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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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remember them and enjoy them, what's the signal? the signal is normal, stable, in combat use it is actually much easier to control a drone, you just need to raise it sharply, and after that just fly towards the enemy, we have a sapper, there is someone watching, and there are pilots, we hid one again from the control points , we fly a little closer and see that they have a nest there, i had a good background, in civilian life i played a lot on the computer, i take great care of them, they are super fighters, i was very lucky with them.
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in the orekhovsky direction of the special operation, our fighters are suppressing any attempts by ukrainian militants to break through the defenses. artillerymen destroy enemy armored vehicles and strike enemy infantry. our war correspondent anton stepanenko spoke with the heroes on the front line. western armored vehicles are burning in the fields of zaporozhye. another attempt at a counteroffensive. in the orekhovsk direction it choked, the enemy armored vehicles did not even reach the landing point, they were burning, the howitzer of the 292 self-propelled artillery regiment of the southern military district worked accurately, as taught, we were green boys who didn’t understand why they brought us where, now you look, this is a brave warrior who is not afraid of either the enemy or death, the job will be done in any case. alexander, one of those mobilized, did his military service .
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in the battles to repel the kiev counter-offensive in the summer in the orekhovsky direction, alexander was awarded the st. george cross of the fourth degree. the counterattack was repelled, and then its crew supported the assault groups, which pushed the front line away from them. protects the potartillerista the blood of the infantry, so not a single assault can be done without artillery. sometimes there are serious concerts here, let’s say yesterday morning even the artillery didn’t stop talking there for 2-3 hours.
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a job is a job, there is an order. anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, lead the zaporozhye front. the scenario of the third world war is being played out by nato countries near the borders of russia in the form of torture. however, the kremlin , brussels and washington say the message is very clear. the maneuvers, called steadfast defender, officially started last year. a week. the so-called active phase begins tomorrow and will last until the end of may. they will work it out. russia has attacked europe,
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and the alliance is responding with all its might. the action takes place in poland, germany and the baltic countries. up to 90 thousand military personnel from thirty alliance countries will take part in the exercises, plus sweden, which has not yet officially joined nato. the maneuvers are already being called the largest since the cold war. there will also be american soldiers there who were transferred from the north. america, in fact, the rapid transfer of troops across the atlantic - this is the main thing that is practiced in the exercises. they want to use up to 50 ships, dozens of aircraft and drones, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. the kremlin has already commented on the nato exercises, and quite straightforwardly. in our understanding, nato is an instrument of confrontation; the alliance, in fact, was conceived, formed, configured, and is currently managed by the united states.
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the russian foreign ministry announced the provocative nature of the nato exercises. first of all , they frighten europeans with a mythical threat, if not formulates the russian occupation of a significant territory of the countries of the old world. once again we want to encourage you. countries of the collective west, first of all, the countries of the european union, if you speak unilaterally or during a nato event about such things, then
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please try to say that this is your point of view and your intention, but do not impose in any way don’t attribute this ideology to us and your...unhealthy fantasies in our country. joe biden, amid low pre-election ratings, risks facing even with the rebellion of his own democratic party. this was reported by the american political publication. the reason is the president’s willingness to make concessions to moderate republicans and conclude an agreement to tighten immigration laws. however, republicans in the house of representatives are also not happy with the bipartisan deal that the senate is proposing. congressmen respond. launched impeachment proceedings against the us secretary of homeland security. he is considered the main culprit for the fact that during biden’s presidency, the country through the southern more than 6 million migrants entered the border. with details anton dadykin. the house select committee debated
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the impeachment of homeland security secretary alejandra mayorkas for more than 13 hours. congressmen prepared creatively for the debate. republicans brought a poster with photos of democrats. these are the terrible ideas the former president constantly puts forward, all this in an attempt to re-elect donald trump, he himself says that he does not want any decisions from congress this year, while minister mayorkas and president biden continues to offer a solution every day. the real damage has been done to our country, and that damage has been proven by the testimony of sheriffs and local officials during dozens of hearings before this committee, so it's not about politics. the authors of the impeachment resolution accused mayorkas of
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deliberately and systematically refusing to comply with laws and betraying the trust of citizens. the document was adopted only due to the numerical superiority of republicans in the committee: 18 votes in favor. powers, i have been asking for this since the day i took office, give me border patrols, give me people, we have a clear crisis and the president can immediately take over executive power and he pretends not to know this, this is
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outrageous , the american people are demanding action, we are going to achieve this in any way possible, the house of representatives, led by mike johnson, may consider impeaching mayork. next week, but even if congressmen decide to send a minister for the second time in history homeland security resignation, the democratic majority in the senate is unlikely to support it, while influential republicans call johnson a dead end; senators have previously agreed on a bill to tighten border rules. i hope every republican activist in the country will oppose this bill, it is treasonous and stupid. all we have to do is say we want to stop this now. when i heard that they were proposing to let no more than 5,000 people cross the border every day people, and this does not include illegal immigrants. i said something is wrong with these guys. i don't know what they're drinking there. until their
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demands to combat illegal immigration are met, republicans refuse to approve military aid funding for ukraine. however, the prospect of an armed conflict in the territory no longer seems fantastic. and the usa itself. the texas national guard, contrary to orders from the white house, continues to strengthen the fence on the border with mexico. the state is not going to comply with the verdict of the us supreme court, which. allowed federal service employees expelled from the border to break this fence if necessary. the governor of texas warns that he has a plan ready in case the white house attempts to reassign the local national guard. if joe biden transfers our state's national guard to federal control, he will be committing a major political stupidity. i don't think he 'll do that, but i'm preparing for the possibility that he might be stupid. i must ensure texas's ability to defend the border. the border crisis has literally split the country in half. the attorneys general of 26 states, in
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a collective letter addressed to joe biden , called the actions of the texas authorities legal. they are supported by 69% of citizens - shows a sociological survey conducted by the rasmuson reports center. republican states are sending their units to help governor abbott's efforts. and from florida to the texas-mexico border, the so-called army of god is moving. propaganda. in support of a tough fight against the flow of illegal immigrants. anton dadykin, lead. mass protests by farmers are underway already throughout the european union. in france, farmers are blocking roads leading to paris. the stated goal is to put the capital under siege. in this way, the demonstrators want to convey to the country’s authorities their demand to reduce fuel taxes, as well as to remove cheap foreign products from french markets. the ministry of internal affairs of the fifth republic mobilized 15,000 police officers.
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spain, the main demand is to abolish the european bureaucracy that prevents them from working, the same thing is happening in belgium. by the way, a day earlier, protesters blocked a large part of the kingdom's federal highways, today they are going to do it again. lenta guarantees the best prices for everything with red price tags, more than 20,000 products, found cheaper, we will return the cost of the goods with points, conditions on the website, the best price guarantee is valid in all hypermarkets with delivery, stable, low prices in lenta, retire in new year benefits with sberbank, free sbercard for pensioners, favorable deposit rates to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself,
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order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. europe will send naval patrols for security and navigation in the red sea. such plans were announced today by the head of european diplomacy, josep. borel. the fate of another important mission in the middle east remains unclear. the un has admitted that it has no plan to save the agency to help the palestinian refugees of bapor, which the us and several other countries have deprived. funding, this step only contributes to the aggravation of the situation in the gas sector, where 17 civilians were killed in 24 hours. the situation in the region in the reports of our correspondents, sergei pashkov and alexander belibov. israel's border villages, abandoned by civilians, have become temporary military bases. for example, in this kibbutz, completely not far from the lebanese border,
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a unit of airborne troops was located, ready to enter positions. the lebanese shu'id group hezbollah is bombarding israel by air using combat drones, mortars and short-range rockets. for its part, israel is attacking southern lebanon. the military reports the liquidation of militant commanders and the destruction of baskhizbala. in the south, in the gaza sector, idf infantry and armored vehicles are fighting their way deeper into hanyunas. greatest, operational ones are destroyed tunnels and weapons depots discovered by the military as a result of the city's resistance to hamas militants. the day before, israeli intelligence collected a special dossier, it turned out that at least 13 employees of the un humanitarian agency in gaza bapor were hamas activists who took part in
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the bloody raid on israel on october 7, almost a dozen countries of the western world. among which the usa, canada, great britain, italy, france and germany, australia have stopped or suspended funding for beauport. regarding the situation with bapor, reports that we received last week are of great concern. it is imperative that the un agency to help and organize palestinian refugees immediately investigate and hold the people accountable. negotiations on the conditions for the release of israeli hostages with the participation of mediators from. in qatar and egypt , the last days are underway; there is less and less time left to return the captives alive. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. news about termination and financing of the middle east the un agency to help palestinian refugees overshadowed the reports of military operations
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from the gaza strip in the agency itself, to the hype that erupted around it, so far they have not responded in any way, only posting it on their page. we also call on bapor to reverse its decision to fire palestinian employees and not to succumb to blackmail and pressure from the zionist, american western countries. the un relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the middle east, abbreviated as bapor, was created in the middle of the last century. education, healthcare, emergency relief, creating and maintaining
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infrastructure for refugee camps, to name just a few, is what beauport is doing in the middle east. with the beginning of the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict , bapor's worries increased manifold thanks to the activities of the agency; only during the current aggravation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, hundreds, if not thousands of lives of civilians in the gaza strip were saved, but the humanitarian crisis in the enclave continues, and it can be solved without participation there will be plenty of support more difficult. meanwhile, in the arab world, and not only in other countries, they are now discussing the topic of a new possible truce in gaza. the option that the parties are currently considering includes. a six-week pause in hostilities, as well as an exchange of hostages according to the formula of one israeli held by hamas for three palestinian prisoners. if the details can be agreed upon, the truce can begin simultaneously. with the arrival of the muslim holy month of ramadan, this year it begins on march 11th. alexander bilibov, dmitry cherbakov and maria bolotvina. news: middle east. well, now about the weather,
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an abnormal thaw in the european part of russia. the epicenter of overheating has moved to the far north. who would have thought? we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the foba center, vadim zavodchenko. vadim, hello. so, where is it warmest in russia ? well, the most. the warmest region of russia in the first half of the day was the north of the murmansk region, and the russian pole of heat at night in the morning became the village of lovozero, located beyond the arctic circle, the center of the sami culture, there in the spring, the most spectacular festivals of the region are held, the festival of the north and the festival of the reindeer herder; on the last day of january at dawn the temperature here rose to +5.7, that is, it was warmer in the north of the murmansk region. than in southern sochi and yalka, at abnormally high temperatures for winter, even in the polar regions snow and ice began to fly off roofs, in ivanovo-tver
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passers-by were injured from falling pieces of ice, as the thaw zone increases , the geography of avalanches expands , snowy, the following frames from balashikha near moscow, that’s what we have is happening. this is what is happening here at moscow building 1, in the zarya microdistrict, and today they were supposed to come and knock icicles off the snow from the roof, the danger now is not only near snow-covered roofs, but on reservoirs, in st. petersburg today the ice is being undermined by above-zero temperatures, and passing in the rain, precipitation, a rescuer... in such weather, traditionally , fishermen have to be escorted ashore and they react to this calmly, at the same time, the ministry of emergency situations employees spent a lot of effort on catching not all
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the girls who got caught on the ice. on social networks suggested that the minor was frightened, a possible fine and punishment from the parents. tomorrow the thaw will reach its peak, on the territory of the western line arkhangelsk, tambov-volgograd, temperature. positive, but as the atlantic air moves deeper into russia, it will begin to cool quite quickly, so in the volga region at midday it will reach zero -5, in the urals the thermometers will show only -5-10. the culprit of the next warming wave is the cyclone, its cloud fields will cover the northern and middle latitudes of the russian plain, however, the intensity of bad weather in this zone will be small, expected in the far west. rain, but in the east it will mostly snow. in the transition zone , freezing precipitation cannot be ruled out in some places. it must
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be said that in the north the warming will be short-lived. in arkhangelsk, for example, during the day it’s about +2, which is at the level of the daily heat record. but already on friday it will start to get colder, and in the following days the temperature will return to normal. but in central russia for now. abnormally warm weather will prevail in moscow on thursday, as in pomorie it’s about plus2, but the chances of statistics updating the meta are relatively small, let me remind you that the daily record on this day is +3.1, then the flow of atlantic air will weaken and the thermometer during the day will fluctuate in the range from -1 to plus one, well and now... to create
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encryption keys, but the investigation is still ongoing, well, yes, the problem that caused the largest failure on the russian internet was solved, this was reported to the ministry of digital development, domestic internet services were unavailable last evening, failure affected such... the largest failure on the russian internet, sites and applications were unavailable last evening for about 3 hours, and for some operators almost no sites opened, almost everything worked. problems began to be reported around 1 pm in moscow. the failure affected such runeto giants as yandex, vk, azon and valtberis, large banks, sberti. alpha and many smaller companies, which is interesting, messengers, for example, telegram were not affected, users were wondering what happened around hours, there were versions from cyber exercises to a hacker
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attack, about eight... official comments were published by the ministry of digital development, it said that the problem was related to the dns sec infrastructure, and specialists were working to eliminate it, and after another hour , internet access was restored, that is we were talking about one of the key elements in the structure of the internet. dns is a domain name system, roughly speaking, a constantly updated internet address book that translates human names of sites, say, machine-readable ip address, set numbers that... none of the people can remember, and broken dns sec is an extension that is responsible for the security of the dns, so that no one can replace the domain name instead of the yandex server, redirect the user to the address of the scammers, there in the key signature system and a failure occurred, and due to the peculiarities of the technology, it turned out to be extended over time, the problem was not discovered immediately and did not affect everyone, says alexander tobol, who
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was responsible for the infrastructure in many years... still arises such a situation that all dns records are cached, they are cached on your device, not for an hour, for two, somewhere even for 4 days, they can, for example, be cached, they are also cached on this resolver, at some point this does not happen instantly, some people camouflage more , some less, they begin to fall off little by little, he sees that the signature is invalid, the longer the signatures continue to not work, the more the situation would worsen, more and more people would continue to complain, that’s why it’s so smooth the situation is unfolding... during hours. at the communications network management monitoring center at rosskomnadzor, our program was told that the fastest way to fix the problem was at the level of the national domain name system; it was created in accordance with the law on sustainable runet and duplicates the russian part of the global dns system. now it is a complete copy of the global internet, but due to the fact that this resolver is ours, it reaches the domain.
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for example. in case of failures on a key domain with a dot, for example, using nsdi, yes, if there is a global internet failure, otherwise an alternative domain name system may allow the domain to function completely independently in the event of such problems, but this requires operators to reconfigure their domain resolvers to the national system, while, as we were assured, in the network management monitoring center the problem as a whole was not external, but internal to russia , within the area of ​​​​responsibility, the technical center of the internet, he is responsible for the operation of and.rf, well, it should be noted that a failure in the dns system is not a unique phenomenon. the last major problem was in '21, then mark zuckerberg's corporation, a giant in the world of social networks, distinguished itself; access to its resources was completely disabled, and this is not only several billion users, it is also an authorization system on other sites. against this background, other social networks also fell, for example
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twitter, where users who lost en masse switched. familiar site, in the end it turned out that the cause of the error was an employee error when setting up network equipment, they messed up the dns table and the equipment stopped processing traffic, or responding at all, and everything also happened during global quarantines and getting into an empty office as an engineer from a remote location to fix everything manually was not easy, the on-the-go identification system also did not work, as a result, the largest social networks on the planet and the entire world business tied to them were not...
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this is a fact and we continue: russia is going through a very difficult and important stage of strengthening its sovereignty, and in all directions, russian presidential candidate vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with trusted officials, setting them the task of establishing feedback with by voters. well, what else was discussed today in gostiny dvor, we’ll find out from anastasiafimova , anastasi, we welcome you. vladimir putin today spoke about the path the country has come in recent years and...


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