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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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2023 and almost immediately began ordering for 2024, despite the fact that the year has just started, the company has an ambitious task - to produce the required amount of equipment as early as possible without compromising quality. kirill bortnikov, maksata pargeldiev, dmitry komov lengalyaeva, aksana serzhantova, lead yekaterinburg. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. the pentagon is thinking about creating super-soldiers, what kind of genomic surveillance recommends introducing into the american army, and what does elon musk’s neurochips have to do with it?
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hello, i am boris sakinov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. "investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , here's how to achieve what you want achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off and went"? is
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russia ready to change ? is evolution happening in any structure? we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration : a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world festival of youth. let's start the future together. find out more at fest favorite chmona. manager of the universe screwov. maria the mistress. either olya, or vera. sanya. sanya , return the mower. vika woolen. it doesn’t matter to whom you transfer or
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pay, it is important that there are no commissions or restrictions. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. five actions of oralcept for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years of age. taste has a name. sasha, polya, max, at the table. shebekinsky.
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enterprises by decision of the president. our job is to support yours. 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household appliance product. built-in dishwasher hr only for. 20 thousand rubles in vidio and eldorado, touch the krok star burger king, taste it on fire, maybe soseson. anywhere dad is staring at the appetite, only dad will tame it, dad, a monster appetite, a snack won’t hurt, if time has an appetite, sausages will help, this night our friend has already had to
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get up several times to admire the stars, my friend, if more than twice you get up at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. ukraine's accession to the european union would be devastating for the european economy. forecast from the prime minister of hungary, who in an interview with french media called on the european commission not to represent the interests of kiev. viktor orban noted that the eu is becoming less and less like a community of sovereign states. and now european officials.
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and valery zaluzhny appeared in public together for the first time in a long time, and in the evening in rumors spread online that the president fired the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. the rumors that zelensky fired commander-in-chief zaluzhny were believed almost immediately, since the information began to be circulated not by just anyone, but by deputies of the verkhovna rada, the current goncharenko, the former pereza, quite respectable journalists, for example, a correspondent of an influential american journalist. this evening zaluzhny and zelensky met with... close to zaluzhny, as well as other high-ranking sources in the government, informed me that in their opinion the dismissal would happen this evening. ukrainian publications referred to their inside information in the office of the president of the headquarters, where their questions were answered. did vladimir zelensky meet with valery zaluzhny today? yes, i met
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in person. did zelensky offer zaluzhny to leave the post of head of the armed forces of ukraine? yes, there was such a proposal. zaluzhny allegedly refused to write a report at a meeting with zelensky and at the same time refused any significant position. they allegedly did not offer him a replacement. in the evening, in response to the news about himself, zaluzhny posted a selfie with chief of the general staff shaptala. former president poroshenko, while in brussels, began hysterically persuading zelensky not to fire zaluzhny, saying that this would be a shot at national unity. finally, denials poured in from zelensky’s office at the ukrainian ministry of defense, leaving ukrainians wondering what had happened again. listen, yesterday it was just some kind of armageddon that was information, just armageddon, it was zaluzhny and... rumors about zaluzhny’s resignation have been circulating for a long time and of course not out of nowhere, there is a conflict with zelensky began with disagreements about the further course of the war, zaluzhny said that the situation was a stalemate, zelensky denied him. then the president blamed the whole burden
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of the disgustingly organized mobilization on the commander-in-chief , saying that this was all the idea of ​​the military, and he allegedly liked to see how people were twisting their arms and dragging the military registration and enlistment offices, already in the church.
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of course, there will be a reckoning at some point , maybe even during the war, certainly after the war, due to the fact that he was not able to prepare for it enough, but zelensky would have had to end the war long ago if there weren’t those behind him who didn’t need it to... end. to further ensure ukraine's success and russia's strategic defeat,
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it is vital that congress approve president biden's request for additional funding. without this request, we will send a strong and incorrect signal to all our adversaries that we are not serious about defending freedom, defending democracy. the main horror story for democratic voters and european liberals - donald trump, who may return to the white house. the czech president says that in this case, washington and moscow. recession at the end of the twenty-third year, reports bloomberg, and then at the expense of the countries of southern
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europe, which showed small, less than a percent, gdp growth. in europe we are increasingly suffering from poor economic performance, this money would be very useful to the european peoples, the french, the germans, the hungarians, the poles. budapest and orban are under enormous pressure from the eu, but not yet bend. if hungary does not lift the veto to help ukraine, the eu will unleash an economic war. against one of its members, and this is already a precedent, after which each participating country will have to wonder whether it will face something similar if it dares to express disagreement. evgeniyv and maxim shchepilov, lead. received an implant and is recovering well. elon musk's report about the first person in the brain who had a wireless neural chip implanted into his brain. the device, as previously announced by the american billionaire’s company, will allow you to control gadgets by the power of thought. the initial results of the experiment are said to be promising. the implant reads neural impulses. therefore
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, musk himself does not hesitate to post memes about how he feels like such an all-powerful superhero. well, his american subscribers sarcastically thank president biden for voluntarily agreeing to become the first person with a chip in his head. but , jokes aside, a similar scenario for the development of events has already been described by american military futurists. corporation. which is sponsored by the pentagon, released a study on how modern technologies will affect future military conflicts, the title of the report is intriguing: plague, cyborgs and super-soldiers, well, what is humanity actually preparing for, studied by vadim zavodchenkov, who is unexpectedly in kosovorodka today, vadim, hello, well, you need to understand, good scenarios not envisaged, yes, alexey, in these scenarios america is no longer a world leader, so the future seems... very gloomy. spies with cameras in their eyes, mind-altering chips and controlled biopathogens.
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an american corporation, closely tied to the us department of defense, has indulged in science fiction. at the request of the pentagon , a series of short stories about warriors of the future was written. in one, high-ranking politicians with dementia sew surprise chips into their heads and lead america. international isolation, another tale of a pandemic that devastated western economies while china and russia remained untouched as they dastardly developed a vaccine for the disease. a total of six scenarios , two each about a new super-disease, the introduction of neurochips and genetic improvements. after each novel has an analytical postscript on what to do so that only washington benefits from such a future. in the short term, the department of defense should develop clear guidelines for the introduction
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of military biotechnologies similar to those in the field of information and cyber security. other countries, mainly russia and china, are using technologies against the united states, but have we deployed hundreds of biological laboratories around the world? american companies are testing neurochips on people right now. and let elon musk says as much as he wants that his technology is peaceful, he said the same about starling, you just need to slightly modify the neural interface, now it already helps a soldier aim a weapon at the enemy, or with the power of thought control combat systems at a distance? the same, for example, neurolink, integrated
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into fighters of one unit will allow them to exchange information with each other there at a certain... state, using each other, for example, as transmitters, and does not use voices for this, after they receive the exchange of information inside units, i think they will get access to the same starlink, but what is access to a starlink, and this is the opportunity for each specific fighter to receive all the intelligence information, receive orders from the command, how close the pentagon is now to fantasies and classification is difficult to say. from what is known, the most cyberpunk thing is the augmented reality glasses with which the american military trains. ideally, they should give fighters comprehensive information about the battlefield, but so far they only bring pain. according to employees pentagon, the glasses do not give the soldiers any advantages; they begin to shoot worse,
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and the soldiers also feel dizzy and feel pain. such washington cyborgs are, at best, fighting robots with artificial intelligence, the machine itself chooses whom to kill, an extremely dubious undertaking from an ethical point of view. similar systems are already equipped with american artificial intelligence; israel is already using these drones during its terrible police operation in the gas strip. intelligence built by american a californian company, which, by the way, was created by a former marine. but let’s return to the report, a lot of it is devoted to military-biological programs, the authors transparently hint that it would be a good idea to recruit military personnel for different types of troops based on genome analysis, in the more distant future genes will need to be edited so that the soldier does not get tired, does not sleep, i’ve never been sick,
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zaldatin is sure, in other words, here in reality. you know, it leads us to the origins of nazism, hitlerism and fascism, it all really goes there, now the anglo-saxons, who are their time, in fact, they sponsored hitler and created nazism, so that it would be plowed with some kind of eugenics, that’s all, to use against the soviet union and other countries, they are now starting to indulge again in this very eugenics, trying to breed these super-soldiers, biorobots, universal soldiers . terminators and so on, and the conclusion in the document is sad for the target audience, america is no longer a monopolist in terms of advanced military technologies, and in order to regain the status of hegemon, you will have to try very hard, but this the script looks, perhaps, the most fantastic of all. vadim zavochenkov, it’s dangerously far away.
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we'll be back after a short commercial, here. we will tell you, without windows, without doors in the deportation center of thailand, the musicians barely remain in the kingdom, and the lead singer of the group, a foreign agent, is already flying to israel, and why not to russia? favorite schmona, manager of the universe of screws. maria is the owner, either olya or vera, sanya, sanya, return the mower, vika sherstenika, no matter who you transfer or pay to. it is important that there are no commissions or restrictions. alfabank is the first in russia canceled commissions for all transfers of payments. order your free alpha debit card. not
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deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. they are called dissidents and critics of the svo. then they are afraid of possible persecution for returning home, this is exactly how western publications reacted to the event in thailand, whose authorities are now deciding what to do with the members of the bi2 group detained in the country; they were arrested by the local police for coming to work without the necessary permission and correctly issued visas, so immediately after the concerts, we got acquainted with the camera of the migration center, but however, the very fact of violation of thai legislation does not concern the group’s defenders much, western ngos, well, like human rights watch, which is closed in russia. is more worried about the investigations in the form of possible deportation of detainees to moscow, and judging by the number of panicked headlines in the foreign press mentioning some anti-war position of the group,
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maximum pressure will be put on bangkok to punish those who once publicly refused to support their country, well what in fact, they are afraid, thought anastasia ivanova, i greet you, well, they are worried that they will have to answer for their words. hello alexey, well, apparently this is the case, since the agent lev turned him back, or rather to israel. they sang about breaking the law, the lyrics had nothing to do with it, and the local huket club didn’t bother the police until it turned out that the bidva group was performing there illegally, foreign agent leva, aka yegor bortnik, claimed that he arrived on an israeli passport, so footage has already appeared of how he was waiting for a flight to airport in thailand, as it is not difficult to guess in israel, the rest of the musicians, apparently, will somehow manage on their own, because they refused the help of the russian consulate in thailand. until noon on january 30 , the embassy had not received any appeal from either the group members or the thai authorities. after receiving the appropriate official notification about the presence
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of foreigners in the detention center. russian citizens from the group were visited by employees of the consular department of the embassy as part of measures to provide consular assistance, but the artists did not meet with them they refused, that’s why they are sitting in the temporary detention center for foreigners in bangkok, the conditions there are not perfect, but there is no one to blame for this, not the legislation of the thai police, but the long hand of the kremlin, says foreign agent mikhail kozyrev, who is also a friend of bi2, the organizer. concert, when he was allowed to join the guys, they had no contact, their phones were taken away, then he saw just a group - a dump of naked bodies in shorts, because it was impossible there, all the clothes were wet , there was no shadow, which means - in general, with all the violations procedural, which could only be, from the fact that they were not provided with a translation of what was happening in court, to such conditions of detention, it becomes generally
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clear that... the management of this process comes from, specifically from moscow, that i have an order. the official bi2 group also cited conspiracy theories that after the visit of representatives of the russian embassy to the migration center, israel allegedly refused to take its citizens, but for some reason foreign agent bortnik still ended up at the airport. but the group's managers at least admitted that the musicians were detained legally, saying there was an error when preparing documents for the performance. which one was not specified? if it turns out that, yes, there were certain violations, it means that when processing documents, well, this is still a violation of the law, so most likely a decision will be made on deportation, no matter what. another question is that if there is another citizenship, then in general, it is not a fact that they will be deported to russia if the person does not want it. it is clear that
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foreign agent bortnik did not want to go to russia the internet remembers very well how he cursed and humiliated the russians, wrote that russia, in principle, quote, is evil, but moreover, he claimed that he sponsored the armed forces of ukraine, bought equipment, at least, maybe that’s why now he’s simply afraid to return if it’s proven that these are not just words, not just bragging, not just another pr or misrepresentation, that he really transferred this money, and this is not difficult to prove, because financial times... are rare and special services work and i am sure they will be able to prove this , in this case the composition high treason, well, it will be obvious , as if until the decision is made to deport the rest of the group members, be on duty as a musician at the migration center, because in thailand they are quite strict about those who work with violations, without work visas, for example, no proceedings immediately from the kingdom, there are many such russians, this is
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numerous... coaches offer to merge with the universe, and manicurists offer services in all areas of thailand, dozens of russian-speaking instructors in yoga and spiritual practices, a complete russian village, why isn’t the law written for them? it should be understood that bidva is a famous group that performs and attracts attention, and the master who works, if he attracts the attention of five neighbors, that he does not sleep there at night, he has music playing around the clock, these...
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at the beginning of this hour message from the ministry of digital development, according to the department's information, the problem of accessing websites in the zone, which many faced this evening. russian internet user will be resolved soon, as stated, the cause of the failure was a technical fault, related to the global infrastructure integrity of data, now specialists are working to eliminate it, let me remind you that complaints about unstable network operation began to arrive at about 19 hours moscow time, the pages of domestic banks, popular marketplaces, mobile operators and so on were not opened, now their work is being restored, russian...


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