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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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the russian academy of sciences expressed support for vladimir putin in connection with his decision.
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we had some research going on today. the next thing, of course, must be directly related to relevance. absolutely, with demand. what you are talking about, the main task that we will build is the demand for scientific results, so that we have a chain from fundamental searches and...
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to study the second point, of course, we would also like to raise the question in this regard, we have until the eighteenth year of the academy of sciences examination made school textbooks, we think that it is necessary to return the examination to us, schoolchildren, in the eighteenth year, they removed it, they removed it, but well, i tried to study this question, as if to answer why for me it is, well, like the academy of sciences, the main expert community, where have been doing it all my life.
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to be honest, i even missed this strangely, yes, now i want to raise this question, we need to discuss it with colleagues, gennady krastnikov reported to the president about the st. petersburg branch of iran, let me remind you that it was created. by government order last may year united almost two hundred scientists and became the fourth regional division of the academy along with the ural, siberian and far eastern, and an association of the southern regions is being created, which will include institutions of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, as well as zaporozhye and the kherson region. the most important event for scientists throughout the vast country, of course, will be the upcoming tricentenary of the russian academy of sciences, of course, the president, anastasia efimova, will lead the celebration. another day filled with events at the forum russia exhibition. january 30th here events dedicated to culture are held.
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over the past 10 years, spending on culture in the country has increased 20 times, and funding for creative projects from extrabudgetary sources has increased significantly. today it is being successfully implemented in the country. russia is closer to the east, here you can also feel the discussions on the middle
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east. and the cinema museum is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of director alexei german. i don’t understand why we can’t produce our own ... and visitors get to know the ethnic culture and atmosphere of yamaal thanks to educational program "soul of the north". in pavilion e, experts talk about digital technologies in the field of culture, in pavilion number 61 there is an exhibition “leo tolstoy, war and peace”, a page come to life.
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this key work is presented here, in which tolstoy began to master literary symbolism. if before it was literary. so romantic in general, such a construction of its design, i say this as a designer, as an architect, but not as veterinary literature, but at the same time i also relied on this, i followed it very closely these, new exhibits will come here, this will be the pulse of the museum today for the younger generation, who can check today, go empty into the future life, without tolstoy or read it? and, of course, what they say, and it’s worth repeating again, the russia exhibition offers to spend time usefully, and vdnkh schoolchildren are a great place where they can learn about professions in scientific fields, teachers talk in extremely accessible language about quantum technologies, astrophysics, neuroscience, russian
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the geographical society invites you on a virtual trip around the country, the children learn about nature, climate and customs, they are introduced to the fauna in the nature pavilion, specialists, zoologists often perform there, well, in the sports pavilion everyone can do physical exercise under the guidance of famous athletes. i would like to note that all activities and excursions at the exhibition are absolutely free. and the figure of the day: 40 couples from all over the country got married at the country's main exhibition since its opening. the wedding ceremony in the customs of russian regions has already become good tradition at vdnh. kamilla valieva's four-year disqualification and deprivation of gold in the team tournament gave rise to a new controversy. the russian olympic committee did not agree with the decision of the international union of speed ​​skating riders and is preparing an appeal. details
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of this high-profile case are in the material of danila makhalin. taking into account all the decisions in international sports that have been politicized in recent years, such a long disqualification. year struck many lawyers. the pressure of sports arbitration in a case involving a minor figure skater is obvious, as and wada’s reaction is on par with the american anti-doping committee, which... welcomed such a court decision, it is not surprising, because now the gold goes to the team from the united states, we do not agree with these decisions, neither with the court decision, nor with the decision of the federation, we do not agree with them we accept , at the same time we believe that, of course , we need to continue to work with all the relevant structures, if there is at least some opportunity to challenge and to continue to protect the rights of our athletes, mobilize to the end, we are with you upon returning from china with
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at the olympics, these athletes were honored as olympic champions; we are convinced that for us they will always remain olympic champions, no matter what decisions are made in this regard, even unfair ones. the russian olympic committee stated that, in fact, war has been declared on our sport, and this decision to redistribute the final places of the beijing team tournament will definitely be appealed. we proceed from the fact that, in accordance with the current applicable rules of the international skating union, the consequences of the decision on sanctions in relation to of an individual athlete, in this case kamilla valieva, cannot be grounds for reviewing the results of a team tournament. our legal position is based, among other things, on existing precedents in the practice of the court of arbitration for sports. according to one version , ill-fated.
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this is a protected athlete, this is a child, in such a situation, in accordance with the world anti-doping code, the maximum possible disqualification is in extreme circumstances, when doping was intentionally used, and up to 2 years. in the individual competition of the beijing at the olympics, camilla took only fourth place, unable to cope with the excitement in the free program. later, at the russian starts, valieva beat that difficult situation on the ice, covering her head.
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the points that valieva earned by winning the short free program were subtracted from the result of the russian team, but one point was not added to the rest of the women's single skating medalists, so russia remained in third position, ahead of canada by one point. however, the prescribed algorithm for such there is no situation in the rules, so the canadian team, which will probably want to file a protest, wanting to take third place after the next... revision, can in turn take advantage of such a loophole in the regulations. daniil makalin, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. and here are other cases from the practice
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of athletes when prohibited substances were found in their bodies, but the consequences were much milder than for seventeen-year-old valeeva. for example, in 2018, the american swimmer medicine cook was caught with termitosidine. at first they wanted her assign 4 years of disqualification, but then they decided that this was too much, 2 years would be enough... after a while they settled on six months, just recently in the summer of 2023, five prohibited substances were found in the body of the jamaican swimmer mackenzie hadley, but an independent anti-doping commission jamaica decided that the swimmer would not serve a disqualification, but would only be given a reprimand, why is such kindness unclear? you can ruin an athlete, ruin his career, just like how americans are now behaving towards russia, yes, a very two-faced law,
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it justifies someone quite calmly, there is this two-time olympic champion, an american who is full of doping, became an olympic champion twice because he was given such terms, just such that he had time to leave on time and winning the olympics, the main standards, that’s all, that ’s certainly not all the cases; several athletes from france, for example, managed to convince the anti-doping commission that traces of cocaine were found in their bodies - this was the result of a kiss with a girl. explanations this kind of thing was enough for tennis player richard gasquet to get away with it. he was suspended. competitions only during the trial, british boxer tyson fury was charged with using the anabulic steroid nandral in june 2016. the heavyweight explained the presence of the prohibited substance by saying that together with his cousin, boxer hyuga, once a week they dined on the carcass of a whole boar and supposedly the steroids could have been in
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the animal’s food, which is how they got into the athlete’s body. british antido. now news economics briefly: the profit of russian banks this year will exceed 2.5 trillion rubles, this was stated by the director of the department of banking regulation of the central bank, alexander danilov. earlier , the central bank stated that at the end of the twenty- third year, the net profit of banks in russia became a record and amounted to 3.300 billion rubles. danilov also noted that banks. a sufficient capital reserve for a comfortable exit from the easing; as for mortgage lending, according to the central bank’s forecast, this year the growth rate of mortgages will decrease significantly. international currency the fund has revised its forecast for the russian economy. the country's gdp is expected to increase by more than 2.5% this year and more next year. this is stated in the imf report.
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the forecast for china's economic development has also been improved; gdp growth is expected here. amount to 4.6%. at the same time, the forecast for the eurozone countries, on the contrary, worsened due to the weak indicators of last year. expected growth is less than 1%. and today eurostat published data on european economic growth. in the fourth quarter, eu gdp showed zero growth, which slowed down the eurozone mainly thus, the german economy shrank by 3%. the gdp of other countries either stagnated or grew slightly. at the end of the year, the euro zone. added only half a percent of gdp, for example, the russian economy grew by 3.5% during the same time, and the chinese economy added more than five percent. and russia has become the largest exporter of diesel fuel to brazil. the country purchased more than 6 million tons for $4.5 billion, the financial times writes about this. in terms of supply volumes, russia has surpassed the former leader of the united states. the publication notes that
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a sharp increase in diesel purchases helped contain the rise in consumer prices in the country. it was economic news, briefly. now about the combat work of russian units in the ugledar area. the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces on this section of the front are literally scorching our sun. eduard punigov saw how the flamethrower system works. when ready, one fire at once. the solspin heavy flamethrower system is one of the most formidable weapons. of the twenty-ninth army of the vostok group, this installation is on duty not far from coal, in one salvo it destroys entire enemy units, burns out any strong points. the crew had just returned from the battlefield to reload the gun. the car heads towards the forest belt, where the base camp is located. soltsepog is a heavy flamethrower system, which
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is designed to destroy enemy defensive structures; it is impossible to escape from its attacks in any way. the installation operates over a relatively short distance, approximately 5 km. the success of any operation largely depends on the driver's mechanic. his task is to get to the position as quickly as possible, and after firing immediately move the car away so that it is not attacked by kamikaza drones. everything is very good, the cross-country ability is also good, sometimes it’s possible somewhere in the mud.
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you will live normally in the back. the flamethrower system carries 24 charges, and does not fly out in just 6 seconds. since samtsepeks work in close proximity to. lines of combat contact, of course, they are a priority target for the ukrainian armed forces. for example, a mortar shell recently exploded next to this vehicle, shrapnel cutting the entire left
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side. fortunately, serious technology she did not receive any damage, she was quickly repaired and returned to service again. sunshine never goes to the battlefield alone; he is always accompanied by a fire support group. that is, our cover squad, they move first to the firing position, and then we follow them. that's it, we had a task, we were working on the task. it turns out that he took three drones from us, it turns out, but it happened, yes, yes, it happened, three drones were removed, then they left for us, the drone was flying and he also took it off. the crews are on duty around the clock, the crew is recharging the installation is sent into battle again. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the weapons that the united states and its allies supplied to the kiev regime have already been discovered in finland, sweden, denmark, and the netherlands. as well as in the gas sector, sergei lavrov stated. the head of russian diplomacy today met in moscow with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions, and then held negotiations with his counterpart from
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the gambia. more details from elizaveta khramtsova. equal dialogue is based on which security should be built not only in a particular region, but throughout the world. russian diplomats spoke about this on tuesday at meetings with colleagues from different parts of the world. this is exactly what an equal dialogue should become.
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you, the united states, managed to create a camp of 54 states that are arming kiev only to try to weaken our country; sponsors and warmongers turn a blind eye to the fact that weapons end up on the black market. weapons that the west is inserting into the ukrainian regime were discovered not only in conflict zones in the middle east, but illegal parties have already been recorded in finland. sweden, denmark, the netherlands, weapons were discovered in the gas sector that were transferred to ukraine. western countries continue
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to promote it, despite the fact that it was clear to everyone in advance that it is unrealizable, but , to quote sergei lavrov, the frenzy with which the anglo-saxons defend this initiative only indicates that the west wrote this formula, end of quote. countries that want to determine their own future continue to strengthen integration. one of the leading formats of international brix cooperation in the association, this year russia chairs,
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the first meeting of trusted representatives of the heads of state belonging to the group was held in moscow. the topics chosen were economic interaction. they are knocking on the door - said sherpa south africa, about the desire of the countries of the global north to cooperate with brix. representatives of china and iran spoke in favor of an early transition to mutual settlements in national currencies. however, the idea of ​​leaving. china is considering launching a brix center for the development of artificial intelligence. the widest range of issues in will be discussed in moscow over the course of several days,
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and will discuss the topics raised in more detail in june. level of foreign ministers , this event will be hosted by nizhny novgorod. elsa khramtsova, news. well, now the story is shocking, but this is our reality. for the first time in history , an operation was performed to implant a neurochip into a person’s brain. elon musk's company reported that the test subject was feeling well. the researchers promised that the implanted device would allow one to control a smartphone and computer with the power of thought. and later.
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experiments with an attempt to remotely control objects by transmitting brain impulses have been carried out for more than 20 years, but previously this used bundles of wires, and the electrodes could only read a limited number. impulses, and the test subjects could perform a limited number of operations, controlling either a cursor on a computer screen or a robotic arm. the current implant is a small tablet that is implanted into the premotor area of ​​the cerebral cortex, using a specially designed surgical robot. the prototype was filled with 1024 electrodes; the latest version, according to experts, has tens of thousands. before the mask
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, no more than 200 were implanted into the brains of animals or people . the implantation company has already attracted $286 million in sponsorship money, and the number of operations is planned to increase exponentially, while it is planned to conclude a research agreement with each operated person for 6 years, but experts are convinced , the main thing is not the number of people with neurochips in their heads, but the promotion on the way to unraveling the mysteries of the brain. there will be these tens of thousands of streams
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of nerve impulses deciphering... the system, but whether this decoding system will be able to cope with understanding what is happening in the brain, there are strong doubts here, because so far there has been no data from either ivan musk, nor from other researchers regarding the solution to the brain’s pods, so the full implementation of plots from science fiction books is not months and even years or decades away. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important to be honest and convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer.
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kids, this is your work. open the laptop. i'll tell you a secret. there are resources about elections on the internet. the site opened immediately with information about: data on candidates, elections, places and dates, results of voting by election campaigns. wow, how technological everything is. you can see for yourself by looking on the internet at the chikrf portal that choosing in the country is free, important, and fair. and... conveniently, the production volumes of air defense missiles have been more than doubled, the head of the ministry of defense announced this. today sergei shaigu inspected the production of caliber missiles, cruise missiles for iskanders, and s-300 charging installations at the enterprises of the almaste concern in yekaterinburg. the first batch of weapons is already being assembled as part of the new state defense order. read more stanislav
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