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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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yes, including their pro-nazi or neo-nazi essence, which they will not be able to refute any repentance regarding the fact that they did not know who gunka was, and there were not enough facts regarding the same eckhardt, they will not be able to rehabilitate them and will not be able to explain nothing public for one simple reason because... there are a huge number of such cases, they literally get away with it all, they are not responsible for anything, they literally publish a couple of press releases, they give a couple of interviews, they remove the accountant signs, they rewrite the name headings on this, they turn this page, that’s it, no one bears any responsibility, we have no doubts.
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we have already stated that we view canada as an extremely unfriendly state, whose authorities have become entangled in complicity with nazism, betraying their own history, and we will build our policy accordingly. and about the situation in moldova, we are watching the development of the situation in this country, whose leadership continues unfriendly actions, statements in russia's attitude. on january 25, in his speech at the winter session, pase, deputy speaker of parliament.
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comrade minister, nihaau, since meeting with you, first of all, i would like to personally congratulate you on your appointment to the post of minister of defense of the people's republic of china and wish you success in your responsible position in defending the homeland, strengthening its defense capability, and further modernizing the people's liberation army of china. knowing that at one time you were trained in moscow at the generals military academy.
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headquarters in 2016 were the head of the chinese side during the russian-chinese naval exercises, i am convinced that your experience of interaction with the russian armed forces will contribute to the further expansion of military cooperation between our countries. at the present stage, relations between russia and china are experiencing the best period of their history; a key role in strengthening strategic... ties is played by the confidential contacts of our leaders, president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin and chairman of the people's republic of china ti pin's day. last year, the heads of state held two personal meetings in moscow and beijing, aimed at the unconditional implementation of all agreements reached, which form long-term goals in the field of national development and security. the coordination of our efforts has a stabilizing effect. on the international
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situation helps reduce the potential for conflict. russian-chinese relations in the military field are steadily developing in all directions; we regularly conduct joint operational combat training events at land, sea in the air, we successfully practice combat training missions of varying complexity. i would like to emphasize that our actions are not directed against third countries, unlike some.
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relations between two countries and two armies, here i want to express my deep gratitude to you, 呃 這次視頻 。
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prevent normal and far-russian community, well, now let’s return to the broadcast of maria zakharova’s briefing, and efforts have also intensified to disrupt international sporting events planned in russia . for these purposes, washington
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uses all the capabilities available to him in his arsenal. i’ll just remind you that you remember how, probably 10 years ago, the united states of america began to actively inflate. a company around russian athletes , russian sports, sports in russia, the main topic was doping, when they asked to provide any data or asked to somehow take into account that this is a global problem, that it needs to be solved collectively and not turned into a mechanism of political persecution, repressions and so on, we heard that they only about sports, they are only for the frequency of sports, look, because now everything that is happening... has revealed the real, true essence of the task of the united states of america, then 10 years ago, it was not about doping, it was not about the purity of sports, it was not about, and was not dedicated to upholding the principles of olympism or
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preserving everything that had been developed in world sports, no, it was only about one thing: to make sure that russia, well in particular and... not only russia, and other countries, and belarus, were not among the athletes at leading world competitions, and why? yes, because there is such competition, because they already considered in the late nineties that nothing from the territory of our country threatens them in terms of sporting achievements, because they have sank everywhere in sports, and over the years we have...
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that all this is happening already without any camouflage or attempts to somehow disguise it all, cover it up or give it some kind of human form, everything goes openly, everything goes head-on, but it started a long time ago, i remember very well when we attracted attention to this topic, we were told that there was no politics in this, they were absolutely convinced of this, including western journalists, they said that this was only an exception, caring about health.
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washington's directives to mok and wada have been taken into account for implementation, have already been marked
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by critical statements regarding the prospects for organizing major international sporting competitions in our country, such as the games of the future, the brix games, none of them can answer the question: what about them? who cares, they are somehow connected with those sporting competitions that are under do not take place under their auspices, not for their money, not at their expense. so he could call on national olympic committees not to allow their athletes to participate in sports formats initiated by russia. well, have you heard this somewhere? in fact, anti-advertising is prohibited in a competitive business environment. any advertiser in any country will say that anti-advertising is at least not indirect, but direct. defeat of a competitor, what do we see here, and this
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despite the fact that we are not going to compete with anyone in this regard, we are just holding sporting events, wada emphasizes that the national regulator rusada is still deprived of the status of compliance with the world anti-doping code, the current difficult conditions for world sports, which have worsened and destroyed. actions of the united states, and the adoption of sanctions, and the destruction of logistics, first due to the covid pandemic, then again due to restrictions imposed, now it seems important to make every effort to develop, create new formats of sports interaction, to hold competitions in a depoliticized based on spirit of fair struggle and in the absence of any discrimination based on nationality, but at the same time from the side of the collective west we see only...
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we do not intend to put up with this state of affairs, we will continue to defend the rights of our athletes, we are convinced that the international olympic community is obliged to respect the olympic charter and generally accepted human rights standards to which everyone has subscribed. we remain open to sports interaction with all interested partners on an equal footing. and on a non-discriminatory basis in accordance with the spirit and principles of olympism, we stand for... fair, fair competitions, providing all countries, without exception
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, with equal access to full participation in the olympic and paralympic movement, we call on all sensible representatives of world sports to be guided by such simple, obvious approaches which are based on law and justice. well , actually, what is lost competition with the west? let's look at the economic situation in the european union, it doesn't just continue to get worse there. according to the latest data from the statistical bureau of the european union itself, eurostat , for the worse, even compared to the december estimates that we talked about, data on eu gdp dynamics in the third quarter of twenty-three have been revised instead of zero quarterly growth, now - 0.1% . based on the results of the fourth quarter of last year, as actually stated in the forecasts, most likely, if. european union. possibly a recession. when will they be recognized in brussels? to me
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it’s formally interesting to talk about the offensive in the eu, they get involved in all the affairs of the world. it’s interesting that everything is important, even the fact that the border does not come into contact with them. when you start commenting on your economic agenda. i understand, the delivery went through, it was interesting to talk about future arms deliveries. and the eu economy. nothing. you have a blank. the european economy has been in a state of stagnation since the autumn of twenty-three. it is caused by stagnation by high energy prices. it's not surprising, right? declining consumer demand for against the background of unprecedented inflation and tightening monetary policy of the european central bank.
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the official unemployment rate in the european union in november twenty-three was 5.9%. amounted to almost 83%. the highest rates are in greece - 165%, italy - about 141%, france - 1120%, spain - 110%, belgium 108% and portugal - 107.5%. the industrial production index has been consistently declining throughout the year, which, in fact, is also evidenced by eurostat data. november of the twenty-third year, this figure fell by 5.8% during this period compared to the same period of the previous year. the largest drop in industrial production was recorded in
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ireland, -30%, belgium -1.5%, bulgaria - almost -1%. the netherlands -10% and germany, which once played the role of an economic locomotive of the eu, almost 5% (minus 5%) here the united states of america constantly, through controlled media, through its experts, and some discussion platforms, directly say that the world community is primarily of course, the european union has nothing to worry about in terms of its energy and its provision, there is also gas. there are also non-russian naves, take it, buy it, they say in washington, provide for yourself, in short, don’t deny yourself anything, the fact is that industrialists in the european union are forced to pay for electricity almost twice as expensive now, twice as expensive as even in usa. as
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a result, there is a steady decline in new orders and new production volumes. in november of the twenty-third year, production. the european trade union confederation has been sounding the alarm for a long time, it does this in connection with a decrease in the investment attractiveness of large energy-intensive industries and, as a consequence, the increasing frequency of business transfers. with the subsequent outflow of qualified personnel. the european automobile manufacturers association recorded a 23% decline in new car sales in germany in december 23. why? something bad is happening there, right? why is no one saying anything about this? why do
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we hear this all the time, i’ll repeat it again, even at economic forums? policy, arms supplies, so to speak, the prospect of preventing russia’s victory, which they endlessly repeat as a mantra, why don’t they talk about their economy and how they will overcome these problems? i just said that the decline in sales of new cars in germany occurred by 23% in 2023, this is compared to the year 22, by the way, this naturally influenced the overall indicator of -3%, even more than 3.3, and while in the electric vehicle segment, sales during this period fell by 47.5% in germany and by 16.9% overall according to the european union. according to the european commission , the industrial confidence index, which is calculated on the basis of the total number of orders, current inventories of finished products
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and planned growth in production volumes, in december of twenty-three dropped to... berlin and brussels and paris, where they continue to stubbornly cut the branch on which sitting. the twelfth package of anti-russian sanctions adopted in december last year has already dealt a serious blow to the positions. belgian antwerp as the world diamond capital, i remind you, 80-90% of precious
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raw materials, 50% of diamonds, 40% of industrial diamonds passed through it; international banks are restructuring their credit policies; they now consider the diamond business in antwerp toxic. in such conditions, many firms prefer to transfer business to those jurisdictions where maintaining a favorable business climate prevails over political ones.
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and the economy of the european union, where is that supporting point, where is that magic ball in which they will see their economic future
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and notice prosperity in it, this is no one in states does not tell them, this secret was apparently saved for last, and meanwhile the anti-russian, essentially pro-american lobby in the european... continues to generate goal-setting and specific measures that are literally suicidal for the eu economy. here is another exercise - a proposal from latvia, lithuania and estonia to ban the import of russian food into the european union. i understand that latvia, lithuania and estonia have demonstrated miracles of their own development in recent decades. there's practically no left.
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in europe, in return, apparently, they want to increase the consumption of american products, or something, that is, they are lobbyists - american genetically modified products, so that everything will be imported from the other side, and so to speak , liquefied gas, and products, and then what will they do? and then how will they get out of this? or perhaps a bet is being placed on ukrainian agricultural products and other products, which are now grown and produced on
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lands owned, essentially by the same americans, through american corporations and enterprises, they are betting on this that ukrainian food products will save the european union, i remind you, i remind you, work and colossal financial costs, or nothing, if not to say that these are products from the very fields where they were used...
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shells were used with united uranus, then it will be possible to feed them in france, germany, italy, spain, portugal, and northern europe. these same questions need to be raised before the european union, i mean people who should still somehow be interested in what the future awaits them. the european union, due to the absolutely ill-considered policies of its leadership, not only in relation to russia, but in other areas, are hopelessly losing their competitive positions and advantages.
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all this will continue to unfold, now brussels is calling on their ordinary europeans to be patient, but to understand that the kiev regime needs more money, ukraine also needs the prospect more than the european union itself, so that a bright future for the european union is just around the corner, perhaps not bright anymore, but ...
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without any other danger, but they simply don’t have it, their own government is dangerous , because they are killing their agro-industrial complex, because they are flooding the countries of the european union, products from the territory of ukraine are of poor quality, because the income from it does not go to the countries of the european union, not to eu corporations and not to eu producers, they going overseas. does she really
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read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special data. who are you all looking at? there you go, girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stay in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look ahead of everyone else in the app or on the website.
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