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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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we will close traditional landfills by the end of this year, starting next year, in stages , that is, the task is this: we open a plant, close one or two landfills, we open a plant, close one or two landfills, of course, both leningraders and st. petersburgers would like to close the landfill today, they have such a desire, but we understand perfectly well that in order to close the landfill it is necessary to open a plant, but there were delays in the registration of land plots, there were a lot of disputes over the examination, there were lawsuits... we filed lawsuits in court, we proved it in court, well that is, you have a program, the program has been fully approved, i can even tell you that tomorrow we are having a major meeting with colleagues from st. petersburg, we are already approving funding for the 24th, twenty- fifth year in order to fully carry out your instructions to the end twenty-fifth year, this question is closed, very good, these are, frankly speaking, not holiday questions, but the number depends on them. we
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take all your instructions under special control, you remember, you gave me an order regarding clean water, so that there was clean water in the taps, this is not everywhere the problem has been solved, but we have already reached the standard indicators of the twenty-fifth year ahead of schedule , we continue to work on this, by the way, together with our biological colleagues, we purchased 120 mobile cleaning stations from them in order to install them in our small towns and villages, well, we are working with by our russian suppliers, we have a total program of 170 stations that we should make in the next 3 years, yeah. this program works for you - the zemstvo doctorate, and it works well, we pay starting from the rural nurse, this is 5000, felsh 750,000, the doctor is a million, but we still pay extra from our budget, because it’s not possible to improve conditions everywhere in the leningrad region for a million, the vselovsky district and so on are more expensive, but yes, but we made a decision, we also reduced the amount of office housing we provide.
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the period for transferring official housing into ownership is usually 10 years, we have created a family for doctors, after all , the number of specialists is still such that there is not enough, not enough, because there is competition, we compete, including with the city, salaries there are not with cut higher, so now, of course, the task is that we fully comply with the indicated indicators, our average salary for doctors is above 200%, even higher than 200%, than in the region, yes, yes, now we are starting with... stimulating certain specialties, paying extra up to 120 thousand, which means on the plus side, well, there are 30-20 and so on, these are narrow specialties that are most in short supply, including, of course, pediatric doctors, because we are building clinics, but there is a problem that we are launching clinics, but 100% and staff occupancy rate we don’t happen right away, a certain one is going through, but in principle the regions demonstrate a very good pace of development, you and how - such an integral is indicative,
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this is the growth of the permanent population, the growth of the permanent population of the population, one of the few territories of russia, one of the few subjects where the number of permanent residents is growing, it’s true, when i first became governor in the twelfth year there were 1,6000 people, this year there are 2,100,000 people, this is a really serious indicator, and people choose the region for several reasons: the first is that we have work here.
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in su, zelensky’s formation lost almost 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank and two other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as five howitzers and other artillery pieces, and 34 combat chisels were destroyed. the pushkin museum plans to digitize 100% of its collection. work on preserving the world heritage will be carried out jointly with sberbank. a cooperation agreement was signed today. they also plan to create digital interactive copies of the museum, as well as excursion projects in augmented reality mode also use artificial intelligence technologies. art and technology come together, you really can't have one without the other. this kind of collaboration will give us, i think, new interpretations, new ideas about historical statements, uh, new ideas. very famous paintings
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, including such a thing as recycling lost ones using digital technology. researchers, this is primarily the digitization of the collection, it is no secret that the digitization of the collection, this is actually a huge task, which to date not a single museum in the world has managed to cope with, only partial digitization, so we hope to digitize the collection 100% with the help of the collection. my friend can do anything, fix a car with her bare hands, deal with enemies with her bare feet, well, what can you do, and i get gigabytes from the megaphone just like that, naked charisma, the megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, only for
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oleg, you know, in russia some kind of paradoxical, strange, stupid situation has developed the situation with philosophy, well , imagine, a person goes there in economics... and it doesn’t even matter whether the profession of philosopher exists, yes, but there are people who
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know how to think, these people can have absolutely any education, those people who know how to think , they are thinkers, vernadsky generally used the word naturalist, he also criticized philosophy as pure philosophy, but he did not deny the importance of mental activity there and the theoretical mental activity itself, how it works... what it is there and so on, that’s why i it seems that what is important is not what a person is called , yes, but what he thinks, in this sense , i would like to understand whether semiotic sovereignty, humanitarian sovereignty is possible, well, that is, the peculiarity of a certain russian agenda, russian thought, yes, which is well, you and i feel its necessity right now, yes.
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2004, in which i want to live, it seems to me that we cannot do without philosophers, which is why we called our program today a special russian view of the world or philosophy as the profession of the future, after all invited philosophers to this program, and today we will discuss the topic of the future of russian philosophy and the special russian view of the world, we will be with our heroes, this is alexey kozyrev, dean of the faculty of philosophy of moscow state university, when... in the states, dostoevsky is read in the subway,
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dostoevsky they read in transport, dostoevsky is read anywhere ivan karabazov, who speaks to alyosha in tax, about life, about the sticky, wedge-shaped leaves that he loves, and most of all about life. world, to choose oneself, and even to overcoming the all too human, because among
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the countless weedy perspectives of this world, there is always something that gives a thing its authenticity. if we understand time and stop confusing time with its units of measurement, with a calendar, with a dial, with a ruler, then we will understand that time has a certain productive force of its own. such a tradition in our russia, the future in russia in 2022 has already developed, well, you know, because it was homework , we ask all our heroes to bring with take something with you to the studio that they would take if they received such a task, take one thing with them, immediately teleport to 2022, you can only take one thing with you, here alexey, let’s start with you, what are you they took it with them, you know, i thought for a long time and finally decided to go with vinyl. records, this is not just a vinyl record, these are two
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discs, russian folk songs and romances performed by evgeniyevich nisterirov, our great bass, and you see, there is even an autograph, a dedicatory inscription to me, alyosha best wishes to kozarev, 1985, i was a schoolboy, tenth grade, finishing school, very interested in opera, so... i snuck into the rattling room after a concert in the large hall of the conservatory to sign this disc, but why didn’t i take this disc with me? only out of great respect for the great russian musician, who is no longer with us, but because vinyl is such a fragile formation, and many simply threw it in the trash, at my faculty there is a huge collection of vinyl discs that were simply picked up, yes, it was thrown into the trash, cleaned up, that’s it, but now it’s coming back again, they’re listening again, they’re buying speaker systems, and i’m sure
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that in 2062 vinyl will be in price, it’s one of those inventions.
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individual, and i assumed that as long as this principle of the collection is preserved, well, even after 50 years, life will be bearable, besides, these disposable sugar cups, they indicate that various kinds of cafes will also be preserved, and i i think that no matter what technological accessories our civilization?
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we want to understand whether there are features of the russian worldview, the russian view of the world, yes, or is it just some kind of mythological story that we ourselves like, in fact there is nothing to talk about, but the first question i want to ask, having found myself , well, i would say, well, in a hostile environment, the fact is that boris and i
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always have this kind of argument, he always argues for philosophy, and i always argue against it. philosophy, i say, you know, you know, why? yes, because philosophy, well, no, like matter, or something, yes, that is , a mathematician has some kind of matter for thought, a physicist has some matter, any historian, humanists, well, it’s like there is some kind of matter, even a philologist, there for a linguist, language, yes, this is the matter of philosophy , it’s not clear to me, but i always, well, assume that there are people who can explain it to me,
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just as a colloquial word, hello, bye , but as a concept, as a concept, in this capacity of a word - it becomes a symbol that in a special way designates our reality, here the ancient greeks, they found this way of working with the word, when herolitus called the law of everything logos, yes, speech, when plato began to talk about ideas that need to be seen in... today we use it, and we use it in everyday speech, you have ideas, we ask, we are at a planning meeting, yes
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, so, or - well, how much will you talk, yes, all words, words, words, but when we move these words into the sphere of philosophizing, yes, they become concepts, they are built into a number of other concepts, they form a complex pattern with which we want to, as it were, catch the world, like navokov caught...
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until the effect of the greek logotomy of the invasion of word order, it was always assumed that it was possible to present the thing itself and the state itself, well, for example, the question of what courage is , a pointing gesture is always possible, here is a courageous man in front of you, here in front of you beautiful amphora, that is, it was always possible to turn to, let’s say, the elements of old matter, namely... the greeks remember this perfectly in plato’s dialogues, they demanded that there be a certain order of words, that is
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, logotomy, the intervention of words in any any claim to truth, then it really turned out to be unique to the rest of the aykumenia, how is it possible, courage instead of showing how courageous warriors we are in battle?
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what will you do, i will be a mathematics teacher, a history teacher and that’s it, that is, everyone will just teach each other, somehow it all came down to philosophy and that’s exactly what it is. so that philosophers as such, or well, they don’t exist, in any case, in public opinion, but there are only some teachers of philosophy, here you, alexey, actually, you actually head the faculty of philosophy, well, what do you think about this, you remembered my student, hermann, i know him very well, by the way , he said not only i don’t know where i will work, but that i want to benefit my homeland, benefit the fatherland, right? wherever i work, this is the son of the priest mikhail vasiliev, who died near kherson last year, fulfilling his spiritual,
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pastoral task. and his father is also a graduate of our faculty, so hermann was lying a little, i don’t know where philosophers work, his dad, a philosopher, religious scholar, worked as a priest and brought people great spiritual benefit, cared for people, fighters in combat situations, in various military conflicts, he also knows where his dad’s friends work, one works as a professor at the russian state university, the other somewhere else - that.
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says, apparently, at some point they all turn to the right, begin to smile and say something according to the principle, probably about three, they all start to admire, about three they all start to admire, we should not go this way, that is, it seems to me , that it is precisely the russian view of the world, including russian philosophy, that we cannot find a more precise term than omnisensibility, that is, it really is the ability
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to be enchanted. with a wide variety of things without prior agreement, we do not need to tune ourselves in, for example, in order to, say, appreciate ancient sculpture, or renaissance painting, or the japanese technique of contemplation, mono noawa, contemplation of the tip of a pine needle, they themselves speak for themselves, but in the same way, suppose, russian classical literature of the 19th century one of these listed areas will not appear, it speaks for itself and...
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do not conjure yourself.


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