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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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hegemon for a stretch, no, i’m not talking about volochkova, i’m talking about the united states, that is, this is a definition of us foreign policy that is gaining relevance. washington got involved in several international conflicts at once and got stuck everywhere.
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having achieved nothing in ukraine, america now risks starting a world war in the middle east. radicals like linzi graham are hysterically demanding that biden launch direct strikes on iran in response to the death of american troops. at the same time, it is not even clear who attacked one of the us bases in the middle east, to what extent this is the base there even legally located ? well, well, this is really just a philosophical question, but if in jordan, then theoretically it could be legal, if in syria, then 100%.
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two options: either russian or iran, but as a last resort north korea, but that’s also not possible, so what happens next? what, some accuse joe of a policy of appeasement, others of excessive aggressiveness, and joe sometimes even doesn’t understand what they ’re talking about, because it’s obvious that this man has been in trouble for a long time, no, i i don’t want to offend the president of the united states, this is impossible by definition, but look, here’s a man coming out after another one.
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german chancellor angela merkel felt really bad at that moment when she was shaking , everyone understood that well, well, this is a disease, but this is how you can mock a person, he has the look of a child, absolutely right, a guilty child, he has the look of a person who is absolutely doesn’t understand where he is or what he is, these are no longer reservations when he calls trump the current president of the united states, why do that mock, but my generation generally understands this well, because we remember leonid lich brezhnev and chernenkom. a brilliant statesman, who in recent years asked to let him retire, but addressed this to the politburo, he understood that it was physically difficult for him, but he had never been close to such a mental state, it was simply extremely difficult for him physically, there were problems there with the speech apparatus, but he always had clarity of mind, but here it’s a tragedy, well, how can this be? at the same time
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, a serious question arises for everyone who rules the united states of america, but it is obvious that this person cannot help but work with documents, not perceive oral speech, that is, his cognitive functions, well, politely speaking, do not meet the requirements of the supreme commander in chief, the largest army in the world, armed, among other things, with nuclear weapons , well, of course, his fighting girlfriend. it doesn’t matter, because she is an even more mature girl, but she is still in a different physical form, although when she looks for a russian trace in the pro-palestinian protests, it seems that she has something also happened to my head , look, we must do everything to stop the suffering of the residents of gaza, women and children, people who have nowhere to go, we must think about it, but the fact that they are calling for a ceasefire is mr. putin’s message is...
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you can be sure of mr. putin’s message, it is directly related to what he would like to see, it’s the same story with ukraine, putin’s message. i think not. some of these protesters act spontaneously, naturally sincerely, some, i believe, are associated with russia, i say this because i have been watching this for a long time, as you know, you believe that some of these protests are the fruits of russia, i think that the sources of funding need to be investigated, and i want to ask the fbi to look into this, i want to remind , that they already lied once, and the same fbi, and the same pilusi gets. in reality , a tragedy occurred there for the americans, at least three people died, in fact i think much more, and they officially declared more than 34 wounded,
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three killed, well, probably more, for sure , because yesterday, or rather, as it happened, three people immediately rushed to report to biden, there is also a special representative for national security, i’m saying that there was a serious incident, yes, but plus you need to understand that there is only one minister of defense he’s not running, two other doctors are running with him, because he has such a condition that it’s hard for him, it’s not he who came out now for the first day, he went to work, but look how biden reacts to this, last night we had a hard day at middle east, we have lost three brave soldiers as a result of an attack on one of our bases. i ask you to honor the memory of all three fallen soldiers with a minute of silence , we must answer, god bless you all, well, he has difficulty making a speech, it’s clear
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that even for this they swung something so that he could say something when people see such weakness, but they instantly draw their conclusions, that’s what the prime minister says. yemena. we followed the history of the united states, which entered the vietnam war and was defeated. they entered the korean war and were defeated. they entered iraq and afghanistan and were also defeated. they have been besieging iran since the establishment of the islamic republic of iran in 1979 and were defeated. we rely on our people, on history for the future. and the us will lose every battle it enters. the blockade in the gas sector must be aggressive. our operation at sea will cease. as for the media lies, they won't work as well as in the past. today the world knows what is happening. the western regime fell after the start flood in alyaksiya. all their slogans such as morality, human freedom, international humanitarian law, justice and equality are pale. interestingly,
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it’s not clear what’s going on in texas? well, it's just real. at the same time, in my opinion, the tykhas themselves do not really understand what is happening, because... who hangs out with whom, and most importantly for what, but this hangout also goes to the delight of people in the middle east, listen, we tell the americans, if today in texas you don’t accept a migrant who is trying to come and work for you, then how can you expect that the whole world will accept your troops who come and colonize. they kill people, this is of course a big problem for the americans, they didn’t notice how, but together with the fool borel, who came to central asia, to convince central asia that it is beneficial for them to support sanctions against russia, and otherwise what, otherwise it’s bad in borel’s garden, otherwise the sanctions do not work, when asked what this means for
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the countries of central asia, barel is sincerely silent, because he does not understand the wording, the very fact that white sabib came to these strange people, there should already be happiness for them. from his point of view, yes, of course , but at the same time he is so surprised, it turns out, can you imagine, it turns out that not all countries in the world speak a language that he understands, he was generally indignant if it turns out to be some kind of chinese, even in india they speak some languages, this arabic, and barel is so sincerely surprised, you understand how it was possible to keep such a stupid, illiterate brute first as the minister of foreign affairs of spain, and then entrust him with something here, that is if they wanted to find a cretin who would ruin... any illusion of relations between the european union and other countries, they convincingly did it by appointing this cretin and, of course, the nazi creature fonder, just a nazi creature, now the allied troops have liberated the little one, well, a complete nazi creature , only
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the west has a big problem, they are weak, they are really weak, now, for example, the whole world is talking, and there is some kind of trial, right? mm about israel and genocide, and what decision did the court make, and what decision did it make? what did the court say, huh? everyone is silent, all the democratic media are silent, and that’s all , that is, you can’t say anything, that is, now this is a bad trial, so as against russia it’s a good trial, but as against israel it’s a bad trial, we play here, we don’t play here, here they wrapped the fish, as in the famous humorous, which ingeniously, called outrageous, bengver called it fascist, and not, well, of course, well, naturally, but what kind of solution are outrageous fascists?
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here they dropped material that in 2002 there was a certain mikhail on ebstein island khodorkovsky, who asked for a younger girl, i wonder why they abandoned him, but for me it was also interesting in such a different parallel, why did khodorkovsky need this, well, there is an effective answer to this, and the answer is very simple, this is initiation, of course, of course, of course , this is an initiation, just like a naked party, just like a fool, excuse me,
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sobchak, who dares mikhalkova, says that he snitched, that this is very important, because it shows that sobchak has not repented of anything, nothing i don't understand, i'm sure her right to absolutely immoral , vile, vile behavior, despite the fact that the country is at war, precisely, these were all levels of initiation, they don’t want all this, but the very fact of involvement was brilliantly written by dmitry, khodorkovsky is not interesting to anyone, it is being leaked, this is a hint to those who have not yet been voiced and who are here, so that they think 100 times before how and what and where they say, and how many years, by the way, sergei sanovich and i fought against the pedophile lobby, on various levels meeting
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in the thirties people disappeared, yes, that's it these films and photographs of epstein - this will be the reverse process, people will appear there, modern technologies provide a lot of scope for this, but i will say i feel very sorry for my grandfather, i ’m all the time biden doesn’t come out to me, but the man lived his life, well, it’s just a disgrace, i understand what they are afraid of, they are afraid of the americans. and i ’m not even sure if this is a deep state, they are afraid to demonstrate
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that they have a power vacuum, but if they are so afraid, well, let’s take non-trivial actions, gather, on russia’s initiative, a council security, we will invite the iranians, venezuelans, north koreans, but we will invite everyone who is not afraid of the houthis and accept a statement that for now... the transfer of power from biden and kamala haris to a responsible government has not been completed.
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disappeared somewhere, an amazing thing, but the organization of arab states was right there in syria, then excluded it, then returned it back, there was a conflict in gaza, no, it disappeared, yes, maybe it will appear later someday, but that’s when we say death multilateral diplomacy everything that comes with it
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connected, including the system of international multilateral treaties, we don’t fully understand what happened, but in reality, all this international law and this world order in general, yes, including the world order that, as the americans claimed , was based on rules, it was implemented precisely through multilateral diplomacy, and not through bilateral diplomacy, a hegemon, then he is a hegemon when he bends everyone at once, and not through...
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this strategic turn of the americans to east asia, to india pacific region, on akas and so on, they almost succeeded, they almost succeeded in creating the conditions for a big european war, they almost succeeded in setting fire to the persian gulf and the central one. they stumbled where they did not expect to stumble, they expected and we thought that they would receive some kind of resistance in europe, where some german business would stand up, which turned out to be a set of stall traders, but
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they stumbled in the middle east, who wrote everything off . they fled only because there were people there who said, and we we won’t do that, we have our own point of view, and we will do that, right there, mind you, the houthis, they, i say again, they haven’t even sunk a single tanker yet, look, not one has already sunk, well, they they said that for now he had drowned, but no, he was burning just fine, no, it was so beautiful there. confirm yes, well, they are silent, what should they do then , they don’t know, that is, to them, well, a ship is a ship, not a ship, but an auxiliary vessel
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, well, it’s still american, yes, in a naval coloring , everything, as they say, is a ship of the united army, that is, the united states navy what difference does it make at all, even if the gun is translated no , everything that is painted in a naval color will be considered the navy, but it’s not a ship, that’s all. and indonesia somehow began
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to turn very interestingly in a direction not in the direction the americans were expecting, and from india there are also very interesting decisions, we don’t always read them correctly, what the indians say, but the indians said it, and we will only ourselves rely from the point of view of ensuring your own safety, do you want? will, and this suggests that the main a decisive moment, an element of today's system at the moment when people of long international relations appeared, here now for the transition period, this is will, it either exists or it does not, but as for this base from the tanf,
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jerusalem must be returned arabs and believers throughout jerusalem must be provided with freedom of access to the shrines of all three religions. fourth, all states in this region must have the right to secure independent existence. fifth, the state of war must end and there must be peace has been established. brezhnev, september 15 , 1982, look, when he said this at a meeting with the delegation of the no longer existing, unfortunately, state, the people's democratic republic of yemen, and look, what was laid down during soviet diplomacy, it remained relevant until ...
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no, no, no, well, some things, it’s just that comparing leonid leach and mr. biden is heaven from earth, and now i would like to move from this statement to the decision of the international court in gaga. on friday it was adopted, it caused, of course, there are different interpretations, each side is trying to interpret its own benefit, but in my opinion, even if the international court did not call on israel to stop the fighting, it made a number of interim decisions there, nevertheless this is already a precedent. the community finally began, contrary to the accusations of the united states, to put pressure on israel, and a people's court began to be observed, which many do not
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recognize. its ambassador and the ambassador of morocco, in a month israel must report from those on those points that the court ruled, the hearing will be continue , and let's see what happens next, most importantly, a precedent has been created, secondly, what to pay attention to, even despite this decision of the international court, what is the precedent, that is, what is the decision , the decision, there are many points, 81 points , the most important thing is even if it’s not...
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why then are the israeli-americans so indignant at the very fact that this case is being considered in court and the interim decision that they are starting has been accepted for consideration, secondly, it’s like, well court order, during judicial proceedings a court order is issued, here is an order , that is, you should not do, and should not destroy, the evidence, and in a month you must report on each point that the court has now made in the interim decision, now against this background they pay
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attention to the statement. the united states that they will not stop supplying ammunition to israel, and today the representative of the defense army will not stop, they don’t let me cry, yes, if the united states stops supplying us with shells and bombs, then we will not be able to conduct combat with such intensity actions in the gaza strip, but this just shows who is truly behind the genocide of the palestinians, and allowed the americans to have their bases. to take 155 and send them to ukraine, now he regrets, and now he regrets, the most important thing is that this is happening against the backdrop of an aggravation of the problem with artillery gunpowder in the world, now the question arises of how to increase the production of artillery shells with this production in the same united states in europe , why have artillery shells increased in price so sharply? now regarding this attack on the american base, information is coming
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different. some say that this is on the territory of jordan, the jordanians deny it, others say that this is on the territory of syria, where it is also misleading that the word rukban settlement exists both on jordanian territory and nearby, literally americans cannot understand in any way, where the russian territory, the americans are silent as always, they are the only ones who have now admitted that three were killed, and it is easy to detect, how many medical flights have now been carried out from there, a brilliant explanation, the us military could not prevent it.
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course to get there, anything can happen, therefore, well, iran is definitely to blame for this, then, yes, but well, because iran is to blame for everything,


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