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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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new workplaces. more than 50 different industries, such as transport, housing and communal services, catering, culture, construction, they are all involved in what we later call tourism. and tourism was one of the first to cope with the consequences of covid and sanctions. so , according to the results of last year, we exceeded the pre-covid 2019 year in terms of the number of domestic trips, reaching 75 million. well, by the thirtieth year we have very... to warm up special support measures, for example, the preferential lending program is now suitable for those who develops ski resorts. we looked at the difficult projects that are associated with the construction of ski infrastructure, we understand that those universal rules only for hotels did not work for them in general, because the volume of investments was much larger, and we expanded the program. investors
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have access to preferential lending, construction of ski infrastructure, lifts, slopes, and other infrastructure that is necessary for our ski industry to develop. get a soft loan to build hotel or giving new life to an existing one is possible from 2021. we are talking about large projects from 120 rooms, three stars and above, loan term up to 12 years. the list of possible objects, in addition to hotels and ski resorts. resorts , water parks, amusement parks, sanatoriums , we, as banks, as a development institution, try to keep our finger on the pulse of the tourism industry, and accordingly, respond to emerging trends early enough, offer investors financial instruments that would help them in the development of their projects, now we we see the main trends in the development of auto tourism, ski tourism, sanatorium-resort and aquathermal complexes, and of course... glamping
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also remains at the peak of its popularity. one of the successful examples is this sanatorium near podolsk, built back in the last century on the initiative of academician kurchatov. the local mineral water attracted many people who wanted to improve their health, but as the years passed, the building was taken over. until a private investor became interested in the property, he decided not only to restore it to its former glory, but to provide a completely new level of service. we built four from scratch new swimming pools incl.
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for the return of funds, it is desirable that this be no more than 7 years, and thanks to the fact that there is preferential lending, we are able to do this, and this is just one object from a long list; in total, the preferential lending program has already supported the construction of more than 20,000 rooms throughout country, but the shortage of guest places on the market is approximately 12 times greater, as a result, the selection of projects for the program was extended, now we are conducting a new selection for this program in order to at least double the this... this portfolio, there are already a lot of applications, in my opinion, applications have already come from 40 regions, more than 90 projects, so we decided to extend the deadline for accepting these applications until february 20, i think that this program, of course, taking into account the new selection, it will give us, well, at least 40 or 45 thousand new numbers. another tool for attracting money to the tourism industry is the so-called leaseback mechanism. usually we are talking about the sale of real estate with the condition that it will then be handed over to guests for management.
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arkhis is one of the main tourist directions of the north caucasus. construction is currently underway on this site, but by the end of the year there will be a new apart-hotel with almost 160 rooms. the project became possible thanks to the domrf bank and that same leaseback mechanism. it’s a complicated name, but for business it’s a clear principle of operation. only thanks to the support of the house of the russian federation we were able to start our project. and preferential project financing for the russian federation house helps not only us in the implementation of these projects, but also similar projects that we plan to develop in other regions. waking up in a conservation area overlooking mountain lake is not a dream, but another new direction in the tourism market. the house of the russian federation was the first in russia to develop and launch a special loan product for financing prefabricated modular
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hotels. the bank has already received more than thirty applications for construction in 15 regions of the country. glamping is a quick way to fill the shortage of rooms, because the domestic tourism industry needs it. 23,800 new guest places, their appearance will help fulfill the goal set by the president so that by 2030 the number of domestic tourist trips has reached at least 140 million, and we will continue to review the information picture, discuss further prospects for kiev’s support from western allies and other issues with the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security, vladimir chezhov. he's in direct contact now. vladimir alekseevich, hello! good afternoon. the permanent representatives of the european union agreed on a preliminary proposal from the european commission on the use of income from frozen russian assets. tell me if you have any idea how what can european officials really do and how should we respond in this case? you know, as far as i understand,
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today they do not have a final decision on what the mechanism for transferring these funds to ukraine could be, it... has been developed, there is an opinion of the european central bank, that is , the central bank of the euro area, which is quite categorical, that any attempts to do this will lead to undermining the prestige of not only the european union, but also specifically the common currency euro, on the world market, this is the first, second, which means they, as far as i understand... they were only able to outline, as it were, the first phase of this process, that is, to collect this money in one special escrow account, and then decide further, but this in itself, of course, is also
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the next phase of what we in russia, without obbeniks, call theft. other people's money, if so far we have been talking about the fact that they put into circulation the interest that accumulates on the bank accounts of these our respective funds, that is, using only the interest on that profit, which...
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is about the assets themselves too? now we’re talking about those same percentages, or still now , as far as i understand, we can talk about the assets themselves, too, in order to, as they say , separate them from everything else, put them together, and then decide what to do with them, but you you know, because logic, unfortunately, is not always present in the decisions made in the european union and its member countries. especially in those discussions that are connected with this. well, probably, if germany existed, there would be a sufficient element of logic in the energy sector politics, they probably would not have simultaneously closed their nuclear power plants and
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at the same time refused russian gas, thereby driving their economy into a rather deep crisis, but - as they say, we will solve their problems for them, even if we wanted, apparently not we can, but the logic is not always traceable, vladimir aleksevich. well , do you think moscow should now consider some kind of countermeasures in the event of the use of income or seizure of assets, and what measures could these be? i think that on at this stage, it is important to show them, the eu members , and everyone else that if this policy continues, dealing with the euro on a global scale will become unsafe, i think that this idea, it... will quite quickly reach the countries of the world majority, i don’t
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i will say that the countries of the so-called global south widely use the euro, but nevertheless, in their transactions with the european union, with the countries of the european union, of course, payments are probably made in the euro, at least partially, to show that this currency will become unreliable, i i think this... 24 is like a framework name for a series
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of maneuvers, so as not to go too far beyond the restrictions that they have signed up for all along, they divided these maneuvers both by geography and even by time, that’s why we’re talking that they will take place over several months, well, that’s understandable. that conducting maneuvers with the participation of tens of thousands of military personnel for several months is simply an unrealistic task, which is why there will be only maneuvers of one type of armed forces, then efficient maneuvers naval, air force and so on, all this under the general, so to speak, under the common auspices of this staunch defender, but i think that... from a political point of view, something else is important here, that for the first time
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nato is so open, and whose leadership , and more recently, assured us that nato is not aimed against russia, that it is not going to fight with russia, by the way, the current secretary general nata stoltenberg spoke about this quite recently, in fact .... for the first time the scenario of these exercises involves armed actions against the russian federations, this is a fundamentally important point, and we, of course, will remind them of this, we must somehow specially prepare for this, well , how to prepare, i think that the level of combat training of the russian armed forces is now incomparably higher than the russian level, so they they are fussing about, but i think that our main
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task in the current situation is to ensure that our victory in a special military operation is convincing for everyone, including nato. vladimir alekseevich, in continuation of the topic of nato, the countries of the north atlantic alliance, how they are reportedly considering the possibility of creating some kind of military schengen system. again, judging by the publications that exist, it will allow military formations to move freely within the borders of nato member countries, this initiative has been discussed for a long time, in your opinion, will the issue be resolved by the next summit of the alliance , why is this even necessary, how will you explain? you know, this idea actually arose several years ago, around 1917, but it did not arise in nato, in the european union, because schentgen. basically this achieving the european union, free
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visa-free movement, this idea arose, this problem has two dimensions, one formal legal, the same visa regime, well, you know that today, it is clear that, let’s say, the united states and canada have a visa-free regime with most countries. union, and turkey, for example, a nato member, does not have such a regime, and even to get to nato headquarters in brussels. turkish military personnel are forced to obtain belgian visas, just as they need american visas if they fly across the ocean, so this moment exists, the second second aspect of this problem is logistical, as soon as the european union
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acquired a military-political dimension, they began to check what the road network, bridges, tunnels on the territory of the european union look like, and it turned out that a considerable part of them are simply not suitable for transporting heavy equipment, i have already referred several times to one episode that took place several years ago, when the americans decided to use their armored vehicles for maneuvers from germany to hungary.
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early plan, what do you think kiev can really count on in the foreseeable future? you know, there is now an interesting discussion in europe and in kiev as well, whether europe will generally be able to cope with the continuation of assistance, military assistance to kiev in the same volumes as before, if the united states, due to...
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with its own, as they say, dissidents represented by hungary, turkey, slovakia, now, the european union and the european members of nato, they, of course, will try to come to an agreement, and partly they are already succeeding, and so, for example, uh, turkey’s objection to sweden’s admission to nato was lifted, and so on, here. what to do with the republicans in the us house of representatives, accordingly , they have no plans, no opportunities, no leverage, therefore, as the american elections approach, the prospect of trump returning to power is already raised in
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the military-political circles of european countries. were initially frozen by brussels, and where did these funds come from, this is from the general technical ... funds of the whole union to overcome the consequences of the pandemic, which at one time then a lot of money was printed,
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and they are still being distributed, by the way, in germany they tried to resort to misuse of these funds, but they received a decision from the constitutional court and a hole in the budget of 60 billion euros. this means that in relation to hungary we are talking, of course, about smaller amounts. claims against hungary have so far been associated with some reforms of their judicial system, which, of course, was and remains their internal matter, but nevertheless, the european union believed that it was necessary to educate the disobedient hungarians, and in any way they could to educate the european union, then where?
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for many years , greece has spent much more on defense than the notorious 2% that trump sought from european nato countries. including what we are talking about. at one time, greece received four, if my memory serves me correctly, 415. first generation, soviet production. by the way, the production of which, well, stopped back in 1974, you can imagine the state of this equipment, they received them from
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the arsenals of the former national people's army of the gdr, after the reunification of germany, which means from these cars rarely started more than a hundred, so everything else, but only thanks to dryness.
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turkey, with great difficulty, received the previous generation f-16 aircraft, or is receiving it, but the greeks are getting modern aircraft , it seems, judging by the publications, they will be given another 200 million , as if additionally for this general balance, well, that’s how suitable these bmp1s will be in these conditions ...
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this behind-the-scenes maneuver, and those who organize and implement them, i think, have a perfect idea of ​​how the situation can develop, and the main thing is the time factor, when this or any other scenario will be launched, for now, and this is also an element that is quite typical for such intrigues, this is
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the launch of some preliminary stories in the press, including those that are obviously untrue, about the resignation of zaluzhny and even his replacement with kirill budanov, but before this news had time to shock anyone, it was immediately refuted, well, let’s see, such cases also happened when exactly what was previously refuted came true, and maybe there will be a different scenario, but i repeat, the question not in not even in the content, not in the names, the question is the moment when the real collapse of the kiev regime begins, and this is a matter of time, i
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think that’s enough. vladimir alekseevich, thank you for your comments, thank you for taking part in the live broadcast, there are still many questions, i think we will have the opportunity to discuss them during other broadcasts, yes, thank you again, let me remind you that the first deputy chairman of the committee was on the live link federation council for defense and security, vladimir chizhov. well , we continue to review the information picture in in moscow, the co-chairman of the central election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin met with his confidants. among them are figures of science, art, medicine, sports, workers in industry and agriculture. the day before, their list increased by almost 200 people, and now their number is more than half a thousand. by law, self-nominated candidates can have up to 600 proxies who campaign in favor of their candidate. let me remind you that the russian presidential elections will be held on march 17,
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voting will last 3 days. protection of the rights of our athletes, they need to be mobilized to the end, upon their return from china from the olympics , we honored these athletes as olympic champions, we are convinced that for us they will always remain olympic champions, no matter what decisions in this regard, even unfair ones accepted, well, sort of


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