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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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vladimir putin is now officially a candidate in the presidential elections; his candidacy was registered by the central election commission, having previously verified the signatures collected in support of the current head of state. how to develop transport corridors for cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of science and technology. a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state will be held in st. petersburg in the coming hours. a massive farmers' protest starts at these hours.
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in european countries, farmers intend to block traffic in paris and brussels. what's happening on the streets? waiting for the direct inclusion of regina sevastyanova. how sharp will the us reaction be to a strike on an american military base in jordan. the american media does not rule out the possibility of a direct strike on iranian territory. and let's start the release with the latest news.
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an error during verification, a little later, this hour we are waiting for a direct broadcast from our correspondent, we will find out all the details. the head of the department checked today how the experimental bases of the moscow region research institutes of the ministry of defense are being updated. sergey shaigu visited the twelfth central research institute, where after modernization the number of tests was multiplied. work on biological protection. new buildings will create a cluster where there will be a central research institute, where two are being prepared for commissioning . research in the new laboratories will make it possible to identify biological threats in the shortest possible time. assault units of the vostok group of troops captured six strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. the fighters from primorye distinguished themselves.
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it’s not visible at all, you see, i start teasing them with a komikaza, one hit doesn’t buries himself, i did it so that they would not understand that they were being attacked, well, i deceived them like that, here is another battle of saval’s unit, 20 attack aircraft against 200 ukrainian armed forces soldiers, the battle lasted 5 days, in the end the enemy threw down their weapons and fled , 30 people are leaving, commander, we need people, we need people, just hurry up, my dear, saying, clearly, everything is clear, 30 people. leaves along the road, the commander runs away, this is how we go, we took about six oporniks like this, without losses, under their fire, they are all they are moving forward equally, that’s why we were called iron attack aircraft, one of the participants in this battle is a sixty-year-old attack aircraft with the call sign fireman, he served in the army for more than 30 years , went through afghanistan, chechnya, signed up for a special operation as a volunteer, what they felt in those moments, and of course he wanted to stay alive , but an order is an order, the order was carried out with dignity. the stormtroopers are now on vacation,
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recuperating in a camp a couple of kilometers from the front line. the camp where the assault troops are located is a mini-town hidden in a forest belt. live the soldiers are underground, in these fortified dugouts, but... in fact, there are almost all the amenities inside, since there are generators like these that generate electricity along the entire forest belt. the dugouts reliably protect soldiers from any shells, and they fly here almost every day. this is our medical center, equipment for providing medical care. the first aid station has everything you need, supplies are replenished every week. in winter, of course, cold medicines and vitamins are most in demand. everything is there, everything is enough antiviral cough. for a broad-spectrum painkiller, everything you need is here; in the center of the camp we also built a bathhouse, here our personnel do the washing, they have washing machines directly, they are powered by a generator, the guys wash themselves, get themselves
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in order, we have a bathhouse here, come and look, soldiers are allowed to heat the bathhouse any day, one condition is to chop the wood themselves. there’s a field kitchen nearby, three meals a day here, the menu changes every day, they give us this stew, there’s pickling, tekka zucchini , soldiers take turns cooking, for example, today for lunch borscht with sour cream, we are trying to create the best possible conditions for the guys so that they feel comfortable, don’t forget, there’s a lot of meat, there’s a lot of meat, i look, yes , yes, of course, but this turns out to be a fuck-up, guys they cook, maybe like housewives, regularly. thank you very much, but if they want to help us, they must clarify what we need , it’s better not to bring so much sweets, it’s better to bring copters instead, here are maviks, there are thermal imagers, rodeikas, and the same gifts. now soval's group is preparing for the next
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assault operation, in a couple of days the soldiers will again go to the front line. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. nuns from the moscow region went to... the donetsk republic, where they visited wounded soldiers in hospitals, the popular front helped them in this. also, the monastery ministers conducted sacred sacraments; an armored vehicle with electronic warfare equipment was transferred to one of the churches, which helped to purchase the fund everything for victory. with donations from parishioners, the church purchased an analyzer for protection against drones. his transferred to the monastery in the dpr. this is necessary, since the shrines are regularly subjected to massive shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. we , together with the ministers of the holy cross convent, came to our fighters to hold a malebin, we helped, coordinated, organized this process, because we believe that our fighters need not only physical, not only
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practical help, but also spiritual. a smuggler who tried to remove gold bars worth more than 111 million rubles from russia. received 5 years in a general regime colony, the fsb reported this. the attacker was detained at sheremetyevo airport; he was hiding gold in a hand-held treasure chest. an attempt to smuggle large amounts of gold was stopped at shermetievo international airport. street, trying to leave the territory of the russian federation, a precious metal in the form of twenty-five refined gold bars with a total weight of over 36 kg was discovered hidden in hand luggage. the cost has been withdrawn. smuggled cargo exceeded 111 million rubles. khimki city court, moscow region, detained and found guilty of committing crimes provided for in paragraph b, part two of article 226, pr1 of the criminal code of the russian federation and he was
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sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 5 years 1 month. yemen's houthis launched a missile attack on a united states warship in the gulf of adon. about it. said a spokesman for the movement. according to the houthis, their target was the supply ship usdb puller. it is not known whether he was injured. the lieu sb puller is a floating repair shop and also carries four heavy helicopters and can be used to support amphibious operations. the houthis promise to continue attacks on ships of the so-called international coalition and on commercial vessels associated with israel. the yemeni movement demands that tel aviv stop hostilities in the gas sector. washington has not yet commented on the missile attack. farmers' unions in france announced preparations for the paris casade. bfmtv reports this. it is expected that up to 2,500 tractor drivers will participate in the action. find out more from our
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european correspondent regina sevastyanova. she is in direct contact with the studio. regina, greetings, what is the current situation and what are farmers planning to do? hello, it starts today. at 14:00 local time, paris will be almost completely blocked, eight highways leading to the main city of france will be blocked by tractor drivers, different estimates are given here...
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to date, about 15 thousand police and gendarmerie officers have been deployed to ensure law and order during these demonstrations . particular attention is paid to the rangis international market , which supplies paris with food, will be cordoned off by armored vehicles, because last weekend and in the past days in general, these protests resulted in tremendous violence on the streets; tons of food are now not only being dumped out and destroyed, but are now being destroyed directly.
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in fact, there are many norms, rules, restrictions, both french and at the european level, it’s simple, let’s simplify our administrative work, we’ve had enough, it’s persecution if we were employees, we would suffer from burnout, which is also aggravated by pressure, this can calm us down, talking about laughing in the face, the farmer, of course, is referring to the statement that...
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in response to the attack on the american military base on the border of jordan and syria, reports bloomberg. according to him, the us operation will be secret, that is, the united states will not admit involvement in anti-iranian actions. this is exactly how tehran behaved; it declared that it had nothing to do with the attack. drones on a us military base. as a result of the strike, let me remind you, three american servicemen were killed and 34 more were injured. this is the first one. losses in the middle east officially recognized by the united states, first of israel's operations in
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the gas sector and a sharp escalation in the region. our own correspondent in washington, dmitry melnikov, provides details. will the murder of three us military personnel, whose photographs are shown to americans by tv channels , become a red line for a direct war with iran? these are the first casualties of the us army in the near east since the beginning of the conflict in gaza. drone strikes. kaze were carried out on saturday evening at the small tower 22 base in the northeastern part of jordan on the border with syria and iraq. the us army uses this outpost to train militants under control. he blamed the attack on groups loyal to iran; at the sunday service, biden announced a minute of silence in memory of the victims and promised retribution. we had a tough
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day in the middle east last night and lost some trabrians as a result. attacks on important iranian facilities not only in as retribution for the killing of our soldiers, but in order to deter future aggression. many in washington would like to imagine the second september 11th, the death of american soldiers thousands of kilometers from home. recently, coalition forces in iraq and syria have been attacked one and a half hundred times, but there have been no military casualties before.
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donald trump also calls biden’s capitulation this blow to the american base. drone attack on a us military facility. jordan, against the backdrop of statements from washington, iran is bringing its army to a state increased combat readiness, and air defense forces to maximum. at the same time, iran's foreign minister arrived in pakistan to resolve the conflict after iranian attacks on the territory of one of the main us allies in the region. tehran is focusing and preparing. washington
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is now considering several options for responding to the murder of its military, including conducting a secret special attack. operations against iran and this could be a fatal decision for the biden administration, a small victorious war will not work, here is the third global is more than real. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance and dance together, for... in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zuevo and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often.
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yours. and now to the messages that come to the news agency’s feed. the plane from harbin made an emergency landing in yakutsk due to the activation of a fire sensor. this is reported by tas agency with reference to operational services. it is reported that a fire sensor was activated in the luggage compartment, 30 passengers and nine crew members were successfully evacuated, an inspection is now underway, it is reported that there is no open burning, but there is a burning smell on the plane, but now about the weather, a warning about strong winds up to hurricane force has been issued in the murmansk region, weather forecasters also predict another thaw in the european part of russia. we’ll talk more about this with ekaterina gregorova, she’s in direct contact catherine. hello, is the increase in wind also associated with warming? yes, the atlantic cyclone is making its way into the european territory of russia along with strong winds and thaws. well, in norway, due to the fault of this
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cyclone, today flights and boat flights are being cancelled, bridges are being closed due to hurricane winds in the north of the country, on the coast of the norwegian sea; gusts, according to the latest data, reach 41 m/s. there have already been several reports of damaged, even torn off roofs. in these frames, a fragment of the roof covered half of it. buildings with a gust of wind it flew several tens of meters and landed at the entrance to a nursing home. in the murmansk region, the wind had by this time increased to 22 m/s, and a section of the federal highway kolo in the manchegorsk area was closed. the deterioration of the weather occurs against the backdrop of rising temperatures in murmonsk, around plus2, and melt water has appeared on the roads. well, in the kaliningrad region, where the air had already warmed up to +5° the day before, nature was in a spring mood, even ladybugs woke up. let's talk about processes in the atmosphere. so, a powerful atlantic cyclone is now circling over the barintsev sea. so far , only the northern part of european russia is experiencing the influence of the cyclone. the vortex is surrounded
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by anticyclones. in the east it is still blocked by the siberian anticyclone, and in the south by the european one. and yet the cyclone will be able to turn the situation around. the center of the vortex will continue to shift east across the barintse sea, while the cyclone will seem to stretch to the south. atmospheric waves will move along the periphery of the cyclone, so that atlantic air can break through. to the volga region and the urals, and then to siberia. well and while the cyclone is actively making its way, overcoming the resistance of the anticyclones, a strong wind blows on the border between them. on the shores of the gulf of finland, gusts exceed 15 m/s. in kareli on the kola peninsula , wind speed is approaching 20 m/s. well, on the shores of the barin sea the wind reaches gale force. but with a strong wind the heat comes through. the northwestern region is already in the warm sector of the heat vortex that has engulfed kaliningrads. leningrad, pskov regions, karelia, and tomorrow thermometers will rise above zero in tverskaya regions in the west of the arkhangelsk and vologda regions in the north-west of the capital region.
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in st. petersburg today it is +3, cloudy with clearings, a strong southwest wind is blowing with gusts up to 18 m/s. tomorrow night +1, wind west 12 m/s. tomorrow in the northern capital it will be near zero, the wind will subside on wednesday night. it will freeze down to -2, and during the day the temperature will again be slightly above zero, so the roads will be very slippery. in moscow today it is cloudy, without precipitation, -2 in the daytime. the southwest wind will pick up in the afternoon and temperatures will start to cool rise. breakfast in the morning around zero, tuesday afternoon plus one, cloudy without precipitation. light sleet is likely over the coming days, with temperatures hovering around freezing. at night there is a slight minus, during the day there is a weak plus, so pedestrians and...
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and now let's return to the first topic of the issue: the center electoral commission has registered vladimir putin as a candidate in the upcoming presidential elections. and now our correspondent, anna voronina, joins the broadcast from the central election commission. anna, greetings, tell us how the meeting went and what other decisions were made? yes, hello colleagues, how are you? have already said, today, well, perhaps, the main decision. was, of course, to register vladimir putin as a candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, and i remind you that the entire necessary package of documents was submitted to the central election commission on january 22, usually the verification takes about 10 days, but last friday the central election commission announced that the verification all signatures were completed, or rather...


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