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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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it is important to say that spouses and children of military personnel can also apply for credit holidays. in december last year, the right to credit holidays was extended until the end of 2024, and you can apply for them at any time. the duration of the loan holiday is determined by the borrower, but it should not exceed the period of military service. as for the participants, of course, for them, for their family, the economic effect will be very large, yes, due to the fact that, uh, there will simply be savings, eh. funds and thus the credit debt will not increase yes or the level of the so-called credit load on a household in general, in principle, is so normal and the normal level of credit load is somewhere around the limit of 30%. in this case, such a solution will allow us to at least bring it closer and maybe even be at the level of normal credit, so to speak. household loads.
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interest will be written off at the expense of the credit institutions themselves. in essence, we are simply talking about canceling part of the debt that accrued during the borrower’s service period. experts consider the amounts to be insignificant for banks. very roughly, banks will lose about 1% per month, or, accordingly, 1 billion rubles per month, this is the effect. which, so to speak, makes the fate of the participants and their own and their family members easier, and accordingly creates an additional burden on the banks, this, of course, will not create big problems for the banks, this is even less than 1% of their financial result, well, last year. another issue that plans to resolve in the near future is exemption from property tax for the families of participants.
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the president has already instructed to study the issue the ministry of finance and the government now have rules according to which the participants in the military operation themselves are exempt from tax, but their family members are not, that is, if the owner of the residential premises is the spouse of a military man , he will have to pay tax, the money from the tax goes to local budgets, and although the amount not always significant; lost revenues for the regions will be compensated from the federal budget. if the participants of their family and their family members do not pay property tax. local budgets, then this is in a certain way, although not significantly will affect local budgets, but the president immediately ordered that the shortfall in local budget revenues be compensated by payments from the federal budget, so that firstly, losses for local budgets will be insignificant, and secondly, these even insignificant losses will be covered from funds coming from the federal budget. now it's basic. the property tax rate
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is 0.1% of the cadastral value of housing, that is , if an apartment costs 5 million rubles, the annual tax for such property will be 5.00 rubles. for a family, taking into account other expenses, the amount can be significant, while the effect on the federal budget, experts say, is not particularly sensitive. beloved chmona, manager... shurupov, maria the owner, either olya, or vera, sanya, sanya, return the mower, vik sherstenika, it doesn’t matter to whom you transfer or pay, it is important that without commission and restrictions, alfabank is the first in russia canceled commissions for all payment transfers, order a free alpha debit card, not just profitable, alpha profitable, looks like a cold,
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get gigabytes from a megaphone just like that, naked charisma. megafon takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gigabytes every month, only for megafon subscribers. that's it. it tastes better on fire. burger. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, you are apalazar. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of adenoma. stats. a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state will take place today in st. petersburg. in anticipation, the leaders of russia and belarus held talks at the konstantinovsky palace. in addition, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko
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, via videoconference, opened the new wintering complex of the vostok station in antarctica, also in skarenu style. danilo makhalin will tell you what was discussed at the world's largest hockey stadium. it is in st. petersburg that the largest hockey arena in the world, as vladimir putin is now personally convinced of, who, together with alexander lukashenko, toured the stadium from the inside; the presidents of russia and belarus dropped in on the training and skate of the local ska team. one of the coaches, canadian daniel bochner, compared scarena with those he saw overseas and chose a modern palace in st. petersburg. i've seen a lot of rentals in canada. but this is definitely the best, both its inside and its appearance. putin asked the canadian bochner in english how long ago he trains in russia and the president’s response was pleasantly surprising. russia. the sky arena seats
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21,500 spectators, which is several hundred more. than the now previous leader in this indicator, the stadium in montreal. the newest sports complex allows for competitions in more than twenty sports, includes a large ice and small arena, two tiers of stands, a two-level restaurant, a twenty-five-meter swimming pool, 101 boxes, and a gaming gym. they almost wanted to make a market here at one time, but it’s much better than a brand name, right? thank you.
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ska captain alexander was impressed by this scale and the opportunity to train and play matches within the continental hockey league. nikishin, on the eve of the playoff games , for his team to move to a new arena that meets all modern requirements, it’s impossible, by the way, such a modest battle day on the site, well, i’m in shape there , well done, good, we had our first training session today in the new arena, we felt and saw its high level, we wanted to say thank you for your attention to our species sport, very pleasant. we hope that we will really be playing on it soon, it’s quite nice that it was actually made in st. petersburg, of course it ’s expensive, hockey is really one of our favorite sports, so you guys know it, it’s up to you all the time, hundreds
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of thousands, or even millions of people are constantly watching, watching, loving you, wishing you good luck, but ska petersburguno is so lucky. grounds, the largest stadium in the world turned out to be, well, probably the most modern, the most modern, the most modern everything indicators, well, you need to master them, when, when you master them, something will probably happen. the entire ska team presented the president with personalized game jerseys with the inscription leningrad in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the breaking of the fascist blockade. at the same time, lukashenko drew attention to the progress of fellow belarusian stepan folkovsky, who for several years...
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throws a grenade, the grenade explodes and the fighter immediately throws it into his trench. the stormtroopers are led by
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the legendary commander saval, and his unit has captured dozens of strong points. in this battle, there are only four attack aircraft on our side, while the enemy has approximately 60 soldiers. he doesn’t know that mine are crawling, it’s absolutely not visible at all. you see, kamikaze, i begin to tease them, one hit does not bury. i did this so that they would not understand that they were being attacked. well, i lured them away. here is another battle of saval’s unit: 20 attack aircraft against 200 ukrainian soldiers, the battle lasted 5 days, in the end the enemy threw down their weapons and fled. 300 people are leaving, commander, we need people, we need people, hurry up, only my dear, talker, clearly, everything we have is clear, 30 people are leaving along the road, the commander is running away, that’s how we go about six as a support person, we took it like that without losses under their fire, they are still moving forward, that’s why. we were called iron stormtroopers. one of the participants in this battle is a sixty-year-old attack aircraft with the call sign
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firefighter. he served in the army for more than 30 years, going through afghanistan and chechnya. he volunteered for the special operation. how did you feel in those moments? and, of course, i wanted to stay alive, but there is an order, an order. the order was carried out worthy. the stormtroopers are now on vacation recuperating in a camp a couple of kilometers from the front line. the camp where the assault troops are located is a mini-town hidden in a forest belt. soldiers live underground, like this. fortified dugouts, but in fact there are almost all amenities inside, since generators like these are placed along the entire forest belt, which generate electricity. the dugouts reliably protect soldiers from any shells, and they fly here almost every day. this is our medical center equipment for provision of medical care. the first aid station has everything you need, supplies are replenished every week. in winter, of course, cold medicines and vitamins are most in demand. there is everything, there is enough antiviral. cough suppressants, broad-spectrum decongestants, everything
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you need is here; in the center of the camp we also built a bathhouse, here our personnel do the washing, they have washing machines directly powered by a generator , the guys wash themselves, get themselves in order, we have a bathhouse here , come and look, soldiers are allowed to heat the bathhouse any day, one condition is to chop the wood themselves. there is a field kitchen nearby, meals here are three times a day, the menu changes every day, they give us this stew, here there is pickling, tiger squash, the soldiers cook it in turns. for example, today for lunch there is borscht with sour cream, we are trying to create maximum conditions for the guys so that they feel comfortable, don’t forget, there’s a lot of meat, there’s a lot of meat, i see, yes , yes, yes, of course, but this turns out to be a ration we get, the guys are cooking, maybe something houses, stormtroopers regularly receive parcels from volunteers, the soldiers always accept them with joy, thank you very much, but if they want
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to help us, they must clarify what we need, it’s better not to bring so much sweets, it’s better to bring them instead. copters, here are maviks, there are thermal imagers, jackets, the same thing, yes, walkie-talkies, now soval’s group is preparing for the next assault operation, in a couple of days the fighters will go to the front line again. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. a new modern school opened in one of the districts krasnoyarsk, it was built in just a year as part of the federal program, it worked out. an entire educational complex with spacious , bright classrooms, assembly and sports halls, even bedrooms for primary school students. alexander usatenko will tell you the details. there is a shortage of educational institutions in krasnoyarsk; some buildings have been in use for more than half a century; they are considered unsafe and are closed for repairs. for more than a thousand students, this school will open its doors at the end of next
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year. for a densely populated area this is big event. for many years they have been building housing here, but it is educational. institutions were not a priority, residents of the microdistrict had been waiting for a school for decades, we knew 20 years ago that there would be a school here, i think it ’s great, which is right, because there are a lot of children, but schools are far from us, we moved here in 1997 and were really looking forward to this school, but alas, other children are like it, construction began in 2023, in addition to classes, the educational institution will have libraries, medical blocks, and after-school children will be able to relax during the day; schools will have dormitories for boys and girls. the nearest school is on the other side of baturina street, children are forced to cross a busy highway, and the schools at takeoffs are very crowded, so this is a long-awaited school. 25 thousand square meters were allocated for the school; it is planned that
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the institution will have a physics and mathematics focus. another one is being built in another district of krasnoyarsk, calculated. for 44 classes, it will be completed this year, it will be installed for disabled people ramps and elevators, in the adjacent territory there will be a sports ground with a rubber coating, a large gym, a separate martial arts hall, a gym, a large dining room, thanks to the new school project of the united russia party , new educational institutions are being built in the region, deputies control all stages of construction and quickly resolve issues with the contractor. in 2024, seventeen schools in the region will undergo major renovations, and 10 new schools will accommodate about 7,000 students. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, elena goleeva, lead the krasnoyarsk region. american journalist tucker carlson published material
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on the problems of a number of modern us cities. according to the author, one of the main difficulties of recent years has become. legal migration, how states are changing under the pressure of foreigners, see our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv. the history of the world is a history of invasions. one group of people moves to the land, another takes it over. one country dies, another is born. invasions drive history. few americans understand what is happening to them right now. the united states is experiencing an invasion, for god's sake, it's an invasion, who is allowing this? they have invaded our lives. i think this is an invasion of the country. in other words, this is the end. the country in which you grew up no longer exists; soon you will not recognize it. no one resists, few admit it, and the people who
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lead us allow it to happen. why do our leaders allow this to happen, well , to destroy the country. change the demographics those who live here determine what the country will be like, our country is changing faster than you can imagine, americans are being replaced, this is not a conspiracy theory, this is a fact. in august 2023 , illegal immigration exceeded america's birth rate, creating an entirely new population. last year alone, more than 3 million people arrived here illegally across our southern border. the media won't tell you what's happening, but if you... look around you will see it, most noticeable in our cities that are being destroyed, we choose people who should protect us, that's what politicians are paid to do, but they did the opposite, didn't sell us out and destroyed what our ancestors built. look at our cities, this is hell and the reason is emigration. chicago was in dire straits even before joe biden
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opened the border. now some parts of it are practically uninhabitable. even the socialist mayor says the city is about to collapse. without significant investment from our federal government, it's not just the city of chicago that will be unable to support. chicago politicians may publicly complain about illegal immigration, but privately they pay for it with your money, they spend more on illegals than on their own citizens, they do it secretly, they hide it from the public. our team discovered a shadowy terminal at chicago's ohara airport, hundreds of migrants were being secretly held there, our team drove up with cameras on at first... saw little, city officials erected a black curtain to hide what was happening, their motive is simple, they didn't want to, for us to see this, and third-party security , paid for by your taxes, told us that
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entry is prohibited, we are not allowed to look at this, what are you doing, i want to look inside, they are not local or federal law enforcement, so we ignored them, they have no had the authority, they were hired security, inside our team found more than 100 beds on the floor, the smell was unbearable, it was gone. for your protection, but they are doing something else, they are running refugee camps for illegal immigrants. when our operators approached the policeman precinct in downtown chicago to see what's going on inside, you see people,
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illegals, coming out, giving the middle finger , screaming. they did not hide their hostility. many other illegal immigrants were pushed into poorer, predominantly black areas of the city. we went there. we spoke with a man who has lived on the south side of chicago almost his entire life. he's furious.
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migrants seeking freedom and a better life, these are two drunken illegal immigrants who fight on the streets of manhattan in an area that they did not build and in which they should not be be, imagine living in a place like this, millions of americans don't need to imagine it because that's what their neighborhood has become. the owner of the restaurant next door and part-time father... has every right to do so. my name is giorgermanotta. and we are in juan trataria. at my restaurant on the upper west side. when they first got here, there was real chaos here. yes, he is like that: they started fights in the street. oh, take it off. suddenly, about eighty unregistered motorcycles began parking in the neighborhood. and at night they drove to... near mexico,
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there are probably about a million illegal immigrants in houston, but not only the city, the suburbs have also been invaded, in fact new suburbs have appeared that cater to illegal immigrants, colonyridge is one of them, perhaps the largest concentration of illegal immigrants in the usa, this is a housing complex specifically for people who have no right to be here, colonyridge was created in order to make money from the migration crisis that is destroying our country. the owners of the complex provided loans to migrants on extortionate terms. this is not a guess. the southern district of texas sued colony reach, and yet it still exists. everyone is simply inactive. at first glance, colony reach looks like your average american suburb. rows of houses, children playing in the streets, but look closely, this is not america, these are slums. we spoke with a man who learned from his own bitter experience what happens during
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an invasion.
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in america, where you grew up, and you wanted to go there, but you don’t, you live would like your children to grow up just like you, but that won't be possible due to the biggest sell-out in our history, hundreds of years of american history destroyed by an invasion made possible by our leaders, you should know this, contract military personnel receive regional support measures, combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation, payments for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here. serve under contract.
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with the support of artificial intelligence, the central election commission analyzed the signatures and officially registered vladimir putin as a candidate in the presidential election. how was the inspection? the military inspectorate, the head of the ministry of defense , checked the progress of modernization of research centers in the moscow region. how did you evaluate the work and what tasks did you set? they hit with aim. yemen's houthis launched a missile attack on a warship
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. states in the gulf of atan. meanwhile, information appeared that the states were preparing to attack iran. tractor blockade. farmers' unions in france announced preparations for the paris casade. what is the protesters' plan and how are the authorities reacting? the center for assembly has registered vladimir putin as a candidate in the upcoming presidential elections. the decision was made unanimously. in tsika. noted that almost all signatures submitted to headquarters passed the authentication check and very few were rejected. with details anna voronina. the main decision was, of course, to register vladimir putin as a candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, and let me remind you, that all the necessary documents were submitted to the central election commission on january 22.


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