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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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defense minister sergei shaigu inspected the production of self-propelled artillery units at the ural transmash plant in yekaterinburg; the enterprise carries out state defense orders. the general director of the plant reported to the head of the ministry of defense that production volumes had increased sixfold compared to the twenty-second year. the first batch of the latest self-propelled howitzers 2s-35 from the sv coalition will soon be ready. during the inspection, sergei shaigu emphasized these. self-propelled guns for artillery
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installations are in great demand, it is necessary to speed up testing work and begin the beginning of mass production, this is an order from the president. the changes are serious, cardinal, a lot of new equipment has appeared, and naturally, in connection with this , production volumes have increased significantly. we are talking about self-propelled artillery and here, of course, uh, if today we went out for repairs on... new guns - already at a good pace, and here we need to strengthen it, in this regard, i would like to receive a specific proposal within a week how will we reach the indicators set by the instructions of the president - supreme commander-in-chief, this must be done, in february we will receive the first six vehicles, the demand for these
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weapons is extremely high, the motorized rifles of the southern group of troops destroyed the enemy’s camouflaged dugouts in the donetsk direction. shot! the strong point was discovered in a forest plantation during aerial reconnaissance. the coordinates were immediately transferred to the crew of the gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, who opened fire from closed positions. they destroyed two equipped shelters and struck...
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different targets, that is, from manpower, as they say, to pillboxes, sometimes armored vehicles, in general, we destroy everything that is required of us; in the kupinsky direction, fighters from the west group of troops destroyed drones and reconnaissance aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew of the tor anti-aircraft missile system worked on them. using a radar station, our military detected enemy drones and launched missiles at them. the downed drones were used to target enemy artillery. all of them were successfully hit. the best all-weather complex in the world. with its help we hit targets, such as unmanned flying.
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joe biden said that he had already decided how the states would react to the attack on their military base in jordan, but he could not voice the details. earlier, the american president accused iran of... for the american military as a result of a drone strike, he promised a very serious response, but political scientists note that in the midst of the election race, the most rational decision for biden would be to dismantle military bases in iraq and syria, because despite menacing statements from the white house, the situation in the region is only heating up, and journalists call biden's desire to blame tehran for everything manic, because the iranian authorities have already stated that they have nothing to do with the attacks and want a diplomatic solution to the conflict. در
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تصمیمات گروه های و یا دفاع گروه های مقاومت در منطقه در تصمیم. islamic republic of iran, we are not looking for conflict even with america. neither within the region nor beyond its borders. the islamic republic of iran believes in political solutions to international and regional disputes. meanwhile, the us air force command acknowledged the fact of a new plane crash. american f-16 crashed in south korea. it is reported that the pilot managed to eject. earlier, the same plane crashed in the yellow sea, not far from a military base. this is a serious blow for washington, because the f-16 is positioned as a fighter. capable of providing the american army with air superiority. and just recently, on january 20, the states celebrated the half-century anniversary of the first f-16 aircraft, emphasizing that this is one of the most durable fighters and an extremely successful project. at least 17 people were killed as
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a result of new shelling in the southern part of gas sector - al-jazeera reports. according to information from the building, the idf besieged the building of the palestinian red crescent society and the hospital, they are located in the very center of khanyounis, the military is demanding that civilians evacuate immediately, and as the media write, in the central part of the enclave, israeli defense forces soldiers fired at a school in the vicinity of the refugee camp, according to the palestinian ministry of health, the number of civilian deaths exceeded 26 people, another 65 thousand were injured, and in the meantime the idf is drawing forces to the borders of lebanon, from there with the beginning of the conflict, fired over 200 rockets towards israel.
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the operation was carried out that night. our tug beringovprolife came to the rescue and brought the tanker to clean water. the ship on the island of sakhalin fell into an ice trap two dozen kilometers from the japanese island of hakaida. his speed dropped to 3 km/h. now the ship is heading to its destination port in primorsky krai. the tanker is intact, the crew, 19 people were not injured. and now alexander’s economic news, based on the results of last year, the mortgage portfolio of russian banks. exceeded 18 trillions of rubles, as reported by the central bank. tell us what forecast they give for the current year? tatyana, growth will be less active, i will continue the topic. over the past year, the mortgage portfolio in russia increased by almost a third; according to the central bank, by january 1, the total
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debt exceeded 18 trillion rubles. growth was stimulated mainly by government support programs, which were not affected by the increase in the key rate. they account for about 60%. all issues. the total volume of mortgage issuance with state support under all programs doubled to 4.700 billion. in general, for last year, 2 million housing loans were issued, almost 8 trillion, which is one and a half times more than a year earlier. at the beginning of 2024, we expect balanced growth and improvement in mortgage lending standards, which assumes market growth will not be as strong as in 2023. among the main factors are changes in the conditions of preferential programs, including an increase in the down payment on a preferential mortgage to 30 from 20%. tightening from march 1, 2024, premiums on risk ratios for loans with a high ratio debt burden, as well as high
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market mortgage rates. in addition, to limit systemic risks, it is planned to introduce macroprudential limits on mortgages. meanwhile, the portfolio of consumer loans. last year grew by more than 15.5% after weak results in 2022 and exceeded 13.5 trillion rubles. the corporate segment added more than 20%, this record jump brought it closer to 74 trillion. online retailers azon and wildberries announced an extension of the deadline for issuing orders that had to be picked up on 30 january. this decision is due to a glitch that occurred in the rune. on tuesday it arose due to a technical problem with the global add-on in the domain name system. the operation of sites in the russian segment has already been restored. the vice president of venezuela promises retaliatory measures if the us tightens sanctions. caracas emphasized that it does not accept
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washington’s economic aggression. venezuela completely rejects the us government's crude, unfounded blackmail and ultimatum. as an answer. measures against a deliberate attempt to inflict blow to the venezuelan oil and gas industry, all existing cooperation mechanisms will be reviewed. the conflict began when... the venezuelan supreme court banned right-wing opposition leader maria karina machado from becoming a presidential candidate. the us stated that the authorities of the republic violated the agreement on election transparency. in the fall , washington suspended sanctions against banks, oil and gas and the gold mining industry in venezuela. if caracos does not reach an agreement with the opposition by april, the restrictions may be returned. in conclusion release, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are 89 rubles. 28 kopecks euro 96. russia
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is traditional, modern, technological , original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum. the all-russian snow landing campaign is gaining momentum; this year over 20 thousand volunteers became participants in the project. student teams work in almost all regions of the country. maria valieva will tell you about what tasks they perform. they will help you chop wood and water from bring wells and clear roads of snow; russian student teams take an active part in the action during the winter holidays.
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it has its own bathhouse, and there is a water pump at the end of the street. i said that i need to bring water, we have help with housework, the young people say, they are ready to provide it to everyone who asks for it, they will not refuse anyone, you can contact the guys. either through social networks, or simply approach them on the street. we come, they see, let's say we're helping someone else, they might come over calmly ask for help, and we will never refuse it, because we are volunteers, and this is our, so to speak, duty, and we say it is our business to help people. during the all-russian action , which was joined by more than 20,000 students from all over the country, the snow landing was a little divided, depending on which region the students were working in, for example, in karelia , young people from the onega landing came to the rescue, in the novgorod region from the sofia, here in
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one of the schools, at the request of the director, he transfers books. the girls also pack books into boxes, and the boys have already packed these boxes and bring them here. a mountain landing force landed in the chechen republic. the students visited the family of the deceased svo participants, helped mothers with many children tidy up their plots and cleared away the snow. real complexes, mountainous areas predominate in the chechen republic and therefore we decided to call the snow landing a mountain landing. every year, such a marathon of good deeds during the winter holidays becomes more and more popular among russian students. many this is not the first time they have taken part. ekaterina timofeeva decided to join the ranks of the snow landing immediately after passing her first session. and now for the third year he has been traveling around the country with classmates, helping. citizens with limited mobility, elderly people, i especially like helping
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grandmothers, because well, we do it selflessly, that is, we don’t ask anything from them in return, they try to give us their chocolate, but we can’t take it, but they try to give us tea, they just don’t believe that there are people left who can help just like that. the start of the patriotic action snow landing of the north ossetia was given in the youth house at the international exhibition forum of russia. this year is the student's anniversary. 20 years of russia , 65 years of the movement, but it is important that our main all-russian patriotic action, the snow desan, also celebrates its anniversary this year, this year it is 55 years old, this action originated in the altai territory, but it seems like one small region in siberia . during the anniversary year, a lot of events are planned for russian student teams, including including trips to historical places will be organized. first. a departure of the snow landing detachment will be organized, together with russian railways, the participants of which, as
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part of the fiftieth anniversary of bama, will go to help veterans of the railway complex, volunteers will go to a historically significant place for student detachments, the bulaevsky state farm, north kazakhstan region, where the first working season of student detachments took place in 1959 over the 65 years of the existence of the studa movement. groups , more than 20 million people became their participants, many students, thanks to this organization, they gained their first work experience and made a significant contribution to the development of the country. how is this method better and how artificial intelligence helps to make the correct diagnosis about this report by olga durnykh, small spots in the image of lesions in the white matter of the brain, as multiple sclerosis
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is shown by a tomograph, these data are very important for selecting methods for combating the disease. and the artificial intelligence method helps very well to count the number of lesions, whether there are fewer or more of them, to measure them dimensions, a machine does it all for us, use artificial intelligence to process medical data, an idea that the international tomography center of novosibirsk has been working on for several years, however, they want to improve the method itself, amplify the signal thousands of hundreds of thousands of times even... those tissues where there is little water necessary for the action of magnetic resonance. this can be done through special hyperpolarized metabolite molecules that are introduced into the body and their behavior is observed. so, with the help of an aerosol you can improve mri diagnostics of the lungs, which is still inferior to cat. for example, you know, diethyl ether, which has been very actively used in medical
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diagnostics as an inhalational anesthetic, it can then be hyperpolarized . if it is released into the lungs of, say, a laboratory animal in the perspective of a person, then high-quality and meaningful mri images can be obtained. magnetic resonance may make another medical breakthrough in metabalomics, a science that studies metabolism. resonance allows see how small molecules change in the body under the influence of stress, aging, poor ecology, low oxygen levels; markers of some diseases have already been found. the blood of people who have parkinson's , there are noticeable differences from the blood of people who do not have parkinson's passport, well , we are also studying cancer, we are studying age-related diseases or glaucoma, this will advance early diagnosis, and then treatment, far ahead, but scientists make no promises soon they don’t give it,
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it’s still more than a year before all the developments are put into practice, the research is supported by the relevant ministry of the region. i’ve been driving since childhood, everything is fine , i’ve always been supported, everything is fine, now i ’m a magnet, i work as a driver, the fleet is being renewed, my salary is the same day, everything is fine, come 800 300 677 to retire in the new year is profitable with sberbank,
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get a supercake every month and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable, alpha profitable. the farmers' revolt has swept across europe following germany, romania and france, and mass protests are taking place in italy and belgium. thousands of indignant farmers are blocking roads, burning fires and build barricades. seacraft with details. the farmers' revolt, it is terrible, the most, european farmers have taken over europe, they are protesting harshly, they are not taking a step back. these shots show german stuttgart. there are a thousand agricultural vehicles on the roads, the protesters provoked a road collapse and surrounded the city, they do not intend to retreat, this is how we attract the attention of the government, now the authorities know
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our demands, we ask for the abolition of taxes on diesel fuel, secondly, what the greens are doing in relation to to agriculture - this is simply a disaster; we believe that, under the guise of fighting for the environment, they are simply exterminating farming in the country. germany is burning with protests from south to north, farmers are blocking. hamburg, passages to the port are closed, the city center smells of manure, the local police are calling for a retreat, but the farmers are responding harshly. their business is in deep crisis, farmers say, fuel prices are high and electricity bills are shocking. you can really look at our agriculture, our farmers bend over backwards to earn at least something, but there are problems everywhere, prices, taxes, loans.
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there are a lot of problems in our industry in society as a whole, many of them are like eyesores, but no one is doing anything, bureaucracy, lack of staff, and of course, incredibly high prices, all these are problems, we started closing stores in the afternoon , because there are not enough staff, we have no profit, but we need to pay rent, a kilogram of sugar used to cost 0.38 euros.
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legalize electronic summonses, while all citizens will be required to always have a military id with them in order to present it at first at the request of the police or representatives of military registration and enlistment offices, and the hospital management must report patients aged 18 to 25 years, a prescribed list of persons who will not be subject to mobilization includes government officials, ministers, deputies, judges, officials and certain categories of students. the western press actively joined the scandal surrounding the possible resignation of the commander-in-chief of the ssu, as the british times provides details of the dialogue with the head of the kiev regime. they write that he allegedly summoned valery zaluzhny to report on situation at the front, and after apparently unpleasant news, the military commander was offered to resign, to which he refused. according to the publication, the decision was changed to banking only because of pressure from the west. the american new york times offers a completely different
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version. they believe that zaluzhny’s dismissal was not canceled, only postponed due to an information leak. the publication behind the icons, citing its sources, reports that the post of zaluzhny has already been offered to the head of the main intelligence department of ukraine, kirill budanov, but he allegedly refused at the last moment. rumors that kiev is trying to get rid of zaluzhny spread last monday; deputies from poroshenko’s party shared their data on this matter more actively than others. the ministry of defense immediately denied the information... they called it speculation in the office of the head of the kiev regime. american partners have nothing to offer kiev in the form of military assistance. the us department of defense will not be able to transfer additional weapons to kiev until congress approves such a request. this was admitted by a pentagon official. patrick ryder. washington persistently sent a request for additional funding 4 months ago, but so far to no avail. the white
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house has already warned.
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i present false information about the situation on the southern border. however, experts note that impeachment has virtually no chance of success, since it requires a vote with the senate, which, unlike the house of representatives, is controlled by biden's party members.
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hello, i'm boris akimov. and i, oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating.


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