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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello. we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. they killed their own people. the nazi regime shot its soldiers in the air with rockets. our own. there their mothers were waiting, their wives were waiting, their children were waiting, our military transport pilots.
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think about it, less than 5 million rubles. and this is a clear result of the absence in today’s legislation of real mechanisms to combat this evil. punishment in the form of multi-million dollar fines and up to 10 years in prison is being prepared in the state duma. mountains of corpses on the cold streets, the struggle for a piece of bread, besieged leningrad, through the eyes of a twelve-year-old girl. while i was carrying it to the arthouse, a hand grabbed this bread.
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he was a teenager, as dystrophic as me, but he was taller than me. we remember the most important period of the great patriotic war. instead of german marches, the city heard the music of the russian composer, leningrader dmitry shastakovich. his seventh symphony sounded so that the enemy could hear what he was like, the voice of the soviet people. in russia, the day of military glory and the day of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. to have something to live on? at the present time, we have a little more. with heavy, yes, prices are rising , needs are also growing, and you have to strain a little more to earn money, losing a job for single parents is unacceptable, deputies will protect this category, as well as responsibility for trash streams, confiscation of honorary awards, rural houses for tourists, about this and more, see our program. deputies observed a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the market shelling.
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in donesk. have a seat. the world needs to know vyacheslav volodin said about this terrible tragedy. the state duma adopted an appeal to the un, international parliamentary organizations, and parliaments of countries around the world in connection with attacks by ukrainian armed forces against civilians on russian territory. the deputies call on the united nations and the international community. condemn the actions of the kiev authorities, give a legal assessment of the ongoing violations of international humanitarian law and mass war crimes. responsibility for what happened lies with the bloody, nazi, kiev regime, personally with zelensky, who gives orders to shell peaceful cities, 27 people died, with what weapons?
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nato, so we appeal to the parliaments of france, germany, britain and other countries to make them think, their leaders make decisions that lead the world to miss. a special military operation stopped world war iii. the ukrainian nazi regime shot its own soldiers in the air, said vyacheslav volodin, commenting on the crash of the il-76 military transport aircraft in the belgorod region. aboard there were six crew members, three russian military personnel and 65 ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange. the nazi regime shot its soldiers in the air with missiles, their own, there their mothers were waiting, their wives were waiting, their children were waiting, the pilots of our military transport aircraft, who were trashing the humanitarian mission. the state duma also
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unanimously adopted an appeal to the french parliament in connection with the participation of french mercenaries in hostilities in ukraine. the deputies expressed regret that... that the french authorities, who once acted together with our country as one of the initiators of the military-political detente in europe; their actions only prolong the fire of the nazi kiev regime. as a result of a high-precision strike by our armed forces against a group of foreign fighters near kharkov, they died. foreign mercenaries who turned out to be french citizens. mercenary activity is prohibited by the laws of the french republic. so what do we see? in fact, foreign mercenaries, including french ones, are fighting on the side
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armed forces of ukraine, and in large numbers. official paris denies everything. the chairman of the state duma noted that french parliamentarians need to be provided with objective information. we appeal to those who respect the memory of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers , to those deputies, to those who think about france, who understand what fascism is and will never help the nazis in ukraine, our appeal will help many to make the right decision, and this this means that together we will build a multipolar world, a just world and order. and we will not allow a third world war, the chairman of the state duma was supported by deputies and faction leaders, european colleagues must find out who and for what sent the french to die on ukrainian soil. we realize that fortunately
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the national assembly is not monolithic, there are healthy forces there, there are people who understand the real national interests of france and who are ready to defend them. that we will try to reach these common sense forces with our appeal. for financing crimes against russia, fakes about the army, calls for extremism will confiscate property, as well as deprive of honorary titles from state awards. the bill, aimed at protecting the country, was passed by deputies in the first reading. the authors of the initiative were the chairman of the state duma, heads of factions of hundreds of deputies. according to vyacheslav volodin, the decision taken should stop those who commit crimes against the security of our country, consider it possible to insult citizens, soldiers, officers, and support the nazis. this will affect everyone who hits the country, hits
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to our soldiers, those who received awards, titles, honorary, well-deserved ones must understand that they are against the country. these awards and titles, if the country provided you with everything you need, the people gave you so that you could live in palaces and castles, you will lose this if you oppose its soldiers, against your state, there is nothing personal here and nothing political here, this is in the legislation of all countries, such measures are approved by the overwhelming majority of people in our country,
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strikes cannot be carried out. there must be laws appropriate. the bill expands the list of crimes against the fundamentals of state security. it will include all types of sabotage activities,” noted co-author of the initiative, vice speaker of the state duma irina yarovaya. thus, this definition will include facilitating sabotage activities, undergoing training for the purpose of carrying out sabotage activities and organizing a sabotage community and participating in them. in addition, we propose to introduce additional qualifying criteria, which means increasing responsibility for public calls for activities directed against the security of the russian federation, when they are carried out for selfish reasons, for extremist reasons for
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hire. we are also talking about those who went abroad, continue to receive fees at the expense of russian citizens, but publicly throw mud at our country.
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and such a check, i believe that it is mandatory for us to include this in amendments. the bill will be prepared promptly for the second reading. i set this task vyacheslav volodin. companies and responsible employees who leak personal data may face multimillion-dollar fines and criminal penalties. the state duma is developing a reliable mechanism to protect our personal information. compensation for victims whose data was made public is still in question. but also at the center of the discussion are questions of a possible shift in responsibility, in fact, a discount on fines, at
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the same time, the system of sanctions will be progressive, the larger the size of the leak, the higher the compensation, for example, if in open if information about more than 100 thousand people gets access, then the culprits will have to fork out up to 15 million rubles. maria burkova to continue the topic. 2 years ago, victoria received a message on her phone, supposedly from government services, saying that she urgently needed to follow the link, otherwise her account would be hacked. the young math teacher admits that she would never have thought that scammers could deceive her, but alas, their schemes are becoming more and more cunning and work even for the most vigilant audience. at the moment, this link came that someone may have changed my password, that my data is possibly under threat, they somehow turn off the rational part of the brain and immediately turn on the push button mode. follow the link. vika switched and almost immediately realized that now all the documents were in the hands of fraudsters,
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she blocked the cards, contacted the police, but all this did not help. a month and a half later, i started receiving letters from collectors in the mail saying that i owed them money. someone else, in addition to using my data, yes, to get a microloan, also got a card for me fully designed. with the help of a lawyer , victoria managed to solve the problem, but her credit history is forever. spoiled, no bank will approve a loan even for a minimal amount; all this would be impossible without the collection of stolen personal data. in the internet space today there is even a black market for trading personal data of russians, the price of the issue, according to experts, is 20 thousand rubles for information about almost 80% of the population of russian citizens. according to the most conservative estimates, the damage from the leak amounted to 8 billion rubles just last year. sometimes a leak appears at first glance. harmless, for example, like a call from a company to which you did not give your phone number. tell me
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if you are considering it for yourself or for investment. arina, please tell me where you got my phone number from? i don’t have more detailed information, tell me, you are considering yourself. arina, i won’t answer until you answer my question, where did you get my phone number from? like this. in the last 2 months alone, roskomnadzor has recorded 18 facts of leaks, in which more than 517 million for. said the head of the information policy committee, alexander khenshtein. and just last year, i note, according to roskomnadzor, there were 168 facts of leaks. according to them , administrative violation protocols were issued and fines were imposed. the total amount of fines collected, colleagues, think about it, is less than 5 million rubles. and this is a clear result of the absence in today’s legislation of real mechanisms to combat this evil. earlier , state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin conducted a survey on this topic in his telegram channel.
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the majority voted for the need strengthening penalties for leaking personal data and using it for criminal purposes. voters have been heard. at the end of last year , a package of bills that would protect our personal information was submitted to the state duma. there are two initiatives in total in the package. the first, amends the code of administrative offenses and establishes turnover fines for... writing off money from cards or something else, these crimes are aimed mainly at older people. it’s even worse when using certain personal data, attackers commit crimes aimed at the health and life of certain individuals. only the ruble can force
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businesses to invest money in information security, the deputies noted. one of the ways to solve this problem is. turnover fines of up to 3% of annual revenue - this is no less than 15 million rubles and no more than half a billion. for comparison, now the maximum fine for such violations is 300,000 rubles. does the bill provide for compensation for damages to victims whose data was used by fraudsters? we will refine this initiative to include a mechanism for mitigating liability. if my
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colleagues and i manage to prescribe a mechanism for mitigating liability, including through some kind of compensation for harm, we will propose such a rule, but for now i will say that this is quite difficult to do. the criminal code is being supplemented with a new article on the illegal circulation of computer information with personal data, including biometrics. the minimum penalty will be a 3,000 ruble fine, and the maximum will be 10 years in prison. the punishment is serious because in the further edition of the document , all aspects of the violation should be spelled out in more detail,” the deputies note. responsibility must come when. a crime, an act committed out of selfish interest, when it entailed causing major damage, when it resulted in grave consequences, the bills were considered in the first reading, the relevant committee noted that it was open to proposals from deputies for a verified final document, for example, it is already known that the second reading will exclude
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the organization’s liability for leaks, which occurred through no fault of theirs, for example, due to hacker attacks. maria burkova, yulia bordina. nikita kharaskin, vladislav alekseev, alexey chaburkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. exactly 80 years ago , leningrad was completely liberated from the fascist blockade, one of the most tragic pages in the history of our country, the greatest example of perseverance and fortitude of people. it is necessary to remember it and pass on the truth to future generations. our duty is to protect the memory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defeated fascism. vyacheslav announced this in his telegram channel. the most important period of the great patriotic war is remembered by eyewitnesses, they tell contemporaries about it, they show the historical truth, how they fought for bread, miraculously resurrected, despite everything they survived, being isolated from the whole world. the story of my colleague, alexander shavirin. mountains of corpses on
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the cold streets, shelling, hunger and fear. this is how tamara saw leningrad as a twelve-year-old girl. gracheva. hitler's troops immediately struck strategic warehouses for a piece of bread. sometimes i had to fight. she took the booze across like this she cut it. and he puts this half on the scales. and he puts extra weight on the scales. i was so hungry that my hand immediately reached out for this extra weight. while i was carrying it to my mouth, my hand grabbed this bread. he was a teenager, as dystrophic as me, but he was taller than me. one day. mom went out for food and did not return, tamara romanovna recalls. for two or three days i lost all hope. the girl left home, mastered the professions of a signalman and a medical instructor, and worked to help soldiers. she saw her mother only a year later to the day breaking the blockade. by that time, they had both already accepted that they had lost each other forever. mom washes the stairs with a rag. and it shouts to her:
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“dusya, darling, look who i brought you.” so she turned around. he, you know, her rag fell out, she began to sit down, and it seems to me that i ran to her, so on these stairs we hugged, kissed, it was a year later, a little more than a year later, i met with my mother, during the blockade, about 2.5 million inhabitants were cut off from the outside world, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians died of starvation from constant shelling, the nazi invaders dropped about 107 bombs from 150 thousand shells on the city. by august '42, according to the plans of the fascist command, leningrad was supposed to fall. the wehrmacht troops were already planning to organize a parade, but on august 9 , instead of german marches in the city.
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which showed that the operational art of the soviet troops had reached a new level, in principle becoming superior to the german one, and the complete lifting of the blockade simply proved that a fundamental turning point in the war had occurred, and soviet troops, starting from 1943, are actually more professional, more literate than german ones. leningrad artists immortalized the events on canvases; their original works and archival materials from museums were presented at an exhibition in the state duma. today, when... another war has been declared on the world, we must understand perfectly well that this kind of exhibition, they must show not just a feat, but
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confirm the historical truth that the city of lenin, the city of three revolutions, carried with it, people who experienced everything hardships and all the horror of nazism, which, in general, seeks to exterminate literally humanity on the territory of our great homeland. these people can neither forget, nor forgive in a good way, nor not relate it to today, because again in the donbass we are protecting the whole world from this brown plague, these people created not only on canvas, a detachment of sixty artists in leningrad camouflaging objects, protecting them from constant enemy attacks, imagine how bridges were camouflaged during... the entire blockade one bridge was not bombed because the pilots did not see it, because it was camouflaged; the houses on the embankments were so camouflaged that it was unclear where
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the pavement was, where the roofs were, where the houses were; not only artists did not abandon art in the most difficult times. the artists of the musical comedy theater in leningrad continued to give performances, no matter what, due to shelling, sometimes they had to interrupt performances up to nine times per evening; history has never known such examples. the artist's failure to arrive at the performance meant the artist's death. this a completely unique phenomenon that concerns us, well, the world of art, but only in our country could there be such a theater that existed inside besieged st. petersburg, the radio of the audience continued to work, and there were always nagagi. this is a demonstration of our heroism, the heroism of our people, our army, our people, who in... in such a difficult time, showed courage, fortitude, persevered and in the end we were able to win. the blockade survivors themselves came to the exhibition at the state duma.
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mark umansky remembers how he and his mother ate wood glue, belts, a long-lasting experience imprinted in my memory, the fear did not leave for many years. we were cleaning the apartment for may 1st, i was dusting the closet, and i saw a green bag lying there, i picked it up and opened it. and there are 10 tiles of wood glue, and this is already somewhere in the fifties, i say, mom, well, what is this for, what are you holding, son, tie it up, put it in place, the blockade of leningrad by the st. petersburg court was recognized as a war crime and an act of genocide of peoples the ussr. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharazkin, vladislav alekseev, duma tv, parliamentary hour. in for the second part of our program, see: protection from dismissal, how the state duma will help single parents, what you will
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have to say goodbye to for trash streaming, who will have the right to housing and how farmers are going to receive tourists, the high-profile story with the cat twix thrown out of the train, the reaction of deputies.
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we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia , we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why watch the elections, a proud grandfather came home, i’m one of the party ’s appointed observers, i’ll keep an eye on the elections so that the people and the election commissions will do everything accomplished by... like in spy films, i immediately dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent and got him binoculars, i have such eyesight that i will see any violation as if i were screaming, besides, i went through special training, according to russian law, that’s enough for me smartphone, now my granddaughter knows which icon to press, i’ve been trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, my friend, i won’t be lost, i won’t let society down.
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to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, the ministry of emergency situations of russia warns, protect your home, install a fire detector, safety begins with you, the ministry of emergency situations of russia. in this war, of course, a battle of technologies has now begun in all directions, who has the technical advantage.
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how's the signal? the signal is normal, stable, in combat use it is actually much easier to control a drone, you just need to raise it sharply and after that just fly towards the enemy. we have a sapper, we have someone watching and we have pilots. we again destroyed one of the control points, we fly a little closer and see that they have a nest there. i had a good background; in civilian life i played a lot on the computer. i'm very them i’m proud, super fighters, i’m very lucky with them.
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