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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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and now about the weather, weather forecasters warn about severe ice in european russia, which regions it will cover and how long it will last, all the forecasts are from ksenia levitskaya. the european part of russia is covered in ice. the region is experiencing temperature swings. just yesterday there was a hectic atmosphere here, with streams flowing through the streets. and today everything is frozen. does this mean that the weather has become stable? course for cooling, this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobys center, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello, in the european part the country today is very slippery. the region has been warm for the past few weeks, but the warming peaked yesterday. in moscow, for example, it was +2°, this is the highest temperature since the beginning of january. about the same number of thaws have already occurred in st. petersburg on the banks of the niva in a month, and in some places where. the snow melted and
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the first snowdrops began to emerge from the ground. even in murmonsk there was a plus for the second day in a row. in certain areas of european russia, against the background of the invasion of the atlantic cyclone, freezing rains. on january 30, after an extraordinary inspection of the overhead line , a slight deposit of ice was discovered. upholstery is being done. mechanical removal. interestingly, in the north of the russian plain it became as warm as in the south.
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plus it will only hold in the southern extreme western regions, in other areas where it was abnormally warm on monday, ice will form on the roads and sidewalks, but alas the bad news does not end there, as i already said, the atlantic cyclone brought the thaw to european russia, so here it is already tomorrow another one will follow in his footsteps, precipitation is expected in the north of the region, and for the most part it will fall in the form of rain, in a wide band from... to saratov , freezing rains are not excluded, because the next whirlwind will bring another portion of atlantic heat, and the temperature will again rise sharply, the isolation will cover almost the entire russian plain, with the exception of the urals and the volga region. the baltic coast will be at the epicenter of warming. today tomorrow in st. petersburg there will be precipitation in a mixed phase and up to +3° on thermometers. in at night the temperature will drop below zero, so
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it will be very slippery for several days in the city on the neva. on friday , saturday will be a little frosty, but on sunday a new thaw will come to the northwest of the country. in moscow today it will be zero, no precipitation, sleet, and tomorrow the temperature will rise to +2 and snow and rain will begin. this means that on friday night the metropolis may be frozen again . in the future, temperature swings will continue to swing, thermometer readings will remain above the climate norm. at least they won't be a plus anymore, for me that's all, goodbye.
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there are situations when only a big snow burger with chicken can save you. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet in crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and signature sauce. also try a new product: big chicken mushroom burger, delicious. what men are silent about is that life is out of control. ceases to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis, the recommended course is two packaging: lamogitase against prostatitis, maybe
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soseson, appetite anywhere, dad, only dad will tame it, we conduct a thorough inspection of the pipe, check the supports, hello!
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now it’s time for economic news alexander, last year hong kong increased purchases of russian gold sixfold, tell us
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how much they delivered in the end? tatyana, in monetary terms by $5.5 billion, for now i’ll start with news from the banking market. over the past year, the mortgage portfolio in russia. according to the central bank, by january 1, the total debt exceeded 18 trillion rubles. ross was stimulated mainly by government support programs, which were not affected by the increase in the key rate. they account for about 60% of all search results. at the end of last year, russia for the first time entered the top five largest suppliers of gold to hong kong. as reported by rionovosti, according to the local state service, in monetary terms the volume has increased sixfold. up to $5.5 billion. switzerland became the leader with a result of 11 billion. next come the united arab emirates, australia and japan. just last year, hong kong imported almost by 60 billion dollars. latvia will not
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prohibit the transportation of grain from russia to other european countries through its territory. this was reported by local media with reference to the ministry of agriculture of the republic. they said they were planning a refusal. from our and belarusian grain, but cannot prevent other eu members from receiving it, so a law is being prepared that will oblige companies to indicate the destination when importing agricultural products, according to data. experts, a ban on imports and transit of russian grain could lead to a decrease in income for latvian ports and railways for 100 million euros. rosselkhoznadzor has suspended the import of animal feed from the italian plant of the hills company since february 6. the agency discovered violations both in the work of the local regulator and the manufacturer itself. the temperature treatment of raw materials was insufficient, and there was no laboratory control of the composition of the products. dna
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from undeclared plant ingredients, peas, soy and canola, was found in hills science plan cat food. the manufacturer of premium feed introduced into misleading consumers by replacing meat components with vegetable ones in order to reduce costs. due to problems with the composition of pet food, supplies from the dutch company were also suspended in august last year. in the first, due to various violations , restrictions were imposed on manufacturers from the czech republic and one plant in the usa. only a miracle will help solve the problems of the growing us debt. according to bloomberg, this opinion is shared by a famous scientist, author of the book black swan. naseem taleb. he is confident that congress will continue to extend the limit for a long time because it is afraid of the consequences of acting differently. as a result, the us budget deficit will continue to grow. along with it, the vulnerability of the economy will increase, due to globalization, the problems
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of americans will affect other countries, everyone sees the risks, but it is unknown how to avoid them, it is impossible to break this debt spiral without outside help, talep believes. that's all for now, more news in the next hour. one friend of mine can do everything. fix a car with bare hands, bare feet cope with enemies, well, what can you do, and i get gigabytes from the megaphone just like that, naked charisma, the megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, only for megaphone subscribers. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by this year. everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance , i have already broken the record for monthly sales
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one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and what a wide coverage, where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can even pick up there, mobile operator number one in terms of speed of coverage, than to look 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order with avito delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm!
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the self-employed can pay only 4% of their income, but it’s not that simple: firstly, it is important who brings in the revenue, an individual or an organization, and secondly, there are organizations based on profit size and type of activity, which the self-employed cannot do, but irina matyushenko will tell you this in the program instructions. being self-employed is beneficial there is a special tax regime, but there are activities that you should not engage in if you want to continue to benefit from the reduced rate. we will tell you about them in 5 minutes. there are instructions in the program, but first about the advantages: self-employment is, as they say in taxation, paying tax on professional income. the biggest advantage of being self-employed is very low preferential rates. 4% on the income you receive from individuals and 6% if you are paid by an individual entrepreneur or organization. self-employed people can work without cash desks, and it is not necessary to open separate
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bank accounts to accept payments. checks can be written through the my tax app and sent. to the client by email or via instant messengers. the taxes that will need to be paid are calculated automatically, and there is no need to file a declaration. insurance contributions are voluntary if you want, for example, paid sick leave. also with the status of an individual entrepreneur. if you don't want to, you can work without it. a nice bonus for everyone who registers for the first time - tax deduction for 10,000 rubles. until it is used up, the self-employed will actually pay only 3%. from income from individuals and 4% from organizations and individual entrepreneurs. the balance of the deduction can always be viewed in the application. by the way, we have already told you how to use the my tax application, for example, to prepare a certificate of income for the bank, if, for example, you want to take out a mortgage. on the portal с you can find two issues on the topic of self-employed people, they contain a lot of interesting things. however, such benefits
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do not apply to absolutely any activity. there are restrictions. first of all, you can’t work in this mode if... despite rising prices and inflation, the law does not provide for any indexation for the amount of inflation, amendments are being looked at today, they are being considered by the government in order to increase... this limit to 4,800,000 rubles . and accordingly, this means that indexation does not occur and is not tied to the amount of inflation, but other decisions are made, or other reasons are taken to increase this limit. this is primarily related, of course however, with the income of the population, this is with the growth
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of trade turnover and the need to attract labor into... the labor market. preferential tax regime cannot be applied if you simply resell other people's goods. but it is possible if you have invested your own labor in someone else’s product. for example, if you buy a batch of mugs and resell them, then the professional activity tax is not applicable here. but if you bought plain white mugs, painted them, decorated them and sold them, then yes, in this case you can take advantage of tax benefits. it is also prohibited to trade in excisable goods or minerals. the law establishes certain rules, violation of which may lead to the fact that a person will not be able to apply this special tax regime and pay tax on professional income, but this does not apply to the self-employed’s choice of location, information about their services,
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work for the purpose of finding customers, then there it can be any specialized one. portal, any platform, any resource, both russian and foreign, the main thing is to comply with the restrictions established by law, including by type of activity. buying a used car, getting it tuned and quickly resell it won’t work either. it's the same story with real estate. if the minimum holding period has not passed, you will have to pay personal income tax at the regular rate of 13%. self-employed people can only rent out their home, house, apartment or room. if. if you want to rent out non-residential premises, for example, a warehouse or office, then you cannot apply preferential treatment. some professions that require a special license to work, for example, lawyers or notaries, do not fall under the self-employed regime. agency and intermediary activities are also not suitable, and civil servants can use the professional activity tax only in one case - rental housing. in
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all other cases, you can safely use the preferential tax regime and keep it for yourself. almost all income, any activity, restrictions that are not in the law on self-employed people are eligible. the law itself can be found on the official website for the publication of legal acts in other reference systems on the internet. accordingly, if a freelancer is at territory of russia and provides services to citizens or organizations on the territory of russia, then he has the right to apply the nap regime. if a freelancer is located outside the territory of russia and provides services to organizations that are not located in russia, to citizens not on the territory of russia, then this law cannot be applied, and this... regime does not apply to such citizens. let us repeat the main thing: the professional activity tax has many advantages, but it cannot be applied if the income exceeds the established threshold, if you are engaged in
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resale of goods or you have a profession that requires a special license, you can only rent out housing. if you want to know more about other tax regimes or how to communicate more easily with the tax service, write to us on telegram. we will collect your questions, ask experts and tell you everything. in the next issues of our instructions.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 31, 1714 , peter ii took up the education of noble children. it was impossible to have illiterate specialists to build a state, develop science and art, and the king ordered to send several people from mathematical schools to all provinces to teach tsefir and geometry. but nobles study especially. they didn’t want to, then peter forbade them to marry without education, and in the lessons, he appointed retired soldiers with a whip in their hands to monitor their diligence and discipline. they sent me
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abroad to study, but even there the nobles deceived me. one such youth sent his servant denis kolmykov to classes in his place. and peter himself decided to take the exam, the servant became a midshipman, and then rose to the rank of rear admiral. this story formed the basis of the play and film "tobacco captain." on january 31, 1917, the german kaiser wilhelm ii signed an order for total submarine warfare, now the germans could sink not only warships, but also any civilian ships. they needed to bring britain to its knees, because the british received industrial raw materials and food mainly by sea, and they won surface battles. previously, england and
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germany, like other countries, underestimated the importance of submarines. the germans realized it were the first to build large and high-speed submarines with powerful weapons and autonomous navigation capabilities. the number of ships they sank, dutch, danish, spanish, brazilian and others , grew rapidly. but chancellor tobald von bethmann gollwik was not optimistic about this success and said that germany was finished. realizing that the united states will now enter the war. the americans then escorted merchant ships, fought submarines and sent their troops to europe. by the end of 1917, the underwater the war went downhill. it did not save germany from defeat, but it showed everyone the strategic importance of the submarine fleet. in 1946, on this day, the institute of oceanology, academy of sciences of the ussr, one of the largest
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scientific centers for the study of the world ocean, was created. among its founders are world -famous scientists, hydrologists, biooceanologists, polar explorers, pyotr shirshov, the first director, the institute now bears his name. ivan papanin, the first scientific ship of the vite institute, accomplished. 55 expeditions, a thousand discoveries, in the fifty- seventh he was the first to measure the maximum depth mariana trench, 11.22 and discovered microorganisms there, previously they believed that there was no life there, the knight served for 30 years, now it is the main exhibit of the museum of the world ocean in kaliningrad, employees of the institute of oceanology are still conducting geological surveys, studying the structure of currents, circulation of water masses, hydrothermal ... processes, the ecology of the seas of the oceans, they also work on marine technology, including underwater laboratories and remote-controlled small-sized vehicles.
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they are named after soviet and russian oceanographers. equipment, ammunition, and then sent their regular troops. by that time there were already almost 500,000. they bombed cities and villages, destroyed jungles, and killed civilians. the partisans, the north vietnamese units helping them, were well armed with soviet mortars, trouble-free guns, missiles and, of course, kalashnikovs. they attacked the largest cities and centers of the province and inflicted enormous damage on the enemy. moreover
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, the main thing was the psychological effect. it was after ted’s offensive that the communist forces in washington lost faith in victory, the anti-war movement was growing and the united states had to sit down at the negotiating table. this is what this day in history was like. my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent. tigerist. yes, i’m not skating, just skate, focus on training , you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it, i’ll prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice, soon!
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has a special yes. who do you keep looking at? there you go, girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? just watch without amateur performances.
8:00 am
stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website. sergei shaigu inspected the implementation of the defense government order, which was shown to the head ministry of defense and what newest equipment will soon be sent to our soldiers. new shelling in the gaza strip, how many civilian casualties there are, and what is the situation on the border between israel and lebanon. the pentagon is sounding the alarm, despite all the efforts of the white house to extract new aid for the ukrainian armed forces from congressmen , what...


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