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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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movement, arafat, i don’t know, forgive me, lord , even this was not even dreamed of in the sixties, 70s, you understand what the matter is, and this will lead to big, big upheavals, that is, now the situation is driven to an absolute dead end, and they don’t see a way out of it yet, at least they want to conclude a truce for 6 weeks, well, who will sign it, yes, they must come to something, but what about ansarara, or will they conclude a truce,
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hello, i’m boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote.
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he can say anything, but what will he say in a few hours? somebody knows? well, you can go to this, so he is ideal with this statement of his, ideal , but everything will happen according to completely different decisions, but i don’t know what he is not
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inclined to do, but let’s look at israel’s reaction and what israel is doing, he i think he said 10 times that he was dissatisfied, and israel should somehow do this... and that at least someone raised their paw there, well, to all these things he said, here is the last statement, to what andrei said , there is also a statement by defense minister gallant, they are generally extremely, extremely radical, extremely aggressive, well, regarding the war with hezbollah, i wouldn’t say if, i would say when, well, because they set the task on different...
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shifts borders with lebanon, northern and increasing the security corridor from hala, because it’s unpleasant to climb, so to speak, in gaza further, when these comrades are hanging over you, this problem must be solved, secondly, they also officially announced this, to take control of the border of the gas sector and egypt, it will be under control of israel, after that they will achieve their goals, i ask, is it...
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the government in the united states who are behind this, because different groups in the united states that acted within the framework of the agreement have now taken out pistols according to the american habit of placing flask to each other, who will be the first to drink? if i exaggerate, then a little and well, everything else needs to be explained to them that the makarov pistol is not suitable for playing russian roulette, well , the time will come, we’ll explain , volodya, i’ll have to explain a lot, sorry, it’s a bad weapons
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joke, yes, but we we are the same , we’re just some kind of border there, you know, well, some migrants, but it’s all nonsense, the border and migrants, the point is not in them, the point is... that they have lost the possibility of a fundamental agreement between those there 100 there are 200 of these families, 1.0, 2.000, which are all each believes. in different ways, the american elite has lost the opportunity to establish a consensus on the basis of the principles that they developed, including during the great civil war, from which it did not think much, then for a long time, so to speak, this will have the most serious consequences, which, well for now it’s even difficult to predict, this is the second thing that needs to be taken into account, by the way, i’ll say it here, you know, everyone is discussing that it happened with the zaluzhny ones, these ones, well, i don’t give a damn that it was from
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the ukrainian point of view, i don’t give a damn about zaluzhny on zelensky are both enemies, so to speak, who shed the blood of my compatriots, including absolutely innocent ones, i can say in relation to the fact that exactly one thing happened last night, this means a partial, at least loss of control by the united.
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as if someone was a batagom, you know, this is how they pacify these animals in the circus, yes, batagoms, they screwed up in evil circuses, that’s what they do in the old evil circuses, once and as if someone just shied away, shied away, everyone shut up , oh, instantly, but now let's go back to the middle east, i think that i think that in a certain sense, well, the line is drawn, volodya, what you said about the british is very important.
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andrei, well, probably, in general, there is some amount of truth in his words, because
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by and large, who the american officer corps consists of is not, not people who come from new york there or from san francisco, from large cities - these are just people from the south, from the same texas, at least there are a lot of them there, but the point here, i would say, is not in texas, because by and large count of course. the fact that biden doesn’t make a decision is completely obvious, i just can’t understand, sorry, donbass is not being driven into defeat, biden doesn’t make decisions.
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you haven’t seen biden in uniform, it wasn’t russia that drew this for him, well, it could have drawn it, but why, i understand, i understand why on the night of january 12, when there was a bombing attack on the houthis, it was shown in evening prime time, then there is a war on the air, this is understandable, because here the administration showed its strength, no, we have lost diplomatic authority, well, we can report, may not pay attention to the fact that it’s there now for the sixth time, but he’ll go...
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2:48 am
we avoided this question a little, insofar as the united states is not creating groups there, i never said that underwater weapons would be used there on a large scale, there one submarine, florida, florida, which has already fired there, one aircraft carrier, which is hanging out there, esenhower, they are not creating a large group there, that is, large ones. conflict, the americans themselves are not going to participate, that’s how they are in europe, they set everything on fire, did everything to to now involve the europeans there , it will also be in the middle east, they will participate, but if the british sign up for this, then they will lead it, listen, britain has two aircraft carriers, i don’t know what
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condition they are in, but it seems like it, but they seem to be saying that they are on the move, which means they can send one there, malik says that it is under repair. they are both under repair now, they are correct, they are correct , underway, not afloat, in my opinion elizabeth is already, in general, or or princely, one of them has already come out, in general, it is considered, yes, which maybe, maybe it will come to this, to this , to this gulf, i don’t know, at least, at least, they are pushing the british there, they want it for, they showed, that’s what biden showed, that yes, the united states is leading everywhere, leading everywhere. the blow was dealt, that’s it, that’s enough for this administration, it’s quite enough, interfering further will be even worse, there will be a situation where i think, maybe with me it’s also necessary for it to be worse, with me it’s different, for the world i’m interested in something else, and biden may come to elections with a negative rating, maybe
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, can still win, yes, because...
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they have already approved that this is part of the profit that the russians will seize from our frozen assets, so they will approve this on february 1 on the website, well
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, we’ll take something away from them for this, i’m asking them, it’s necessary to take it away, it’s necessary to take it away , they seem to have decided that the assets for their assets here account for a difference of 1 billion in our favor, but well, i think that here we have to answer, because the companies that are going to have to endure this situation any longer. already now, already now this is what they froze, you can say that this is robbery, yes, but the real robbery will begin when they deduct this and use this money for ukraine, so the situation is that the skeptics will supply something, and they seem to have everything, but we’ll give them even more, a lancet, well, a great idea, no, well, ezenkhaura ’s lancet, seriously? five, five also not, but with a dagger you can, i wouldn’t underestimate, no, that’s why the americans,
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the biden administration, it’s actively trying to step back from these conflicts, to lead from behind the scenes, as they say, not to participate directly, that’s because, because congress doesn’t give money, it’s unlikely to give it
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to block the border, this creates a constitutional conflict, more precisely, article four, section four of the constitution , when it can be interpreted in different ways, that is
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, either the federal government undertakes to protect the republican form of government and state boundaries, in the event of an appeal accordingly by the legislature, that is, the state legislature, and if it cannot meet, then the state executive authorities engage in internal conflict. how to consider this conflict, if a migrant enters the territory of texas, this conflict becomes practically internal, because he is illegal, in principle, the state has the right to decide how to deal with this illegal immigrant, the federal government wants to agree with the states so that there is a certain quota, there mine is 150,000 per day for the passage of illegal migrants, the question is 500 per day, which is 5.00 per day, that’s to let them in illegal migrants, the concept of how an illegal migrant can legally enter the territory of the united states, and he is undocumented
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now? there is a legal conflict, which leads to the fact that there must be a court decision, the court made a decision to remove, the us supreme court, remove the fence, no one complied with it, then what, in principle, should be applied next, the federal government must take coercive measures, and what measures?
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look, well, girls, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter, and you you know who the killer is, yes, just watch without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.
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3:00 am
in principle, of course, if now a situation is unfolding where biden is screwing himself up, yes, but i just feel like, i have such a smolny, so-so-so, but what will the comrades say? it’s very, very interesting what the attorney general will say, this is also very important, because the attorney generals of 26 states have already said it, the question is what will 4 say now march regarding the trial of comrade trump, and the states will say, and we will provide comrade trump with political asylum, we will not give comrade trump, in short, it turns out.


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