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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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all peaceful youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is it capable? russian industry
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to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure. hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. the investigative committee became interested in ufa bloggers who organized a night drive with fireworks along the busy streets of the city. a criminal case of hooliganism has been opened. already footage of the interrogation of the organizer and part-time driver of the car who finished into the wall was made public. it turned out to be the ufa internet scandalist azamat talkhin. in the footage that the participants of the race posted on social networks. two snow-white cars
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skid out onto a wide avenue, continuing to perform dangerous maneuvers, accompanying the action with fireworks from the windows, at some point one of the cars skids and crashes into a fence, fencing a pedestrian passage. initially the goal was, i don’t know, to make a beautiful video, i didn’t expect it to be like this little eye, in general i thought that there would just be a video to please, i don’t know, subscribers. it was a big mistake, there could have been other people, children, and other cars, the most wrong action on my part. the identities of the participants were quickly established by traffic police officers. during interrogations at the ministry of internal affairs investigative committee, the blogger admitted that an example was a similar video filmed on the streets of the capital. currently , investigative actions are being carried out with the offenders, and their mobile phones have been confiscated.
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other personal items of importance to criminal investigation, as well as the two cars they were driving. the investigation will have to give a final legal assessment of the night race, now it’s time for the drift organizers to look for good lawyers. beer baron is again in a criminal case; in tomsk, another sentence was handed down to the former mayor ivan klyaen. now in the case of fraud in the repair of tomsk streets. klein was found guilty and immediately released. the court decided that the former mayor had already fully served his sentence. while he was under house arrest in his mansion. first things first: olga zhurenkova. the cramped hall of the sovetsky district court of tomsk could barely accommodate everyone present. the excitement is associated with the sentencing of former city mayor ivan klein in a second criminal case for abuse of power. as the investigation established, in 2019 , the head of tomsk, knowing about violations during the repair of the road surface of bolshaya podgornaya street , instructed the head of the road activities department, sergei aushev, to find a company that would accept the work.
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personal conditions for family prosperity business. ivan klein was detained in november 2020 during a working meeting with his subordinates. the mayor was handcuffed and, accompanied by fsb special forces, taken out of the city administration building. and during a search of the mayor’s house, security forces were attacked
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by his wife galina. once again, please, is it normal, calm, to discuss all this? it turned out that the mayor’s wife was protecting the family budget, namely the pillow that a little later she threw from the balcony to her driver. in it, investigators found credit cards and billions of dollars in family accounts. in interview with our colleagues from the investigation program of eduard petrov klein was proud of this act. well done, i think that like any woman, mother, who has children in her apartment, this is probably what everyone would do. i didn’t admit it when questioned by the investigator. i believe this was a management decision. in all likelihood, sir. guessed that he would not go to jail on monday from the courtroom, so he prepared as much as possible, again gathered a support group, some ladies from the crowd, however, overdid it hairstyle in the style of the 2000s, an outfit that was not suitable for the weather for cold siberia, either it ’s the beer business, family friends are growing up shaking, or they simply called hungry
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extras to court, but these people provided their enthusiastic support for the criminal, charged under serious charges, and the same biography, for almost 7 years that he headed the city... klein, it seems, did much more for the development of family affairs than for tomsk and its residents. even at the international festival crystal tomsk, the main ice sculptures turned out to be huge mugs with the logo of the brewery controlled by his family. during the leadership of the city, mr. klein in tomsk had big problems with public transport; private owners drove along the streets in old grooves. wooden barracks in the city center. winter 2020 , center of tomsk. in the courtyard of a residential building. there is a wooden structure, a restroom, instead of a centralized water supply there are pumps on the streets, here are the shots of the grand opening , one of them: mr. klein solemnly cut the red ribbon to the music, and then drank water, wincing a little, with more iron
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gives back, washed the pipes. mr. klein himself and his family, of course, lived in different conditions, for example, the house of his daughter svetlana in the german style behind large massive gates, however, as journalists had previously found out. the plot could have been registered illegally, as for the court decision in the case of abuse of power, as tomsk journalists reported, klein intends to appeal the verdict. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, dmitry manushev, conductor, duty department. they drive on very thin ice, and as the temperature rises, the rescuers start to feel hot it's time. not only pedestrians have to be pulled out of the water, but also careless riders who were cutting across the frozen surface on heavy snowmobiles and atvs. word to alexey knor. the snowmobile experiences water hammer and the passengers experience shock and hypothermia. is everything okay, are you scared? everything is fine. winter ice seems like an ideal route, but only up to
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the first ice hole. ivankovskaya reservoir meka for ice fishing lovers. many people go out onto the frozen pond on snowmobiles and motorized dogs. that’s what they call tow trucks, don’t be afraid of falling through on this thing, no, of course, now the ice is thick , there are no cracks here, it’s normal, there is washing away of the ice from below with water, for example, in the area of ​​hydraulic structures, industrial enterprises, any underwater rivers, because of this the ice is uneven, this season there have already been several trips, in the first case it was a motorized towing vehicle, the so-called motorized dog, and in the second there were two snowmobiles, the fishermen don’t hide it, almost everyone has a story about how they miraculously avoided drowning, every year what they say is the same thing, and how it works, works, of course, when we swim out, when how, and what they dived, for real, approach, approach,
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there are those who go to the reservoir just to drive, they perceive snowmobiles and atvs as an expensive toy, but the ending of such games can be tragic, this video was filmed in the fields near chekhov. legs, legs, legs, legs. look, it flew off, the helmet flew apart. previously, to drive a snowmobile or atv, you needed an a1 qualification license. nowadays, an ordinary driver’s license is enough, but at rental points they rent out equipment to everyone, even to those who have never driven. a five-minute briefing on how to independently navigate through forest snowdrifts, without a helmet or preparation, very narrow passages, very between trees, these are the turns. it’s dangerous, the atv has been blown off the track. the following unpleasant situation arose: i got stuck on
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an atv in a snowdrift, the instructor went somewhere. daniel, that’s the name of the escort, calls this route an easy walk. getting to know atvs, maybe. both! this was the shot. it’s just that you’re unlikely to know that this acquaintance could end in an injury or a hospital bed at best. will be warned, so it’s up to everyone to tempt fate or not. people, several of them were sent to the conflict. three dozen knockouts were involved in the conflict at once, while according to preliminary data , none of them were treated in the hospital and... with injuries, they did not complain to the ministry of internal affairs officers either, the police discovered footage
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of the brawl on social networks themselves started investigation. based on the incident in the zasviyazhsky district of the city of ulyanovsk, the preliminary investigation bodies of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the zasviyazhsky district of the city of ulyanovsk opened a criminal case on part two of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation, hooliganism. now law enforcement officers are establishing the identities of the alleged druchuns and... who pushed the young people to take part in the brawl. in the svertlovsk region, investigators are establishing the causes of a fatal accident involving young hockey players. a bus carrying a sports team flew into the opposite direction and collided head-on with a car. four died. driver, passenger and cars. the hockey coach was severely injured and jumped into an ambulance . the matter is under the control of the chairman investigative committee of russia. read more margarita letanina. regular, passenger, possibly transporting children. this is how the trip of the kedr children's hockey team ended tragically. emergency
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services gather at the site of a fatal accident in the sverdlovsk region. from a white bus that flew into a ditch and crashed into a tree, rescuers pull the victims out through the broken glass. scattered nearby in the snow are parts of a citroen car, which now looks more like a pile of metal. this is what the inside of a bus carrying young passengers looks like now. all the seats are equipped with seat belts. the children were wearing seat belts, which meant that this saved many from injury. as we see, one of the windows. broken, teenagers tried to jump out through it immediately after the accident. the accident occurred early in the morning near the village of verkh nevinsky. 18 teenagers and a well-known coach in the region, vitaly pleshkov , were returning to uralsk after the competition. the passenger bus turned off the highway and managed to travel only a few kilometers. suddenly his tire burst. the driver lost control, the bus flew into oncoming traffic and collided with a gray foreign car. the impact threw them several meters away. the bus driver lost control and drove into the oncoming lane. as a result of the accident , four people died. the impact was so strong
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that the bus literally crushed the car; passengers and drivers of the foreign car had virtually no chance of survival. it is known that three athletes were injured and were taken to hospital. doctors fought for the life of coach vitaly pleshkov, but they could not save him. he died in the ambulance. there are all the boys they're fucking young here. minced meat, in short. investigators are looking into the circumstances of the accident. they visited. the necessary evidence was collected at the scene of the accident. the head of the investigative committee , alexander bastrykin, became interested in the story. he took control of the investigation of the case. whether the regular bus underwent a technical inspection before departure, whether it was in good working order and whether the carrier could have violated the rules at all when providing services will be shown by the results of the inspection. the investigative committee is carrying out a set of measures to establish all the circumstances, carried out inspection of the scene of the incident, witnesses are interrogated, documentation is studied that relates to the organization of safe transportation of minors. on the way, according to open sources, the carrier company is registered to a certain evgeniy lobov. she has been working on the market
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since 2007 and has participated in government procurement for several years. in addition to transporting passengers by bus, the businessman is engaged in the sale of auto parts and also provides taxi services. it is noteworthy that in 2012 entrepreneurs were allegedly subject to administrative liability for violation of transportation rules. his drivers did not keep waybills, and by december last year the businessman received two fines. from rostransnadzor and eight from the state traffic safety inspectorate. the largest amount is 46,500 rubles. according to members of the hockey team, the tires for the bus were too worn. perhaps that is why one of them burst. it turned out that the ministry of emergency situations was there, when they arrived , it turned out that the tire was almost bald, and there was a high chance that it would burst, so it burst, we drove towards the oncoming coach, the deceased coach vitaly pleshkov was well known in the sverdlovsk region, candidate master of sports, raised more than one generation of athletes over 40 years of work , trained many famous players, for the local hockey team kedar he was not just
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a mentor, but also a friend, i can’t even believe it, such a disaster happened, i understood that he was with tournament... now young athletes are recovering from the accident and mourning their beloved coach, the deceased vitaly pleshkov was 67 years old, he left behind a wife and daughter. margarita letanina, alexander mostovaya, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. we've been waiting for a quarter of a century, when they come for them and wait. in the rostov region, the last suspect in the murder of a family was caught. ekaterina likhomanova will tell you where the last fugitive was hiding all this time. he lived for a quarter of a century under a stranger , four unknown people killed a woman and two in her name, tried to build a family. having seen small children, the three defendants had long been an ordinary hard worker, a plumber who tried his best not to attract
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attention to himself once again, none of his friends could have imagined that years later a familiar repairman will be charged.
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gold ring and 240 rubles. this is the price for the three lives of a woman, her seventeen-year-old son and eleven-year-old daughter. three accomplices to the murder were detained almost immediately, but the fourth went to bed. he literally hid in a deep dugout, which he dug on an island in the middle of the tsymlyansky reservoir. after a while, i bought a passport in someone else’s name and started a new life. i cheated fate for a quarter of a century. now is the time to pay for the terrible sins of the past. the alleged killer was identified using modern technology. experts conducted a comparative study of his images from many years ago and a photograph obtained operationally of one of the residents of the oryol region. according to the conclusions of experts, the alleged killer and the family man from the village of khatynets are one and the same person. three accomplices have already been released, but the detainee
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is yet to be punished. during the investigation, he was placed in a pre-trial detention center; it is very likely that he will reach old age. in the colony. ekaterina likhomanova anton fedotov. news: duty department. 5 years of life for a suitcase of gold in the moscow region a khimki court sentenced a smuggler who tried to smuggle a bag of precious metal abroad. the fsb reported this. a very carefree tourist was detained at sheremetyevo airport. he hoped to slip through inspection unnoticed with treasures worth as much as 100 million rubles. and no conspiracy. the criminal put all the ingots directly into a hand bag and covered them with clothes on top. but alas
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, the x-ray beam did not help to outwit the vigilantes. street of the torturer. leave the territory of the russian federation , a precious metal in the form of 25 was discovered hidden in hand luggage refined gold bars with a total weight of over 36 kg. the value of the seized smuggled cargo exceeded 111 million rubles. all the gold bars have already been donated by the state, but the owner of the precious luggage is just beginning to get acquainted with the cell in the general regime colony. heroes or impostors in the case of the crash of a private jet in afghanistan , unpleasant details are emerging. the plane turned out to have fake licenses, as with it turns out that the pilots who had an emergency landing with such papers, they took off in the air , why the engines stopped in the sky, andrey romanov sorted it out. now you will have to forget about flying for a long time, if not forever. the pilots of the falcon 10 private plane that crashed in afghanistan have very bleak prospects. several media outlets, citing
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sources in the russian ministry of transport, reported that dmitry belikov and arkady grachev allegedly did not have the right to operate an aircraft of this type. the pilots flying the private falcon 10 plane that crashed in the mountains of afghanistan on the evening of january 20 falsified their documents. information has not yet been reported, it is known that investigators have been carefully studying the documentation of the pilots as part of the criminal investigation into the crash over the past week. pilots received permission to fly this type of aircraft relatively recently, namely in 2020. the aircraft was in the moscow region at the mechkov airfield, it was owned and operated for less than six months, the company
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did not receive a license to operate international flights, including passenger air transportation. this means that the pilots could use the aircraft, but were not allowed to fly internationally and especially to transport passengers, but this did not stop the pilots from taking an ambulance flight on the india-tashkent route. zhukovsky airfield near moscow, the plane was supposed to deliver a resident of volgodonsk, anna yavsyakova, from thailand to russia. she and her husband were on vacation, became seriously ill and ended up in the hospital. in total there were six people on board, pilots, two doctors and the evsyukovs. in the sky over afghanistan, falcon's engines stopped and the plane crashed. the evsyukovs died, but despite this, the crew members and pilots were met in moscow, like heroes. you can be hugged normally. the comments to journalists were given by the co-pilot, who is also the co-owner of the crashed plane, arkady grachev. most of all, he was worried about future problems with the law, and not
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about the fate of the dead passengers. we are now being called to the prosecutor's office, i think investigative actions will now begin and it will be clear there, we ourselves are even interested in what happened, what happened, but we each did our job well, we landed the pilot of the plane, the doctors saved us. investigators will probably have questions after this flight. not only to grachev. as a pilot, but also as a co-owner of jet. according to media reports, a small private airline may have been negligent in maintaining the aircraft. allegedly , 15 mandatory technical works have been missed in recent years alone. the last time falcon, as reported by several publications, underwent maintenance was almost a year ago. it is precisely such minor shortcomings, according to experts, that ultimately lead to major tragedies. two inexperienced pilots with little flying experience.
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in a few months the pre-trial detention business coach managed to move away from his usual image, he grew a beard and gained weight. lawyers sought to change the measure of suppression of the season of house arrest, but the court again rejected the blogger’s appeal. he is accused of fraud on an especially large scale. it is known that. everyone is dissatisfied with the quality of services, to put it simply, the applicants have one thing in common: they bought an expensive course by budinov , but none of them became a millionaire , they just got into debt, the coach was arrested in november last year, it’s noteworthy, but shabudinov is the first millionaire blogger who accused of fraud, another scandalous representative of the blasphere, for example, elena vlyunovskaya, has so far only been charged with tax evasion and money laundering.
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who's the murder? yes, look, just don’t do anything on your own, stay in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you. ann medium, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.
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the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello. we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. they killed their own people. the nazi regime shot its soldiers in the air with rockets. our own. their mothers are there waited, wives waited, children waited, pilots of our military transport aircraft, which...


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