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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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in order, in fact, to provide the population of their state with this. the government emphasized that, despite all sorts of restrictions, russia remains the world's breadwinner and a reliable supplier of agricultural products. humanitarian assistance to african countries will continue. last year, russia achieved a record grain harvest, and exports are also growing. they give a good forecast for next year. it is planned to increase the passive area in the country by 300,000 hectares. maria slobodyanskaya, danara kurmanova. yazbakiev, to lead. this big information evening, that's what we 'll talk about in the next hour. he thought these would be his last words about his son and his squad. a cossack with the call sign siberia and his comrades withstood the blow of the ukrainian woman ega. a story of unbending courage. received
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a summons: run to the shopping mall. in case of failure to appear , severe sanctions in ukraine passed a new draft law on mobilization. why call on disabled people, why won’t people’s representatives go to war? in a cunning maneuver, hand over all weapons to the russians and then capitulate. norwegian television presented realistic scenario of war with russia. why do europeans themselves consider nato to be a spike in glenin? in the legs. the assassination attempt on prilepin justified the murder of dugin. ulitskaya from germany supports ukraine. new prank of vavan and lexus, how much does she send to so? olympics for everyone. for perverts too. transgender people are trying to apply for the games in paris. will they be allowed to participate? the face is covered
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in blood, in the eyes one can read at the same time pain and hope, without exaggeration, heartbreaking footage from the phone of a russian fighter who received an extremely serious wound while returning from a mission in the northern military district zone, brothers, on a hike, tore off his left arm and right leg, and jumped out of the car. skoda makar, in my opinion, the mentioned colleagues ended up alive, and the hero of the video, call sign sibir from the cossack detachment aksai , also managed to survive, although the car in which all three were traveling was attacked by a very dangerous and insidious weapon, an attack drone of the ukrainian armed forces with a suspended mine, as a result, our military man had to overcome the terrible consequences of the arrival, one might say that death was very close close, and of course those.
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immediately after the ukrainian drone strike, one literally permeates with incredible fortitude. siberia, with two comrades skoda and makar, was returning from a combat mission when their car was hit by baba yaga, a heavy ukrainian hexocopter that can carry mines. just a minute later he dropped 82 mm ammunition, with a large scatter of fragments, siberia’s arm and leg were torn off, but he managed to get out of the car, he thought that his comrades were killed , he understood that he himself. on the edge, then he wrote down
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this, trying to crawl away from the car into the forest, i can’t help them, i’ll try to put the phone in my pocket, tell your son, i adore him , i love everyone, oksay, above everyone, oksay is better than everyone, everyone, well, maybe we’ll meet, through the painful shock, despite the loss of blood. first he describes what happened , what he is doing, he succinctly describes it professionally, and then those same heartfelt words about his son and about his unit oksai, before the words about his son about the unit, i simply stated, i tried to follow cold statistics, that’s basically what i was taught, i felt that there was simply practically no strength at all. well son it is
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always the most precious thing, in my last years i basically live for him, he is an adult, i ’m already a young man, already a unit, this is me... i don’t know, i’m such a collective, those new brothers of mine are precisely the backbone of the cossacks, who really became such a new thing for me masculine strength, a person has a core, there is a core, this is such a person, you can imagine, this is how vladimir vladimirovich said, yes, now we will need to rely on such people, that is, in the future , rely on, this is what... we need crazy willpower, what self-control to do this hold on, combat hardening, health and preparation, this is very important when a fighter in such an extreme situation, during a fight or when injured, maintains good
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spirits, does not get lost, and the most important thing is that in such moments it is clear what a person’s priorities are, here he turns to his son, to his heir, here he is... in my very difficult case at that time they provided exactly that help, here are all three of them, siberia, skoda, makar, alive, undefeated, at makar and skoda , as it turned out, minor injuries, in siberia, of course we're going to have rehabilitation, we're doing well
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, we'll be healthy, we'll be alive, hello everyone, guys, hello everyone, guys, i feel fine, now i'm going to treatment. i’m already under stable supervision, so i’m in a great, wonderful mood, the guys were saved , because ours don’t abandon our own, unlike the germans, that ’s what the sushniks are called on the front line, they don’t and can’t have such a core as a russian soldier, such love , who is not even afraid of death, anton potkavenko and the russian character, and one more thing... about the exploits of russian military units the southern group of troops again managed to improve the situation along the front line on the donetsk front of the special operation, within 24 hours they destroyed over 300 militants of the kiev regime, as well as a tank, three armored combat vehicles and a self- propelled carnation, that is, the enemy’s losses of manpower and equipment are consistently high, and
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our former rapid response drone pilots, whose work was supervised by stanislav nazarov, play a special role in ensuring that they do not decrease. during a rotation in... the ukrainian armed forces , our drone operators discover a car with a swastika on the roof symbolizing the nazi ss division, when ready, one line of fire, ready to fire, fire, fire, there is too little time to aim the gun, but the crew of the 2s1 self-propelled artillery unit, the carnation of the first slavic brigade , manages to get the exact coordinates. after the third shot, spotters. report the destruction of the target. the crew is preparing to leave for another firing position. lately we’ve been working at night to prevent the enemy from using fpv drones, camouflage is life. other options there is not. well, and accordingly, movement and movement were immediately shot forward as
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far as possible. the position of ukrainian neo-nazis from these lines of donetsk defense is about 8 km. artillery works behind the militants' rear. artillery crews of the first slavic brigade work from firing positions against enemy infantry. after hitting the target, the crew camouflages the self-propelled gun and heads for cover. the logs are generally rolled in three rows, the first roll, then the film falls asleep, well , it lies down, then a little earth, so that, then another attack, trying to pass something somewhere in small groups, but mostly on the defensive.
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for the sake of victory, he proposed to stop playing at democracy and immediately shoot at those who refuse to voluntarily enroll in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. a revelation about mobilization from the commander of the cherkassy territorial defense brigade, who called on the military commissars not to be shy in the methods of capturing future predators without a twinge of conscience to use force. it should be like this: you didn’t get out of the car, you were shot in the knee, if you were stopped and they say you... doesn’t specify,
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however , this time , knowledgeable publics reacted very painfully to the announcement of strict mobilization ; the military man, who could not restrain his true emotions, was even accused of undermining the recruitment company into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and even demotivating him. well, however, in these matters with the bloodthirsty. the verkhovna rada is quite successfully competing with the cherkassy commander, which is preparing to consider the updated law on mobilization in the square, what it is preparing for the ukrainians, stanislav bernval studied, stanislav, good evening, well, maybe they will finally call on the deputies? one day, alexey, they are like a sacred cow, they need to give it and take care of it, in fact, so that it gives sacred milk, so they take care of it as best they can. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine submitted to the verkhovna rada a revised bill on mobilization, the first version of which caused outrage in society. looking ahead, i will say that the current version does not smell of adequacy either, for example, now the new bill includes
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restrictions on the property rights of the colonists, their bank accounts will be seized, the right to drive a car will be blocked, in general, now you will have to run after the military commissar, and not from the military commissar. if you go through the top, which is something completely new in ukraine, electronic subpoenas will appear, that is, it will now be considered served when it is sent, for example, in the form of sms.
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well, according to the bill, the conscription age is reduced from 27 to 25 years old, this
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is due to the fact that the ukrainian brave army lacks young blood, the natural contingent of the army is young, healthy men, and we know that the average the age today in so is 43 plus, of course they need young, healthy men. i am sure that in the very near future the lower age threshold will be shifted, it will be shifted, many people consider it to be 22 years old, look, we need healthy people, but they are mobilizing disabled people, they decided that disabled people of the first group may not be registered, here are the second and third groups you are welcome to re-examine in the near future, the same applies to those with limited fitness for military service, also the heads of hospitals will now have to report: military registration and enlistment offices about their stay in inpatients from 18 to 25. everyone knows
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that in ukraine, with its sky-high level of corruption, disabled people are of the second and third groups, that is, not those who clearly do not have an arm or a leg, they were often fictitious disabled people, that is these disabilities were purchased, so they will have to be re-examined. which in turn, of course, gives rise to a new round of corruption , in general, the law, what the drawbar is, which way you turn it turned out, well, whoever doesn’t want it according to the law, then...
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by the way, the police will now officially be involved in catching the colonists, one hand well, as they say, two are better, according to experts, with the adoption of the new law on mobilization, zelensky expects to put 300-400 thousand ukrainians under arms, their fate is clear, he is of little interest, the main thing is that they are there for as long as possible, and if not for long, then it doesn’t matter, then he’ll come up with some other insidious law. stanislav bernval, you are a ukrainian purge. the fighters of the russian group of troops center took more advantageous positions in the krasno-limansky section of the special operation, in addition, they inflicted massive fire damage, including elite special forces formation of the ukrainian armed forces. according to the ministry of defense, as a result, the enemy lost up to 280 manpower, in which he was already unable to oppose anything to the power of our artillery. grigory bdovin visited the location of one of her calculations. it so
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happened that russian artillery systems are named after flowers, this one is geocinth. current gentle weapon formidable target coordinates have been received, it is located at a distance of approximately 30 km from this point, geocinth, powerful weapon, shoots far. this artillery the crew has been fighting together for a long time, all commands are understood perfectly, everyone is in their place. our team is friendly, people have a variety of professions, including repairmen and automobile workshops. what did you do before the war? i studied before the war. well, could you imagine it in this quality? no, i didn’t know that sooner or later i would become a military man or a platoon commander. i studied to become a master of refrigeration compressor machines, the shells are scattered around the area, all together , of course you can’t hold them and no one is doing this, counter-battery efforts are trying the enemy, even theoretically, should not be rewarded, they are both
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cheaply high-explosive, in f5 they are newer developments, they fly an order of magnitude further than the twenty-ninth, these are... older-style shells, and accordingly, there is more opportunity to hit enemy equipment at a further distance, some here fight first from the outside, but there are also many veterans, those who stood up to defend their native land back in such a distant time, now in 1914. i worked in a taxi, was engaged in construction, worked in security, i started serving at the age of 35, at in 1414, i didn’t serve urgently, well , it turned out that way, you see, the situation turned upside down, and i and many people like me who had no idea had to. yes, with weapons in their hands, opponents with their behavior do not deserve at least a hint of respect from us . the enemy, instead of the same counter-battery fight, began to fire at the city, and the city began to fire chaotically, well, as for me, it’s like when you drive a rat into a corner, it starts to bite, well, that’s how they do it, their main sponsor in the united states of america, i
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hope that their funding will be cut off , and, accordingly, the shortage of ammunition will become more specific, and of course the latest press, a military newspaper for the military and children's letters from school 125 to the first b-grade, one of the first graders definitely managed to do your message is non-standard, and so that you don’t get bored, here’s an anecdote: in a restaurant, a visitor asks the waiter: tell me, do you have a wild duck? no, but for you we can piss off the family. grigory vdovin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev, andrey rudenko, news from the donetsk people's republic. they intend to involve as many as 90 thousand military personnel from more than 30 countries, these are the details of nato exercises codenamed stalwart defender, which, as hard as it may be to guess, again grew out of the russophobic paranoia of the alliance, they say they will simulate military clashes in the event of a capture by our troops from the uvalka corridor on the border lithuania and poland. for some reason, such a conspiracy theory is now especially in demand
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among the collective west. well, they actually promise to prepare with the help of maneuvers record scale on... land and sea , however, the announced figures immediately raise certain doubts, since for the declared tens of thousands of personnel, only 50 ships, one and a half hundred tanks, and, for small things, other equipment will be allocated, hence a completely logical question , which the publication ridovka asks, specifically whether the states of the north atlantic bloc are overestimating the real number of their military groups, and it just so happens that similar concerns have now arisen among citizens of directly nato... countries, for example, great britain than the military, whose military potential has already been compared with russia’s and they have come to a very inconvenient conclusion for london, evgeny tishkavets will confirm, evgeny, hello, so what? i immediately no longer wanted to fight with russia. good evening. yes, alexey, in reality they only have strong armchair troops. the north atlantic alliance is flexing
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its muscles. while nato forces are frolicking in the baltic mud, the participating countries are trying to answer the question for themselves: are they really ready to fight? this is the video being discussed in britain, comparing military potential united kingdom and russia. 13,000 russian soldiers against 190. move away from the idea that she is no longer a great imperial power and not lady mary, nevertheless, the memory of the nation is preserved by great britain. i wonder if these people read
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too much british propaganda, or don’t read it at all, because only the lazy have not spoken about the problems of the british army in recent years; there is a catastrophic shortage in the armed forces of the kingdom; since 2000, the number has decreased by a third, by 65 thousand people. the guardian writes that young people are not wants to become a soldier, after the iraqi lies and the afghan failure, who wants to? the ministry of defense is desperately looking for the keys to the hearts of young soldiers, knows the target audience, they post posters like this: snowflakes and selfie lovers, the army needs your compassion and self-confidence. the most difficult situation in the fleet, while the military is calling on the government to quickly update the aging fleet of ships, london is decommissioning two working frigates, because.
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is simply not capable of providing such logistical support for its military operations, without logistical support there can be no war, no serious conflict, to summarize, we can assume that, probably, great britain formally has such a fairly serious military-industrial complex, armed forces, but to conduct such... some- then more or less long-term or serious military operations by great britain will never be decided. what about other locomotives in europe? germany
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has the same problem, no one wants to serve in the army. people are scared of rapidly growing spending on the defense industry, mainly on the purchase of american weapons. the bundeswehr is counting on a colossal hole in the budget. with the current level of chapagalism, free school lunches will be abolished by 2028, if they have not already been abolished , accordingly, in order to expand the number of staff, but most likely without a return to military conscription, this is unlikely to be possible, by the way, pistoris hinted last year that they can go back from the contract system to the conscription system because they want to serve, especially in the context of militarization. there are not so many countries while the large nato armies are counting pennies, smaller powers are nervously laughing at the situation. the mood in european society
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is illustrated by this humorous video from norwegian television: norway’s defense plan, when russia attacks, resistance is not implied. in the north, the russians will be met by our first line of defense, the garrison at varanger and the battalion at scholde, where they will surrender. will they give up? yes, don’t interrupt, then the russians will move deeper into the country, in stenhiri they will reach the positions of our armies and navy, who, in the course of a cunning maneuver, will transfer all weapons and equipment to them. so, of course, the new nato exercise is an attempt to scare russia, as in the wild, you spread your feathers to appear bigger and scarier. the allies do not want to fight, society is not inclined to fight against russia. and they don’t have the military capabilities to resist russia, but in the current situation they
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do it. equipment especially expected by the troops is still not in service despite the stated deadlines, and the minister did not miss the opportunity to address this is the close attention to detail in denis alekseev’s material. the ural transport engineering plant, which was inspected by defense minister shaigu, produces the entire line of modern self-propelled
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guns. the production of existing models has been increased sixfold over the previous 2 years, and the newest installation, the coalition sv, has also passed state tests. production has already been launched at the enterprise's sites. the minister of defense strongly emphasizes that the first vehicles must be handed over to the troops, just yesterday, you just stop playing the fool, guys, we got busy with this, so to speak, intensively in 2022, these machines should already be working at full capacity in 23, but with you everything is so calm. so to speak, it’s good, indeed, these vehicles are very welcome at the front, that’s why take at least a firing range of more than 70 km, such indicators exceed the performance characteristics of the best nato guns , the rate of fire is 16 rounds per minute, the ammunition load is 70 shells, separately this is new work on self-propelled artillery and works that have reached the final level will be considered
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stage. we will receive the first six cars. the ural transmash plant also repairs self-propelled units that are already involved in special operations, where modernization is required taking into account the experience of combat operations, the experience that our frontline soldiers gain around the clock. the day before, in the krasnolimansk direction , the center group destroyed a large command and observation post of militants, the russian military took up more advantageous positions and lines. in the krasnoliman direction. in the areas of yampolovka and kuzmino. losses the enemy numbered up to 280 military personnel. and
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seven cars. air defense systems shot down 21 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of zhitlovka and kremennaya, lugansk people's republic. and this is footage of the destruction of firing points in the area of ​​the village of spornaya in the dpr. drone operators simply leave no chance for militants. they have dugouts equipped, and their equipment is disguised to match the color of a snowdrift, but this does not work when our intelligence gets down to business. and here’s more about the experience: soldiers of the engineering troops, our sappers, are taking a course training and retraining at one of the training grounds in the northern military district zone. military engineers have a great responsibility, especially when assigning units to the frontiers. mining the area, excluding the enemy’s ability to advance on the ground, it’s all about them. not without reason, because russian engineering structures and minefields have long been dubbed the nightmare of the ukrainian army in the western press.
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motorized rifle platoon group. marched forward, took up positions, occupied the enemy’s stronghold, in order to make it safer for the enemy to did not approach him, anti-personnel mines are being installed around him. a lot of equipment from this list remained in the ukrainian steppes , for example, in the summer, remember, when the ukrainian armed forces tried to show what a counter-offensive looks like, in the end they stepped on the same rake again, they continue to do this, launching their equipment forward. and poorly trained or completely untrained personnel, after a while military commissars run around ukrainian cities in search of unfired men, and they, in turn, live from them. denis alekseev, lead. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. the assassination attempt on prelepino justified the murder of dugin; ulitskaya from germany supports ukraine.


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