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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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the parliamentary hour is on air and we continue: russian president vladimir putin signed a decree on the status of large families at the federal level and the support they are entitled to. this is an important decision, noted state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. large family. families are the present and future of our country. previously , there was no unified approach to determining their status, and regions established these criteria independently. from now on, according to the document, a large family is a family with three or more children. this status is established indefinitely, and families will receive equal state support. the presidential decree lists the benefits they can count on. what will a large family have the right to? of course, to receive social benefits and benefits. for benefits in
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labor legislation, for the early retirement of a mother who gave birth to three more children, for the opportunity to visit recreation parks and museums for children from large families in any region of russia, no matter where they live. now we have a single identity card for a large family, we have a registry. large families, children from large families under 6 years of age will all have the right to free medicines, every child from a large family can travel to and from school for free, free meals for schoolchildren and for those who study in vocational schools, the opportunity to receive school uniforms and sports uniforms for free. discounts on housing and communal services and so on and so on
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and so on. what other support is needed? at the suggestion of vyacheslav volodin , large parliamentary hearings will be held in the state duma, which will be devoted to the topic of large families. they will be accepted participation of the families themselves, representatives of regions, local governments, as well as relevant ministries and departments. the president determined the status of large families and the standard of support. federal , each region, taking into account that these are regional powers , can expand this support, a decree for all of us, a basis for work, a year of the family, we have a lot to do ourselves, it is important that the regional parliaments hear us, let’s do it as part of large parliamentary hearings, which we will hold in june and discuss these issues. lonely
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they intend to protect mothers and fathers, children under 16 years of age from dismissal. voters have repeatedly made such a request to deputies. a parent who loses his job and is raising a child alone can leave his family without a livelihood. the state duma intends to protect this category and urge employers to better understand their responsibilities. maria burkova will continue. lyudmila is raising a fourteen-year-old daughter. when the girl was seven, her father died.
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practically, well, there are very few weekends, honestly, the children want to see more, i work from 10 to 10, for single parents, losing a job is several times more dangerous, the responsibility for a roof over your head... for a living. at this age, the child is still in school and needs the same support and protection as younger children, noted state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. he said that voters have repeatedly approached deputies with a request to amend the labor code to raise
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the age of children whose parents cannot be fired. just yesterday a woman came to me, her son is 15 years old, she lost she lost her job in november. the woman has a loan, well, a mortgage, she still has a disabled mother, a son, respectively fifteen, who still has to pay for tutors who wants to go to college, and the money is already running out, she is panicking, no more panic, in the third final during the reading , deputies adopted amendments to the labor code; the law will prohibit employers from firing single parents until their children turn 16. the bill is aimed at increasing the level of labor guarantees for single mothers raising children under 16 years of age. in order to protect her labor rights, in order to ensure a constant income for the family, on the part of the mother, as an employee, these initiatives are taken.
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let us note that the law will support not only single mothers, but all people who raise children of this age alone. with this bill we help our schoolchildren, we create. a safety cushion for them so that they can calmly finish their studies and receive a diploma. the law will come into force 10 days after publication. in in the future, we need to go further and adjust the bar to 18 years, note the heads of specialized committees. maria burkova, yulia borodina, andrey tarasov, sergey vergunov, alexey chaburkov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. job security is guaranteed. and volunteers. deputies passed the bill in the second reading. the document proposes to suspend the terms of fixed-term service contracts of civil servants while they are undergoing military service and to renew them upon their return. what other laws did deputies pass this week?
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see our review. you will have to answer for cruel games on the internet. the amendments to the code of administrative offenses, adopted in the first reading, provide for punishment for illegal acts. distribution of photos and videos during which animals are tortured, random passers-by are beaten, and homeless people are abused. unfortunately, in recent years the internet has become a breeding ground for such public broadcasts, in which often dangerous and simply psychologically ill people mock other people or animals live. high fines confiscation of equipment, a real term of imprisonment, will, in our opinion... change the situation on the internet and save russian users, children, and youth from, unfortunately, viewing this moral content. deputies propose fining citizens 200-600,000 rubles for organizers of trash streams. officials
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for 300-700,000 rubles from the confiscation of the equipment they used. parliamentarians also supported amendments to the criminal code, including imprisonment. the court will be able to order a ban on... to understand correctly for citizens what you can do with a drone in your hands, and what you do not have the right to do? you risk not only the drone itself, but in general in the future, i think that this is an administrative penalty, this is a criminal penalty, a fairly serious problem,
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farmers will receive tourists, a bill thanks to which travelers will be able to stay in rural houses was adopted in the first reading, they can be located directly on farmland, it is important to develop. interior tourism of the russian federation, secondly, it is very important to provide the opportunity for additional income for our agricultural producers, for those farmers who produce... very good, high-quality, environmentally friendly products, this measure will help partially solve the issue of accommodating vacationers. russians began to travel around the country more. at the end of last year, the domestic tourist flow amounted to 75 million people. the goal for the next 6 years is to double it. thus, accommodation of tourists with growing demand for traveling around russia is a matter of paramount importance. we understand that there is a shortage. this leads to rising prices and the fact that it is simply difficult for people to go on vacation. this is
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a new direction, it allows, firstly, with minimal transport costs, with the opportunity to relax with children, to provide good accommodation. in the saratov region, state duma chairman vyacheslavin this week visited a closed administrative-territorial entity, the village of svetly, above which.
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the sports stadium and house were reconstructed a new school of arts and culture was opened, an overpass was built. parliamentarians ask the ministry of digital development to protect children from the fakes of the kiev regime. ukrainian nationalists are trying to manipulate the consciousness of russian teenagers through social networks, dragging children into conflicts. at a meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate crimes of the kiev regime against minors, deputies called for strengthening counteraction to such sites and information.
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objects. in just 3 weeks of this year , more than 800 of them were recorded. politicians raised the topic of child abduction and violation of the rights of ukrainian schoolchildren in europe. all ukrainian children who were saved from the aggression of kiev terrorists are fully mastering educational programs in russia. however, in the european union, where refugees from ukraine arrived, the situation is different. in these countries, out of 2 million ukrainian children, only 43% attend school, said state duma deputy speaker anna kuznetsova.
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the state duma reacts to the high-profile story about the cat twix being thrown out of the train. joint meeting with russian railways, organization of a working group, committee round table on the topic rules for transporting pets by public transport. about measures that will remind owners of responsibility for others and the inadmissibility of cruelty to animals. he was on his way home after the operation, during a stop in kirov he got out of the carrier and never returned. the owner asked for help on social networks and contacted the railway company. i called russian railways, the company, they made an appeal, it was the employees of the kirov station who contacted me, looked at cameras, video surveillance and gave information that the cat was thrown out by the conductor. as an ownerless man, the conductor dropped him out of the carriage.
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about 300 volunteers joined the search for the lost pet, but it was too late. nine days later, twix was found dead. this news shocked many russians, and those who also travel with animals reacted especially sensitively. elena koval has two such companions. the dog kuzya, due to his size , usually travels long distances by car. on trains. for large dogs you need to buy a whole compartment, here is the parrot rumple almost a regular customer of russian railways, and although responsibility for the pet lies entirely with the owner, i would like to see that the company is also concerned about... the safety of the trip, elena believes. to be honest, i just took this tragedy as personal, like my cat, and cried all day, my husband is a witness, the conductor of the animal car, he should know all his animals, he should have all the information, who is with whom, in which compartment? an internal investigation
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into the incident by russian railways revealed shortcomings in regulatory documents. required adjustments. discussed at a round table in the state duma. the deputies emphasized that the very attitude towards pets in transport should be changed. these are passengers, not luggage. in quotes, of course, because we understand that legally they fly according to a baggage check, they are the property of passengers, and passengers are responsible for them. but this is not garbage that can be thrown away at the station. as it turned out, during the check, before expelling the furry fellow traveler, the conductor walked through the carriage and interviewed people in search of the owner. some once the animal was in her arms, she walked past the desired passenger, but no one reacted. the problem is that the employee could not know who exactly the code belongs to; the conductors do not have such information. the competent authorities will evaluate its actions, but cruelty to animals is unacceptable in any case, the parliamentarians noted. this is not the same property as a table, chair or suitcase, this is a living creature, and
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no one has canceled the humane attitude towards animals, and what the guide accepted.
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there is a no-disembarkation order in place ownerless animals, secondly, regulations for the actions of train crew personnel have already been established, and we are now conducting instructions. train crews are now required to search for the owner of an ownerless animal throughout the train, and if one is not found, transfer the pet to the station for further searches. the deputies also noted the need to develop a mechanism for personifying animals. this kind of work has also begun in the company. everyone should know that. board a pet, and whose specific pet is this, these are the steps that can only happen in due to changes in internal policies and regulations of companies. the state duma will create a working group to improve the rules for transporting animals. it will include deputies, representatives of transport companies, the public and relevant departments. the first
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meeting is scheduled for early february. meanwhile, twix’s story is not the first time that parliamentarians have called on transport workers to engage in dialogue. in november 2019, the reason for discussing adjustments was an air incident: a fat cat was not allowed into the cabin of the plane due to exceeding the permissible weight. the owner changed pet on the scale to circumvent the norm, for which the airline excluded the passenger from the loyalty program. as a result, i received a flurry of criticism and a parliamentary request asking me to reconsider internal regulations from the beginning. since then, the standards of many airlines have changed, the weight limit has almost doubled and some animals are allowed to be placed next to the owner in the cabin. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, maxim koul, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that’s all, you watched the “parliamentary hour” program. see you in air.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 30, 1730 , the young emperor peter ii died. he left no heirs; the supreme privy council immediately met to determine who would now rule. but the rise of the dolgorukovs and golitsyns was frightened, a large group of nobles and higher nobility openly opposed it, with the support of the guard, they submitted
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a petition to the empress asking for the restoration of autocracy, she publicly broke the rules and personally reigned 10 years. this time is often called one of the darkest pages in russian history. foreigners rose in power, the russian nobility found itself in ruins, many were arrested and executed, but... at the same time , education and enlightenment developed in the country , geographical expeditions were equipped, the budget was set up with a surplus, and after leapfrog palace coups, in the reign of anna ianovna there came at least some something stability. exactly 100 years ago, on january 30, 1924 , the history of mosfilm began, the largest film studio in the country and one of the most famous in europe. based on the former film studios, alexander khanzhonkov and...
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first, the film factory moved to the famous complex of buildings built for it in the potylikha area, now it is mosfilmovskaya street. it was a film city, it was called soviet hollywood. the name mosfilm appeared at the film studio in 1936. but the famous symbol of the brand, the image of a sculpture of a collective farm worker, was first seen by viewers in the screensaver of the picture. on january 30 , 1972, one of the most tragic
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events in the history of great britain and ireland took place. on that day, british soldiers shot at a peaceful civil rights demonstration in london-dairy, northern ireland. it is part of the historical region of ulster, consisting of nine counties. when independent ireland was created, the british. about 15 thousand people gathered at the protest rally, tear gas was used against them, the protesters responded with stones, and the military opened fire with live ammunition, killing and wounding about 30 people, in response, the military wing of the irish... republican army of ira launched terror against the official london. the investigation into those events ended only in 2010. the soldiers were found guilty and paid compensation
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to the families of the victims, but no one was convicted or punished. on january 30, 2009 , a unique spacecraft: corona, entered earth’s orbit from the plesetsk cosmodrome. photon, it was an ultra-modern, at that time, observatory for studying solar activity in general. several enterprises of the federal space agency took part in its creation. scientific equipment was developed in a number of institutes and centers, including laboratory of experimental astrophysics of the abram yoffe institute of physics and technology. coronos worked for 278 days, collected the most valuable scientific data, images of the sun were obtained in... the heating of plasma in the transition layer of the dense photosphere and chromosphere of the sun, to the rarefied corona of our star and the solar corona itself was studied.
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microflares were recorded in the ultraviolet range. this has not been possible before, and this is not all. the total volume of information received is 380 gb, and it is still being processed. this is what this day was like stories. my dad and i went here as children, and we also lay like this.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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social and economic development of st. petersburg and the leningrad region, expansion of the road network, preservation of cultural heritage sites. vladimir putin discussed these and other topics with the heads of two russian regions. evgenia petrukhina will tell you in detail about the president's working meetings. it's really special award, commemorative medal in honor.


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