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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is the place ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. 19 and 20.
7:35 pm
so, so what now we have one benefit in mind, discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months 0 rub down payment 0%, refrigerators for only 39,999 and also in installments in emvidio and eldorado cystitis often makes me go to the toilet always pulls in the wrong direction, tell cystitis cyston 14 natural components against cystitis cystitis i say cystonta guarantees the best prices on everything with red price tags. conditions on the website, the best price guarantee is valid in all hypermarkets with delivery, stable, low prices in the feed, than look at it 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order sovito with delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you,
7:36 pm
and then confirm the payment, beloved chmona, manager of the universe of screws, hostess, no matter to whom you transfer or pay, it is important that there are no commissions or restrictions. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! go!
7:37 pm
tasks, your break fills the viklunch, sauce meaty, satisfying, hot, filling with meat and noodles, warm sunset over the roofs of the dachas, vicinity fills life with joy.
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any business begins with a desire, i wanted a comfortable chair, and to do what you need, gather a team and do it yourself, but sometimes development stops, it doesn’t stop with support, we expand further. everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important,
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it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today i found myself in a new place with my dad, he wanted to vote for a candidate choose, we're here. i immediately froze , dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people is guaranteed by the law, our rights are guarded by him, if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, he will record the moment of this incident, observation, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient .
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ability. alexey, on the one hand, when you talk about, uh, tying
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russianness to some kind of standard, that this is quite absurd, well, one cannot but agree with this, of course, yes, there, but what about the blooming complexity, yes ? on the other hand, you say there, well, a person just has to live , yes, but nevertheless, life itself, it itself is formed according to certain rules, attitudes, values, including, and we ourselves, well, everyone present here found the whole soviet union is still there, soviet.
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a philosopher is a person who has comprehended the depths of the human soul, the recesses of the human soul, and the philosopher of the topic differs from the propagandist, preacher, ideologist, that he understands what is between ideals, and values ​​are ideals, but living by values ​​means striving to get closer to the ideal, and life is, sometimes a gap, and sometimes an abyss, that a person knows,
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uh, when a german dissects a frog, he is simply dissecting a frog, when a russian nihilist student dissects a frog, he is thereby solving radical questions of existence, let alone the fate of russia including. and this also applies to the reception, on the one hand , of the same ideas of, say, some comte claude bernard, fourier, reception is always with radicalization, that is, you need to dissect a frog like this, implement it like this social justice, and if we set, for example, a task for ourselves, that is, i dissect a frog, because i deny
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god, i don’t dissect the frog, as if the whole world is being traced. in the same way, the idea of ​​russian cosmism is, at a minimum , to streamline the physis to the state of cosmos, to suspend the deadly work of nature, to return all the dead, no more, no less, this is a format of radicalism familiar to us, which surprisingly seems to manifest itself in a completely different way, for example, in the idea of ​​world revolution, but in a sense it is the same radicalism, i left the hut and went to fight. to give the land in grenada to the peasants, and accordingly, this willingness to reach the edge is a kind of neglected sacrificial autopoiesis, it can really be considered as - well, an amazing feature of russian philosophy, which is also the russian worldview, which certainly contains many dangerous moments,
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sometimes contains moments of burnout of the source material, but at the same time it...
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russia serves as an indication to the rest of the world of what should not be done, sometimes this is yes, but sometimes it is precisely the discovery of such amazing through-transcendent corridors that, perhaps, except for russian civilization, russian thought, no one else will realize, and i would like to ask, to speak out about what, it seems to me, the role of philosophy , philosopher, she is underestimated not only by oleg. and modern russian life in general, but even by the philosophers themselves, in my opinion, because the video is much more fundamental, you even say that there are youthologists, they have some kind of specific role there, to form there is something in society, and there are philosophers - this is something separate, but let's look at the entire modern humanitarian discourse, which puts pressure on us, in general, is the first
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cause of all, including geopolitical cataclysms in general, tragedies, dramas and so on, that is, all this... abolition, gender, race, everything else, where he was born in general, it is clear that now he is being exploited by some certain ideologists, let's go back 40-30 years ago and look at poststructuralism, postmodernism, french, american and so on, and we see how the exchange was born back then, it was precisely the bolshevik era, even during the french revolution, well , in general, we will see that those value -based social attitudes, because of which it is now happening... seem to be a huge number of all kinds unpleasant things, they were formed once in books in philosophical journals, then, but what then? i remember when i was still studying at asperantura in 200, the third year, a huge number of some kind of works by postmodernists, even there in the nineties and eighties there was such a game
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intellect, almost some kind of art , a literary genre that has a lot... sometimes it seemed to be related to reality, we will suddenly see that it’s all just like a book opened, these demons just crawled out of there, or whatever you want to call them , fairy-tale characters and suddenly they just became not only alive, they are simply fundamental creatures, creatures of this world in which we live, and of course they are already controlled by some ideologists, there are some manipulators, politicians and so on, so no well i would say the idea of ​​cancel culture of all sorts of colonizers. it seems to me that what philosophers today will express or not express , will form or will not form, that’s how it would be in russia in 2022, i
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would like to say this, by and large, from you, from your actions or the future in which we will live depends on inaction, i’ll just say that you remember how the crime ends, dostoevsky’s punishment, there’s raskolnikov’s dream, some kind of trinities have started up, that’s what we’re talking about here... obviously not about bacilli, but about harmful ideas, then there are these trichinas that start, multiply , but it’s not a problem, the problem is when they begin their dictatorship, when some idea, maybe even a crazy one, is adopted by someone and transformed, brought to the point of absurdity, brought to its own, maybe even an inversion, yes, is beginning to take root among the masses, like...
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the eighties, yes, but those ideas that were born within the framework of the new french philosophy, they are the ones that give us all, everything
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that is happening now in civilization, which and in those things that we don't like, and i i just really don’t want my children, for example, to live in this world, i ’m afraid for them, yes, they came from french philosophy, although it would seem, especially people like me, say that it’s not clear what they’re doing, it’s not clear matter.
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on the quiet feet of a pigeon, but it is born somewhere at a philosopher’s table, it seems that two or three people at most will be able to understand it, then you see, this number will expand and after
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some time will burst into the world, a theory, moreover, adapted to practice , such moves exist beyond any doubt, the question is as if subject... not to responsibility from the point of view of an individual thinker, it’s difficult to say, the philosopher is not obliged to see any censorship in front of him, he must speak out to the end, and this is his only responsibility, and besides, here it seems to me that we should consider such a thing as the spirit of an era, an era is able to perceive something about something it is not capable of, in principle, nothing can be done about it, no individual efforts will help. here are the postmodern philosophers mentioned, because this is essentially a kind of, well a celebration of rudiments, in any case, humanitarian rudits, these are quite
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sophisticated texts. with an interesting quotation game, like that of darid, this is a kind of analogue of the staging of the glass bead game by hermann hes, but they still formed their own intricate space where it was possible to travel, suddenly we see some kind of paradoxical and amazing collapse, where in terms of this how since there are cultural exchanges, all these curls , first of all, turned out to be canceled, they are all unnecessary, some basic, simple idea from greta thunberg. relatively speaking, that you everything, that is, our fathers and grandfathers, all generations, desecrated the earth, that’s all we can show you, because of this, we ’ll try to realize the last chance, to save the land you ruined, that’s all that interests us, yes, but based on this , we will demand that further pollution be stopped , we will demand that, for example, from...
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nothing can be done about it, the cancel culture really started working, it really is possible to throw off, count three, all the baggage that the great dead, deceased poets, philosophers, carried, all this is not necessary, all this is easy is removed during the process of denaturation, and it is not entirely clear why this is so, what kind of phase of cowardice this is, which also led to it.
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here is the fact that only those simple, let’s say, statements and slogans that this strange generation is able to perceive are listened to, such is the fluctuation today, we don’t know whether the detail of thoughts will return, whether the intricacy of at least the same postmodernism will return or something different, but today the zeitgeist is incredibly primitive in its demands.
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yes to the free sphere, precisely with philosophy , yes i support, as i supported, and will continue to support everything, thank you very much, thank you, conversation, great information evening, that’s what we ’ll talk about in the next hour: pay now will never pay off. kiev has issued new war bonds, how much will those who are promised kerch and dzhankoy by next fall lose in the financial trap. the chicken dog of the usa, the head of vada polebank serves the interests of america.


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