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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the russian army repulsed three attacks by assault groups in the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky direction, and only in krasnolimansky, in donetsk they took more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formation lost another 900 soldiers, mercenary officers, six tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 10 self-propelled guns and howitzers, including british polish production, shot down 86 combat drones and captured equipment. explosions, which
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look impressive even from a height of several kilometers, shake the positions of ukrainian militants from the southern group troops, break through the enemy's defenses. in those directions where the front went further under the control of the russian army, real fields of broken, abandoned enemy equipment were crossed, the same one with the help of which the crazed zelensky regime tried to break through our defenses in the summer. this dutch armored vehicle based on the american m-113 transporter was brought by motorized riflemen of the 200th brigade from the artyomovsky direction. she was thrown onto the battlefield. we saw that the car was in good condition, that is, repairable, and decided to evacuate. we approached the car in a repair recovery vehicle, hooked it up, pulled it out, and carried out minor repairs; in principle, the car is now in full combat readiness.
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the equipment is frankly outdated, and drivers are not delighted with the technical characteristics of the mechanics; in terms of cross-country ability, it is clearly worse, since the gooseneck is not intended for this type of soil; on asphalt, there are paving stones somewhere. maybe it will go well, but through black soil, through mud, well, it goes very poorly, a gun, a shot, a group of troops are advancing in their area of ​​responsibility and units center, the artillery in the krasnolimansky direction does not shut up, supporting assault groups in the most difficult battles. we are moving forward, naturally, everyone takes a huge part in making this movement forward, we support our neighbors, we interact with our neighbors, tankers and others... the kiev regime
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is constantly trying to regain lost positions, and here at the front we often hear from military personnel that the most difficult thing is not simply occupy an enemy stronghold and hold it. mikhail andronik, sergey aleseev, lead the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. in the west , they were perplexed by the behind-the-scenes games that zelensky staged to fire commander-in-chief zaluzhny. and why he didn’t bring the matter to the end - evgeniy reshitnev found out. needless to say, this is a top novelty. i must say that the top news , the top topic that is being most discussed now, is the potential dismissal of the commander-in-chief of our army, valery zaluzhny. in the morning, vladimir zelensky and valery zaluzhny appeared in public together for the first time in a long time, and in the evening rumors spread online that the president fired the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. rumors that zelensky fired commander-in-chief zaluzhny were believed almost immediately, as the information began to be circulated.
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yes, i met in person. did zelensky offer zaluzhny to leave the post of head of the armed forces of ukraine? yes, there was such a proposal. zaluzhny allegedly refused to write a report at a meeting with zelensky and was allegedly not offered any significant position in return. in the evening, in response to the news about himself, zaluzhny posted a selfie with chief of the general staff shaptala. former president poroshenko, while in brussels, began hysterically persuading zelensky not to fire zaluzhny, saying that this would be a shot in the top ten for national unity. finally,
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denials poured in from zelensky’s office at the ukrainian ministry of defense, leaving ukrainians wondering what had happened again. listen, yesterday it was just a kind of informational armageddon, just an informational armageddon. don't go wrong, don't go wrong, don't go wrong. rumors about zaluzhny’s resignation have been circulating for a long time, and of course, not out of nowhere, the conflict began with zelensky disagreements over the further course of the war. zaluzhny said that the situation was stalemate, zelensky denied him. then the president put the entire burden of the disgustingly organized mobilization on the commander-in-chief, saying that this was all the idea of ​​the military, and he allegedly liked to see how people were twisting their arms and dragging the military registration and enlistment offices, already in the church.
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the time of the war was definitely after the war, due to the fact that he was not able to sufficiently prepare for it, but zelensky would have had to end the war long ago if those who did not need it did not stand behind him, for it to end. to further ensure ukraine's success and russia's strategic defeat, it is vital that congress approve president biden's request for additional funding. without this request, we will give all our opponents a powerful, wrong signal that we are not...
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russian, reports financial times, not to mention how much all this will cost, the hungarian authorities continue to block the fifty billion tranche to ukraine. the european union barely escaped technical recession at the end of the twenty-third year, bloomberg reports, and then at the expense of the countries of southern europe, which showed small, less than a percent, gdp growth. in europe we are increasingly suffering from poor economic performance. this money would be very useful to the european peoples, the french. budapest and orban are under colossal pressure from the eu, but have not yet caved in; if hungary does not lift the veto to help ukraine, the eu will unleash an economic war against one of its members, and this is already a precedent, after which each participating country will have to
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to wonder if she would encounter something similar if she dared to express disagreement? evgeniyv and maxim shchepilov, news! russian transport security services will be able to destroy drones, this law was signed by vladimir putin. another law simplifies the registration of drugs for rare diseases. in addition, the rules for the protection of intellectual rights are changing. now the losing party is obliged to reimburse the costs incurred to the opponent. another law allows the use of reserves to prevent emergencies. the law was also signed which specifies the payment of interest to the employee for delayed wages and vacation pay. or severance pay. in russia , internet access has been restored for all subscriber providers. some regions reported problems. the outage lasted approximately 2 hours. as the ministry of digital development explained, this was due to the work of the global infrastructure
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of the dns protocol, which should guarantee the reliability of the data. for example, trading platforms azona and valberes reported that they would extend the deadline for issuing orders to those who were unable to receive them on time. usa lost quote "undeniable supremacy in the world due to china and russia." this was pointed out by the head of the cro, william burns, in his article for the american publication foreign affairs. he emphasized that global competition is complicated by the technological revolution, which is larger than the beginning of the nuclear age. therefore , moscow and beijing have new powerful tools to counter the cia, and burns noted this. well, the united states has not yet decided how to respond to the terrorist attack against the american military in jordan. experts indicated that if another outbreak breaks out in the middle east one conflict, oil prices will exceed $100 per tank. gasoline prices in america could double. so what will ruin biden’s chances of winning the election. and the impasse in
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which washington finds itself is our us correspondent, dmitry melnikov. the united states does not provide evidence of iran’s involvement in the deaths of three american soldiers, but public opinion is being prepared. iran will be punished. while the white house is contemplating a plan for revenge. the americans understand that the country is already involved in a war. presenter of the msn channel.
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naval forces, as well as against iranian formations in syria or iraq. appeared information that air strikes may be carried out in the coming days. i think it's very important to note that these are incredibly volatile times in the middle east. i would say that we have not seen such a dangerous situation as the one we are now facing in the region since at least 1973, and perhaps earlier. now in washington they are trying not to remember how biden’s national security adviser. recently assured reporters that under the current administration the middle east has become calm,
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more than ever. meanwhile, it became known that the american outpost tower 22 was an auxiliary base for the ettanf garrison illegally located in syria, which was used by the united states for sabotage activities. white house press secretary karine jeanpierre does not understand why the us military is in this region. her words are that the soldiers gave their lives first. those killed in jordan actually look like this: two young men and a girl, all
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from georgia, whose bodies were promised by the pentagon to be delivered home with honors, whether biden will be at the funeral is unknown, he is torn between the role of commander in chief and presidential candidate, an al-jazeera journalist tried to find out how he manages to combine it. does biden look at polls before making policy decisions? i have already answered your question. no, you didn’t answer that one; the president doesn’t care about the election calendar right now. the choice between bad and very bad, a us strike on iranian forces on land or at sea, will give tehran a reason for an even tougher response. for example, the sinking of the american aircraft carrier would be an unbearable blow not only to the biden administration, but to the entire nation. no matter how hard internal propaganda tries, everyone understands that the death of three servicemen thousands of kilometers from home on... earth is not a reason to drag the united states into another conflict, the collapse of foreign policy, according to
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all polls, is one of biden’s main failures as president what the united states is really doing in ukraine in the middle east is a question that all american voters are asking today. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. elon musk announced the first successful experiment in chipping people, this will allow, for example, cyborg. they created me to retrieve data from the city's computer system. if the story of neurolink ends with something bad for humanity, for example, the earth is captured by cyborgs, then at least the point of no return can be restored to the minute. elon musk himself left a testimony on his own social network x. imagine
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if stephen hawking could communicate faster than a speedy typist or auctioneer? this and there is a goal. astrophysicist stephen hawking has communicated with the world in recent years using a speech synthesizer, first using a hand switch, then moving his cheek muscles as his illness worsened. it turned out like this during our interview with hocking. our planet regularly encounters astronomical phenomena such as asteroids, supernova explosions , and this is a potential danger that we need to survive as a species. literally strives for the stars, there is no one to demonstrate the mask yet, the patient’s name is classified, the tangle of ethical issues in this case is as tangled as the safety of the implant. permission for the operation was received less than a year ago. the neurochip transmits brain signals via bluetooth and can be controlled using a computer or smartphone.
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the capsule is attached behind the ear, and thread-like electrodes go into the brain. four times thinner than a human. from a marketing point of view , pure futurism, but from a scientific point of view, in general, not musk, first, in fact, what musk is doing is not something new, well, to understand, we are already implanting electrodes, stimulators in the brain for the treatment of protentional disease, epilepsy and other diseases, in addition to our domestic scientists, for example, professor lebedev, who worked at duke university in the early 2000s. performed similar studies on monkeys, he implanted the same brain-computer interfaces into the brain, by the way, at one of the first presentations, in my opinion, the very first presentation, lon musk begins his presentation by referring to an article where after all, professor leweding is one of the authors. neurolink specialists also worked with the monkeys, and it looked funny. this is pager. this is payder, he is a nine-year-old
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macaque and he had a chip installed on his eurolink. he learned how to interact with a computer in order to... get a delicious banana smoothie. at first macaque had a joystick, then pager learned to move the cursor around the screen using his thoughts for a treat, before monkeys tinkered with pigs. she lived with the implant for 2 months, so she is a healthy, happy pig. then the truth turned out that as a result of the experiments, more than one and a half thousand animals. musk began to be accused of being a knacker, but there are worse things in terms of global consequences. could you explain what neurolink is and what its purpose is? we will insert a chip into your brain to control your mind. musk tried to be ironic, but many of his 170 million subscribers have somehow become unable to laugh in the last 24 hours; they are assessing the scale of the disaster. to
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understand whether it is difficult to be a god, there seems to be time, but this is if competitors from the company synchron and onward do not wait. and if everyone is play by the rules when someone in the tech world is working on something, people get nervous because their mantra is usually: let's break it now and fix it later. yes, and you wonder why you do certain things, is it because elon musk is controlling you, or because you want to? okay, the chip is in the brain, but what if the chip controls artificial intelligence, where is the person, what does he get from billions of calculations? will remain, we are already a kind of cyborgs, if we consider that the telephone and the computer is an extension of ourselves, i would be more worried about digital superintelligence or how to avoid a third world war. musk is even more concerned about those who could start a third world war. recently , the billionaire said that he would not repeat his mistake four years ago and would not
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vote for biden, whom internet jokers have already described as a patient. with the help of neurochips, elon musk in the future wants not only to make life easier for those who cannot move independently, but also to treat such diseases. like autism, depression, obesity. however, neuroling will not become commercially available until 2030 . cyborgs, of course, are coming, but definitely not
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in this five-year period. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin, timofey mukhin and victor kazakov, vesti usa. in germany, protesting farmers blocked several autobahns; in belgium , they frightened the authorities so much that they installed hedgehogs with barbed wire in brussels. paris is now in a state of siege, but what are the farmers trying to achieve, our european correspondent anastasia popova found out. above the highway a1, leading to paris, smoke rises, until from the tires, it’s lunch time, the meat is exclusively french, along with wine, baguette, water, there will be enough supplies for at least a few days. we produce french goods and we want the french to buy our goods, for example, french wheat. different from the french ones. the numbers speak for themselves: in the first 6 months of last year, imports of cheap
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ukrainian chicken doubled. trade turnover due to other goods increased by a quarter. supplies of ukrainian sugar beets to only one france is expected to reach 700 thousand tons. we buy a lot from abroad. yes, we import a lot of slaves, and now we have. the problem with sugar, it turns out that ukrainian sugar is conquering the european market, and this will simply destroy our industry, this is our death sentence. therefore, by the second day of the siege of paris , there were already more than 200 tractors on one of the eight blocked roads. from here to the international airport charles de golfe is only a few hundred meters, the convoy of tractors stopped on the highway and did not block the air harbor, at least while they were waiting new announcements. this is france's development strategy for the next few years. the youngest head of government in the country's history
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and the first openly gay man in this position admitted the problem with farmers, but still found something to be proud of. to be french in the twenty -fourth year means to live in a country whose honor it is to fight for the stability of the world, for justice and peace. to be french in twenty-four means to have the opportunity to be. prime minister openly admits his homosexuality. the farmers didn't understand, they started a fire in corsica prefectures. the protesters came close to toulouse airport and set tires on fire. the reinforcements coming to paris from the south were stopped by an armored car of the gendarmerie on the way, but the particularly cunning ones punched a hole in the fence and went around the police through the fields. logistics platforms near the city of nimes have been blocked and are being opened there.
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spain anastasia popovnadsky, news from france. the mosfilm film concern is celebrating its centenary; vladimir putin congratulated its employees and veterans on their anniversary, noting that mosfilm is made from...
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exactly this kind of fabric, and costume designers could sew anything from any fabric you like, historical costumes were often made from gbelien fabrics, that very fur coat from the royal shoulder, walled up by demons, the iconic 21 volga witnessed one of the most poignant scenes,
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in many ways, it was massfilm films that preserved the identity of our nation, you know, what we call today patriotism, education, this was all soviet cinema; masfilm was, of course, the main component of soviet cinema. collective farm workers became a symbol of mass film after the war, first appearing in the film alexandrova's spring, film factory in the village of potyl. was then on the verge of big changes, after the implementation of pyryev’s plan to build pavilions, studios and residential buildings around, foreign guests began to be taken to the mass film. they were surprised how a country that had just survived a terrible war managed to build a first-class film studio, the largest in europe, in such a short time. for me , musfilm is, one might say, the homeland, the smells of musfilm, the corridors of musfilm, the people
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of mosfilm, everything. what is related to what is behind the scenes, the first impression was that if i get out of here, then this, then this will be a miracle, because to understand these labyrinths, cinema, cinema, when i stepped for the first time into the threshold of a mass film with trepidation, and, moreover , towards me... shul reisman, plot, yes, the writer must to penetrate deeply into life, a generation of great directors, here daneli surprised with an urban fairy tale, aryazanov, out of 64 candidates for the role, unmistakably chose gurchenko. i’ll tell you my song about 5 minutes. meta filmed the crew when no one in the soviet union had seen or made such films. where does the tradition of hitting the plate come from? good luck
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take, i don’t know, masfilm is generally filled with strange traditions that were passed down from generation to generation, but no one knew how it was invented, for example, if you put the script on a soft chair, say, on the sofa, or dropped the script , you have to take this script, put it on the floor and sit on it, yes, otherwise that’s it, there won’t be a movie, traditionally it would have been on a mass film.
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here are scenes from his new grandiose film about the russian revolution, the director is again filming on mass film, rehearsals for the present and the future of a film studio, technological pavilions , a cinema and concert hall opened for the first time in the city , a century-old and modernized mass film , of course, no longer a concern factory, but invariably a dream. polina ermolaeva, elena fenoshina, mikhail artyukhin and sergey zanin. news.
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