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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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after all, well done biden, well done, if he was given the task of destroying america, he confidently solves it, well done, trump couldn’t do it like that, not even trump could not, after all, he’s somehow here for now.
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he’s collected, and biden is great, by the way, they say that the famous photographs of the situational room where he is in uniform, that this is not a joke, that he couldn’t even put on his uniform, he tried, but couldn’t button it up, his hands didn’t obey, well done, in general, well done , then looked at what was happening around him and said, well, look what he said, i do believe that they are responsible in the sense that they are supplying weapons to the people who did this.
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and belgorod, maybe really preventatively, we don’t want a war with america, we’ll just fuck them up like that, but here we are a couple of times, well, we don’t want to, well, just so that, well, as they reason, we don’t want any escalation, but a couple of yours we will destroy the bases, but what’s normal, in germany, for example, it’s a good idea, okay, in poland, it’s a great idea, but here, that’s why everything is fine, no, well, it’s a pity, alexander viktorovich here, so we can carefully chisel, right now. i’m here right now, so everything is fine, the main thing is to have time for the family , and we’ll get them out, that is, it’s all normal, and most importantly, any adventure by washington and such an ovation, everyone is so happy, so happy, but what then ends in tragedy , the feeling that americans are being drugged at mcdonald's or somewhere else, lotus, some kind of nation of unconsciousness, they don't remember all their failures, everything is so smo, we, here we are , what do you, what do you remember about this?
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instead of being hanged, they were sentenced there, so that, apparently, the relatives and friends of vladlena tatarsky would pay with their taxes to keep her in prison for many years, i don’t know, maybe this is considered and seems humane to some, but it seems phenomenally unfair to me, but now i know boris nadezhdin well, he is a lot years before our eyes, he started out as an ardent democrat, got involved with
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collecting signatures, and they said , give me money, this is a whole science, and then they write posts that they deceived him, set off on the road, collected signatures, handed over nine sheets, hoped for a modern payment, it turned out there was no nothing, that’s what’s interesting, suddenly someone named katz came up, and where max kats comes up, it’s immediately interesting, let me remind you that the man who fled from israel, where he was supposed to serve, did not pay taxes on his activities, but the activity was, he there was a professional gambler, he told how he carried suitcases. then he joined navalny’s headquarters , then he joined khodorkovsky’s headquarters, as i understand it, he served the interests of this old pedophile who showed up on epstein’s island in 2002, and now nadezhdino has surfaced and says, well, like, i can do it, and it doesn’t matter about borya, borya is just an unfortunate little man
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who, he is my age, who decided in his old age that he could at least somehow make some money, at least on something, he has a big family, everyone needs to be fed, i feel sorry for borya. the fool didn’t understand that he was actually brought up now not under the presidential election, but under the article of treason, that’s why: listen, what a real zavelkat, if you think so, that’s your right, no questions, i’ll just remind you that it’s less than a week my video boris nadezhda has passed, almost a million views already, materials for the next issues almost ready too. in order to provide me with an invoice for the special, you are creating a problem for me, i’ll warn you right away so that there are no questions for me later, the file that i just sent to secret chat, no one should see in the source code, there are several million contact pitams, without the caucasus and a couple more regions, i don’t know how you will
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remake it, but this is important, because if they find a ukrainian trace, there will be an extremely unpleasant situation, i’ll throw off the material in the morning. if nadezhdan understands that his signature is supposedly being collected with the help of a ukrainian intelligence, then this is actually treason, this is no longer participation in the presidential elections, this is already an article of treason, he must surrender tomorrow, it is clear that there will be an absolutely objective attitude towards him, it is clear that the signatures will simply be checked, but it is obvious that those who stand behind him under no circumstances need him to be registered, they need to arrange a big political one.
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andrey, well, this is an expected story, we have presidential elections approaching, of course we expect this interference in our internal affairs and in general in all these elections, moreover, in the month of january in a number of regions, in a number of regions, we will not name which ones, there were already attempts to shake up the situation, we are now in the duma adopting the corresponding law in the second reading on the deprivation of honorary titles, on the confiscation of property from those same ones. .. traitors who fled beyond and therefore from the territory of the russian federation and already from abroad, which means they will get us in every possible way, of course, all this needs to be dealt with, they, of course, are losing their base, no matter what they say, those measures that has been undertaken by the authorities over the past 2 years, especially after the beginning of a special military operation
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certainly complicates the task, let’s say, today i looked at what the british embassy was writing on their media platforms, you know, they had such an interesting post yesterday, we noticed that... in russia the number of arson attacks is growing some military registration and enlistment offices, you know, to be honest , i haven’t heard much about this, but i got the feeling as if they were going to report on the work done, moreover, a number of media resources analyzed the media base, so they’ll just please this whole public, per year in has the number of views of all those telegram channels and various media platforms that are present on the internet decreased twice? that is, they are generally losing support, which means, in principle, we are going the right way and we must move along it. as for this statement, of course, this requires serious checks, this is article 275 point 1, treason, and treason in the form
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of having confidential negotiations with a possible representative of foreign intelligence services, because maxim kostochen is apparently somehow connected with them, if he is even more transfers the database from ukraine, but what about ukraine? conveyed on what basis , that is, it turns out that katz, a jew with israeli citizenship, serves the interests of ukrainian nazis-bandera, ukrainian yes nazis-bandera, so of course...
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iranian, which may be located outside, quite possibly, and most importantly the rhetoric that they are beginning to conduct,
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they say that iran is to blame for everything, forgetting that what began, in fact, in october as a result of the palestinians of israel conflict, and as for the british, i can generally say so, let’s say, hamas, that is, it was an attack by hamas, i would still keep palestine on the sidelines here, because there was a terrorist attack from the radical wing. paramilitary hamas , which the political leadership of hamas didn’t even know about, everything that came after, although now the british helped so much, and the british showed themselves to be real friends of israel, they said, it’s not normal, we are now ready for the palestinian usarstvo, who almost fought there in hysterics on the holy land, and, by the way, i forgot to say, we are handing you over again, today cameron met with the ambassadors of the arab countries, where he just stated that we will now consider the issue with our allies, which means...
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against the british who are there were there, so there was a long-standing deep love for each other, i just wanted to say about this, that in fact it is so, if we say, that’s all, that this whole cauldron, in fact, was created by the british when they were in the seventeenth received a mandate, they first in 17 released the famous balfour declaration , when the minister of foreign affairs, the head of balfour , sent a letter to rothschild, saying that we support the zionist aspirations for the jews to have a national home, in the ninth year the british published a famous
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book, a white book, it is also very good - this continuous uprisings of the arabs, at thirty the jews know why the israelis do not like the british, because at the moment when hitler came to power in germany, it would seem that when it was necessary to find just the place where jews to move around, what did they do , they made three positions, first, they prohibited the time to buy land, the second they limited... it’s good - no more than 10,000 jews immigration, and third, they said, now we will create a common state, then when there was already late, as a result, they were led further by this terrorist attack on the part of the jews, in 1947 the british fulfilled their duty, calmly dissolved, leaving this cauldron, in the end, for analysis, in fact, uh, that means, to everyone else, everyone else, and here we are now they have to suffer with this, well, that’s why they say... in israel, of course, today two powerful such statements from netanyahu are extremely interesting, let
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’s show one of them, this is not another, not another exchange of blows, not another operation full of victory , no less, i am committed to this, our fighters are committed to this, and the absolute majority of the people are committed to this, we will not settle for less, i hear... we will not end this war with less than the achievement of all its goals. this means the elimination of hamas, the return of all abducted, and gaza will not pose a threat to israel. we will not withdraw the idf from the gaza strip and will not free thousands of terrorists. none of this will happen. what will happen? complete victory. national
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security, comrade-in-arms of nengir, unknown jewish ultranationalist. “we stand only for voluntary migration, and i called on the whole world, you don’t help settle the arabs in the gas sector, and you give this money so that they move to new territories, this public is very dangerous, if we take it, why am i against him please note, he can to be not so well known in wide circles, but in 1995, a few weeks before the assassination of yitzhak rabin, together with his friends they made their way to the car of the prime minister of israel, tore off the cadillac emblem and left. showed on television, you see, we have an emblem, we got to his car, we’ll get to him, two or three weeks later he was killed, and yitzhan rabin began his general prime minister with the fact that he just brutally suppressed in his time the arab antifade, but then i realized that it was impossible without negotiations, and he was the first to become just - they then agreed with palestine and received the nobel prize - the nobel peace prize,
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for which he was killed, that is, so far the leadership. but for you this is a holy book, we respect this too, people of the book, sorry, but if we build the modern geopolitical structure of the world exclusively from sacred texts, don’t you think that somehow it won’t work out very well, it won’t work out very well, at all, well that is, this is not the basis for modern geopolitical layout, because, for example, there is nothing about china, plus, well, for you this is
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a holy book, but what are we going to do with the baharkovatgita as it is? and what will we do with the chinese texts, and what will we do with the book of mormons, excuse me, yes, it is clear that we talk about this there about the book of mormons with a big smile, but mormonatos don’t talk about this with a smile, and what next, that is, how to look at all this, and the indians, of course, that is, there are a million options here , in general they will probably look at everything, you say white people are generally kind of wild, your language is poor for describing how much snow there is. we hear the words, yes, it describes different states of snow in these languages, that is, take and evict, this is the approach, but in the history of my jewish people there was a period when everyone tried to find us a place somewhere madagascar, and they offered it, uganda , by the way, they offered, they offered, i said, what’s the problem, let’s all go, and now what’s the opposite, what or such
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a mockery, and by the way, the british didn’t object to madagascar, they’re going there sent, offered. scared, well, scared, that means, firstly , what kind of incident, this is 140 some kind of attack, that means, the forces of the islamic resistance of iraq, khashabi, yes, as we call it, after october 7, and before that there were attacks, i just i stood in this place, i remember, a year ago and spoke about one of the attacks that was carried out by one of these organizations on an american base,
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although there were dead and wounded, yes, that means, firstly, what is it, in general it turns out, in a state the us war is in iraq. on whose territory there are 2,500 american military personnel, yes, khashabi is the official security structure of iraq, subordinate to the ministry of internal affairs of iraq and receives budget funding from the budget of iraq, which receives money from america partially, which receives money from america, it seems to be in agreements on this ba yes, but that means , this is the first, second, the groups included there are more than 40 of them, yes 100,000 people, so that means they... when the islamic state banned in russia approached baghdad when the american iraqi the american army disintegrated and fled , which means there was a fatwa, which means the great country is supreme.
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struck one of this organizations, although several people from the leadership of this organization were killed, this is a retaliatory strike, so well thought out, and so on, and so on, and so on, this is the structure
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that drones use when the drones of the world military practices were quite rare when american troops were present, they were already using homemade drones, now on the occasion of the next anniversary of khashabi ’s creation, at a parade in the center of baghdad they showed what kind of pespilotics they make, modern... drones and they don’t need any supplies, they make them themselves in iraq, no worse than the iranians, yes, the operators who find them are very experienced, this time it just turned out to be a more crushing blow to an american facility than before, now the americans are faced with two things, i’m looking there, it means, well, they flew refueling planes to israel, well , they’re asking why you have aviation, which is located at sufficient removal of infestation from the territory, and very simply 2 years ago. the americans and israelis conducted a joint exercise, according to which israeli planes were refueled in the air by american planes and it was assumed that, if necessary, they could strike
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iran. yes, the israelis have irikhon 34 missiles available on israeli territory, they have dolphin submarines with cruise missiles, but their main striking force is aviation, yes, i hope it won’t come to that, why biden is backing up, backing up correctly, to be honest, because he understands that if the blow is hurt, he will deliver. a very difficult situation for the leadership of iran, now there is conditionally i many times the party of peace, the party of war, the party of war will say, listen, well, there’s nowhere else to go, you have to interfere, you have to beat them, they are not ready for this, they are not ready for a big war, you know, so now they are thinking, what should they do, strike at the headquarters of these organizations in iraq, who in general are they there, no, well, then it will turn out differently, which means that the leadership of iraq in the person of prime minister mohammed asha audani is pro-iranian. comrade, he was put there by the pro-iranian parties, he already told them after that strike, let’s create a joint commission, go away, but the americans say: yes, we will create a commission, we will discuss for several months how
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to get out and so on, so that the presidential elections will take place in the united states , now if this passes, they will tell him, listen, don’t you want to leave in an accelerated plan, because unrest will begin, they are also afraid unrest that will happen in iraq, these guys can raise up anyone, demolish these 2,500 military personnel of the american embassies there and whatever. so to speak , they feel calm in iraqi kurdistan, in the arab part there is no such thing, yes, so they are now thinking about where to strike in syria, where they are also present, they are fighting on the side of assad, well , somehow it’s not very interesting, there they wear kakrail according to the misksir adviser in the system, which means, village structures, assad, yes, syrian, yes, in lebanon, where, according to some information, several have already been sent, which means units from these guys, including the brigade means martyr.
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maybe more people died there than at this base, no one knows about it, moreover, now ansarla has stated the following: we are...
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expanding the combat zone and we will strike beyond the bapalmandep strait to the south, that is, in in the indian ocean, they have such capabilities, missiles, yes, that is , their arsenals were not damaged; they didn’t come many times, i had to say, but during the civil war, the arab colony inflicted 3,000 blows a month on you, listen to what there are 17, 20, 30, it’s even just funny, it feels like a lot is being done for the sake of pr to show, now you’re breaking andrei’s heart into pieces, he said, now the american fleet will come , now the submarines will sail, now they’re fucking crazy, everyone will understand what it’s like strength, one, yes, one, the guys looked like that, they quietly, calmly said , it’s not scary, it’s not them, you’re distorting , on the contrary, i said that they don’t give the rear, because they didn’t give the front,
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they don’t have the front , that’s the problem, from... this is a country that was once leading, now it’s alone the back was taken away, so now they cannot solve this issue locally enough , to challenge a challenge of this magnitude, yes, well, excuse me for being frank, how many troops does the united states have in the persian countries - 68,000, they will all be exposed to missile attacks by the bespi that will begin and can you imagine what will be thought, only this will be a decision, so with all this, it means that the monarchy of the arabian peninsula is saudi arabia. and there is no need to list others, then the strikes will be on their territory, where these very bases are located, but they will say: listen, guys, you don’t want to leave here, but we want to build here, because of this we stopped the war in yemen, so that the war would stop, to improve relations with iran, to build something there and so on, and you are dragging us into this a bloody war, we don’t need it, it’s that kind of war, yes, so now biden is kind of backing down, i understand that something needs to be done so that he won’t be criticized and won’t get involved in such a war.
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after all, it’s a losing situation everywhere, but there are few options, maybe it will hit texas, i don’t know whether to strike out of breath or not, so in general, the war in the middle east, which means it is constantly turning into a permanent war, when i said that this was a dress rehearsal when october 7 happened, well , i thought that after that there would be some kind of calm, yes, maybe it will come, and then after this incubation period will be an explosion of an even greater degree, yes, now i have the feeling that... and such a break cannot happen, now representatives of the relevant structures of the united states, egypt and qatar are meeting in paris , who are preparing proposals, yes, which arranged here is nathanyaho with his radicalism, and the proposal was arranged by hamat, here is a big headache, how to do this, cross a hedgehog with narrow chances with how to do this, because all sorts of exotic proposals are now being made in some circles of the usa, well, i sometimes think, they actually have serious specialists, i had
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to read, for example, about the military... analysis, military-political analysis, the actions of hezbollah, why it became so american, it’s very well done, but it feels like sometimes there are some strange people get rowdy they came up with, it turns out, this is what they have, the former prime minister of palestine teaches at some university, about 10 years old, yes, they say, we need to take him, put him at the head of the palestinian authority, yes, lead the arabs into the gaza strip troops , this is against the backdrop of a statement by the current prime minister , which means the palestinian authority, that no , we need to join the organization, this is it, if this happens, the war in the middle east will be worse than you think, include palestine in the organization the hamas movement, this is the representative of patha, is an enemy because that the authority of hamas has become absolutely among the palestinians, i cited percentages and so on, but then the entire organization of palestine, which includes a whole range of palestinian factions inside, is narrowed by hamas, yes, it will be the leading role of hama, but in fact it is already becoming so, yes, it will be a radical national liberation movement,
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i don’t know about arafat. forgive me, lord, i didn’t even dream of this in the sixties and 70s, you understand what the matter is, and this will lead to a big, big shock, that is, now the situation has been driven into absolute there is a dead end, and he doesn’t see a way out of it yet , at least they want to conclude a truce for six weeks, but who will sign it , yes they must come to something , yes, they will conclude a truce, we are still at war, that is, this truce is nothing will not give, the truce will not give, and one more thing, and i imagine how zelensky, for zelensky, every shell fired by the israelis is just a personal pain, it’s like, you ’re shooting with my shells, about shells, ammunition, now it means it’s passing, what does it mean information leak that the israeli army is given command to save ammunition.


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