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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the value of the seized smuggled cargo exceeded 111 million rubles. all the gold bars have already been donated by the state, but the owner of the precious luggage is just beginning to get acquainted with the cell in the general regime colony. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, we also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective. our episode is now complete, maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you on the russia tv channel. 24 at 21:30. moscow and minsk provide each other with genuine allied support. vladimir putin stated this at the supreme state council of the union state. the results of cooperation between russia and belarus are already impressive. for example, in the first 10 months of last year, trade turnover between the countries amounted to 42 and a half billion dollars, large-scale goals that the two states face today. conditions
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of unprecedented external pressure, they closely interact on the world stage and invariably provide each other with true allied mutual support, the approaches of our countries to current global and regional problems coincide or are in many ways close, and the program of coordinated actions of the union state in the field of foreign policy for the period until 2026 prepared for this meeting will certainly serve to continue and develop even closer russian-belarusian coordination in international affairs in the interests of forming a truly multipolar democratic fair system of inter-world order, ensuring equal and indivisible security, we will work together. the mentioned program of coordinated actions in the field of foreign policy is only one of the package of documents that was prepared for today.
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bearing in mind that not only the station has been built, but , as we always say, an industry is being created, in this sense, belarus, of course, has become a nuclear power, this is a serious step forward in the development of the economy of the scientific sphere, technological development, i mention that preparations are underway belarusian cosmonaut for a flight to the russian segment of the international space station, and this the event is scheduled for spring of this year. it is characteristic that
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the draft of the main directions for implementing the provisions of the agreement on the creation of a union state for 2024-26, submitted to the supreme state council, is aimed at further enhancing the entire multifaceted interaction of our countries, including in industry, agriculture, energy, transport and logistics, information sphere. now advertising. and then we watch the new episode of the program by oleg stepanov and boris akimov russia 2062. today the authors and guests talk about what the russian view of the world is. download the magnit application if you want more advantages, discounts, promotions, bonuses for purchases with the magnit card, profitable, as you like. alfa bank. the first in russia to cancel
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an nfc sign with one touch, or using the sbp qr code, thank you, it’s easy to find, but if you’re... too lazy to go somewhere, there’s a button sbp for online purchases, well, see you later, oleg, you know, in russia some kind of paradoxical, strange, stupid situation has developed with philosophy, well, just imagine, a person is going there economically. and so on, then they ask, who are you going to be, well, it’s clear that there is diversity scientific activity, some other thing, but if a person goes to philosophy, then the answer is who, who he will be, well, probably a teacher
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of history and philosophy, that is, as if the philosopher has nothing else to do, but it’s strange, yes, that is an economist is always just a teacher of economics, no, of course, he has some kind of professional activity, but... philosophy is not so, but it is somehow paradoxically bad and unfair, you know, this question seems to me quite scholastic, yes, because well, not for me exists and it doesn’t even matter whether the profession of philosopher exists, yes, but there are people who know how to think, these people can have absolutely any education, and those people who know how to think are thinkers, so vernadsky generally used the word naturalist.
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then, after a few decades , it turns out that the world is becoming exactly as they once wrote, now we are in a situation where you and i are mentally designing, in any case , the russia of 2022, in which we want to live, so it seems to me that we can’t do this without philosophers,
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which is why we called our today’s program a special russian view of the world or philosophy as a profession of the future, yet we invited philosophers to this program and discuss it today. topic of the future of russian philosophy and the special russian view of the world, we will be with our heroes, this is alexey kozyrev, dean of the faculty of philosophy, moscow state university.
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to authorize the world, to choose oneself and even to overcome the all too human, because among the countless weedy angles of this world, there is always something that gives a thing its authenticity, if we understand time and stop confusing time with its units of measurement, with a calendar, with a dial, with a ruler, then we will understand that time has its own productive force, so...
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and i snuck into the dressing room after the concert in the large hall of the conservatory to sign this
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disc, but why did i take this disc with me not only out of great respect for the great russian musician, who is not with us now, but because vinyl, this is fragile education is like that, but many simply threw it in the trash, at my faculty there is a huge collection of vinyl discs, which were simply picked up, and those thrown in the trash were cleaned. well, but now it ’s coming back again, people are listening again, buying speaker systems, and i’m sure that in 2062, vinyl will be in price, this is one of those inventions of mankind that, unlike, say, a computer floppy disk, is unlikely to disappear forever . alexander, what about you? and i, having received such homework, grab something that may be needed in 50 years old, well, even if not me. and after thinking a little, i grabbed a few
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bags from my collection, these are the so-called disposable sugars, that’s what i call them, i’ve been collecting them for a long time, there are exhibits from all continents, from many countries, and they are important to me simply as the principle of the collection , it seems to me that the idea of ​​the collection is the opposite.
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that is, these two methods of symbolization, collection is the opposite of selection and the opportunity to drink coffee or tea somewhere ...
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a mathematician has some kind of matter for thought every physicist has matter, every historian , humanities scholar has some kind of matter, even a philologist, a linguist, has language , but i don’t understand what the matter of philosophy
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is, so i always assume that there are people who can explain it to me? and since i find myself among you, yes, i would like to start not even with the peculiarities of russian philosophy, yes, but simply with the peculiarities, since we are talking with philosophers, what is the matter of philosophy, what is it, i don’t know, maybe you, let's give you a question, the matter of philosophy is the word, first of all, philosophy is the love of wisdom, but also the love of words, but of words used in a special way. not just as a colloquial word “hello, bye”, but as a concept, as a concept, in this quality of a word - it becomes a symbol that in a special way designates our reality, the ancient greeks, they found such a way of working with the word when heraclitus called the law of everything logos, yes, speech, when
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plato began to talk about ideas that need to be seen. intelligent glance, yes, intelligent eye, when democritus said that the smallest element of the universe is an atom, indivisible, all these are words that we use today, and we use them in everyday speech, you have ideas, we ask, we are at a planning meeting, yes, so, or - well, how long will you talk, yes, all words, words, words, but when we move these words into the sphere. philosophizing, yes, they become concepts, they are integrated into a number of other concepts, they form a complex pattern with which we want to, as it were, catch the world, like navokov caught butterflies in a net, yes, that is, we want to understand the world, and we want to catch this world into the network of our reasoning, our logic
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, our argumentation, this is philosophy, this is what philosophy has to do with it, indeed... as matter and philosophy, we can really name a certain order of words, that same logos, but we shouldn’t think that this is elementary obvious , before the effect of greek logotomy, the invasion of word order, it was always assumed that it was possible to present the thing itself and the state itself, well, for example, the question
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of what courage is, an indicative gesture is always possible, here in front of you is courageous, “but in front of you is a beautiful amphora, that is, it was always possible to turn to, let’s say, the elements of old matter, it was the greeks, we remember this perfectly in plato’s dialogues, who demanded that there be a certain order of words, that is, logotomy, the intervention of a word in any in any,
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show the meeting , that means, our president vladimir vladimovich putin, and there was some young man there, a student, a philosopher, he said something quite like that, maybe he even spoke nicely correctly, but he also said that he, i don’t know where in russia philosophers work, what do they do, said a student of the faculty of philosophy, as far as i know, you seem to have a favorite philosopher berdyaev, who else, are there others like kan, let’s say, and what are you going to do then?
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who is a philosopher, what should he do , well, he’ll probably say, at best , that teaching the history of philosophy, well , probably like that, he won’t really answer anything else, we probably won’t get it, although this is strange, because well, how i don’t know if a person goes to study as an economist or a historian or a mathematician, he says: what will you do, i will be a mathematics teacher, a history teacher and that’s it, that is, as if everyone will only teach each other, that ’s how it all came down to philosophy. to the point that there aren’t any philosophers as such, or well, they don’t exist, at least in public opinion, but there are only some teachers
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of philosophy, so you, alexey, uh, actually, actually head the faculty of philosophy, well, so to speak, what do you think about this, you remembered my student, hermann, i know him very well, by the way he said, not only do i not know where i will work, but that i want to benefit my homeland, benefit the fatherland.
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that’s because - i ’m interested in our topic - the russian worldview, does it exist, but not the status there philosophically, because
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it seems to me that this is a rather scholastic question, we are talking about the features of the russian view of the world, and it manifests itself all the time - first of all, in my opinion, not only in philosophy, but it is lost not only in philosophy, but it is lost in economics, it is lost in look. on nature, it is lost in the view of urban planning there, and there , and so on, in all such practical areas, tell me, you are like people who know how to cut existence into words, yes, so we would be forced to gather economists here, city ​​planners there, and so on and so forth, and so we invited philosophers, in a concentrated form, and in a concentrated form, surgeons, i would say this, it seems to be completely logical
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and natural regarding this very russian view or involvement in national idea, but it seems to me that there is a certain danger here, even in this way of posing the question, and it lies in the fact that as if we wanted, for example, to instill in ourselves and give ourselves approximately such instructions, this is how we are russians, we live in russia, we are russian, “let us pay primary attention precisely to this, that is, as if, for example, russian thought, literature, philosophy, in itself were not so fascinating that we would need to force ourselves to it, i have this causes a certain bewilderment, because well, sometimes it resembles, you know, a bus with chinese excursionists, i have seen this several times, when
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the driver says something to them, apparently, at some point they all turn to the right and start smiling and pronounce something according to the principle , probably, about three, to admire, about three, everyone starts to admire, we should not go this way, that is, it seems to me that it is the russian view of the world, including russian philosophy, that we will not pick up more precise term than omnisensibility, that is, it is really the ability to be enchanted.
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to convince oneself, not to cast a spell, to create, if you like, to create a temptation, but in the best sense of the word, if you like, to create something that will work, that everyone will want now, this is that exactingness, as if the requirement of today, which we are trying to fulfill, we must fulfill, in this sense it is precisely the culture of perception,
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the readiness... sometimes without protective measures, the readiness to fall in love with everything different, starting from french ballet, which became russian ballet, and many other things, yes, yes, italian opera, this is a certain feature that, in general, is really characteristic of this russian omnisensibility, especially since, apparently, now this generally becomes our mission.
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well, like greek sculpture, this fearlessness in relation to the selection of the best of what is created by the human spirit, it seems to me, is a certain feature of our view of the world, i don’t know if i agree with this alexey pavlovich, well, alexander kuklyanovich brilliantly interpreted dostoevsky’s category, the worldwide responsiveness of pushkin’s speech, and i also agree that this may be the best expression of the russian idea, but we can go further. one may ask, why are we globally responsive, why are we responsive, or maybe representatives of some other nation, less responsive, but because we have a very developed sensory intelligence, what is called sensory intelligence today, this is empathy, this is the ability feel it the ability to empathize is the ability to perceive the suffering of another as one’s own, and that’s it.


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