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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. in the vladimir region, police, with the support of russian guard soldiers, stormed one of the fish factories; it was all about the workers, very hardworking, but without permission to work in our country. almost hundreds of foreign specialists were detained right in the workshop, many of whom stayed in our country for a while. their legal period of stay in russia has long expired. excited criminal case about the organization. channels of illegal migration, it involved three resourceful businessmen who decided to save money on rapsila. for twenty migrants, a decision was made to shorten their period of stay in the russian federation and their existing visas were cancelled. in accordance with the decision of the sobinsky city court of the vladimir region, 13 foreigners will be forcibly expelled from the territory of the russian federation. now,
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business owners, apparently, will still have to look for workers using legal methods, for example, for diversity, pay decent wages , take into account the norms of the labor code. foresters cut down, police cut down in the krasnoyarsk territory, the real tree destroyers are being judged, the investigation is sure of this. some, who wielded axes whenever they wanted, left only kicks, while others in uniform successfully covered them up, receiving substantial dividends. details of olga zhurinkova. footage of the arrest of dmitry glebov, the head of the forestry department in the boguchansky district of the krasnoyarsk territory, accused of taking bribes. the capture group met him at his workplace. how investigators believe that he provided patronage to the timber harvester for free. two criminal cases have been opened against you. receiving a bribe. you can check it out. businessmen allegedly gave him money for several years while he was still working as a forester. during the period from march 2020. from
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2021, former foresters for assistance to the organization in the selection of forest resources, for reducing the time required for documenting cutting areas for subsequent timber harvesting. at least two installed episode, but it is possible that others will appear during the investigation. currently, two criminal cases have been initiated, under part three and part five of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation. operational work with department employees continues; there is information about the commission of additional episodes of criminal activity. it is already known that the director of the gremuchensky forestry is the third person involved in a big scandalous case. according to media reports , the former head of the department of internal affairs was previously detained and arrested. his subordinate, it turned out, was an officer could also receive generous rewards from black lumberjacks. the accused group of people, the former police department commissioner, received from two residents of the baguchansky district bribes in the amounts of 15 million and 3,000 rubles
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for failure to carry out operational measures aimed at bringing two loggers to criminal responsibility for illegal logging of forest plantations in the territory of the baguchansky district. institutions, personally selected good forest areas for cutting down trees, registered cutting areas for for 2 years he provided patronage to one of the lumberjack companies, logging, received about a million rubles for this, the businessmen transferred the money to his wife’s bank account. this is largely due to the biography of the baguchany district, the leader in logging and processing in the region; criminal brigades operate as stoppers in almost all forest... areas of the krasnoyarsk territory. the scale of illegal activity is catastrophic. in the krasnoyarsk territory, logging has always been a profitable business. about 15% is concentrated in the region from the all-russian forest reserve. rich siberian taiga, larch, spruce, pine and cedar. as for the influential officer,
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who, according to investigators, provided protection to black lumberjacks, it is possible that he will hear a verdict this year. but the criminal investigation against forestry director dmitry glebov has just begun. he was sent to pre-trial detention. it is possible that other participants in this high-profile story will be detained in the region in the near future. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, dmitry manyshev, lead the duty department. using tire irons to hit a woman with a dog in the irkutsk region, several people brutally beat the owner of the fighting dog, and then tried to kill the animal. but the story is complex, and you can’t immediately say which of its participants is more to blame. the brutal attack was captured on the store's cctv cameras. a woman was looking for shelter in it; you can see how the doors are immediately broken. several armed people, they are trying to get to the pit bull, simultaneously beating its owner, as the dog named simbo survived only by a miracle, at the last moment he escaped from the clutches of her neighbors, the neighbors attacked me knocked down, with a large stick, with a crowbar, with
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an ax, with a knife, the dog is bleeding, his hands are shaking, if you can see, i’m waiting for an ambulance now, this is it such. we have people. the woman claims that the harassment and attacks have been going on for several months. for example, her neighbors are persistently knocking on the door of her apartment, and also not with their hands, but with a baton. however, when law enforcement officers became interested in the story of the attack, it turned out that everything was not so simple. it turns out that simba is being killed for a reason. several people have already suffered from pit bull teeth. it has been established that the conflict is ongoing. so last fall , a dog bit a sixty-three-year-old woman, later. this year, she bit another member of the same family, a pre-investigation check is organized, the investigator of the investigative committee is finding out all the circumstances of the incident, eyewitnesses are being identified, their interviews are being conducted, based on the results of the check, a procedural decision will be made, replacing lynching the participants in the attack are in danger of major
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troubles, while questions remain for the injured woman herself, why she can’t keep track of her fighting dog over and over again, since she decided to get an animal of a potentially dangerous breed. the standard of deception. the prosecutor's office began an investigation following a complaint from clients of a premium fitness club. a luxurious establishment where people from all over moscow came to train suddenly closed. the simulators were taken away, and the management disappeared without a trace. meanwhile, before the new year, managers actively lured customers with favorable prices. report by dmitry blinnikov. there are dissatisfied clients at the entrance to the etalon fitness club. the establishment closed without warning. and , of course, no one returns the money.
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in droves, many wanted to take advantage of the chance to get into a prestigious fitness club for little money, they bought
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subscriptions for our whole family, what a surprise, they collected the money just before closing, 100% everyone knew that they would be closing, people, and victims hundreds, obviously they cheated on purpose, the manager wrote that this was some kind of repair work to replace the exercise equipment, because they were taken out into the street, and then they were taken somewhere. closed, where the owners of the club are now is unknown, we tried to contact them by phone, it was immediately and especially unpleasant for regular customers, they were deceived twice, there used to be another club here, they also collected money, closed, leaving empty premises, etalon became the new tenant, here is the story like a carbon copy. the fitness center has closed, citizens who bought memberships cannot visit the gym, and their money will not be returned to them. based on the request received about... another thing,
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i'll have to forget about a good fitness club near home for now. dmitry blinnikov, egor vyshletsov, ilona agasieva, lead, duty unit. 19 years in prison for the crab king. this is the period of state employment requested for sakhalin tycoon oleg kan. the debate between the parties took place in the primorsky regional court. kana accuses his competitor of contract murder. according to... he was fatally wounded in the chest and head. by the way, the ship king was identified as dmitry polikov, a participant in the murder, who had already served his sentence. let me remind you that crab tycoon oleg kan fled the country several years ago, he was arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list. the magnificent age of thieves with the influx of russian tourists to turkey. gangs have appeared there that specialize. it was on them, or rather on the gold of wealthy guests , that one of these groups was formed by local
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lovers of despicable metal, without attracting too much attention, they first knock on the door, and if there is no one there, they deftly open the lock with a hairpin and take out everything precious, what should the victims of the gang do? turkish beauties, alina understood skachkova. leaving a lady without decorations on new year's eve is not just blasphemy, it is a criminal offense. valeria ashkukova moved to turkey a couple of years ago. she says, only here did she learn all the subtleties of female deceit, her apartment in the small town of mersin was robbed by a gang of thieves, it was new year, i was already packed, i opened my box and realized that it was empty, as if it was ordinary jewelry, but there was no gold , called my husband, tears just started flowing immediately, because well, i realized that something was wrong here they didn’t rob us right away, but tell me , how much is the total amount of damage? dollars , we are sure that the victim was the same turkish quartet, a surveillance camera recorded the strange hobby of four friends, for some reason they
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went to visit strangers, and even as if out of spite, when no one was at home, on an outing for conspiracy, sometimes even they took children, here is another episode, the ladies enter the entrance, and after a while they come out with a full bag, they say the gang has been operating for a year already, they managed to rob at least fifty our compatriots suffered damages amounting to 130 million rubles. cunning housekeepers deftly picked up passwords on intercoms, knocked on the doors to make sure no one was in the house, then with one swing of the hairpin they opened the lock and found themselves inside , here the fun began, to clean out the apartment exactly four times faster, turkish beauties separated, like crows rowing, precious rings, earrings, pendants, and equipment were always left in place, apparently so that the loss would not be discovered immediately, they probably expected that all traces would disappear when the apartment was repaired cleaning, so at the crime scenes of a mysterious friend... they left their fingerprints in the hair , the turkish police had already seized the evidence , they looked through our entire apartment, they walked around here trying
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to find fingerprints everywhere, here the elastic band was torn and most likely they tried something like that do. retribution was close, the long-haired atomans were identified, detained and a strange thing happened, until they were released to walk further, the victims were perplexed, had the officers been blinded by their beauty, they reached the embassy, ​​but there, alas, they could not help with the investigation. their competence, only... advised. our consular officers, who traveled to mersin to provide consular services to russian citizens, held a meeting with representatives of the victims, during which they were given comprehensive explanations regarding the measures that. needs to be done. in general, in the ratings of countries by crime level, turkey is in ninety-second place, which means that the country is relatively safe, but theft is the most acute headache here, so as not to be left broke in a foreign country without knowing the language. experts recommend immediately contacting not only the embassy, ​​but also international law lawyers. in the russian federation, we have had
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an international association of russian-speaking lawyers for several years now, which does just that. which provides assistance to russian citizens who find themselves in difficult situations abroad. fifty of our compatriots no longer hope to return what was stolen, they say that all the jewelry has probably long since spread to the buying markets, but punishing the perpetrators is a matter of principle, especially since the local law severe, for theft you can get up to 15 years, if, of course, it is finally revealed. alena skachkova, oleg ivanov, lead the duty department. new details of the car accident have become known. involving a bus that was transporting a team of young hockey players from the sverdlovsk region, it turned out that the bus driver significantly exceeded the speed limit for 3 hours, drove almost three hundred kilometers in 3 hours, after the accident the speedometer needle froze hundreds of kilometers per hour, although when it comes to transporting a group of children, maximum allowed 60, when the bus’s tire burst, it flew into the oncoming lane and rammed
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a passenger car, in relation to the driver of the bus ordered... traffic police inspectors drew up an administrative protocol for driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which its operation is prohibited. as a result of the accident , four people died, including the team coach. now the wrecked cars have become evidence in a criminal case. the police ordered an auto technical examination. any touch is the death of the priceless works of art. russian specialists. began the restoration of unique paintings that were severely damaged after a powerful fire in the sukhumi museum. more than a hundred paintings remain to be restored. some are right in the galley, but the rest will be transported to russia. report by pavel melnik. clean gloves only last a couple of moments. under a thick layer of soot is a painting priceless for abkhazia. these works can be called surviving only conditionally. now
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they are in the national library of abkhazia. restorers have a colossal job ahead. the frames are burnt, significant elements of the canvas are missing somewhere, no more than 200 works were rescued from the fire in the national art gallery of the republic, a group of restorers from russia just got off the plane straight to work, this evening landscape is frightening. as there is a lot of destruction and damage, any touch will result in the loss of the paint layer. somewhere here is a miraculously saved portrait of a girl, a year ago it was exhibited at an exhibition in sukhum, this work by varvara. bubnovo performed it in ink on paper, the recovery will be long, solutions, scalpels and even irons, a resuscitation kit for painting. we put a sticker on the paint layer to strengthen it so that it does not crumble. visual damage is not the worst thing yet, all the windows in the storage room are open, many canvases are still too damp to have a chance of salvation, but specialists have a solution. the paintings
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go straight to work. now specialists do not apply woven fabric; they use special glue. specifically for these needs, all in order to extend the life of a work of art. at the site of the national art gallery of abkhazia, the fire left ashes, the first frames after the fire show that rescuers are doing everything possible, 11 crews are working at once, many urgently arrived from neighboring regions, but the flames have already engulfed the entire second floor, it is there that the golden collection of paintings seems to have been lost a little more and the ceiling will collapse, the investigation into the causes of the fire on behalf of the president of abkhazia aslan bzhania is in charge.
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now only in memories, sophisticated portraits in oils and graphics, and this is the master’s st. petersburg period, costume sketches for the imperial, mariinsky and alexandrinsky theaters. more than 400 works from the galleries that were lost forever, those that survived the restoration, will be transported to specialized laboratories of the largest museum complexes in russia. we will conduct such an inventory to ensure that , first of all, we need to remove all the specialists from both the center of grobar and gosneir,
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america, gin, wine, bourbon, liqueurs and beer, a total of 335 liters of foaming contraband. the sailor admitted that he purchased goods for personal use in the port of busan and deliberately concealed them from customs control. the crew customs office opened a criminal case against the member. according to the most conservative estimates, the cost.
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fyodor eliseev. this video quickly gained popularity on social networks, although not as much as the authors themselves expected. two snow-white cars skid out onto the wide avenue and continue to perform dangerous maneuvers, firing volleys of fireworks from the windows. but the ride is short. one of the cars skids and crashes into a fence, fencing a pedestrian passage. but against this same background, the culprit is already writing down an apology. most of all, i was afraid move in somewhere and it happened. “i thought that in 3 months i had curbed all these forces, i had learned, but it turned out that this was not so, i could not hold this car, in a matter of minutes
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road inspectors were already working at the scene of the accident, the culprits of the accident, and also the organizers of the race, they were surprised "we recognized a local celebrity, a twenty-five-year-old blogger from ufa, azamat talkhin. on social networks, he calls himself a business coach and mentor, as is customary with information cameras, the main argument is that continuous shots are beautiful." life in restaurants, in the background the burjkhalifas of the parus hotel in the emirates, in general , are complete clichés, but for some it still has an effect, and this is the joy of acquiring another attribute of a beautiful life, the snow-white bavarian car immediately became the hero of the blogger’s videos, here he is defiantly turning off the anti-skid system in the car, from the first the same turn he goes into a drift, then drifts to areas with fireworks, then trains on the road with all sorts of violations, he may have been rehearsing for...
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time , investigative actions are being carried out with the offenders, their mobile phones are confiscated telephones and other personal items having a criminal case of hooliganism. currently important for the investigation of a criminal case, as well as the two cars in which they were traveling. during interrogations, the business coach admitted that he didn’t even come up with his prank and copied it from more successful internet scandalists. ufa extreme sportsman
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igor belkin, for example, is ready to show his skills in winter racing, even while driving a domestic lada, but when he sees a skid in the city center he almost loses his speech. emergency situations on the roads may occur with any of you, especially on slippery or wet surfaces. specially designated areas and instructors for honing extreme driving skills. fortunately, the risky trip of the ufa bloggers, despite the accident, resulted in no injuries, but it is unlikely that they will be able to restore their reputation among their already small audience. investigators have yet to give a final legal assessment of the bloggers’ night arrival, at least for the duration of the investigation; business coaches, who are under a travel ban, are unlikely to be concerned about filming new content with night rides. with the drift organizer, it’s time to look for good lawyers. fyodor eliseev, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective.
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subscribe also to... investigation , watch daily episodes on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is now complete, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia-24 tv channel, my dad and i went here as children , you also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i’m not pushing you i'm just skating. focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like mom, ice 3, soon, and a
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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defense sergei shaigu inspected the production of self-propelled artillery units at the ural transmash plant in yekaterinburg. the company carries out state defense orders. the general director of the plant reported to the head of the ministry of defense that production volumes had increased sixfold compared to the twenty-second year. the first batch of the latest 2s-35 self-propelled howitzers of the sv coalition will soon be ready. during the inspection, sergei shaigu emphasized these.


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