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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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anastasia ivanova and the path to israel. at the beginning of this section. message from the ministry of digital development, according to the department's information, the problem of accessing websites in the zone, which many russian internet users encountered this evening, will be resolved in the near future, as stated, the cause of the failure was a technical malfunction related to global infrastructural data integrity, and now specialists are working to eliminate it, let me remind you that complaints about the unstable operation of the network began to arrive at about 19:00 moscow time time, the pages of domestic banks, popular marketplaces, mobile operators and so on were not opened, but now their work... is being restored.
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russian science should be a support for the state ; government projects are already being successfully implemented in such industries as genetics, aircraft manufacturing or, for example, microelectronics. the head of the russian academy of sciences, gennady krasnikov, reported this to vladimir putin today at a working meeting in the kremlin. well, the president, among other things, drew attention to the international activities of the academy, which, despite to which it continues. key statements from anastasia efimova. state.
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“the russian academy supports this and asks you to also be considered in the ranks of our team, thank you very much, thank you, pillars of the hope of the state, this is how gennady krasnikov sees the key role of the structure he heads, and the russian academy of sciences today works closely with all branches of government, conducts examinations of government assignments and high-tech projects, including quantum technologies, artificial intelligence, mobile communication systems, and this critically.
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fundamental research has not been interrupted , for 50 years, so that over the course of decades , if successful, it is actively implemented in practice, it is important to ensure continuity of personnel, research graduate school goes without saying, but the academy of sciences has stepped further into schools, 108 basic schools of wounds, working in 32 regions and educate 25 thousand children. today is that...
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not only in some particular region, but throughout the world.
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russian diplomats spoke about this on tuesday at meetings with colleagues from different parts of the world. exactly equal dialogue should be the key to resolving problems in west africa, sergei lavrov emphasized at a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of the gambia. global stability is threatened by the ambitions of countries that still consider themselves hegemons, so the british press found evidence in the pentagon documents that washington may be preparing to deploy nuclear weapons in the united kingdom. russia takes these messages seriously. we consider all the nuclear weapons of this troika, the nato troika, as a single nuclear arsenal, and accordingly, we build our plans to ensure reliable security.
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representatives of china and iran spoke in favor of a speedy transition to mutual settlements in national currencies, however, the idea of ​​moving away from the dollar is close to all participants in the association. we will explore ways to more actively use national currencies, local currencies, and payment instruments in our cross-border transactions. understanding that the world is rapidly changing not only politically, but also economically. the brix state also pays attention to joint work in technology development. a new member of the group , the united arab emirates, is ready to share its experience of creating a digital economy with partners, and china is considering the possibility of launching a brix center for the development of artificial intelligence. the widest range of issues during. will be discussed in moscow for several days; in june , the topics voiced in more detail will be discussed at the level of foreign ministers. this event will be hosted by nizhny novgorod. elizaveta khramtsova, news. german farmers today blocked a motorway in the areas of stuttgart and
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hamburg. their italian colleagues made a forced march on tractors to milan, the belgians, well, apparently, frighten the country's political leadership so much that hedgehogs with barbed wire appeared in the center of brussels, which are supposed to restrain them.
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the reinforcements coming to paris from the south were stopped on the way by the armored cars of the gendarmerie, but the particularly cunning ones punched a hole in the fence and went around the police through the fields. logistics platforms near the city of nimes are blocked, and foreign trucks are being opened there to look for anything that is not french. president macron for the rebel france is still watching from the sidelines. today he is in sweden.
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the american press, citing sources in the pentagon, states that the united states is preparing a strike against iran as retaliation for the attack on an american military base in jordan. according to the politician, retaliatory measures should be expected in the next few days. our correspondent in washington dmitry melnikov is watching the news.
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this moment joe biden is talking about another crisis in texas. he has not yet made a public statement about his response to iran, but he posted a photo of himself on social networks in which he looks bad understanding what is happening. almost immediately , the iranian authorities announced that they had nothing to do with the attacks, but the pentagon raised the temperature and reported that the number of wounded servicemen had risen to 40 people. however, it turned out that the defense system of the american base in jordan confused the enemy drone with its own. we continue to investigate what happened and how the drone was able to hit the facility, but we
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know iran is behind it. one of the possible scenarios of retaliation, as the political publication writes, is us strikes on ships of the iranian naval forces, as well as on iranian formations in syria or iraq. information has emerged that air strikes may be carried out in the coming days. i think it's very important to note that now. let’s not forget how biden’s national security adviser, salevan, recently assured reporters that under the current administration, the middle east has become calmer than ever. meanwhile, it became known that the american outpost tower 22 was an auxiliary base for the ettanf garrison illegally located in syria, which was used by the united states for sabotage activities.
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white house press secretary karinzhan also does not understand why the american military is in this region.
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a us strike on iranian forces on land or at sea will give tehran a reason for an even tougher response, for example, the sinking of an american aircraft carrier will be an unbearable blow not only for the biden administration, but for the entire nation, no matter how hard internal propaganda tries, but everyone understands.
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received data from the city computer system if the neurolink story ends with something bad for humanity, but for example, if the earth is captured by cyborgs, then at least the point of no return can be restored to the minute. elon musk himself left a testimony on his own social network x. imagine if stephen hawking could communicate faster than a speedy typist or auctioneer, that
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’s the goal. astrophysicist stephen hawking has communicated with the world in recent years using... the patient is classified, the tangle of ethical issues in this case is as confusing as the safety issues of the implant. permission for the operation was received less than a year ago. the neurochip transmits brain signals via bluetooth and can be controlled using a computer or smartphone. the capsule is attached behind the ear, and thread-like electrodes go into the brain. four times
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thinner than a human hair. from a marketing point of view, pure futurism, but from a scientific point of view. in general, musk is not the first. in fact, what musk is doing is not something new, well, to understand, we are already implanting electrodes and stimulators into the brain to treat procension disease, epilepsy and other diseases. in addition, our domestic a scientist, for example, professor lebedev, who worked at duke university in the early 2000s, carried out similar studies on monkeys, he implanted the same ones. brain, by the way, at one of the first presentations, in my opinion, the very first presentation, lon musk begins his presentation by referring to an article in which professor lebedev is one of the authors. with a monkey.
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later, it turned out that as a result of the experiments, more than one and a half thousand animals were killed. the mask began to be accused of animal husbandry, but there are worse things in terms of global consequences. could you explain what a neurolink is and what its purpose is? we will insert a chip into your brain to control your mind. musk tried to be ironic, but to many of his 170 million subscribers, in the last 24 hours. somehow it became no laughing matter, they are assessing the scale of the disaster in order to understand whether it is difficult to be a god, there seems to be time, but this is if competitors from the company synchron and onward do not wait,
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and if everyone plays by the rules when someone is in the world of technology is working on something, people start to get nervous because their mantra usually sounds like, let's break everything now and fix it later, yes, and you wonder why you do certain things, is it because elon musk you...
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at first glance, not more than internet memes, but musk, if necessary, will adapt them to the case; the head of spacex and tesla have great plans for neurolink. with the help of neurochips , elon musk in the future wants not only to make life easier for those who cannot move independently, but also to treat diseases such as autism, depression, obesity, however, on a commercial basis. will rise no earlier than 2030. cyborgs, of course, are coming, but definitely not in this five-year period. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin, timofey mukhin and victor
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kazakov, lead the usa. mosfilm today celebrates its anniversary 100 years ago , the studio’s first feature film was released. then the circulation was only 20 copies, but today it is the largest film concern in russia and europe. in a congratulatory telegram, vladimir putin noted that... with wings, and that you clung to her, i became related to her, you don’t have the same, but without wings, in this small dress, the heroine of irina muravyovai met guests in the high
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-rise buildings on the uprising square, lay it out, lay it out, anton, the pioneers wore ties made of exactly this fabric, and costume designers could sew anything they wanted from any fabric, historical costumes often they were sewn from tapestry fabrics, this very fur coat from the royal shoulder, walled up. demons! the cult twenty-first volga witnessed one of the most poignant scenes. the sky is full of you! oh! and behind each object there are names inscribed not only in the century mass film, into the history of the country. in many ways , it was mass films that preserved the identity of our nation. you see, what we call today patriotism, education, all this was soviet cinema, masfilm was, of course, the main component
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of soviet cinema. collective farm workers became a symbol of mass film after the war. having first appeared in the film alexandrova spring, the film plant in the village of potylikha was then on the verge of great changes. after the implementation of pyryev’s plan for the construction of pavilions, tone studios and residential buildings around the massfilm began to bring foreign guests. they were surprised how a country that had just survived a terrible war managed to build a first-class film studio, the largest in europe, in such a short time.
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everything, but this is all creativity, my god, this is happiness. 80 years ago, esenstein brought konchalovsky to the massfilm site. i will be terrible. and now the director is again filming scenes from his new grandiose film about the russian revolution on masfilm. the present and future of the film studio - technological pavilions, for the first time, an open city near the cinema and concert hall, a century-old and a modernized mass film, of course, is no longer
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a factory, a concert. but invariably dreams. polina ermalaeva, elena fenoshina, mikhail artyukhin and sergey zanin, lead. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can. connect for a maximum of 399 rubles. and get superboxes by...
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