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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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always belonged to the soviet union, to the russian federation, therefore, the embassy that i opened, yes, restored, let’s say, we restored activities, we did not open, we resumed activities that were curtailed due to certain circumstances, now since february 1 , those employees who are already working in burkino fasso. they will move into the building, which will serve as the embassy for the coming years, and full -fledged activities will begin. can you identify the main areas of interaction ? and the jobs that you, including yourself, have identified? there is great interest in the development of trade, economic and investment ties.
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but in order for this process to be launched, for it to be active, it is necessary to solve security problems in the country, so i understand that these efforts will be made along two tracks, parallel and at the same time intersecting, that is, there will be cooperation aimed at strengthening the constitutional foundations in the country uh. restoration of order in those areas that still remain under the control of the bank formation, and accordingly , those areas where russia can successfully provide its knowledge and competencies will be considered and studied, so that many industries that are not working now... are not working at
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full capacity can, so to speak, operate at full capacity and to produce those products that, in general, are simply quite large, this is cotton, this is the production of tomatoes, i repeat, we must first strengthen the foundations for the safe development of national production. alexey eduardovich, thank you very much for your answers to question. thank you very much for the interview , goodbye, thank you for the interest you show in burkina besol, thank you very much, this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day: under external pressure , russia and belarus continue to help each other, about that today vladimir said on...
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russia and belarus, according to him, countries , even under external pressure, help each other, use common approaches to solving global and regional problems. at the meeting, vladimir putin also noted that cooperation between countries is developing in all directions, and moscow and minsk will do everything to deepen equal integration.
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component of bilateral cooperation, for example, the trade turnover between belarus and russia at the end of last year, according to him, should reach a record 54 billion dollars. the belarusian leader also noted the upcoming...
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russian troops established control over tabaevka in the kharkov region, the ministry of defense reported this, and also repelled three attacks in the kupinsky direction; according to the department, our military hit warehouses rocket artillery weapons fuel ukrainian armed forces. our correspondent denis alekseev will tell you in more detail about the progress of the special operation on the situation at the fronts. he joins. to us live. denis, welcome, do we understand correctly, based, of course, on the data of the ministry of defense, that now russian forces have concentrated their actions and are consistently developing success precisely in the kharkov direction. yes, welcome, well, here is the latest data from our ministry of defense: russian troops not
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only entered the village of tabaevka, but and after successful military operations, they freed him from the ukrainian armed forces formations. tobaevka is kharkov region. kupin's direction, and the fact of liberation speaks volumes, indeed . work has been in full swing on this front since january alone; the west group has significantly improved its position along the front line. shortly before the liberation from abaevka , the village of krakhmalne was cleared. there is a clear line of attack. the ssu is now making every effort to stay in the dark spots, but the resources are becoming less and less. assault groups of two ukrainian me... made attempts to attack there the day before, but everything again did not go according to their plan. our military gave a good response from artillery. the position along the front line on the red liman front has been improved; in the kremen forests the enemy is constantly trying to dig in and gain a foothold at firing points,
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but the more resources the ukrainian armed forces use, the more impressive their losses. our teams have worked against militants and there are minus 280 personnel. and the losses of the ukrainian armed forces on all fronts per day are more than 700 person, footage from the donetsk direction. our military is liquidating the positions of the ukrainian armed forces' airborne brigade in the belogorovka area. in the donetsk direction, a unit of the southern group of troops was hit by six attacks by assault groups of the 22nd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka and pereezdnoye of the donetsk people's republic. artillery strikes caused fire damage to manpower and equipment. eighty-first airmobile and tenth air assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in populated areas kleshcheevka and krasnaya donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 210 troops, two pickup trucks, two d-30 guns and a rapier anti-tank gun. well, on
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the southern donetsk front, the artillery of the vostok group chalked up at least two american m37 howitzers, the result of a skillful counter-battery fight. our battery is prepared for counter-battery combat, so as soon as the enemy gun starts working, we immediately begin to fire to suppress either... it’s difficult to answer the battery count, but i have two m777 howitzers on my account, i came here at the behest of my heart, well, we’ll be home soon, expect us to win, the destruction of the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular the production sites where ammunition and weapons are manufactured, continues methodically. retired general of the armed forces of ukraine krivonos suddenly let slip, or deliberately declared, a massive blow. our rocketeers and aerospace forces a month ago, when at least 100
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missiles were fired, left kiev without the ability to produce high-precision krszzo alha projectiles and neptune anti-ship missiles. we had up to 29 breasts. we have weapons until 29 december there was an opportunity to produce it. by the way, yesterday i spoke with representatives of kbluch, and nothing official from the sbu regarding the leak of information regarding the leaking of all accomplices. production of the ukrainian missile forces, for which december 29 arrived, there are no criminal proceedings, but as for official statements from the ukrainian command, there were none, and when they admitted their losses, and especially those that obviously make kiev even more dependent on the west, are being driven into a debt hole, and the partners are only happy until the armed forces of ukraine they continue to count losses, someone is counting... a hefty profit, how
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the experimental bases of the moscow region research institutes of the ministry of defense are being updated, the head of the department checked today. sergei shaigu visited the twelfth central research institute, where, after modernization , the number of tests of new weapons was multiplied. the head of the ministry of defense also checked the development of the infrastructure of the 48th central research institute. there, two new buildings are being prepared for commissioning, creating a cluster. where they will work on biological protection. research in new laboratories will make it possible to identify biological threats in the shortest possible time. the west will continue its proxy war against russia even after the end of the hot phase of the conflict in ukraine. secretary of the security council nikolai patruzhev made this forecast at a meeting on the training of engineering personnel. the meeting took place at the state marine technical university in st. petersburg. now. the usa, nato, their satellites
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are leading proxies through the hands of the kiev nazi regime and various kinds of mercenaries a war against our people and state, which the anglo-saxon world will not stop, even with the end of the burning phase of the conflict in ukraine. the united states is stepping up efforts to disrupt upcoming sporting events in russia. opposite results. banka’s openly pro-american activities, which are detrimental to the development of world sports, are causing
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more and more irritation in professional circles. tired of the politicization of world sports, the state is striving to strengthen sports sovereignty, including in the field formulating national anti-doping laws. the processes of sovereignization of world sports reflect the general trend towards the formation of a fair, multipolar world order. they are to be welcomed as they serve. signatures that were submitted in support, as expected, 60,000 were randomly selected for verification, only 91 signatures were declared invalid, these are inaccuracies in information about voters. emphasize that our candidate is running as a self-nominated candidate, he
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had the opportunity to run for the party, but for vladimir vladimirovich it is fundamentally important to see the support of russians, and you know, regardless of what political preferences citizens have, and the fact that ... collected 10 times more signatures than required by law, says, of course, about many things, the central election commission also reported that... that candidates for presidential elections sergei baburin and andrei bogdanov will bring voter signatures in their support to the central election commission on january 30 and 31, respectively. to date, 11 people are vying for the post of head states. the central election commission registered four presidential candidates: vladimir putin, leonid slutsky, nikolai kharitonov, vladislav davankov. nominees from
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non-parliamentary political parties must submit at least 100,000 by january 31 . women need to collect at least 300,000 signatures. the central election commission must decide to register all candidates no later than february 10. 10,000 applications have already been submitted to participate in online voting in the elections, the chairman of the central election commission announced. immediately after the official advertisements with all links and so on. you will see everything from midnight, it was already submitted in the morning, i don’t know, now this process, i think, has moved forward.
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taxes for small businesses need to be removed, with the exception of personal income tax, of course, provided that the company leaves the gray zone, no salaries in envelopes, and so on. you need to understand that the far east deserves special treatment, therefore the issues of removing the unified state examination here, questions of removing military conscription here, and many others that seem problematic at first glance, actually deserve
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serious accelerated consideration together with the president and the government. and... presidential candidate vladislav dvankov , together with the leader of the new people, alexei nichaev, will visit the kirov plant today and meet with voters. it was important for me to understand how people work, people, apparently, they are also young, with an average age of 32 years, and every year i understand that they are getting younger, and this means that they have their own school, how people enter the well actually in the production process, it is unique. in my opinion, i think that in russia in the future, it is precisely such enterprises that should receive benefits, subsidies, and support in order to update their production. the second stage of voter information in the presidential campaign began today with a new wave of outdoor advertising. ella pomfilova presented the slogan for the upcoming
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elections, together we vote for russia. from today the slogan will appear. on billboards across the country , information content on television and radio will soon be updated, audio and video rotation about additional opportunities will begin voting, presidential elections, we remind you, will be held within 3 days from march 15 to 17. a court in hong kong ordered the liquidation of a construction company. china ever grant company, trading in its shares was suspended before they lost 20% in price at once. what does this court ruling mean for the company? we find out from our own correspondent in china, alexander baletsky, he gets in direct contact with the facts. alexander, hello, well, we all know very well that the construction sector is a multiplier industry, that is, it greatly depends on it. a lot of people and side projects. who will ultimately
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suffer after such a fall, such as a large developer? well, of course we need to figure this out, in general everything was heading towards this, and here is the court decision in hong kong, the liquidation of the largest chinese developer, this is, by and large, such a logical conclusion to the bankruptcy process of the company, which has been going on for a year and a half now, and as i said today judge linda chan, and it was simply time for the court to say that enough was enough, the market immediately reacted to the news even before evergrande's shares fell by more than 20% after the court decision was announced. the hong kong stock exchange immediately suspended trading, and you need to understand that all this, of course, is far from the end of the matter. it all depends on the complexity of the particular case; this process can easily take 7 or 8 years, especially if the company’s assets cannot be immediately sold. well, here it’s probably important
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to remind you why economists all over the world are following the fate of vergraand; in china itself the company is called hyundai, which can be translated as a very large eternal one, but here’s how it turns out that it’s not entirely eternal, well , for the first time, the news that the construction giant is experiencing colossal difficulties, and it actually thundered a year and a half ago, when the developer was forced to default after accumulating debts of 330 billion dollars, 330 billion, such debt there was not, and not a single developer in the world has, experts even called the oververts then like the chinese lemon brothers, whose bankruptcy in 2008 provoked a global financial collapse, the comparison may seem like this an exaggeration, after all, the chinese developer does not work all over the world, but the chinese scale is quite enough to raise a crisis... a wave, the shares of many global companies and the entire industry then also reacted with a fall, but all attention was focused on the chinese government, will it save the business empire, the head of which
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, xu jia yin, was considered the richest chinese billionaire until the age of fourteen, but the chinese authorities, by the way, have repeatedly sent a signal: housing construction should be for housing, and not for speculation, but the market then it was really overheated, this is the result of this overheating, in overgrande itself, they say that despite the order to liquidate the company, they will ensure the implementation of projects... personal construction, but considering how in china they still control the business of the empire, and business in general, and there is no doubt that all this will be accomplished, it’s another matter that in order to worry, of course, the stock market, the real estate market, and the construction industry had to worry, and they will have to worry, of course, more than once, well, yes, here of course , necessary i can say that the entire global construction industry is probably following what is happening in china, because there is certainly something to look at here. alexander, thank you from china, our colleague. the texas fuss over barbed wire, the confrontation on the border is escalating in washington, republicans and
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democrats still can’t agree, the conflict between state and federal authorities overlaps with the election fight in the united states. the lieutenant governor of texas said that they are going to stretch barbed wire along the entire length of the mexican border so that there were definitely no more weak points through which they could... “don’t bother us, ” he turned to president joe biden, but in the meantime, texas authorities say that the measures that washington is proposing to protect the border are clearly insufficient, so they took the situation into their own hands, they place fences, wire, armed guards of federal border guards.
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countries, you know, in this case , the biden administration will apparently have to make some kind of compromise. in this case, we come up against the fact that the united states is really facing with the change in the balance of the racial ethnic structure, in the future it will change in favor of the latin american population, and the influx of illegal migrants, of course, adds to this a certain problem , something needs to be done about this, well, in fact , this is the main contradiction, as the parties will play it out, well, in general, we'll see. the american media are already writing that the migration issue may become key during the 2024 election race. at least
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donald intends to make the fight against illegal migration the cornerstone of his company trump. it now seems that he will ultimately be the only candidate from the republicans, but no one doubts it anymore. it’s more difficult for biden, a significant part of the democrats’ electorate is precisely latinos, any concession he makes to the authorities in texas. in congress, the so-called compromise bill, roughly speaking, closing the mexican border in exchange for the resumption of aid to ukraine, is, as they say, stuck, political scientists believe that this document will not pass through congress, since biden will perceive this as his victory to use election campaign, so most likely... we will have to negotiate, few people actually want the secession of texas. the situation around texas is
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a result and a reflection. internal political struggle, because on issues of public opinion, migration, the majority of republicans name the number one burning issue, republicans at all levels, at the federal, at the state level, are doing everything to demonstrate, on the one hand, the inability of the democrats to solve this the problem, on the other hand, is that they themselves are taking the situation into their own hands, albeit at the state level, trying to solve it, and naturally, donald trump is actively speculating and trampling on this topic too, the finnish presidential elections did not reveal a clear winner, so in the country will undergo a second round of voting, it is scheduled for february 11. let me remind you that in the first round, none of the candidates received more than half of the votes. former prime minister alexander stoop received more than 27%, and former head of the mid-pekka, havista, almost 26. both candidates did not.
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are determined to maintain political ties with russia.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how to arrange the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of
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replacing foreign ones? suppliers, it is necessary mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, do you think that you are at the top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? the ministry of finance together with the government will work on expanding financial benefits for participants in the special military operation. this instruction was given by vladimir putin at a meeting with students and participants of the svo. details from maria slobodyanskaya. interest on loans accumulated during participation in hostilities will be cancelled. the issue, as vladimir putin said, will be resolved in the near future. now every combatant, if he has borrowed money, has the right to
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a credit holiday. and... this also applies to individual entrepreneurs. loan payments are resumed one month after returning from the nwo zone. but now , in addition to the body of the debt and current interest, banks charge interest accrued during the holidays, and this, as the president noted, is wrong. the issue was raised in st. petersburg, at a meeting of vladimir putin with students participating in a special military operation. will be canceled - the president promised, payments are frozen, but the interest continues to accumulate, that is, i encountered such a situation when i was injured, already in the hospital i looked, it was the debt to the bank that grew, i will not present the situation in a vacuum, i will tell you about my own, that is, i have a consumer mortgage, so the mortgage increased from 1,700 to 1,900 during this time, and consumer from 620 to 850, here i can’t help but agree, you didn’t go on vacation, you went to war?


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