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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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without prior agreement, we do not need to set ourselves up, for example, in order , well, say, to appreciate ancient sculpture, or renaissance painting, or the japanese technique of contemplation (the avars there contemplate the tip of a pine needle), they speak for themselves, but in the same way, suppose, russian classical literature of the 19th century is not inferior to any of these listed areas, it speaks for itself and no matter who you are. if you're paying attention, you can't help but be fascinated by her. and, for example, the phenomenon the silver age, as such, in my opinion , it does not need any convictions, this is something that will speak for itself, and many other things, right up to soviet animation, which, in my opinion, is also a certain worldwide phenomenon, in in this sense, just the same, a readiness, as it were, not to convince oneself, not to conjure. to create,
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if you like, to create temptation, but in the best sense of the word, if you like, to create something that will work, that everyone wants now, this is that exactingness, like if the requirement of today, which we are trying to fulfill, we must fulfill, in this sense it is precisely culture, perceptions, readiness, sometimes without...
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his history, he suffered a lot, i would even say, he suffered a lot, he had a difficult life for this millennium, but now we’ve learned to somehow stick to each other, help another person, that is, this worldwide responsiveness is not just a category of abstract reason, let’s have this synthesis of all-unity , let’s connect from there, take from here from the east, from the west, no, this is a state of mind , which in general...
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, see you later, lived in detail.. they cannot absorb this, this, the fifth, the tenth, but exactly what captivates them at the moment, this is truly openness, yes, open-mindedness seems to be such a characteristic feature, it sometimes harms, because again, the access code is not verified,
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but this is a certain recklessness and determination to borrow ideas from the west and the east, it seems to me to be a form of openness, and by the fact that it does not exhaust itself, that is, it is like a life that is always ready for many parallel lives, in this there is an amazing advantage of precisely this omnisensibility, readiness to graft others, and graft others, even wild varieties, as we know, this is a kind of injection of vitality, as i would call it, or general vitality. alexey, on the one hand. when you talk about tying russianness to some standard, that this is quite absurd, well , one cannot but agree with this, of course, yes there, but what about the blooming complexity, yes, on the other hand, you say there, well, man , just have to live, yes, but nevertheless, life itself, it is formed according to certain
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rules, attitudes, including values, and we ourselves, well, everyone present here , saw the soviet union still there, some kind of soviet life, it was also just people living. communist ideology and many things that were characteristic and natural for pre-revolutionary residents of russia disappeared and evaporated in the 60s, 70s and so on, instead of them some other traditions, other attitudes arose, and this is still a direct consequence some ideological pressure, which means the role of philosophy, it can be fundamental, in turn, this means that it can just be some special russian look. philosophy on the world, it becomes important , relevant, you are absolutely right, yes, and how
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is it possible, for example, to describe dostoevsky’s worldview in one textbook, and dostoevsky, well , after all, he is not only a writer, but also a philosopher, he is a person who comprehended the depths of the human soul, the recesses of the human soul, and the philosopher differs from the propagandist, preacher, ideologist in that he understands. that between ideals, and values ​​are ideals, but living according to values ​​means striving to get closer to the ideal, and life is, sometimes a gap, and sometimes an abyss, that a person knows how to do the right thing, but at the same time does the wrong thing, because there is also a rational choice, or if we speak in religious language, there is a sin that leads a person away from holiness, so... and philosophy is not engaged in preaching, it is engaged in dialectics, it understands that there is this
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gap, how idols, ideals, goals, means, what should be and what exists are related, why the world does not become the way we would like to see it is there in our utopian projects, you mentioned vernatsky, tsyalkovsky, and probably in general. russian cosmism as such , which in my opinion is precisely a kind of surprisingly attractive system of ideas, well, fedorov’s philosophy of the common cause is the most radical utopia in the history of mankind, no matter how we view it, it’s just something that attracts attention and this is the moment of radicalism and it can be called the presence of a super task.
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and accordingly, this readiness to reach the edge, a kind of neglected sacrificial autoposis, it can really be considered as, well, an amazing feature of russian philosophy, which is also of the russian worldview, which certainly contains many dangerous moments, sometimes contains moments of burnout of the source material, but at the same time it is such an avant-garde mode of existence of human thought,
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in which -in a sense, they represent an enumeration of this fan of options, yes, those super-tasks from the sphere of the transcendental, which in the end is worth trying, because, as they say... to exhaust a couple of workarounds, yes, chegodaev seems to have a famous idea that russia serves as an indication to the rest of the world of what should not be done, sometimes this is true, but sometimes it is
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precisely the opening of such amazing through -transcendent corridors that maybe... except russian civilization, russian thought, no one else will realize. and i would like to ask, to speak out about the fact that it seems to me that the role of philosophy, of the philosopher, is underestimated not only by oleg and modern russian life in general, but even by, in my opinion, the philosophers themselves, because the video is much more fundamental, for example, you even say that there are youthologists, they have a certain role there to form, that... there are society, and there are philosophers, this is something separate, but let's look at the entire modern humanitarian discourse, which puts pressure on us, in general, and is the first cause of all, including geopolitical cataclysms in general, tragedies, dramas, and so on, that is, this whole discourse of culture, abolition, gender, race, everything other things, where he was born in general is clear, that now it is being exploited
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by some ideologists, but let’s go back 40-30 years and look at poststructuralism, postmodernism, a huge number of some kind of works by postmodernists - even back in the nineties and eighties they seemed like such a game of intelligence - almost art somehow - a literary genre that sometimes had a lot to do with reality, we suddenly see that it’s all just like the book opened and from there these demons just crawled out, or what not to call it
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fairy-tale characters suddenly became not only alive, they were simply fundamental beings.
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harmful ideas, that is, these trichinas start up, multiply, but it’s not a problem, the problem is when they begin their dictatorship, when some idea, maybe even crazy, is adopted by someone and transformed, brought to the point of absurdity , is brought to its conclusion, maybe even inverted, yes, it begins to be introduced into the masses, this is exactly what gender philosophy is. that there is no need to deal with gender problems, it is necessary of course, what was not known there in medicine , psychiatry, some kind of perversions were known, but when we take it today and put it at the forefront, this way, and not otherwise, this is the norm, everything else is a deviation, when the norm is reversed and what deviates from the norm, that’s what we get, this is
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the dominance of ideas, false ideas, yes, that’s why here... it’s not just about philosophers, i’m just calling on you not to remove responsibility from philosophers, i just said that it’s absolutely correct thing, in my opinion, yes, look, it seems philosophers don’t know what they do and it’s not clear for whom they write texts, how many of the tv viewers know whether budryar has read them, and in general they will list french philosophers, well, from the sixties, seventies, eighties, yes, but... those ideas that were born within the framework of new french philosophy, they are the ones who give everything that is happening now in civilization, which... in those things that we don’t like, and i just don’t really want my children, for example, to live in this world, i i fear for them, yes, they came from french philosophy, although it would seem, especially people like me
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, say that it is not clear what they are doing, it is not clear the matter with which they are dealing, in france, in france there were worthy philosophers, for example, the current president of france was a student and secretary of the wonderful french philosopher paul ricoeur, who wrote about historical memory. what happened? i also had different students , not all of them, it seems to me that all of them, i don’t know, michel foucault, deleos, guatari, baderyaar, to name all the others, it seems to me, are amazing philosophers, very interesting, otherwise, that it’s as if their philosophy actually became some kind of dictatorship, maybe it’s not their fault, but it’s not their fault, but their responsibility, in fact, for the fact that they created this.
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and besides, here, it seems to me, we must consider such a thing as the spirit of the era. the era, something is capable of perceiving, but something is not capable of, in principle, nothing can be done here, no individual efforts will help. here are the postmodern philosophers mentioned, after all, this is essentially a kind of, well, a holiday of erudition, in any case case, humanitarian ruditius, these are quite sophisticated texts, with an interesting quotation game.
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based on this, we will demand that further pollution be stopped; we will demand that, for example, metals be returned from finished products.
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only those simple, let's say , statements and slogans that this strange generation is able to perceive are heard, such is
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the fluctuation today.
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have lost this sovereignty, these are free thinkers, whose heads cannot be grabbed by anything, but this is how alexander says, how you emphasized the word about abeg , a friend of mine in paris was banned from teaching, he gave lectures and talked about the concept of proppa, morphology and fairy tales, and told the students who baba ega is, she is old, she is ugly, she is toothless, well, sexism. how can you talk about a woman like that, they were suspended for 6 months, suspended from teaching, in this movement towards sovereignty, it’s like a truly free sphere, as it were, a free sphere, precisely from philosophy, as i supported, and will continue to support myself, thank you very much,
11:58 pm
does she really read minds or not? premiere, annostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. look, just no amateur performances. don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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12:00 am
the russian army fought back. 10 attacks in su, more than half in the donetsk direction, zelensky’s formation lost almost 700 more soldiers, mercenary officers, a tank and two other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as five galbist and other artillery pieces, 34 combat darts were destroyed. stanislav vasichenko will tell you how the losses in the mtr are growing, the plan for mobilization is increasing, and how it is being carried out. i can't stand it.


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