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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. well, right now on the russia-24 channel the main facts of this day are again: the volume of production of missiles for pvu has been increased more than twice, the head of the ministry of defense announced this. today sergei shaigu inspected the production of caliber missiles, iskander cruise missiles and s-300 launch-loading systems at the enterprises of the almastey concern in yekaterinburg. the first batch of weapons is already being assembled as part of the new state defense order. read more stanislav vasilchenko. calibers will be doubled
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more: enterprises carrying out state defense orders work around the clock, production capacities have been expanded. the assembly of cruise missiles is proceeding ahead of schedule, as farid abdorakhmanov, general director of the experimental design bureau novator, reported to minister of defense sergei shaig. how much is the increase for this year? and this year, 17% has already been done. well, that is, we have doubled in caliber. the same applies to the production of cruise missiles of the iskander operational-tactical complex. with inspection sergei shaigu visited kalinin machine-building plant, the company assembles launchers and launchers for the s-300v and buk air defense systems. general director of the plant nikolai klein also reported on the advanced rates of the enterprise. last year we shipped the program or last year we shipped the new one ahead of schedule. upon completion of work at the enterprises of the almastey concern, the minister of defense held meetings with their leaders and representatives of military command and control bodies. also concerns
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the missiles we need along the air defense line, where we have an increase more than twice and - i hope that this year the program will be completed in full, plus we are modernizing missiles, and this should give a significant increase to what we have today, while the head of the military department noted that some issues still need to be worked on... first of all, we are talking about the production of engines and launchers. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. russian air defense systems shot down 86 ukrainian drones over the past 24 hours, the ministry of defense reported. and also 12 projectiles from the hurricane and khaimars multiple launch rocket systems were intercepted. and according to the military department, our military destroyed the fuel depot of the ukrainian armed forces. we’ll find out the details right now from denis alekseev, he’s joining the fact
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live. denis, greetings, well, is the air raid warning on the territory of ukraine again a specific target? yes, greetings, it was announced during the day and not the first one in a day. at night , russian komikat drones attacked a fuel storage facility in the city of zmeyev. of course, it’s impossible to put this out right away, especially since our military knows where to hit, they had a decent amount of fuel in the tank for military equipment in the ssu. we must remind you that kupinsky is nearby. front and diesel fuel is intended for ukrainian mechanized brigades involved in this direction. the zmeyovo storage facility is at least the fourth such facility to be liquidated in a short period of time. the day before it arrived, for example, at the kremenchug oil refinery. strikes at fuel storage sites are a special combat tactic; landings near a rear facility of this purpose knocks out ukroboievikov from skole. plans are ruined. one accurate hit can leave several ukrainian armed forces units on the front line. without
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the opportunity to refuel equipment for 2-3 days, and our military skillfully takes advantage of this, the destruction of fuel and lubricants reserves makes the armed forces of ukraine less mobile. in the kupyansk direction , units of the west group of troops, with active actions and artillery fire , repelled three attacks by assault groups of the thirtieth, thirty-second, forty-fourth mechanized brigades in the area of ​​​​the village of sinkovka. the enemy lost over 140 military cases, two armored combat vehicles, two cars. south donetsk front, where our marines stormed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. these shots, at first glance, are nothing special: fog, a wasteland, a forest belt, but this is the specificity of the task, sometimes the battles go on for meters. the capture of this stronghold, for example, allowed the russian group to improve its position and gain a foothold at the prevailing height. which day , the kiev regime suffered serious losses in the donetsk direction, destroyed in a day before...
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ukrainian militants no longer feel the same freely, here is footage also from the donetsk direction near artyomovsk , our loitering ammunition is flying at ukrainian armor to kill, here too, to kill, only from a gun at a ukrainian drone. recently, this method of eliminating drones has shown itself to be very effective, and it infuriates the ukrainian command, they say you can’t get enough drones. so, from yesterday. the geography of losses in technology is impressive; everything that the west supplies to kiev is being methodically
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eliminated. we can't say it’s certain that zelensky’s partners know about the ukrainian armed forces’ losses. obviously, the numbers are underestimated, but nato clearly notices. colossal sums are spent; in order to somehow justify such expenses, it is necessary to select wording. during his visit to the united states, the secretary general narachito emphasized that all this is not charity, but an investment in the security of the alliance, that is, again the fate of the independent people is of least interest. well, in ukraine they are again talking about the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the day before in supreme. they stated that valery zaluzhny had already been removed from his post, then the media disseminated information that a decree had already been signed, instead of zaluzhny he would appoint the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, kiril budanov. stanislav bernwalt understood the situation. to fire or not to fire, that is the question.
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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, his further fate, is the main topic of ukrainian news. while people are wondering online, a funny video has appeared, which is quite possibly a deepfake, but...
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the day before i met in person with zaluzhny and invited him to resign of his own free will, but he resolutely refused. according to another version, zelensky offered the commander-in-chief to become an ambassador to one of the european countries, but he allegedly also resolutely refused the commander-in-chief. and instead of news about the resignation, he posted on his page on one of the social networks a joint photo with the head of the general staff of ukraine, in which they, as if, well, were twin brothers, both clean-shaven, dressed in identical military- style sweatshirts. large. ukrainian politicians, for example, such as ex-president square poroshenko, it seems, also does not quite understand what is happening, the resignation of zaluzhny is a shot in the top ten for national unity, the best thing that can be done is to immediately refute the rumors, do not sign the decree if there is a project, do not make it public, tear it up
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if it is signed. the british weekly conservative magazine "spectator" is published under a loud headline: panic began in kiev due to the message about zaluzhny's resignation, with reference to a high-ranking... european official, whose name is not named, the result is panic not only in kyiv, but in europe. panic arises if this really happens, because this means that zelensky has really lost his mind and decided to play an independent game, without coordination with his western partners. in this case, there is a very high probability that zelensky will die or disappear. another will appear in his place, because the main requirement that the anglo-saxons demand from their puppets is that they very clearly carry out their orders and commands, and categorically do not do what they are supposed to do forbidden. meanwhile, verkhovna rada deputy maryana bezuglaya, who was traditionally
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used by the president’s office in case of need for sharp criticism of the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, accused the commander-in-chief of excessive love of alcohol, saying that he drinks, like all his generals, without a leader, in general... they are preparing for new ones tranches of military assistance for ukraine , this should be announced, as the western media write, at the upcoming eu summit, and for those who do not agree, it is slovakia and hungary who threaten with economic restrictions, which kiev is ready to do for the sake of new funds, our correspondent anna voronina knows. there was a country, it became a private military company, now ukraine in the west is perceived as nothing other than an organization that supplies sponsors with personal data of citizens, along with their lives, that’s right. a journalist from the arabic publication al-mayadeen expressed his opinion, noting that in kiev, against the backdrop of the situation in the middle east,
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they are constantly thinking about what else can be sold to the west in return for maintaining support. in mid-january, the verkhovna rada approved a controversial law, according to which electronic registration of ukrainians subject to military service. personal data, phone numbers, email addresses, data on domestic trips abroad, financial expenses, medical records, knowledge of foreign languages, everything. and much more will be collected and transferred from ukrainian state registers without the consent of ukrainian citizens and stored on servers in nato countries. at the same time, kiev also concluded an agreement with london that in the event of an attack on britain, ukraine would defend the kingdom. apparently, the political elite of europe nevertheless decided to start a psychological preparing the population for prolongation of the conflict and further intimidation of citizens with an attack from the terrible dangerous russia and february.
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negotiation process in europe, even thinking about a peaceful solution or beginning is a sin. in brussels they call this a temptation, despite all ukraine’s losses. we hear again that ukraine will not be able to win and that there will be no western support. once again , the temptations of reconciliation surface. these ideas were wrong in 2022 and remain wrong. today, we must not allow they should shape our policy towards ukraine. at the eu summit, eu leaders
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are already preparing to announce a new commitment to continue to provide timely military support to ukraine. those who do not agree with this position, such as slovakia and hungary, are accused of illiberal behavior and are blocked from accessing european financial resources. we do not need arms supplies, not military psychosis, but a truce and peace negotiations. that is why we do not consider it a good offer to... a noose draped around the neck, as the turkish people write the media, calling liquefied natural gas that way,
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washington literally imposed it on europe along with anti-russian sanctions. anna voronina, matvey popov, news! two big hits at a bargain price, only delicious, period. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let’s dance and dance together, everyone will sing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo, and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and caring people. i pay for techno. cyberweek at the megamarket. buy thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. formula adaptek engine oil taka. maria
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recruitment was announced in moscow today, and vladimir putin met with the head today. wounds gennady krasnikov discussed the main directions of the international work of the academy, which, by the way, is preparing to celebrate its 300th anniversary this year. about the main topics of this meeting anastasia efimova. according to the principle , it was, it became, the presentation with which the president of the russian academy of sciences came to the meeting with the head of state is essentially an opportunity to visually compare what tasks the ras faced a year ago and what results have been achieved to date. however, gennady krasnikov started the conversation with another topics. we were deeply pleased with your decision to nominate your candidacy for the post of president, and we have been expecting this for a long time. i would like to note that the russian academy supports this and asks you to also consider it among your team. thank you very much, thank you. support is the hope of the state,
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this is how gennady krasnikov sees the key role of the structure he heads. and the russian academy of sciences today works closely with all branches of government, conducts examinations of government assignments and high-tech projects, in including quantum technologies, artificial intelligence, mobile communication systems, and this is critically important. on the one hand, the ras, as the country's largest center for fundamental research, has all the necessary competencies for such work; on the other hand, it sees its task as bringing theory and practice closer together.
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of course, but the academy of sciences has stepped further: into schools, 108 basic schools operate in 32 regions and educate 2,500 children. today this is the fact that very few people have begun to take the unified state exam in physics, this is a separate conversation, we are trying this topic, let’s say, is very much
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studied today, the second point, of course, we would also like to raise the question in this regard, until the year 1918, the academy of sciences had an examination of textbooks, school textbooks, we believe that we need to return the examination to us again, schoolboy.
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the average level of achievement of goals for national projects is close to 100%, prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at the strategic session of the government. my colleague konstantin chyuryukov will talk about the indicators announced by the prime minister. the implementation of national projects is on schedule, plans national development goals have been fully implemented. mikhail mishustin announced this at the strategic session of the government. everything that is planned is carried out. the average level of achievement of current tasks is close to 100%. there are significant results in all areas that these projects cover, and if
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we talk about national goals, then the plans for last year were fully implemented. this was achieved through the implementation of government programs, strategic initiatives, and operational actions of federal executive authorities and the government as a whole. the prime minister spoke about the specific results of work in each area. the most important thing we have is health, which is probably why mikhail mishustin started with medicine. during the year , 900 medical institutions were built or reconstructed in the country, and another 400 were repaired. as for another socially significant issue, housing, more than 110 million square meters of housing were built last year. the prime minister emphasized that this is already 90% of the plan for 2030. last year more than 110 were introduced million is 90% of the plan for 2030, a record figure in the entire history of the russian federation, both for apartment buildings and
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individual buildings. the living conditions of 4,300 families have improved. about 800 thousand parents with children have already received mortgage loans at a rate of 6% per annum, more than half of them last year, which confirms the demand. the development of such a huge country as ours is impossible without transport accessibility, separately mikhail mishusin spoke about the implementation of the national project for safe, high-quality roads, there is also concrete results. transport accessibility is being increased under the national project for safe, high-quality roads. in total, over 31.00 km of trails have been laid throughout the country. the implementation of a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure also continues. the total passenger flow through the central transport hub from the twentieth to the twenty-third amounted to 2.7 billion people. speaking about the preliminary results
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of the year, the prime minister cited gdp indicators. if the economy as a whole grew by 3.5%, then the service sector has everything chances of rising to four. the final calculations are still ongoing. but if we compare these figures with the january review of the world bank, then this is significantly higher than the world average, the prime minister emphasized. for comparison, in europe, which constantly imposes sanctions against us, growth is generally around zero. well, as for our country, economic development was ensured by growing demand. this dynamics of russian gdp is associated primarily with an increase in domestic consumer and investment demand, including due to the implementation of national projects. last year, for example, more than consolidated financial support was provided to small medium-sized businesses. structures,
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improving the well-being of citizens, supporting families, as the prime minister said, for the sake of these national priorities, it is necessary to maintain the momentum and do everything to ensure that the planned indicators are achieved this year. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. for all the time of the forum. over 450,000 citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20 , the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on ideia.rf. my dad and i went here as children, and they also
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lie like this. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important , it is honestly convenient, how to vote if you are sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, she is looking for something on her phone, here is the number of the election commission, i will vote at home. adult citizens of the country are given all the opportunities, even those who are without movement are offered a decision, call the elections home, take a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, formalizes them in advance with the departure of voting, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choose in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, in
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moscow today they announced... the recruitment of election observers, they will monitor the progress of voting and the counting of results. the chairman of the public headquarters for monitoring the elections in moscow in 2024, vadim kovalev, invited all muscovites who wanted to take part in the observation. another important news on the election agenda is that the chairman of the russian all-people's union party, sergei baburin, after submitting signatures to the central election commission, refused further participation in pre-election race for the presidency. boburin called on the russians. unite around putin's candidacy. to date , the central election commission has registered four candidates. this is leonid slutsky - ldpr, nikolai kharitonov - communist party of the russian federation, vladislav davankov - new people party and vladimir putin - self-nominated. on january 28 , the leader of the russian communists, sergei molinkovich, submitted signatures in his support to the central election commission. they are currently at the verification stage. yes.


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