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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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applications for participation in remote electronic voting were submitted in 2 days at state services, the ministry of digital development of russia reported this. let me remind you that at the moment four candidates are registered: leonid slutsky, ldpr, nikolai khritonov, communist party of the russian federation, vladislav davankov, new people party and vladimir putin, self-nominated candidate. on january 28 , the leader of the russian communists, sergei molinkovich, submitted signatures in his support to the central election commission. they are currently at the verification stage. registered candidates are active in the regions, so vladislav davankov and activists of the new people party traveled around the country with thermal imagers. all over russia, the new people party held an action last week, looked with thermal imagers to see how effective it is - heat conservation in every home, and we see that even new buildings today are not always and not always efficient, so the heat is direct.
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it comes out, well, through the cracks, through the windows, there is a lot of heat loss. i planned to present my program tomorrow, on the last day more than 400 proposals arrived, the head of the commission saffed on protecting state sovereignty and preventing interference in the internal affairs of russia, andrei klimov said that russia will face very serious provocations during the pre-election period. representatives of foreign intelligence intend to intensify the recruitment of russians in the very near future. very serious provocations are possible with the participation of foreign hirelings as part of the election campaign abroad. yesterday we spent almost 2 hours on this issue together with our colleagues, not only experts, but also representatives of management central election commission of the russian federation. it is important to pay very attention to this during the preparation of our foreign polling stations. it is no coincidence
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that we made appropriate changes to our legislation in order to avoid any provocations there. well, of course, a huge flow of news regarding presidential candidates comes from the central election commission. and today is an important reporting period, when it will become clear who will go further, who will have to wait for the next electoral process. yes, let us remind you that today is just the acceptance of documents from candidates for the post of president of russia has ended. well, the work of the election commission center is monitored by ours. correspondent egor grigoriev, he joins us live again. egor, welcome again. so, who passed, who stayed, what is the latest news in the central election commission, maybe someone else is delivering signatures, for example. natalya georgiei, good evening, today candidates anatoly batashov, a self-nominated candidate, and andrei bogdanov from the russian freedom and justice party, withdrew their candidacies, but if bogdanov forgot to tell about the foreign account, then butashov simply did not collect the necessary amount.
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signatures, another self-nominated candidate of the russian rada, literally just went to the central election commission, brought boxes of signatures and is now giving them to specialists, she could not say exactly how many signatures she managed to collect, how many voters trusted her with their votes, believed in her campaign, she said that the central election commission will make a decision, but it is obvious from the documents that we saw. it’s possible that she won’t be able to collect the number of signatures she needs, of course. managed. rada ruskikh, the candidate who did not participate in election campaigns, she is an environmental activist, a beauty blogger, and she decided to start her campaign from the top down, that is , to immediately try herself as a candidate for the post of president of the country. let's listen to what she said in the press approach. i hope we did everything right. and the final decision remains for
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the cycle, and i don’t yet know what number they will let us through, we still have a little intrigue until the decision, as i understand it, it will be in february, we don’t know the finishing number yet, we we are waiting for a verdict from the central election commission, but no, they were on their way, we collected everything until the last minute, they were traveling from different cities, and these were two sleepless days for the whole team, that’s how we usually are... another candidate boris nadezhdin from the civic initiative party today, together with his team, he brought 105,000 voter signatures to the cycle , they are already being verified by the election commission, it is worth noting that press secretary boris nadezhina said today that he canceled all interviews especially for the candidate, because he already has a lot of attention words to this
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person and on the internet today an interview with boris nadezhdin was widely distributed to one of the bloggers, for some reason they quote from there very widely on the question of orientation, so they asked this question and boris nadezhdin said: “i am of russian orientation, here are western media and european media, who closely follow the election campaign of boris nadezhdin, such a milestone of the red line always displays in their materials the reason that boris nadezhdin is fighting for the abolition of the ban on abortion in russia and for the abolition of the ban for propaganda ." actually, boris nadezhdin calls all this propaganda, the fight against propaganda , the ban on lgbt propaganda, complete nonsense of the middle ages, as he says, today he introduced journalists to his team, to his headquarters, as he said, pretty tired and thin, let's listen , this
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is my election headquarters, these people haven’t slept for several days, in fact they are much thicker and pinker. i also want to say that when our company began to unfold, the headquarters that was originally created, it i simply could not technologically cope with all the tasks, because we could not imagine that we would collect 2080 signatures, continue our election campaign, the candidates who are already registered are parliamentary representatives. party, in particular , nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation, together with his colleagues , held a press conference today where they talked about education in russia, in particular they propose to amend the relevant law, to prohibit the closure of schools and educational
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institutions in rural areas, including. let's let's listen to nikolai kharitonov: here is the k-700, tractor plant, young ones. 30-33 years old, today they don’t even have their own apartments, it’s no coincidence that we have our own, it’s no coincidence that we are in the khavarovsk territory, when we met with young students, the medical institute of railway transport is good, excellent specialists for the far eastern federal district, but they say, well, with apartments, even 2% are unaffordable, so we say interest-free to the court the first apartment for twenty years for a young family, for young people, picked up throughout country, all over the country picked it up. and this decision certainly needs to be made, the presidential candidate nominated by the ldpr party and the leader of this party visited the youth forum today, talked with students and schoolchildren there and talked, among other things, about
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the party’s initiative in terms of employing specialists, physics and mathematics, and more during their studies, while this project... is not fully promoted, you can join when you finish school, but you can try now, a network of integrating centers around the country that will find jobs in our academic institutes for graduates of physics and mathematical specialties of the university, future mathematicians and physicists who will find here an opportunity for research, for scientific creative growth, high salaries. which are very high there, we are doing this, well , there are literally 20 minutes left before the end of the work of the central election commission today and before the end of accepting signatures from candidates and accepting other documents, by february 10 it will become clear who will be registered and who
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will continue the election race. natalia, georgy. yes, egor, the treasured 20 minutes. let me remind you that egor grigoriev was in direct contact with the central election commission. the state duma adopted a law on confiscation for fakes about the army; the document was previously introduced by the majority of deputies led by the chairman of the chamber, vyacheslav volodin. the law provides for confiscation of property and deprivation of honorary titles for activities that are directed against the country, as well as for publicly insulting and discrediting the army.
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honorary titles, awards, property, and today they use these means to spoil the country, betraying it, betraying it soldier. is used to finance criminal activities and is used as an instrument of crime; property
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obtained as a result of such crimes will also be confiscated. for disseminating false information about the actions of the armed forces , discrediting them, and calling for extremism , military honorary titles and awards will also be deprived. those who call for the introduction of sanctions against our country and its inhabitants, rehabilitate nazism, and participate in the implementation of decisions of international organizations will also remain without titles. which does not include russia. now economic news, briefly. the discount on russian yuralsk oil to the brand grade will be gradually reduced. this was stated by deputy prime minister alexander novak. according to him, the reaction to anti-russian sanctions in the world economy will subside and the oil market will come into balance. this has happened before. on december 18, the eu approved the twelfth package of sanctions against russia. another 17 banks will join the digital ruble pilot project. among them are rosselkhozbank and others. this is stated on the central bank website. in total, he is now participating in the pilot
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30 credit organizations. it is possible that foreign banks will gain access to the platform. this will allow cross-border payments to bypass swift. let me remind you that the central bank plans to introduce digital rubles into mass circulation no earlier than twenty-fifth year. world demand for gold in the twenty-third year became the highest in history and reached 4,900 tons. this is data. peaceful gold council, active purchases of draco metal by central banks of more than a thousand tons affected, while increased demand remains despite the growth prices, over the year gold has risen in price by almost 10% and exceeded $2,000 per troy ounce; according to experts, the price will continue to rise this year up to $2,300. and russia for the first time entered the top five largest suppliers of gold to hong kong. the import of this metal has increased almost sixfold to five. dollars, they write about this, while russia’s share in hong kong imports has almost
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quadrupled to 9.5%. switzerland became the main exporter of gold, with a share of 18%. next come uae, australia and japan. these were economic news, briefly. the level of gasification in russian regions is almost 74%. this was discussed today at vdnkh. as part of the russia forum exhibition. a meeting of the federal headquarters for gasification was held. it is unusual that such topics are raised that are sensitive for all of russia at the russian forum exhibition. and, for example, today 78 constituent entities of russia are supplied with natural gas under the program “social gasification of half a million homes in our country.” gas has been supplied to the border of 900 thousand land plots. and as the deputy prime minister noted alexander novyk, the president set the goal to increase the level by 2030. gasification up to 83%. to this end
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, a number of strategic projects are currently being implemented in russia; thanks to them, the availability of gas will increase for all consumers, both citizens and enterprises. at vdnkh, as part of the exhibition russia, the second congress of the youth movement of the first is taking place; it brought together 3.00 participants from all regions of our country and will be held until february 1. according to the chairman of the board of the movement, grigory gurov, one of the key topics of the congress will be. increasing the age of participants to 25 years, these are the different topics at vdnkh. well, let me remind you that the federal council first includes children from 14 to 18 years old, these are the leaders of the children's movement from each russian region. the congress also discusses priority areas of work and the development of self-government of the movement, and talks about the formation of a council of the first. today, at vdnkh , the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev summed up the results of the development of the agro-industrial complex. noted that last year our country harvested the second grain harvest in history. by prior appointment
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it is estimated to be 147 million tons. let me remind you that the absolute record was achieved a year earlier, almost 158 ​​million. our colleague, alena logvinova, will tell you what other achievements were announced and discussed at the meeting. the results of the industry's development plans for the current year were discussed today at vdnkh as part of the russia forum, which took place. these are the final statistics for now, but we predict that together with the new regions we will have 147 million tons of grain. if we talk about other agricultural crops, let me remind you that in the twenty-third year we updated the record for soybeans, sunflower, fruits and berries, in the organized sector we
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collected the maximum potato harvest in 30 years. based on food. spring sowing will lay the foundation for security for the next season; by the way, in the south and northern caucasus it can start as early as mid- february, with plans to increase the sowing area. first of all, i would like to note that in 2024 we must increase the total sown area by 300,000 hectares; our target for this year is 84.5 million hectares, of which 20 million are already under winter crops. in december. 96% of the crops were in good and satisfactory condition; by spring sowing, farmers were provided with grain seeds by 93%, soybeans by 105%, and rapeseed by 70%. as minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev said today, one of the main tasks now is the transition to russian seeds, especially since our domestic
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breeders have many worthy developments. attention was also paid to government support measures, for example, in the past. year, farmers received 1,500 units of equipment at profitable conditions of preferential leasing, and more than 5,500 units of equipment were purchased through the mechanism for the supply of russian and belarusian tractors with price fixation at discounts of up to 20%. today we discussed government support for plants and water. dmitry patushev said that an additional allocation of 20 billion rubles for the preferential lending mechanism is being worked out, in addition to the 60 billion rubles that have already been received. companies producing grain crops, another 10 billion will be allocated this year. alena logvinova, alexander dvornikov and viktor kryzhanovsky, news. meanwhile, russia continues its mission to help african countries, for example, fight hunger; for example, the humanitarian party raalhim group reached nigeria. yes, now we’ll tell you more about this, this is already the fifth
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delivery to the african continent. the fertilizer manufacturer plans to transfer the total to developing countries. nigeria's population is probably more than 220-230 million people, nigeria's population will grow to 350 million people already in this century, with all this, nigeria is not in able to provide itself with food, purchases large volumes worth billions of dollars
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of food annually, the last 2 years the largest population. the country is experiencing a food crisis , inflation, weather disasters, the energy crisis have led to a reduction in the yield of many crops, for example, corn accounts for 60 to 65% of poultry feed, and its shortage is acutely felt in all industries, rut fertilizers, which were delivered free of charge to the country of ural chem, will help to significantly increase productivity, and this means it will improve the food situation in general. fertilizers will be used in two ways, along two main lines, the first is production. already agricultural products for african countries that will be grown in nigeria, well , plus, from nigeria a number of fertilizers will be supplied to neighboring countries, again, given the central position of nigeria, relative to many other countries, primarily these are the countries of the east coast, west coast of africa, russian fertilizers will go there; the fertilizer manufacturer intends to send the total to african
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state about 300,000 tons of products; since the end of 2022, 134,000 tons have already been delivered. nigeria received fertilizer from zimbabwe, kenya and 111 thousand of them with the assistance of the un world food program. except malawi. fertilizers are sent from european countries in whose ports they were frozen. the removal of each shipment is preceded by a complex approval process. moreover, the deliveries themselves do not bring any commercial benefit. in addition, ural chem pays for the sea freight and other transportation costs. now we're probably somewhere in the middle paths, from a point. our plans to ship humanitarian aid to africa, and the main problem, of course, is the authorities in those countries where the european countries where the cargo was frozen, in addition to fertilizers, russia sends grain to countries in need, also free of charge. during a speech at the russia-africa summer forum, vladimir putin announced
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supplies to burkina fasso, zimbabwe, mali, somalia, tsar and eritrea. countries will receive 25-50 thousand tons of grain. recently, a large humanitarian cargo arrived in burkina fasso. the neediest of this country, respectively the poorest on the continent. it’s even difficult to list here, because of the 54. states of africa, well, probably more than half still experience a very serious shortage of food in order to actually provide the population of their states with this food. the government emphasized that, despite all sorts of restrictions, russia remains the world's breadwinner and a reliable supplier of agricultural products. humanitarian assistance to african countries will continue. last year russia reached a record volume of grain harvest, exports are also growing. a good forecast for... how should
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cellular communications develop in border and new regions? this issue was discussed today at the council for the development of the digital economy. its chairman, first vice-speaker of the upper house of parliament, andrei turchak, spoke about the bill on improving the mobile signal on highways, which the senators have already prepared.
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way and emphasized that after 2 years the anti-doping services were still unable to establish the origin of the doping drugs the athlete's trial, about
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a high-profile trial with the most severe punishment, which has so many questions, maria valievali, minor chords, bitterness, pain, a few seconds of kamilla valeeva's graceful gliding and departure into the shadows, the figure skater's reaction on social networks to her four-year disqualification by the court of arbitration for sports. but it’s too early to put an end to this high-profile case; rather , it’s worth drawing a comma gracefully on the ice, gathering all the strength to try to appeal the kas decision in the supreme court of switzerland within a month. about only 3% of all cas' decisions are rejected by the supreme court of switzerland, but in accordance with the european convention for the protection of human rights and freedoms, which are in force in switzerland, it is possible. appealing this decision , or rather, filing a complaint against switzerland, the european court of human rights, this is the next step, in accordance with article six of this convention, which presupposes
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the right to a fair trial, in accordance with article fourteen, prohibition of discrimination in sports, that is, there are possibly two more instances appeals against valieva's case, and also, as is known, the russian olympic committee intends to appeal against isu's decision, which valieva's performances in 2022 in beijing caused. in skating at the olympic games, a fifteen-year-old russian athlete performed a quadruple jump, her most complex cascades delighted even hollywood stars , it seemed that a new little bright star had lit up in the world of big-time sports, but camilli never managed to stand on the podium and get the long-awaited gold. award ceremony for the winners the team tournament did not take place, everyone was waiting for the decision of the court of arbitration for sports, but after it was announced, the russian
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team dropped to... third place. the 20 points camilla earned came out of the overall results. figure skater victoria sinitsina spoke harshly about this. she published the post on her telegram page. i've been turning my thoughts around in my head all day, now it's time to go to bed, but i'm still doing it. i'll collect everything tomorrow. for now, i’ll just say that it’s such a shame. boomerang returns. i love all the guys. but there may be new twists in the aliyeva case. according to the latest information in the media after the publication of the full sports decision. arbitration court, the world anti-doping agency may reopen the investigation, and if this happens, rusada will work closely with wada. wada stated that it is possible that the investigation will be resumed after studying the full text of the kaz decision. we are ready to provide them with the necessary assistance within the limits of our competence and capabilities. to the investigation previously conducted by rusada there were no complaints. everything was done in accordance with wada's recommendations
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and the best practices of leading antidotes. russia and the united states have repeatedly emphasized that washington is putting strong pressure on international sports structures. the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, in turn, said that the states will use all their available capabilities in order to remove competitors. a special program was adopted to oust russian athletes from world stages,
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literally. marginalization of russian sports and russia as a sports power, to destroy world sports in order to create preconditions that are exclusively beneficial for the united states in this area. the us team athletes' commission was pleased with cas's verdict regarding kamilla valieva. gold in the team tournament of the beijing olympics in this situation goes to the american figure skaters. but no matter what scandals happen overboard, will they be able to? it is not as clean to do cascades with quadruple jumps and also to gracefully rotate in biellmann with a full longitudinal split. maria valieva and olga alvukhina, lead. visitors to cuba have the fun of taking a ride in a pink american car. we chose something different to move around this island.
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i understand that some of you speak russian? i want to enter the russian faculty, they believe very strongly in russia, that russia helps, we miss you, we don’t have enough, we believe in the russians, you see, we have always believed in the russians.
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this is russia 24 and we continue with the main facts of this day: russia insists on an international investigation into the death of il-76, but there are those willing among international organizations for now... this was stated by russian presidential candidate vladimir putin at a meeting with trusted representatives and set them the task of establishing feedback with voters. we’ll find out from anastasia efimova what else was discussed at gostiny dvor today. welcome again. so, vladimir putin today spoke about the situation in the special operation zone about where the demilitarized line with ukraine should go. please tell me more details. yes, colleagues, hello again.


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