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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 3:30pm-3:50pm MSK

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now economic news, briefly: europe threatens to hit the hungarian economy if prime minister viktor orban vetoes aid to ukraine. we are talking about a package of 50 billion euros, which will be discussed at the eu summit on february 1. the financial times writes about this. according to the publication, the european union will not just cut off funding to hungary. eu leaders will have to publicly declare that they will never give her money again. this will collapse the hungarian currency, scare away investors from the country, and therefore slow down economic growth. at the end of the year, more were imported to russia 60,000 cars for parallel import. we are talking about cars that are connected to the eroglanas system. among them are european, korean, japanese and american brands. according to tas, the most frequently imported models into the country were volkswagen, jetta, toyota camry and mazda cx4. installation of eglanas on a new foreign car is mandatory. 2017,
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now more than 10 million machines are connected to the system. the gold mining company polymetal has changed its main shareholder; almost 24% of its shares were bought by the omani mars development fund. before the sale, they were owned by the east group, which left polymetal capital. the transaction amount is not disclosed, but experts estimate it at $554 million. polymetal is one of the largest silver producers in russia. leading gold miners. and in china , the country's largest developer, ever grand, is being liquidated. this decision was made by a hong kong court. the developer owes creditors more than $300 billion. at the same time , evergrande management was unable to propose a plan for restructuring the debt . following the court's decision, the company stopped trading shares on the hong kong stock exchange. evernt was founded in the nineties sixth year and became the most striking example of overheating of the chinese real estate market. these were. economics in short. alfabank has
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new job in 10 minutes, many vacancies new every day, avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place, retiring in the new year is profitable with sberbank. for pensioners, a free savings card , a favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honest convenient, what is a newsletter? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad,
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very cleverly put in a lot of security layers, took colored markers, made watermarks, let’s go vote with him, mom and dad. choose, but my mother said, dear, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting , your ballot will not pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection, your trick will not work, people choose honestly, but we dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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the ministry of finance, together with the government, will work on expanding financial benefits for participants in the special military operation. this instruction was given by vladimir putin at a meeting with students and participants of the svo. maria slobodyanskaya has all the details. interest on loans accumulated during participation in hostilities will be canceled; the issue, as vladimir putin said, will be resolved in the near future. now every participant in hostilities, if he has borrowed money, has the right to credit holidays, they allow you to temporarily suspend loan payments.
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those who were called up for mobilization, signed a contract or became a volunteer can apply for a deferred payment, including individual entrepreneurs. loan payments are resumed. a month after returning from the svo zone, but now, in addition to the body of the debt and current interest, banks charge interest accrued during the holidays, and this, as the president noted, is incorrect; the issue was raised in st. petersburg at a meeting vladimir putin and students participating in a special military operation will have additional charges cancelled, the president assured. payments are frozen, but the interest continues to accumulate, that is, i was faced with such a situation when i was injured, i looked at it in the hospital, and it was the debt to the bank that had grown. i will not bring the situation into a vacuum, it costs 5 million rubles. the annual tax for such property will be 5,000 rubles. for a family, taking into account other expenses, the amount can be significant, while the effect for the federal budget, experts say, is not particularly sensitive. does she really read minds or not? the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative
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committee, she has special gifts, who do you look at all the time, well, there’s a girl standing in prison, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, look, just don’t do anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look. before anyone else in the app or website. russia transferred a shipment of grain to burkina fasso as part of humanitarian supplies. 25,000 tons of wheat will be distributed among.
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and this is the first grain delivery, as far as i
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remember? we do not yet have information about any upcoming deliveries of grain; it is quite possible, we can probably talk about fertilizers, since fertilizer is also a product that is in need.
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organizations of such people, a population that is in dire need of help, about 3-3.5 million people, this help will be distributed among them. well, as far as i was able to watch the footage, even if a few, including various categories of citizens, were present at this ceremony, including ordinary citizens? absolutely right. this was precisely intended to ensure that the public,
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the public was aware of the action that the russian federation carried out by supplying 25,000 tons of wheat, among those present there were also graduates of russian universities, there were senior officials of the ministry , the prime minister's office, there were several ministers, there were a lot of journalists, a lot of journalists, there were a lot women who, so to speak, received with great gratitude the delivery of this batch. to what extent does the country need humanitarian support today? what, besides grain, is it perhaps supplying to russia today, or what are we planning to supply to the country as part of humanitarian support? the question is interesting and
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quite complex. the country, as you know, is in a military confrontation with gangs of terrorists who, according to various sources, control from 40 to 60% of the territory. and correspondingly.
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but this cannot be done yet, given the absence of such conditions from a security point of view, but the minister of foreign affairs, speaking at the grain presentation ceremony, had a good idea, he said that we cannot depend on the supply of humanitarian aid for a long time, so to speak, we must, in principle , rely on ourselves and.. ... such a step was taken some time ago, they asked the russian federation for assistance in the supply of seeds for planting the same wheat, the question is under development, we are waiting to receive specific characteristics of such grain, this is also, so to speak
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aspect of humanitarian assistance. the other day, burkina faso and... including through the west african monetary union, they were generally denied
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loans that they could use for... the purpose of economic development of their countries, as for relations with russia, you you know, the russian federation has always advocated the development of relations and ties with regional subregional organizations of the african continent, so if the leadership of this alliance considers it, so to speak, correct to appeal to the russian federation for establishing cooperation, some more formalized connections, so to speak , i think we will consider in the spirit of, so to speak, a principled approach to the development of relations with integration associations. our embassy in burkina faso opened at the end of last year, would you like to know your first impressions of working in this country? well
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, you know, the first impression... it ’s said loudly, because i didn’t set foot on this earth yesterday, the impression is the most positive, the people of burtinisti are very friendly, very hardworking, sympathetic always belonged to the soviet union to the russian federation, so the embassy that i... opened, yes, restored, let's say, we restored activities, we did not open, we resumed activities that were curtailed due to certain circumstances, now from february 1 , those employees who are already working in burkina fasso will move into the building, which
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will be the embassy for the coming years and... full-scale activities will begin. can you highlight the main areas of interaction and work that for yourself, including what you determined? there is great interest in the development of trade, economic and investment ties, but this process needs to be launched.


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