’m here with my family, well, yes, if possible, yes, yes, of course, and only one person refused, a teacher with many years of experience, please sit down, please sit down, please, you can, i’ll stand, you can of course, 30 stood in front of the class for years, i’m more used to this, it rarely happens that the president tells someone to do something, and they tell him, well, no, i’ll stand, you know, i
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’m sitting, i probably wouldn’t be able to put two words together, and i’m used to always being in front of an audience standing, he probably also knows, a habit from above has been given to us as a substitute for happiness, she and my mother are here, this is my mother-in-law, that’s right, but you call me mom, yes, we have a very close relationship, everyone talks in detail about their families , they asked putin, how to raise a worthy person? never, i want to emphasize this, i’ve never seen my father drunk, i ’m not even talking about my mother, i’ve never heard a single swear word from him at all, this is the whole situation together. goodwill , an atmosphere of love, this is what educates, this is what lays the foundation, when
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a child sees how his parents live in the first years of his life, he copies, simply copies us, therefore it is all the more important not to take the example of the west, normal, just normal human beings values ​​are cynically destroyed, replaced by pseudo values, but we, on the contrary, will preserve them, we will strengthen them, pass on to future generations , this is the unconditional choice of our country, a family in russia is mom, dad and as many children as possible, here is a student in kaliningrad, about her family, four girls, one boy, the youngest, yes, i understand, that’s what i understand, all four sisters, you all babysit him, yes, yes, of course, we wanted to help his mother,
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such moments, then, when he grows up and looks at these really cute shots, he will definitely remember stories about parents, about children, at that meeting the participants told a lot, and there was such a moment, perhaps inevitable, but why were you crying? pavel, what is known about the president’s schedule? this is next week. the business trip continues. the presidents of russia and belarus arrived here together in one car. and then with
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vladimir putin, alexander lukashenko in st. petersburg. another extensive joint program. three days of negotiations in total, well, on monday the leaders will hold meetings of the supreme state council of russia and belarus. belarus is the most important strategic partner and ally. the most important key details political events. zarubin is the first in the telegram channel, well, you are an knowledgeable person, subscribe right now, also putin will deal with issues of the defense complex this week, will hold a meeting on the socio-economic development of new regions of the country, your people are very talented, able-bodied, this is on centuries, vladimir putin will also hold an event in the status of a candidate for the post of president of russia, and of course you remember that about the most important political events next week sunday on... will show more than others.
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12:00 pm
vladimir putin is now officially a candidate in the presidential elections; his candidacy was registered by the central election commission, having previously verified the signatures collected in support of the incumbent head of state. how to develop transport corridors for cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of science and technology? a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state will be held in st. petersburg in the coming hours.


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