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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue with the main facts of this day. russia. russian presidential candidate vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with trusted representatives and set them the task of establishing feedback with voters. we’ll find out from anastasia efimova what else was discussed at gostiny dvor today. we welcome anastasia again. so, vladimir putin today spoke about the situation in the special operation zone about where the demilitarized line with ukraine should go. please tell me more details. yes, colleagues,
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hello, once again, special military the operation, of course, is one of the central meetings, and the central topics of today’s meeting of vladimir putin with his trusted representatives are 544 people, caring people, outstanding citizens of their country, true patriots, among them there are a lot of heroes who have proven themselves by defending their homeland, defending its sovereignty, therefore, of course, the topics that... concern them and the topics that concern all citizens of the country today have become one of the key ones. the first question that was asked directly from the hall where trusted persons, heard from ekaterina agranovich, this is the famous blogger katrusya, a child of war, she was born near kramatorsk, all these years she has seen with her own eyes what kind of shelling the donbass was subjected to from ukraine, and what it was subjected to there, is being subjected to and... now, it was she spoke about what
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the demilitarized zone should be like, where it should be located, in the end, when serious, perhaps key decisions can be made, especially considering that ukraine is openly engaged in terrorism it is not going to stop, it is ready to shoot down even planes with its own citizens, as happened with il 76, which had 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on board.
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they defended the phrase that they would like to conduct an international investigation, we ask for this, we insist that an international investigation be conducted, there are no volunteers from international organizations.
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prisoners of war and not at all as a gesture of goodwill, first of all, because he does not abandon his own, and this is not an empty slogan or meme from the internet, this is the true essence of the state politicians. we will not restore exchanges , we need to take our guys back, we have a ratio of people who are in russia, those who are our guys, who are on...
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precision instruments produced abroad, which are the same foreign manufacturing companies today refuse to be served. they talked, of course, about patriotic education, the need to instill love for one’s homeland from a very early age. in the end, it’s about sports, because it is in the sports arena that the party today is also exposed to outright discrimination. modern international officials.
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the guys who were just mentioned here, in all areas of contact with the enemy, this is the most acute, most sensitive, most dangerous area of ​​the struggle for russia, but everyone gathered here,
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every citizen of our country has their own area of ​​​​work in the fight for the future of russia , for the future of our children, let us give to each other. let us wish success on this path to our entire beloved homeland. vladimir putin said his own area of ​​work, and this work is obviously just beginning. trusted persons, how it became it is known that they will do a lot of work in the regions, meet with voters, answer their questions, convey their orders, so there will definitely be a lot of the same work mentioned by the candidate. colleagues. yes, anastasia, thank you, anastasia efimova spoke about the meeting of presidential candidate vladimir putin with proxies. playite is an unusual service that allows you to pay
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the situation with the dismissal of the commander-in-chief in the suu zaluzhny is one of the main topics analyzed by western media today. the resignation is postponed due to a leak of information into the public space, the new york times reports.
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the armed forces of ukraine is gaining momentum, writes a british economist who previously circulated the general’s articles about the failure of the counteroffensive. a meeting took place in the early evening, during which the president informed the general that he had decided to fire him. zaluzhny was offered another position as secretary of the national security council. he refused. it is reported that this was the first tet-tet meeting in a year and a half, but in the bank area, apparently, the walls have ears. the claims to the general are caused by failures on all fronts. and the mobilization plans have sparked controversy, the washington post says. according to people familiar with
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the conversation, zaluzhny proposed mobilizing about 500,000 people, but zelensky considered this figure impractical, given the lack of uniforms, weapons training grounds, and potential problems associated with conscription. when did zaluzhny refuse to rent out the occupied impressions, including those at the head of the armed forces of ukraine, zelensky attacked headlong, the western media continue to savor the details. stated that he himself would sign a decree on the resignation of the commander-in-chief, but soon backed down on the orders of western curators, notes the london times. president zelensky informed the commander-in-chief of ukraine's armed forces that he was firing him, but was forced to reverse his decision under pressure from senior military commanders and international partners. they were concerned about the general’s uncoordinated resignation great britain and the usa, american special forces have already landed in kiev to distribute cookies, victoria.
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it could potentially be changed. in terms of popularity, zaluzhny has long been ahead of zelensky, which is why they want to replace the commander-in-chief with less noticeable figures. his post was allegedly offered to the head of ukrainian intelligence, kiril budanov, who is wanted. his example was followed by the commander of the ukrainian ground forces, alexander syrsky, but there are no other candidates in kiev, this is one version, according to another, zaluzhny retained his post only because that rumors about the resignation leaked to the press were very timely, the economist notes. the rumors appeared at a critical moment, ukraine’s summer counter-offensive failed and
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it is unclear what level of foreign support the country can now count on; the fight for the fate of general zaluzhny is unlikely to bring it any closer. renewed funding as the commander is highly regarded in the west and ukrainian troops on the front line are already complaining of ammunition shortages. europe can support the kiev regime in more words, eu defense ministers in brussels they only promise that in reality the supply of weapons has been cut fourfold. instead of aid worth 20 billion euros, they will provide only five billion, the british telegraph found out. the european union is short on ammunition, american bloomberg is adding fuel to the fire. european allies do not. 1 million shells, which they promised by march 1st. they will deliver only about 600,000 in that time frame amid ongoing production delays and fears of inventory depletion. but the pentagon boasts that it is transferring weapons to ukraine that are not even available in the united states. these are the new jls-db small bombs ground-based in diameter, long-range,
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capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 90 miles, that’s almost one and a half hundred kilometers, but against the backdrop of dried up supplies, it’s a drop. at sea , experts explain, they will be used from the rszz platform, it is from the hymers that they will be notorious, which means the m-270, for striking near rear areas at long distances against civilian targets, given that there is also a cassette filling, this suggests that they still come to completely asymmetrical actions, that is, completely terrorist war, based on... from the process that is happening in all operational-tactical directions, it is a complete failure from the actions of the armed forces of ukraine, so they will now do everything to strike from afar, to say that this will decide something on the field battle, no , and this will not bring any fundamental changes on the battlefield, the supply of f-16 fighters will not make a difference, the netherlands
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announced their preparation for transfer to kiev back in december, but the exact timing of when they will appear in the skies over ukraine is still . the ural transport engineering plant, which was inspected by defense minister shaigu, produces the entire line of modern self-propelled guns. the production of existing models has been increased sixfold over the previous 2 years, and the newest installation of the dia coalition has also passed state tests. production has already been launched at the enterprise's sites. the minister of defense
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strongly emphasizes: the first vehicles should be handed over to the troops yesterday. indeed, these vehicles are very much awaited at the front , which is why we should at least take the firing range more than 70 km, such indicators exceed the performance characteristics of the best nato guns, the rate of fire is 16 rounds per minute, the ammunition load is 70 shells, that’s separately. work on self-propelled artillery, work that has reached the final stage, in february we will receive the first six vehicles, the ural transmash plant is also engaged in the repair of self-propelled guns, which are already involved in special operations, where modernization is required taking into account the experience of combat operations,
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experience that our soldiers on the front line work around the clock to... special purpose in the yampolovka and kuzmino areas. enemy losses amounted to up to 280 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles and seven vehicles. air defense systems shot down 21 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of zhitlovka and kremennaya settlements
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in the lugansk people's republic. on the donetsk front, ivanovo paratroopers stormed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. and this is footage of the destruction of firing points in the area of ​​the village of spornaya in the dpr. drone operators simply don't stand a chance. militants. they have dugouts equipped and their equipment is disguised to match the color of a snowdrift. but it doesn't work when. a group of motorized rifle platoons went forward, took up positions, occupied the enemy’s stronghold, in order to make it safer and to
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prevent the enemy from approaching them, anti-personnel mines are installed around them. a lot of equipment from this list remained in the ukrainian steppes, for example, in the summer, remember, when the ukrainian armed forces tried to show what a counteroffensive looks like, in the end they stepped on the same rake again. and continue to do this, launch forward their equipment and poorly trained or completely untrained personnel, after a while military commissars run around ukrainian cities in search of unfired men, and they, in turn, live from them. denis alekseev, lead. well, now the news, which for our audience seems absolutely understandable and natural, turned out to be the opposite for the western audience. yes, news about the vaunted european and western free press. a correspondent for the german tv channel zdf was criticized because of his live broadcast from mariupol. armen korper made a report about life in the city. some media condemned
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the journalist for, from their point of view, incorrect accents. we need the faithful ones. by the way, the truth hurts the eyes. körper said, for example, that the film crew arrived straight from moscow without incident and noted that the city was being rebuilt, and he also shared his impressions. we are also seeing a lot of restoration work, streets, schools, residential buildings, entire neighborhoods are being rebuilt. this city is functioning, there is electricity, heating, hot water and the internet, shops are open here, restaurants and much more. joe biden, against the backdrop of low pre-election ratings, risks facing a rebellion in his own democratic party, an american political publication reports. cause. the president's willingness to make concessions to moderate republicans and conclude an agreement to tighten immigration laws. however, republicans in the house of representatives are also not enthusiastic about
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the bipartisan deal that the senate is proposing. congressmen responded by launching impeachment proceedings against the secretary of the interior. us security. he is considered the main culprit for more than 6 million migrants entering the country through the southern border during biden's presidency. with details anton dadykin. the house select committee debated the impeachment of homeland security secretary alejandra mayorkas for more than 13 hours. congressmen prepared creatively for the debate. republicans brought a poster with photographs of fellow democrats on the committee who effectively failed the first impeachment attempt in november. the democrats responded by portraying what border with mexico they think donald trump would like to see. the former president constantly puts forward such terrible ideas, all in an attempt to re-elect donald trump. he himself says he doesn't want any solutions from congress this year, while
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secretary mayorkas and president biden continue to offer solutions every day. truly, serious damage has been done to our country, and this damage has been proven by the testimony of sheriffs and local officials during dozens of hearings in this committee, so that's it. not in politics, the authors of the impeachment resolution accused mayorkas of deliberately and systematically refusing to comply with the laws and betraying the trust of citizens. the document was adopted only due to the numerical superiority of republicans in the committee: 18 votes for, 15 against. alejandra mayorkas, a descendant of cuban immigrants, the first refugee and the first hispanic to head the ministry responsible for combating illegal migration, named the accusation. and his boss joe biden in the background with anti-record election ratings, it is best to shift responsibility for the disaster on the border onto the republicans. i
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have done almost everything i could, just give me authority, i have been asking for this since the very day i took office. give me border patrols, give me people. we have a clear crisis and the president can immediately take over executive power, but he pretends not to know this. it's outrageous. the american people demand action. we are going to achieve this in every possible way. house of representatives, which he heads.
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with a fantasy perspective of an armed conflict on the territory of the united states itself. the texas national guard, contrary to orders from the white house, continues to strengthen the fence on the border with mexico. the state is not going to comply with the verdict of the us supreme court, which allowed the federal service employee expelled from the border to break this fence if necessary. the governor of texas warns that he has a plan ready in case the white house attempts to reassign the local national guard.
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tae joe barin and... if joe biden translates transferring our state's national guard to federal control, he will commit the greatest political stupidity. i don't think he 'll do that, but i'm preparing for the possibility that he might be stupid. i must ensure texas's ability to defend the border. the border crisis has literally split the country in half. the attorneys general of twenty-six states, in a collective letter addressed to joe biden, called the actions of the texas authorities legal. they are supported by 69%. citizens is shown by a sociological survey conducted by the rasmus and reports center. republican states are sending their units to help with governor abbott's efforts, and the so-called army of god, a propaganda convoy in support of a tough fight against the flow of illegal immigrants, is moving from florida to the texas-mexico border. anton dadykin, lead. in this war, of course,
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right now a full battle of technologies has begun to see who has the technical superiority. here we train people to work with mavics, that is, direct adjustments, conducting reconnaissance, well, reset, some successful people among themselves, even such a sports az of course, the target is hit, there is an order, there are tasks to be completed. battle calculation.
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