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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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a face-to-face meeting is taking place in moscow with the chairmen of the central election headquarters with proxies of candidates for president vladimir putin. what are they discussing? olympic champions, what statements were made? the production volumes of air defense missiles
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have more than doubled, the head of the ministry of defense announced. today sergei shaigu inspected the production of caliber cruise missiles for iskander and the launch of s-300 charging systems at the enterprises of the almastey concern in yekaterinburg. as noted in the defense department at the machine-building plant named after kalinin, sergei shaigu checked the organization of production in the final assembly workshop.
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and this should give a significant increase to what we have today, but there are a number of key issues that we need to solve and solve quite energetically, we are talking about engines, we are talking about setting up production of launchers . the russian academy of sciences expressed support for vladimir putin. in connection with his decision to participate in the upcoming elections, the president today met with the head of iran gennady krasnikov, we also discussed the main directions of the international work of the academy, which, by the way, is preparing to celebrate its three-hundredth anniversary this year, so that the decision regarding the nomination of our candidacy for the presidential launch would find us deep satisfaction, and we have been expecting this for a long time, i would like to note, that the russian academy supports this and just consider it too.
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that medal of outstanding scientists, including the british one, and he made a presentation at the general meeting and the deputy director general of unesco came to us from unesco, we presented it there international mendeleev prize, came from the maxplanck institute, professor klaus, scientists, smart people and independent, we created an association of the southern regions, which included our crimean scientific institutions. all new regions, these include the lpr, dpr, kherson, zaporozhye, and we hold regular meetings, resolve all operational issues, including using the experience of crimea. proxies of presidential candidates vladimir putin today gathered in moscow for a meeting with the co-chairs of his central election headquarters, discussed the main tasks within the framework of the election campaign, my colleague egor grigoriev joins the broadcast from the civil service academy, where the meeting took place. egoro, hello, tell us what you were talking about and what decisions
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were made? yuri, hello, the event is still going on and it involves a full-time working day. i want to say that we got together today. trusted representatives from all over russia, these are representatives of various fields of activity, culture, art, education and science, agriculture and industry, many heroes of labor and heroes of russia, let me remind you that the central election commission has registered 544 proxies of presidential candidate vladimir putin, and today they all gathered together for the first time, despite the fact that they started working quite a long time ago. we have already held meetings with voters, collected orders from the moment of their immediate registration, the close relationship that is now being established between the candidate’s proxies and each voter is the most important thing, she noted
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co-chairman of the candidate's election headquarters, chief physician of the fifty-second city moscow clinical hospital, maryana lusenko. you represent professional authorities. communities, you bring and have already brought a huge number of orders from those people who in the regions, in all corners of our country, want to offer something, have gathered here in general, a huge number of caring people have gathered who are ready to change something, who understand what now is a difficult stage in our homeland, a very important moment in determining strategy and meaning our further development, and i really hope that today... will give us some kind of formulation with which we will begin our pre-election stage, which will last another month and a half. each trustee, of course, has one common goal - the victory of the candidate, but everyone has common and main tasks,
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of course, this is solving people’s problems, these are the orders that people apply, all based on the specifics of the subject of the russian federation from which trusted representatives, of course, come to...
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well, the representative told us about this chukotskaya, chukotsy territory , from where the chukotsy autonomous okrug, which vladimir putin recently visited, people there feel a special responsibility, of course, after his visit, they received his arrival with great spirituality, today every trusted person, in addition to such a meeting, in addition to a general acquaintance, of course received important advice, and they concern them...
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well, i would like to note that this election campaign is already showing itself to be very ethical and professional, for example, one of irina’s potential candidates sviridova came to the central election commission today and reported that she was unable to collect the required number of signatures, and she would transfer the orders that she received from voters to vladimir putin’s headquarters, because in her opinion, this is the candidate who...
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them we need to mobilize to the end, upon our return from china from the olympics, we honored these athletes as olympic champions, we are convinced that for us they will always remain olympic champions, no matter what decisions in this regard, even unfair ones, are made. in the olympic the russian committee announced that they would appeal to the court of arbitration for sports the decision to deprive the russian team of gold in the team figure skating tournament due to valiev’s disqualification. let me remind you that the day before casa disqualified the athlete for 4 years for
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violating anti-doping rules, after which the international union of book runners changed the results of the team tournament, held in the twenty-second year of the beijing olympics, as a result, the russian team dropped from first place to third, gold went to the americans, silver - to the japanese. february 21 at the games of the future, a large-scale international competition merging sports, science and technology, will start in kazan in one of the popular and relevant areas. drone races are considered at upcoming starts. according to the results of last year , alexander kholkin became the best russian pilot. danilo makhalin will tell you how he is preparing on the eve of the most important tournament. glasses with first-person control, a chair, a joystick and the drone itself, a set without which alexander kholkin can no longer imagine his life. skills developed over the years with the help of which such a small, seemingly the device can cover vast distances. and with certain trajectories and
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flights, you may not even catch it with your eyes, but in order to equalize the technical capabilities and so that it is generally visible to spectators, at the games of the future in kazan they will fly on other drones, like these with speed limits of up to about 90 km. coordination and attentiveness come to the fore, because only when viewing can one feel dizzy, let alone control, the image is rounded at the edges, thereby, i see objects further away than they should be, in front, on the contrary, i see closer than they should be, accordingly, because of this distortion, sometimes the pilot gets confused, but a professional pilot is already adapting to his quadcopter and this does not bother him, thus professionals at de... and international
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starts, his craving for the art of design began in school. before that i was engaged in work engineering, 7 years of olympic robotics, programming, then i saw a copter flying above me, this was somewhere in the eighth grade, i was very interested in it, i found where it can be done study, that is, a section, and it was the quantorium technopark, i myself am from krasnoyarsk, so i studied there, and when i entered there, i had to pass a special test, and there they taught me about unmanned aerial vehicles , how to set them up, how to assemble them, how to fly them, the key character for alexander in the process of meeting and mastering at that time a far from popular hobby was a teacher from the krasnoyarsk quantorium dmitry vazhanov. sasha began to invest the money that was given to him there for the holidays for his birthday, that is, he began to buy simulators there, equipment for them, and well, as he said, that is
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, if possible , train there for at least one and a half to 3 hours every day, this of course affected his reaction, that is , well, in general, on discipline, then that is, as a pilot, that is, he was not involved, so to speak, with some extraneous matters, toys , that is, he invested all the time in his studies in his hobby, however, improvement in the work of drones is not the limit for alexander, he will be... a student second year student at baumanka he went even further with his work. i found, uh, like-minded people in baumanka, and together with them and the professor of physics, we began developing a silent propeller and last year, in january, we defended it at the self exhibition. in addition to training with a real drone, alexander spends at least several more hours at home on the computer. this is what it looks like. his exercises and flights on the simulator, the tracks are as close as possible to real competitive ones, the joystick is the same
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size, only instead of fv glasses there is a monitor screen, only thanks to such painstaking work brought significant titles. this is this cup, the grand prix cup, the moscow city cup, i won it, and moskvich electric won. drone racing will take place in kazan from february 27 to 29. now personnel from the government coordination center. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today. we will summarize the preliminary results of the implementation of national projects, this is one of the key elements for achieving the development goals that the president has defined, they are aimed primarily at improving the quality of life of our people, everything that planned, being implemented, the average level of achievement of current tasks is close to 100%. there are
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significant results in all areas that are covered. institutions, almost 2.0 prefabricated modular structures were purchased, installed, and about 14 thousand units of motor vehicles were supplied. by order of the president, electronic interdepartmental interaction has been ensured when sending documents for examination when determining the disability group. almost all of them are formed and processed by medical
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organizations based on the information they have. information about examinations completed by citizens. this. made it possible to reduce by more than three times the time required for a person with health limitations to prepare the relevant certificate documents. there are serious changes in another important area for the people of the country: over 17,000 centers of education, natural science and technology have been created in the regions , a growth point, 300 children's technology parks - quantorium, 260 it centers. in which schoolchildren master modern information solutions and technologies, more 260 thousand additional places in preschool organizations for children under 3 years old. this made it possible to bring the corresponding indicator in the national project closer to 100%. the contribution of science to the development
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of the economy and social sphere is growing. 15 scientific and educational centers have been successfully created and united. potential of almost 160 universities, more than 140 specialized institutions and 400 enterprises. we modernize and equip centers for the collective use of scientific equipment with unique installations where complex research is carried out. ongoing construction of seven more for megascience projects, more than 700 laboratories opened, led by young scientists. we also implement advanced engineering programs. russian federation, both for multi-apartment buildings , a record figure in its entire history , and for individual houses , the living conditions of 4,300 families have improved,
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about 8,000 have already received mortgage loans at a rate of 6% per annum. well, if we talk only about the twenty-third year, then we are talking about almost 10,000 such spaces, about 670,000 people were resettled from uninhabitable housing stock, and about a third of them last year. in general, the result planned in the national project was achieved ahead of schedule. transport accessibility is being increased
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under the national project for safe, high-quality roads. in total , over 31 kilometers of highways have been laid across the country, and the implementation of a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure continues. the total passenger flow through the central transport hub from 20 to 23 amounted to 2.7 billion people. during the same time , 33 airfield facilities were built. growth the production capacity of seaports exceeded 156 million tons due to the commissioning of 18 facilities. there have been significant successes in terms of ecology, for example, the volume of polluted wastewater discharged into the volga river has been reduced by 21%. their discharge into objects of the baikal natural territory has decreased by almost a third. by improving the condition of aquatic ecosystems, comfortable living conditions have been created for almost 17 million people.
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the results in economic areas gave a positive response in such an indicator as the dynamics of the country's gross domestic product generally. at the end of the year, according to preliminary calculations by the ministry of economic development, you know, the growth was 3.5%. by obtaining more data, among other things on the services sector, there is also the potential to increase the score to four. if we compare it with the january review of the world bank, this is significantly higher than the average and global values. by the way, in europe, which regularly imposes various kinds of restrictions on us, growth is generally estimated at around zero. this dynamics of russian gdp is primarily due to with magnification. domestic consumer and investment demand, including through the implementation of national projects. last year, for example, consolidated financial support
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of more than 1.5 trillion rubles was provided to small medium-sized businesses. about 3 million people registered as self-employed, took advantage of the special tax regime , the tax on professional income, and the volume of preferential loans issued to expand the production of goods. agro-industrial complex exceeded 800 billion rubles. and export russian agricultural products amounted to almost 3.9 rubles. this is a historical industry record. moreover, the share of friendly countries in supplies is already close to 90%. more than 10,000 exporting companies used the one-stop digital platform to receive government services and various assistance measures. last year, the russian export center secured transactions amounting to over 1,300 billion rubles, an increase of almost 70% compared to
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the figure for the twenty-second year. a year ago , the president ordered to pay special attention six areas: expanding foreign economic cooperation with promising partners from friendly countries, strengthening our technological and financial sovereignty, and rapid development of transport. communal and social infrastructure, as well as improving the well-being of citizens and, of course, protecting motherhood, childhood, and supporting families with children. this work will continue this year, and today we are recording the first results. for example, the number of admissions to higher education programs in in the information technology sector, at the expense of the federal budget , the number of products in the register of russian solutions increased by more than 8%, and by a quarter. for electronic educational machines, databases and many, many other results. dear colleagues, it is necessary to maintain the momentum, the tasks
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require continued positive dynamics in development, and of course, you just need to make every effort to ensure that the planned indicators in national projects are achieved. let me remind you that mikhail mishustin held strategic session on the implementation of national projects and achievement of national goals. international cooperation and gambians abroad the republic of the gambia.
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dear representatives of the media, we held negotiations that were very meaningful, specific, focused on the future, we stated that there is... a very good foundation for this, which reflects decades of our friendly relations with the gambia, next
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then this step and the main implementation of the memorandum will contribute to the intensification of contacts, giving them a more regular nature and , accordingly, ensuring closer interaction in the un at other multilateral platforms. particular attention was paid to african issues, they talked about the situation in the sahara-sahel region, with an emphasis on the situation in hot spots, including the situation
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in mali.
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