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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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is she really reading the mind or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. let's look earlier. everyone in the application or website.
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from the usa is escalating in washington. republicans and democrats still cannot agree; the conflict between state and federal authorities overlaps with the election fight. the lieutenant governor of texas said that they are going to stretch barbed wire along the entire length of the mexican border, so what? there were certainly no more weak points through which illegal migrants could enter. according to the lieutenant governor, the flow of migrants that cross state lines is in those places where bark wire has already been placed.
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as the head of the host state, i invite members of the supreme state council to a working lunch, which is my own, thank you very much, thank you. lunch, it was a broadcast from st. petersburg, where a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state was taking place. well, we return to american topic on the border situation joe biden and his subordinates discussed a possible military response to an attack on an american base on the border of jordan and syria. the portal reported this. acce with reference to your sources.
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according to him, the united states administration is trying, on the one hand, to support the country’s shaky prestige, and on the other, to prevent a full-scale war in the region with details. a kamikaze drone strike on a military facility on the border of this country with jordan, the saudi tv channel al-hadad reports, with reference to sources. a point near a us military camp was attacked. according to official data, they are helping there. strengthen the border with syria, and unofficially trains militants who are fighting against damascus. the iraqi islamic resistance group claimed responsibility for the attack on the facility, killing three and injuring dozens of american troops. we lost three brave men as a result of
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an attack on one of our bases. i ask you to remain silent in memory of the fallen soldiers. after a moment of silence, biden promised, united the states will definitely respond, but did not specify. countries violating several articles of international law and the un charter. this will not be considered an exercise of the right to self-defense, permissible under the fifty- first article of the un charter. if we want to follow this article, we need to find the pro-iranian armed groups that attacked us and punish them, and not iran itself.
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political pressure on biden is growing, reuters notes. in the three months since the hamas attack on israeli territory, american bases in the middle east came under attack. more than 150 times, but sunday's attack was the first to result in the deaths of us soldiers. joe biden's opponents immediately used this for criticism during the election campaign. this is a brazen attack on the united states, another terrible and tragic consequence of joe biden's weakness of compliance. this terrible day proves once again that we need to immediately return to a policy of peace through strength so that there is no more chaos, destruction and loss of precious american lives. our country won't be able to. you will also hear many loud statements that iran must be punished, these statements come from people who will then not
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have to answer for the consequences of such actions. i think the president already has a list of possible measures, but it will be very difficult for him to choose the best one, from a political point of view they are all bad. completing his election tour in south carolina, joe biden, in full accordance with the so-called democratic agenda, visited an african-american baptist church and, after addressing the believers, could not immediately find a way out of the stage. find everyone who is effective in terms of response to a strike on the american base, it seems that it will be even more difficult for biden. anton dadykin, lead. the finnish presidential election has not produced a clear winner. that the country will hold a second round of voting, it is scheduled for february 11. let me remind you that in the first round, none of the candidates received more than half the votes. former prime minister alexander stup received more than 27%. and the former head of the mida, pekka havista, is almost 26. both candidates are not inclined to maintain
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political ties with russia. major changes in the georgian government. today it became known that the country's prime minister irakli gribashvili is leaving his post. the politician announced his resignation at a briefing. now goriboshvili will lead the ruling georgian dream party. the party has already told journalists that it is considering his predecessor iraki kabakhidze as a candidate for prime minister of the country. the head of the department checked today how the experimental bases of the moscow region research institutes of the ministry of defense are being updated. sergey shaigu visited the twelfth central niya. there after modernization increased the number of tests several times. central research institute, where two new buildings are being prepared for commissioning, a cluster is being created where they will work on biological protection. research in new laboratories will make it possible to identify biological threats in the shortest possible time. the west will continue
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its proxy war against russia, even after the end of the hot phase of the conflict in ukraine. with such a forecast at a meeting on the preparation of engineering. secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev spoke. the meeting took place on the basis of the state maritime technical university in st. petersburg. now the usa, nato and ... satellites, with the help of the kiev nazi regime and various kinds of mercenaries, are waging a proxy war against our people and state, which the anglo-saxon world will not stop, even with the end of the hot phase of the conflict in ukraine. the united states is intensifying efforts to disrupt upcoming sporting events in russia, said sergei, director of the russian foreign intelligence service.
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it is banka’s pro-american activities that are detrimental to the development of world sports, is causing increasing irritation in professional circles. tired of the politicization of world sports, the state is striving to strengthen sports sovereignty, including in the sphere of formulating national anti-doping legislation. the processes of sovereignization of world sports reflect the general trend towards the formation of a fair, multipolar world order. they can only be welcomed as they serve to bring back the international sports movement. to the true olympic spirit of fair fight and friendship. second phase
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voter information efforts as part of the presidential campaign began today with a new wave of outdoor advertising. ella pomfilova presented the slogan for the upcoming elections: together we are strong, we vote for russia. today the slogan will appear on billboards across the country. information content will be updated soon. to television and radio. rotation of audio and videos about additional voting options will begin. the russian presidential elections will take place over 3 days from march 15 to 17. also today, the electoral commission center registered as a candidate for russian president vladimir putin. of the 315,000 signatures issued in support, as expected, 60,000 were randomly selected for verification. but , of course, anna voronina will explain the topic in more detail. 31,500 signatures, 5 days of verification, here is the result. the central election
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commission at 11:23 moscow time officially registered vladimir putin as a candidate for the presidency of russia and for the first time the central election commission used the help of artificial intelligence to verify submitted documents, its work is almost entirely eliminates verification errors. of course, our complex for checking sptkl subscription lists, built on the basis of the measure, was used. and also, of course, the gas selection system. as a result of the audit , 91 signatures out of 60,000 were declared invalid; these are inaccuracies in information about voters. thus, 91 invalid signatures is 15% of the number of verified signatures. this minimal percentage of defects had virtually no effect on the outcome. in addition, 91 signatures were found to be unreliable due to minor errors.
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the opportunity to run from the party , but for vladimir vladimirovich it is fundamentally important to see the support of russians, and you know, regardless of what political preferences citizens have, and the fact that 10 times more signatures were collected than required by law speaks of course about in many ways. now the regional election headquarters will move closely to the campaign, we have
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an election headquarters in every region, they were very actively involved in collecting signatures, and all this they did it very, very well, so each region will build its own propaganda campaign, as it were. the central election commission itself reminded. that from today russian citizens can apply for remote voting, which will be used for the first time in russian presidential elections. from midnight, already in the morning it was submitted, i don’t know, now about... according to the central election commission , about 100 million citizens are registered on the government services portal, which means that everyone can vote using the mobile mechanism
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voter, he will be able to vote in elections anywhere in russia, regardless of the place of registration, submit an application. an application for remote voting can be submitted until march 11; in the last week before the elections, you can also contact the precinct election commission. anna voronina, ruben mirobov, stanislav yalovsky, news! the cec also reported that presidential candidates sergei baburin and andrei bogdanov will bring voter signatures in their support to the cec on january 30 and 31, respectively. to date 11 people are vying for the post of head of state. four presidential candidates have been registered in the central election commission: vladimir putin, leonid slutsky, nikolai khritonov and vladislav davankov. nominees from non-parliamentary
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political parties must submit at least 100,000 by january 31. self-nominated candidates must collect at least 300,000 signatures. the cec must decide to register all candidates no later than february 10. meanwhile, the center for the electoral commission of russia registered the second list of proxies of the candidate for the head of the ldpr party, leonid slutsky. their number was 140 people. leonid slutsky himself works in blagoveshchensk today. margarita semenyuk will tell you more about the visit. the consignment. thus, in the northern capital, gennady zyuganov and the presidential candidate met the delegation of the communist party of the russian federation led by nikolai kharitonov, first of all they honored the memory of the fallen siege survivors of leningrad. we arrived in the capital, as they say in the russian soviet union, the northern capital. and in memory of the liberation, why am i worried,
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i say, my relatives also participated in the liberation of the red army leningrad. the working visit will last several days, the point on the route of the large far eastern tour is blagoveshchensk, the region was visited by the candidate for president of russia from the ldpr party leonid slutsky. for us, the amur region is the most important subject of the russian federation. not only in the far east in recent years, including your governorship, it has been possible to qualitatively improve, in our opinion, a number of issues on infrastructure significant projects, on social policy, which has always been sensitive for the region. development amur region had impressive results. three federal construction projects are personally supervised
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by vladimir putin, the cosmodrome, the eastern gas cluster and the development of the eastern test site, supports and... we are working very constructively with the state duma, and a number of initiatives that came from the amur region were supported, including by the ldpr faction, i want special thanks to you for this work, i know that you have already visited a number of objects in the men’s region, the transport artery connecting russia and china, the heihe annunciation bridge, freight turnover with the prc and other eastern countries have grown significantly, 550 thousand tons over the past year alone, the contractor is giving a tour to candidate leonit slutsky, the main building.
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the ldpr faction will help implement in the amur region with families with many children, for example , in blagoveshchensk the project for the construction of a rehabilitation center under the far east development program, the issue of inclusive education will be discussed in the state duma. vladislav davankov, a participant in the presidential race from the new people party, begins his working trips in the regions of russia with a morning jog together with supporters, and after the meeting with voters in st. petersburg with the team. the soviet period has passed since the tsarist times, the dashing nineties, now it has not only been preserved, but is constantly being modernized, we saw how a new building was built, we saw how
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robotics and our own software were being introduced, and of course, it was important for me to understand how people work. on february 1, vladislav davankov, presidential candidate from the new people party, will present his program; it consists of twelve blocks that combine issues production, business support, healthcare and education. margarita. in st. petersburg, the renovation of the ladyzhskaya station was completed, it was carried out ahead of schedule, the work was planned to be completed only in february, that is, the next month, the results of the reconstruction were assessed by governor alexander beglov, he recalled that ladorskaya was opened almost 40 years ago, all these decades of major repairs have not was carried out, now the facility is completely... including taking care of the comfort of passengers with disabilities, for us this is very important, we still managed to introduce it ahead of schedule during the celebration of the eightieth
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anniversary of the complete liberation from the fascist blockade, this is such a gift, the metro builders did a good job for us, they introduced this station ahead of schedule, completely updated the vestibule, replaced the coating in the lamps, and most importantly , the escalators put everything in order, repaired, made them good, passage for people with disabilities, convenient ticket offices, well, well, well , we’ll do everything that was possible. in moscow , traffic has started on two more overpasses. on that since we are talking about road sections in the area of ​​21 km of kaluga highway. they should simplify travel towards the commune, as well as improve the situation on the moscow ring road in this area. and travel to one of the largest shopping complexes in the capital. construction began a little over a year ago, in october twenty-two, the facility was completed 3 months ahead of schedule, and
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new stages of reconstruction are planned for the coming years. general telenev station is a station under construction on the troitskaya metro line. in general, the branch should be started at the end this year. so it became known that bmw drivers
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, like one of whom, by the way, had an accident, simply drove into a wall, they were detained by law enforcement agencies, apparently, a protocol will be drawn up and it will be decided what measure of responsibility will be chosen for them as soon as such the idea might have come to mind, and it’s good that it ended just like that, everyone remained alive and well. well, now there is a warning about the weather in the regions of the far north about increased winds, up to hurricane, some routes are closed, it is prohibited for small vessels to enter the barintse sea. at the same time, weather forecasters warn of a new thaw in the central part of russia. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatyana, hello, so after all, spring is coming or the elements are increasing their influence, what is happening?
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there, flights and ferry flights were cancelled, bridges were closed due to hurricane winds, on the coast of the norwegian sea gusts reached 41 m/s, several roofs were torn off by squalls, in the following frames a fragment of the roof covering half the building, with a gust of wind it flew past several dozen. it's snowy in the sochi mountains, which leads to frequent collisions on the slopes. atlantic heat is now being drawn to the north of the country along the periphery of the cyclone surrounding the baritsa
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sea. for the next two days it will continue to move across the polar regions, expanding the geography of thaws and increasing the zone of windy weather. in the evening and at night, the strongest gusts will be observed in the extreme northern regions of the murmon and arkhangelsk regions, as well as the komi republic. tomorrow the wind will accelerate to yamal, while gusts over 20 m/sec will be observed only on the coast in the interior of the continent; the wind will be much weaker. in this case, the polar region will be at the epicenter of overheating and deviation. and more will be observed in the central part of russia. murmonsk right now is just a few tenths away from the daily heat record, according to the weather station for 15 hours in the city + 3.5, while the daily maximum for january 29 is +3.9. soon the temperature will begin to drop, but even at night the thermometers will not
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will fall below zero. at the same time, windy weather will continue with gusts up to 20 or more, tomorrow it will also be warm up to +3 and windy, the motipelle will linger in murmonsk according to preliminary data on wednesday. in moscow today it is cloudy, without precipitation, about -30, in the evening the southwest wind will increase, the temperature will begin to slowly rise. tomorrow morning it will be around zero, but on tuesday it will be plus one, cloudy and freezing. over the next few days , light wet snow is likely, and the air temperature will fluctuate around... the mark : slight minus at night, plus during the day.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important , it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she’s looking for something on her phone, here’s the number of the election commission, i’ll vote at home. adult citizens of the country
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are given all opportunities. even for those who, without moving , are offered a solution, call the elections home , take a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, formalizes voting for them in advance with the departure, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient . this fact and we continue: russia and belarus provide each other with genuine allied support, vladimir putin stated this at the highest state council of the union state. integration cooperation issues are on the agenda. moscow and minsk cooperate closely in a variety of areas. and the results are impressive. for example, in the first 10 months of last year , trade turnover between the countries amounted to $42.5 billion. details.


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