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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian army repelled three attacks by assault groups in the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction and the same number in the krasnolimansky direction. in donetsk we took more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost another 900 soldiers and mercenary officers. six tanks and eight other armored vehicles, as well as 10 self-propelled guns and howitzers, including british polish production, were destroyed. shot down 86 combat drones. about captured equipment, mikhail andronik. explosions
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that look impressive even from a height of several kilometers shake positions ukrainian militants, units of the southern group of troops break through the enemy’s defenses. in those directions where the front went further under the control of the russian army, there were real fields of broken, abandoned enemy equipment, the same with the help of which the maddened zelensky regime tried to break through our defenses in the summer. this dutch one. made the decision to evacuate it, approached the car in a repair evacuation vehicle , hooked it up, pulled it out, carried out minor repairs, in principle, the car is now in full combat readiness, an interesting detail, all the triplexes have the armored vehicles were destroyed, that is, before it was. our servicemen blinded her and
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the militants had no opportunity to continue moving. the foreign armored personnel carrier has already been restored and serviced, but, according to military personnel, it is hardly possible to carry out combat missions on it. the equipment is frankly outdated, and drivers are not delighted with the technical characteristics of the mechanics. in terms of cross-country ability, it is clearly worse, since the goose is not intended for this type of soil; it can go well on asphalt or paving stones somewhere else. here on the black soil, on dirt, well, it drives very badly. gun, shot! are advancing in their area of ​​​​responsibility and units of the group of forces, the artillery center in the krasnolimansk direction does not shut up, supporting assault groups in the most difficult battles. we are moving forward, naturally, everyone takes a huge part in making this movement forward, we support our neighbors, we interact with our neighboring tankers and other armies. the kiev regime is constantly... trying to regain lost
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positions here at the front from the military you often hear that the most difficult thing is not just to occupy an enemy stronghold, but to hold it. mikhail andronik, sergey aliseev, news of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. in the west , they were perplexed by the behind-the-scenes games that zelensky staged to fire commander-in-chief zaluzhny. and why he didn’t bring the matter to the end - evgeniy reshitnev found out. i need to say what is the top news and that.
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did zelensky leave zaluzhny's post as head of the armed forces of ukraine? yes, there was such a proposal. zaluzhny allegedly refused to write a report at a meeting with zelensky and at the same time there was no they allegedly did not offer him a significant position in return. in the evening, in response to the news about himself , zaluzhny posted a selfie with chief of the general staff shaptala. former president poroshenko, while in brussels, began hysterically persuading zelinsky not to fire zaluzhny, saying that this would be a shot at national unity. finally, from the ukrainian zelensky office. go
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zaluzhny. rumors about zaluzhny’s resignation have been circulating for a long time and, of course, not out of nowhere . the conflict with zelensky began with disagreements over the further course of the war. zaluzhny said that the situation was stalemate, zelensky denied him. then the president put the entire burden of the disgustingly organized mobilization on the commander-in-chief, saying that this was all the idea of ​​the military, and he supposedly hated seeing people’s arms being twisted and dragged to military registration and enlistment offices. there is already no escape from them in the church. such a reaction came from the front, it is clear that even the failed counterattack is zaluzhny’s fault, the soldiers in the trenches are still holding on to substances. did you take any medications today? i got the leaks. finally, the last one
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the story of the downed il-76, where ukrainian citizens died, the very defenders who are missing, for which, of course, zaluzhny is personally to blame. in any case, this is the version of his resignation. told how the authorities changed this he spent a lot of time and people with zelensky, and although in general shuster speaks complimentarily about the hero of his book, in a fresh
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interview with the fox channel he predicted a not very pleasant future for zelensky. of course, at some point there will be a reckoning, maybe even during the war, certainly after the war with... to further ensure ukraine's success and russia's strategic defeat, it is vital that congress approve president biden's request for additional funding; without this request, we will send a powerful and inaccurate signal to all our adversaries that we are not serious about defending freedom for... the main horror story for voters of democrats and european liberals is donald trump, who may return to the white house. the czech president says that in this case washington and moscow can conclude some kind of agreement. such an agreement may turn out to be unprofitable for both ukraine and europe. we must
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be prepared for this. the western military industry needs 2 years to provide the ukrainian army with ammunition at the same level as the russian army, reports financial. tymes, not to mention how much all this will cost, the hungarian authorities continue to block the fifty billion tranche to ukraine. the european union barely avoided a technical recession at the end of twenty-three, reports bloomberg, and then at the expense of the countries of southern europe, which showed a small, less than one percent increase in gdp. in europe we are increasingly suffering from poor economic performance, this money would be very useful to the european peoples, the french, the germans, the hungarians, the poles. budapest. orban are under enormous pressure from the eu, but have not yet caved in. if hungary does not lift its veto on aid to ukraine, then the eu will unleash an economic war against one of its members, and this is already a precedent, after which each member country will have to think about whether it will face
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something similar if he dares to express disagreement? evgeniyv and maxim shchepilov, lead. russian transport security services will be able to destroy. drones, this law was signed by vladimir putin. another law simplifies the registration of drugs for rare diseases. in addition, the rules for the protection of intellectual rights are changing. now the losing party is obliged to reimburse the costs incurred to the opponent. another law allows the use of reserves to prevent emergencies. a law has also been signed that clarifies the payment percent to the employee for delayed wages, vacation pay or severance pay.
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in the world because of china and russia, this was pointed out by the head of the cro, william burns, in his article for the american publication foreign affairs. he emphasized that global competition is complicated by the technological revolution. larger than the beginning of the nuclear age, so moscow and beijing have powerful new tools to counter the cia, and this was noted by burns. well, the united states has not yet decided how to respond to the terrorist attack against the american military in jordan. experts indicated that if another conflict breaks out in the middle east, oil prices will exceed $100 per barrel. gasoline prices in america could double. so why bury biden's chances of winning the election? our us correspondent dmitry melnikov talks about the impasse in which washington finds itself.
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the united states does not provide evidence of iran’s involvement in the death of three american military personnel, but public opinion is being prepared that iran will be punished. while the white house is contemplating a plan for revenge. the americans understand that the country is already involved in a war. channel presenter msnbc joy reid unwittingly said this live, forgetting about her microphone. it's war again. in the frame at this moment, joe biden is talking about another crisis in texas. he has not yet made a public statement about his response to iran, but he posted a photo of himself on social networks, in which he looks poorly understanding what is happening. almost immediately, iranian authorities announced that they had nothing to do with the attacks, but the pentagon raised the temperature and reported that the number of wounded military personnel had grown to 40 people. it turned out that the defense system of the american base in jordan was confused enemy drone with one of their own. we continue
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to investigate what happened and how the drone was able to hit the facility, but we know iran is behind it. one of the possible scenarios of retaliation, as the political publication writes, is us strikes on ships of the iranian naval forces, as well as on iranian formations in syria or iraq. information has emerged that the strikes could be carried out from the air. i think it's very important to note that this is an incredibly unstable time in the middle east right now, i would argue that it's as dangerous a situation as the one we're facing right now we have not seen in the region since at least 1973, and possibly earlier. now in washington they are trying not to remember how biden’s national security adviser sullivan recently assured reporters that under the current administration, the middle east has become calmer than ever. it became known that the american outpost tower 22 was an auxiliary base for
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the e-tanf garrison illegally located in syria, which was used by the united states for sabotage activities. why the american military is in this region, white house press secretary karine jeanpierre does not understand. her words that the soldiers first gave their lives for the biden administration, and then for the country, caused a wave of indignation in the united states. on behalf of this administration, i mean on behalf of the american people. the level of awareness is also indicated by the fact that the photographs of the dead military personnel with which the media illustrated the news yesterday turned out to be completely different. the us army reserve soldiers killed in jordan actually look like this: two young men and a girl, all from georgia, their bodies.
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very bad, a us strike on iranian forces on land or at sea will give tehran a reason for an even tougher response, for example, the sinking of an american aircraft carrier will be an unbearable blow not only for the biden administration, but for the entire nation. no matter how hard internal propaganda tries, everyone understands that the death of three servicemen thousands of kilometers from home on foreign soil is not a reason to drag the united states into another conflict. the collapse of foreign policy, according to all polls, is one of biden's major failures as president, what is the us really doing in
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ukraine in the middle east is a question all american voters are asking today. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. elon musk announced the first successful experiment in chipping people. this will allow, for example, paralyzed people to control gadgets with the power of thought. but such technologies are also of active interest to the military. our subcors assessed what this could lead to. the story of neurolink will end with something bad for humanity, but, for example, the earth if cyborgs take over, then at least the point of no return can be restored down to the minute. elon musk himself left a testimony on his own social network x. imagine if stephen hawking could communicate faster than a speedy typist or auctioneer, that ’s the goal. astrophysicist stephen hawking
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has communicated with the world in recent years using a speech synthesizer, initially using a manual one. switch, then, when the disease worsened, he moved the cheek muscles, it turned out like during this interview with hawking. our planet regularly collides with astronomical phenomena such as asteroids, supernova explosions, and these are potential dangers, in order to survive as a species, we must literally reach for the stars. there is no one to demonstrate the mask yet. the patient's name is classified, a tangle of ethical problems. this matter is as confusing as the issues of implant safety. permission for the operation was received less than a year ago. the neurochip transmits brain signals via bluetooth and can be controlled using a computer or smartphone. the capsule is attached behind the ear, into the brain there are thread-like electrodes, four times thinner than a human hair. from a marketing
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point of view, pure futurism, but from a scientific point of view, in general, not a mask, the first. in fact, that's what it does. musk, this is not something new, well, to understand, we are already implanting electrodes and stimulators into the brain to treat the disease protentional epilepsy and other diseases, in addition to this, our domestic scientists, for example, professor lebedev, who worked at duke university in the early 2000s, performed similar studies on monkeys, he implanted the same computer brain interfaces into the brain, by the way, on one of the first...
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before the monkeys were messing with pigs. she lived with the implant for 2 months, so she is a healthy, happy pig. then, however, it turned out that as a result of the experiments , more than one and a half thousand animals were killed. musk began to be accused of being a knacker, but there are worse things in terms of global consequences. could you explain what a neurolink is and what its purpose is? we will insert a chip into your brain to control your mind. musk tried to be ironic, but many of his 170 million subscribers have somehow become unable to laugh in the last 24 hours, they are assessing the scale of the disaster in order to understand whether it is difficult to be a god, there seems to be time, but this will happen if competitors from the company synchron and onwarрд do not press and if everyone plays by the rules, when someone in
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the technology world is working on something, people start to get nervous, because their mantra usually sounds like this: let's break everything now: artificial intelligence, where is the person, what's in it? as a result of billions will there be any calculations left? we are already a kind of cyborgs, if we consider that the telephone and the computer are an extension of ourselves. i'd be more concerned about digital superintelligence or how to avoid world war iii. musk is even more concerned about those who could start a third world war. recently , the billionaire said that he would not repeat his mistake four years ago and would not vote for biden, whom internet jokers have already registered as a neurolink patient. these, they say, are the first words after
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the operation. obvious problems with chip configuration and at karine jeanpierre. and at first glance, they are nothing more than internet memes, but musk, if necessary, will adapt them to business. the head of spacex and tesla have great plans for neurolink. with the help of neurochips, elon musk in the future wants not only to make life easier for those who... cannot move independently, but also to treat diseases such as autism, depression, and obesity. however, neurolink will not become commercially available until 2030. cyborgs, of course, are coming, but definitely not in this five-year period. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin, timofey mukhin and victor kazakov, vesti usa. in
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in germany, protesting farmers blocked several autobahns; in belgium , they frightened the authorities so much that they installed hedgehogs with barbed wire in brussels. paris is now in a state of siege. well, what are the farmers trying to achieve? - our european correspondent, anastasia popova, found out. above the tracks.
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from here the charles de gaulle international airport is only a few hundred meters away; the convoy of tractors stopped on the highway and did not block the air harbor, at least while they were waiting for new announcements from prime minister gabriel, and then they would decide. the prime minister's keynote speech in the national assembly is the development strategy of france for the next few years.
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the tires were set on fire. the reinforcements coming to paris from the south were stopped on the way by the armored cars of the gendarmerie, but the particularly cunning ones punched a hole in the fence and went around the police through the fields. logistics platforms near the city of nimes are blocked, and foreign trucks are being opened there to look for anything that is not french. still watching from the sidelines.
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anastasia popov lio bernatsky anna lvova, news from france. what do you remember about this day ? joined the pan-european protests the largest producer of citrus fruits is spain, the routes are breaking into brussels itself, to history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on january 31, 1714, peter ii took up the education of noble children. it was impossible to build a state, develop science and art, and the tsar ordered to send illiterate specialists. in all provinces there were several people from mathematical schools to teach tsefir and geometry, but the nobles didn’t really want to study, then peter
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forbade them to marry without education, in lessons, diligence and discipline were set follow retired soldiers with a whip in their hands. they sent him to study abroad, but even there the nobles deceived him; one such youth sent his servant denis kolmykov to study in his place, and peter himself decided to take the servant’s exam. became a midshipman, and then rose to the rank of rear admiral. this story formed the basis of the play and film the tobacco captain. of course, among the nobles there were capable ones, for example, the arab of peter the great, pushkin’s great-grandfather, abram hannibal, studied engineering. others became navigators, soldiers, doctors, architects, artists and mastered many other professions. january 31 , 1917, german kaiser wilhelm ii. signed an order for total submarine warfare, now the germans could sink not only warships, but also any civilian ships, they needed to bring britain to its knees, because
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the british received it. industrial raw materials and food were supplied mainly by sea; they won surface battles. previously, england and germany, like other countries, underestimated the importance of submarines. the germans were the first to realize it and began to build large and fast submarines with powerful weapons and autonomous navigation resource. the number of ships they sank, dutch, danish, spanish, brazilian and others , grew rapidly, but chancellor tobald von bethmann holvik did not show optimism. regarding this success , he said that germany was finished, realizing that the united states would now enter the war. the americans then escorted merchant ships, fought submarines and sent their troops to europe. by the end of 1917, the submarine war was in decline. she did not save germany from defeat, but she showed everyone the strategic the importance of the submarine fleet. in 1946, on this
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day, the institute of oceanology of the ussr academy of sciences, one of the largest scientific centers for the study of the world ocean, was created. among its founders are world-famous scientists, hydrologists, biooceanologists, polar explorers, pyotr shirshov, the first director, the institute now bears his name. beniamin bogarov, ivan papanin, the first scientific ship of the vite institute made 65 expeditions, thousands of discoveries, in the fifty-seventh. was the first to measure the maximum depth of the mariana trench, 11.022, and discovered microorganisms there, before they believed that there was no life there. the knight served for 30 years, now it is the main exhibit of the museum of the world ocean in kaliningrad. and today the employees of the institute of oceanology are conducting geological research, studying the structure of currents, the circulation of water masses, hydrothermal processes, and the ecology of the
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oceans. they also work at sea. equipment, including underwater laboratories and remote-controlled small-sized vehicles. underwater faults, ridges, valleys and mountains are named after soviet and russian oceanographers. january 31, 1968 in south vietnam a large-scale offensive by communist forces began against the american interventionists and the puppet regime. it was the first day of tet, the lunar new year. therefore, the operation went down in history as tet. offensive the war in vietnam had been going on for 10 years, and the united states was deeply mired in it. first they supplied the government in saigon with weapons, military equipment, and ammunition, and then they sent their regular troops. by that time there were already almost 500,000. they bombed cities and villages, destroyed jungles, and killed civilians. the partisans who helped to them, the north vietnamese units were well armed with soviet mortars, trouble-free guns, missiles and, of course, kalashnikovs.
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they attacked the largest cities and centers of the province and inflicted enormous damage on the enemy, with the main effect being the psychological effect. it was after the ted offensive that communist forces in washington lost faith in victory, the anti-war movement grew and the united states had to sit down at the negotiating table. this is what this day in history was like. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections , the situation has become tense, my grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, child, this is your work , open your laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there’s one on the internet resources about elections, the site opened immediately in the know,
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data about candidates, elections, places. dates, voting results of election campaigns. wow, how technological everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet by looking at the sikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honest comfortable. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.


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