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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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a depressing report on how the ukrainian armed forces are fighting from the kiev media. on the air of channel 1+1 , so much was said about the situation under the yar sentry that at first glance, the sbu might come to visit the employees. look here. even the voiceover. do you hear how unenergetic , if not sad, is this , ukrainian propaganda has been overcome by defeatist sentiments, or maybe this is a media trap, there is a certain layer in this plot of propaganda science according to goebels, who believed that sometimes it is necessary to tell the difficult truth in order so that later again to lie with impunity, even the landowners are shocked, here’s from telegram channel ninety-three.
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state of affairs at the front, not only in the chasovo yar area, that the beneficiaries of such broadcast could be banks, maybe a gur, it’s unlikely the general staff, a sad voice is the refrain, the drones don’t reach, the russians have more shells, this is a purely internal product designed for this some kind of behind -the-scenes kicks at each other, intrigues, this plot, it is partly a response, a response to what is happening. somehow
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the confrontation along the line will soon end zaluzhny budanov budanov zelensky zaluzhny in addition 1+1 kolomoisky’s tv channel, which once gave birth to zelensky as a politician, but who is not having his best days now, and there is also poroshenko, who dreams of overthrowing the current head of the kiev regime, maybe he placed an order for the telezrada channel 1+1 belongs to the oligarch kolomoisky, from whom...
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he may be the customer of this kind of statements from the front. or is it still intended for a western audience. kiev seems to be hinting transparently, crying, one might say, what help. are baptized, europe is unlikely to drag ukraine alone for long, kiev does not have its own production of missiles and shells, and our rap systems work against their drones, hence the gray faces, hopeless voices, nonsense reports and whoever its customers are, who want to go to the front to die , this broadcast
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was clearly not added. the fourth annual forum : strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the strategic agency. initiatives by decree president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450,000 citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20. the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on ideia.rf. the implementation of national projects is on schedule. and plans for national development goals have been fully implemented. this will be discussed at the strategic session of the government. said mikhail mishustin. everything that is planned performed. the average level of achievement of current tasks is close to 100%. there are significant results in all areas that these projects cover, and if we talk about national goals, then the plans for last year were
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fully implemented. this was achieved through the implementation of state programs, strategic initiatives, and operational actions of the federal executive authorities as a whole by the ruler. the prime minister spoke about the specific results of work in each area. the most important thing we have is health and that’s probably why mikhail mishustin started with medicine. during the year , 900 medical institutions were built or reconstructed in the country, and another 400 were repaired. as for another socially significant issue, housing, more than 110 million km of housing were built last year. the prime minister emphasized that this is already 90% of the plan. for 2030. last year , more than 110 million square meters were commissioned, this is 90% of the plan for 2030, a record figure in the entire history of the russian federation, both for apartment buildings and individual buildings. improved
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living conditions of 4,300,000 families. about 800,000 parents with children have already received mortgage loans at a rate of 6% per annum. more than half of them last year, which confirms the relevance of such a measure. the development of such a huge country as ours is impossible without transport accessibility; separately, mikhail mishusin spoke about the implementation of the national project for safe, high-quality roads, there are also concrete results here. transport accessibility is being increased according to the national project : safe, high-quality roads, in total the country has laid over 31 km of trails. it continues as well.
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we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone. com what we remember about this day in history we’ll tell you right now hello january 31, 1714 peter i took up the task of educating noble children. without competent specialists it was impossible to build a state, develop science and art, and the tsar ordered to send to all provinces... people from mathematical schools to teach tsefir and geometry, but the nobles didn’t really
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want to study, then peter forbade them to marry without education, in the lessons, diligence and discipline, he appointed retired soldiers with a whip in their hands, they sent them to study abroad, but even there the nobles deceived, one such youth was sent in his place denis kolmykov's servant took classes, and peter himself decided to take the exam. the servant became a midshipman, and then... january 1917, the german kaiser wilhelm ii signed an order. submarine warfare, now the germans could sink not only warships, but also any civilian ships, they needed
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to bring britain to its knees, because the british received industrial raw materials and food mainly by sea, and they won surface battles. previously, england and germany, like other countries, underestimated the importance of submarines. the germans were the first to grasp it and began to build large and fast submarines with powerful weapons and autonomous navigation capabilities. the number of ships they sank, dutch, danish, spanish, brazilian and others, grew rapidly, but chancellor toobald von batman gollwik, did not show optimism about this success and said that germany was finished, realizing that the united states would now enter the war. the americans then escorted merchant ships, fought submarines and sent their troops to europe. by the end of 1917, submarine warfare had begun on ubol; it was not a rescue camper. from defeat, but showed everyone the strategic importance of the submarine fleet. in 1946, on this day
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, the institute of oceanology, academy of sciences of the ussr, one of the largest scientific centers in study of the world's oceans. among its founders are world-famous hydrologists, biooceanologists, and polar explorers. pyotr shershov is the first director, his name is now... today they are conducting geological research, studying the structure of currents, the circulation of water
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masses, hydrothermal processes, the ecology of the oceans. they also work on marine technology, including underwater laboratories and remote-controlled small-sized vehicles. underwater faults, ridges, valleys and mountains are named after soviet and russian oceanographers. january 31, 1968 in south vietnam a large-scale offensive by communist forces began. against american interventionists and the puppet regime. it was the first day of the tet holiday of the lunar new year. therefore, the operation went down in history as the tet offensive. the war in vietnam had been going on for 10 years, and the united states was deeply mired in it. first they supplied the government in saigon with weapons, military equipment, and ammunition, and then they sent their regular troops. by that time there were already almost 500,000. they bombed cities and villages, destroyed the jungle, killed civilians. residents, the partisans, the north vietnamese units helping them, were well armed with soviet mortars,
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trouble-free guns, missiles and, of course, kalashnikovs. they attacked the largest cities and centers of the province and inflicted enormous damage on the enemy. moreover, the main thing was the psychological effect. it was after ted’s offensive that the communist forces in washington lost faith in victory. the anti-war movement grew and the united states had to sit down at the negotiating table. this is how this day in history was, what a difficult time you have, the most personal thing, for which there have been prayers all this time, the church is concerned with the human. works to save people, if i'm not mistaken, you have more than 200 trains. i meet people who really help me understand what should be at the center of our agenda today. the patriarch, he must be a politician, he must weigh his every word, this is a terrible responsibility, in total there are 300 million orthodox believers in the world
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, then 150 are the russian orthodox church, everything that is important in the church is concentrated. in a conversation between two people, a priest, this is where the main revolution in the consciousness, soul and life of the entire country takes place. god grant that the time will come when all of us, as children of god, having gone through the most difficult historical path of quest, loss of finds, joy and disappointment, will climb steps, not simple steps, to meet god. repairs are expensive, but some things can be passed on to the management company. in what cases should she carry out repairs for free? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. first we need to make a disclaimer: in fact, the management company does nothing for free. the receipt for the apartment contains a line: maintenance and current repairs of common property. the money that is collected from
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the owners is saved in the general account of the house, and funds will be taken from it for current repairs. but only. the correction in the lighting system of the common building premises must be eliminated within the localization; there is no need to confuse the localization. elimination, yes, that means nuances, but in government decree 338 , look, we, as owners, have two deadlines, 30 minutes and 2 hours, 30 minutes for definition, 2 hours for localization , that’s it, well, in the case of heating, it’s all there, you can read there, right down to what kind of shoe covers a representative of the dispatch service should have, for example, with windows in the entrance, an elevator or a garbage chute, everything is clear,
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this definitely common property, but what about in more complex situations, what is considered the property of a tenant? a government decree will help with this; it can be found on the official website for the publication of legal acts; it contains a minimum list of what the management company is responsible for and what types of repairs she is required to do. in the entrances of apartment buildings , work can be carried out such as restoring the plaster of the walls of the ceilings, tiling the walls of the floors with ceramic and other tiles in certain places, and so on. such a repair is. current and is carried out based on the results of scheduled technical inspections of an apartment building. the frequency of such repairs is once every 3-5 years, depending on the classification of the building and actual physical wear and tear. in this case , current repairs must be carried out without cessation of building services, including
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heat, water and energy supplies. in general , we can say that the uka is responsible for water and gas pipes up to the first valve, inclusive of the ventilation and sewerage systems, and is also responsible for caring for the roof, attics, ceilings and interpanel joints. for example, the management company did not maintain the house well, and let’s say, due to a leaky roof , the plaster of the residents on the top floor fell off, or due to dampness that penetrated into the apartment through the gap between the slabs, the wallpaper came off, then you need to demand compensation for damages. first call emergency dispatch. service, its number can be found on the receipt or on the website of your management company and its page on social networks. emergency dispatch services operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. if your management company does not have its own service, it is required by law to enter into an agreement with the ads of another management company. the dispatcher must answer the call within 5 minutes or call you back within 10 minutes. the operator must
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accept your request for a problem and report it number. write it down or save it. it into your phone, you will need it when drawing up the report when the specialist arrives. be sure to include all damage in the report; based on this document, you will demand free repairs from your management company, or insist on reimbursement of repair costs if you did it yourself or hired someone. of course, expenses will need to be confirmed by receipts or an agreement with the contractor. in accordance with the management agreement, it is the management organization that pays the payment. obliged provide services, carry out work on the maintenance and repair of common property, therefore, it is the management company that must prepare specific proposals for owners for... basic repairs and carry them out, at the same time, the legislation does not contain a direct ban on carrying out cosmetic repairs by the residents themselves,
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but in in this case, when going to court with a claim to the management company for reimbursement of expenses, you will need to confirm the fact of the need for such repairs, including by video and photography, drawing up various inspection reports, calls to specialists , and so on. in addition, it will be necessary to confirm the fact that residents will bear the costs of such repairs. which may entail additional financial and time costs for them. so, let's repeat the main thing. the management company is responsible for the common property for damage to your property if it occurred through its fault. contact the emergency dispatch service, save the application number and draw up a damage report. would you like to learn more about how... to conduct general meetings of residents apartment buildings online and jointly make decisions that affect you every day. watch the issue of and if you have questions
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about how to effectively communicate with your management company, then write to us on telegram. we will pass them on to specialists and tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has a special gift. we look first in the application or on the website, this is from the studio philip trofemov, there will be no turmoil, at least until april, the developer of one of the studio’s most anticipated domestic games. nova, with a message in the official community of her project on vkontakte, announced that the release was postponed to april 4 of this year, well, more precisely, the message says that the studio has decided on
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the final release date of the game, but in fact this is just a postponement. previously, the release date was called february 26. according to the official version, the delay of more than a month with the release of the historical role-playing action game in the surroundings of the time of troubles was caused by work on a free demo version of the game, its release was announced with the same post on vkontakte. this will be, as stated, a virtual tour of moscow at that time, during which players will listen to a lecture about the time of troubles, gain knowledge of history and be able to try some of the mechanics of the main version of the game; they promise to post this training demo before the start of sales of the main, troubles itself. let me remind you that this game was announced in the summer of twenty-two, but work on it, as they say, began 2 years before, investments in the project some estimates amounted to about half a billion rubles; the game takes place in the thousands. 612, you will have to fight with detachments of mercenaries , robbers, wolves, and of course, with polish troops, they don’t promise an open world, but they say that the map will be large and
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spacious, leaving the player the opportunity to choose routes at their own request, look for treasures, well or unnecessary adventures, several characters with different abilities will be available, including diplomacy, details of the surroundings of troubled times, like they assure that they are being worked out together with specially invited historical experts. will produce jewelry and watches, including under the brands of the largest fashion houses, but smart watches will no longer be in its portfolio, and yet it began its first experiments in this area more than 20 years ago, when
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there were no mass-produced smartphones, in in 2003, phosil released these vrist pdas, literally a personal digital assistant on the wrist. actually, it was actually a smaller version of the palm handheld computer, the predecessor of smartphones, it turned out watch. a monochrome screen that could be controlled with a stylus, or simply with a finger with certain dexterity, they could run programs for working with text documents, navigators and even games, and they worked from one charge to a week, well, they really weighed 108 g, this is about twice as much as a modern apple watch, the watch was warmly received by the press, but never became popular, its production was discontinued after a couple of years, while modern versions of smart watches from fousel appeared in 2000. in the fifteenth, the watch ran on android weare, which later renamed wearos. since then, five more generations of such watches have been released , the last in the twenty-first year. well, as
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he writes today. bbc fossil essentially initially lost the fight in this market to more technologically advanced companies. here are the data for 2020 . in fact, this is the last time fossil was included in such ratings. apple already had the undisputed leadership; it consistently accounts for about a third of smartwatches sold , followed by samsung, huawei, garmin, well and other companies that specialize in smart or sports devices. vosel, by the time of the release of his last smart watches, occupied a little more than 2%. and it should be noted that. was at the same time one of the largest manufacturers of watches on the google operating system, which may also have played a role, this is the current rating of manufacturers according to counterpoint research, in the top 3 there are no watches on google vros at all, but strictly speaking, samsung should be somewhere then here, but with the transition to the google platform, sales are well at least they haven’t grown, and previously the watches of this korean brand were on their own
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tyzen operating system, now vosel is completely leaving this segment, however, the company promised not to abandon those who already own fosel smart watches and will release several more updates for them years, as for its larger business, inexpensive quartz watches, they say not everything is very good there either, the popularity of smart watches is eating away the share of this segment, only expensive and premium watches remain relevant. dad and i went here to childhood, they also lay like this, silent , but i don’t skate, just skate, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it, i’ll prepare myself, she has a thirst for victory in the blood, go ahead, why take such a risk, don’t you understand this, i want to be like
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my mother. 3 years soon, we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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to be clear, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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still, well done, biden, well done if he was given the task of ruining america, he solves it confidently, well done, trump couldn’t have done it like that, no, even trump couldn’t, after all, he’s somehow better yet.


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