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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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in st. petersburg, the renovation of the ladazhsk metro station was completed, it was carried out according to the schedule, the work was planned to be completed only in february. governor alexander beglov appreciated the results of the reconstruction, but he recalled that. dazhskaya was opened almost 40 years ago , during all these decades no major renovations were carried out there. now the facility has been completely renovated, including taking care of the comfort of passengers with disabilities . this is very important for us; we still managed to conduct it ahead of schedule. celebrating the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation from the fascist blockade, this is such a good gift that the metro builders gave us, they commissioned this station ahead of schedule and completely renovated it. the costumes were replaced with coverings,
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lamps, but most importantly, the escalators were put in order, repaired, good passages were made for people with disabilities, convenient ticket offices, well, well, everything that could be done was done. in moscow, traffic has started on two more overpasses, this time we are talking about road sections in the area of ​​21 km of kaluzhskoe highway, they should.
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partially kaluga highway and mkat in this area, the object is relatively small, but important and necessary, the work has been completed, we can start, give the command, let's go, farmer unions in france have announced preparations for the cossade of paris, it is expected that in the action... all details confrontation with our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. today, starting at 14:00 local time, paris will be almost completely blocked, eight highways that lead to the main city of france, will be blocked by tractor drivers, estimates here are different, given from 600 to 3,000 tractors, they could potentially take part in this action, they already began to gather at the entrances to the city from the night, and if... it is officially
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stated that they will not go directly to paris still, for example, in interviews with bfmtv journalists, some say that they would like to implement this plan. the head of the french farmers' union, arnaud ruzo, announced on monday that today he hopes to meet with prime minister gabriel hauthal and get from him an immediate action plan regarding the regulation of food prices and regarding pan-european standards, quality of production , leader of young farmers, a large trade union, who also called for a lockdown: agreed with his colleague that the duration of this manifestation will depend on how the government responds , while it was emphasized that they oppose violence on the streets, nevertheless, the french ministry of internal affairs, on the eve of this large protest, decided to abandon the policy of non-intervention, which at first adhered to all protests, to date about 15,000 police and gendarmerie officers have been deployed to ensure law and order during these demonstrations, with particular attention paid to the international market. life, which provides paris
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with food, it will be cordoned off by armored vehicles, because last weekend and in the past days, in general, these protests turned into tremendous cruelty, there are tons of food on the streets, now...
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with additional measures that we will propose for discussion. we believe that these measures should in the next 48 hours we will complete work on filling those already announced. you see that now several crises are superimposed on each other, fiscal, legislative, here we need time to figure out where we can simplify the rules, and this should be discussed at the pan-european level. the president of the republic plans to raise the issue at the summit on thursday, and so do i. at the same time , it must be said that the summit to which the french minister of agriculture refers, to which emmanuel macron will arrive on thursday, will also take place under blockade conditions, at least from tonight, now belgian farmers have headed towards brussels, the highways at
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the entrance to the capital of the european union are blocked, and how long this blockade of the now indignant belgian farmers will last is currently unknown. regina sevastyanova, natalya goncharova and polina anishchenko, european bureau of vgtrk. belgium. assault units of the vostok group of troops captured six strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. the fighters from primorye distinguished themselves, which account for dozens of captured enemy fortified positions. eduard punigov will tell you how the battle went. look, you can clearly see how they are crawling towards them. they come in, they come in, they come in, they come in. look, look, the wing is coming. these unique shots were taken in the southern donetsk direction. an assault unit is working on the front line. the ninety -fourth regiment of the fifth army from primorye, they thought that we had left our positions, but they don’t know that we are sitting on the right, i tell my soldiers, two of you are walking quietly, carefully, without making noise, you throw a grenade, go into a trench, if possible, take at least one blanket, a fighter
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throws a grenade, a grenade explodes and the fighter immediately throws it into his trench, the legendary commander saval leads the stormtroopers, the count of his unit... dozens of strong points taken. in this battle, there are only four attack aircraft on our side, while the enemy has approximately 60 soldiers. he doesn't know that mine crawl. absolutely not visible at all. you see, kamikaze, i’m starting to tease them. one hit doesn't bury. i did this so that they would not understand that they were being attacked. well, i deceived them like that. and here is another battle of soval’s unit. 20 attack aircraft against 200 ukrainian armed forces soldiers. the battle lasted 5 days. as a result, the enemy dropped his weapon.
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in chechnya, he volunteered for a special operation. how did you feel in those moments? and, of course, he wanted to stay alive, but an order is an order. the order was carried out with dignity. the stormtroopers are now on vacation recuperating in a camp a couple of kilometers from the front line. the camp where the assault troops are located is a mini-town hidden in a forest belt. soldiers live underground, here in such fortified dugouts, but in fact there are almost all the amenities inside, since generators like these are placed along the entire forest belt that generate electricity. the dugouts on... the streets protect the soldiers from any shells, and they fly here almost every day. this is our medical center, equipped to provide medical care. the first aid station has everything you need, supplies are replenished every week. in winter , of course, cold medicines and vitamins are most in demand. there is everything, there is enough of everything,
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antiviral cough medicines, painkillers wide spectrum of action, everything you need is here. a camp was also built in the center. bathhouse, here our personnel do the washing, they have washing machines directly , they are powered by a generator, the guys wash themselves, put themselves in order, here ba... we are equipped, come in, look, soldiers are allowed to heat the bathhouse any day, one condition - to chop the wood ourselves, there is a field kitchen nearby, meals here are three times a day, the menu changes every day, they give us this stew, there is pickling, caviar zucchini, soldiers take turns preparing it, for example, today for lunch borscht with sour cream, we are trying to create maximum conditions for the guys so that they feel comfortable and don’t forget. a lot, i see, yes , yes, yes, of course, but it turns out, we get a fuck
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, the guys cook, maybe like at home, the stormtroopers regularly receive parcels from volunteers, the soldiers always accept them with joy, thank you very much, but if they want to help us, they should clarify what we need, it’s better not to bring so much sweets, it’s better to bring copters instead, here are maviks, there thermal imagers, jackets, the same thing, and walkie-talkies, now soval’s group is preparing for the next assault operation. in a couple of days, the soldiers will go to the front line again. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. well, now about the heroic feat of a schoolboy from the chelyabinsk region. he saved a friend who fell through the ice on a lake. anastasia shmeneva will tell you how it all happened and how ivan’s parents found out about their son’s brave act. a few meters from residential buildings there is a lake, now it is under a thick layer of snow. just recently, as eyewitnesses say the ice was no thicker .
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pulled him out, he grabbed, i pulled him out, and he gave his hands so that he grabbed, i was all, all, all dirty, dirty, wet, and ivan, he didn’t tell his mother about the ruined new jacket, he took his father as an accomplice and he not a word about the feat, but the bailiff service officer realized that something was wrong, everything was revealed when the mother of the rescued man came to thank him for nothing. suspicious parents, yes, on the one hand, he did well, that is, he did what he had to do,
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that is, he helped the person , but on the other hand, it says, yes, it’s scary, but they still scolded him, no, they didn’t scold him, all because in childhood, he once saved ivan’s father, who also fell into the water friend, so he only praised his son for his courage, but asked the press to be careful, the boy does not consider himself a hero and... buy a gamelab computer chair for only 8,990 rubles. one friend of mine can do everything,
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different. i connected to the megamarket in advance. and has already broken the record for monthly sales of everything in one week. the sales season is starting , don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers, order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international
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exhibition forum russia. now to the cinema news kholop-2 has overtaken the box office collections in russia james cameron's avatar. the comedy with milish bikovich and gla and tarasova became the second grosser at the russian box office in history. ivan kudryavtsev, the presenter of the cinema industry program, will tell you what attracts viewers. eat some sunshine, come on, come on. om-yum-yum-yum, open the handle. thank you, it was delicious. so, slave-2 klima shipenko overcomes the mark of 3.5 billion rubles. cash desks. at face value, that's more than james cameron's avatar. this peak in the russian market remained unconquered 13 years until cheburashka came out, with its almost 7 billion. but if the hollywood blockbuster
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collected this money almost all winter, then holob-2 klimashepenko made the amount in just 4 weeks. now in the top ten. which we hope will come true, so this film has found its place in the hearts of the audience. another secret of success that is already known in the industry is the project team. yellow black and white studio, creators of the latest heroes of the challenge, russia-1 channel - a production alliance with which it always makes films events, and the world's first director, who shot films directly in space, klim shipenko, who approached the new chapter
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of the comedy “slave” with his characteristic scope, space somehow recharged me and somehow inspired me and... i wanted to somehow give people happiness upon returning to earth , not all films are designed to give people happiness and smiles, but serf is one of them, one of those films where this can and should be done, it’s about this. the new serf has already been watched by more than 9 million people, but the story of the re-education of the exploded major continues to remain in the focus of the audience attention. the film is in the top three at the box office, which means that it is too early to draw final results. but what can we say for sure? russian cinema is one step away from another achievement. the box office of russian films in january of this year is approaching the mark of 8 billion 600 million rubles. our films earned the same amount at the box office for the entire 2016. ivan kudryavtsev, vitaly poretsky inna zolotareva and olesya shempel. news. a new modern school
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opened in one of. districts of krasnoyarsk, it was built in just a year as part of the federal program, it turned out to be an entire educational complex with spacious, bright classrooms, assembly and sports halls, and even bedrooms for elementary school students. alexander usatenko will tell you the details. there is a shortage of educational institutions in krasnoyarsk. some buildings have been in operation for more than half a century; they are considered unsafe and are closed for repairs. for more than a thousand students, this school will open its doors at the end of next year. for thick. rayona is a big event. housing has been built here for many years, but educational institutions were not in priority. residents of the neighborhood have been waiting for the school for decades. we knew 20 years ago what would happen here. school , i think it’s wonderful, which is right, because there are a lot of children, and schools are far from us, we moved here in 1997 and
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were really looking forward to this school, but alas, other children are coming, construction began in 2023 year, in addition to classrooms, the educational institution will have libraries, medical blocks, assembly and sports halls, children from the after-school program will be able to relax during the day, schools will have dormitories for boys and girls. the nearest school is on the other side of baturina street, and children are forced to cross a busy highway, and schools are very crowded at takeoffs, so this is a long-awaited school. 25,000 m2 were allocated for the school. it is planned that the institution will have a physics and mathematics focus. in another district of krasnoyarsk, another one is being built, designed for 44 classes. it will be delivered this year. for disabled people , ramps and elevators will be installed and located in the adjacent territory. sports ground with rubber covering, a large gym, a separate martial arts hall, a gym, a large dining room, thanks to the new
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school project of the united russia party , new educational institutions are being built in the region, deputies control all stages of construction and quickly resolve issues with the contractor. in 2024, seventeen schools in the region will undergo major renovations, and 10 new schools will accommodate about 700. hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts we we are discussing how... to equip the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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a traditional culinary festival was held in serbian pirot. the main dish is the famous flat sausage - one of the symbols of the region and its recipe is passed down from generation to generation. daria grigorova will talk about why iron sausage can only be cooked in winter. serbia lies at the foot of an old mountain, a national reserve with untouched forests begins from here, and thanks to its nature, this region is famous for its culinary traditions. on fertile in the vast expanses of staroplanina, cattle have been raised for a long time; there are more meat shops in the city than any other; with the onset of january frosts, they begin to produce unusual flat sausage. that is, a flat sausage in the shape of a horseshoe is known throughout the balkans, it
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is produced once a year, the ideal ripening temperature is from minus to +5, and the sausage is smoothed by hand, with an empty wine bottle, this is a culinary secret tested by generations. our sausage is a product that we smooth out exclusively with a bottle of wine, like this from below up. the meat inside is well mixed and you need to release the air that has accumulated inside. when the sausage has already been ironed and dried, the annual fair is held in the pirate. there is no single universal recipe for pirate sausage; the main requirement is only natural ingredients: meat, hot pepper and garlic. how many types of meat are there? two types: 70% beef and 30% goat. the finished cured sausage is cut into thin slices.
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only grow, we will increase this pressure, you will see, now we are working in the western region of khan yunis, many hamas fighters are surrendering, so the same thing is happening in other places, we continue our ground operation, we have no alternative.
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doubts, doubts all go away, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down, serve under a contract.
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artificial intelligence, the central election commission analyzed the signatures and officially registered vladimir putin as a candidate for the presidential election, how was the verification carried out? military inspection, the head of the ministry of defense checked the progress modernization of scientific research centers in the moscow region. how did you evaluate the work and what tasks did you set? the houthis launched a missile attack on a united states warship in atomic gulf. with
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the information and the states themselves.


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