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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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transgender people will definitely push through this situation, just as they pushed through the situation with lgbt propaganda at the football championship in qatar, although the qatari authorities and the organizers of the football championship resisted. but physiology cannot be abolished by political laws, athletes understand this, but can their experience be understood? anastasia ivanova and the rainbow olympics. russian troops are ready to push back the front line in ukraine until the complete security of our cities is ensured, vladimir putin said today, who had a detailed conversation with his confidants in the moscow gostiny dvor. the progress of the special operation became one of the main topics of the meeting, but of course, others were also touched upon, also...
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their development, the third is completely unusual to speak in public, so briefly: i am for a bright future for russia, which means i am for putin. there are many people in uniform in the hall, even more with military awards, but here only those who took leave during the campaign or have already been transferred to the reserve; the work of their fellow soldiers at the front does not stop for an hour. this is the group veterans to one of the most important areas where fighting is currently taking place, this is ovdeevka, ahead of our troops.
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another result of the ukrainian attacks was the death of their own servicemen on a plane near belgorod. a few days ago, the president promised to publish the first results of the investigation, and is now calling for them to be verified at the international level. the plane was shot down, this has already been established for sure, the american patriot system, this has already been examined. established, this is the first, second, the ukrainian authorities somewhere defended the phrase that they would like to carry out an international investigation, we ask for this, we insist that an international investigation be carried out, there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity, officially say, we ask to send international experts and conduct this analysis, evaluate it.
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available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system from a specific place, at a specific time, as i already said, at 11:10 two launches were made. well, pending an international investigation, russia has no doubt that two missiles were launched specifically from the territories controlled by kyiv. it can be assumed that they did this by accident. this is a crime in any case in this case, if this is so, then it is a crime of negligence, there is such a legal term. sk was excited. a criminal case under the article terrorism, whether it will stop it or not, exchanges , we will not stop exchanges, we need to take our guys, if the ukrainian side, of course, is ready for this, they always give us a signal that they are ready, well, ready, please, it is their business how to deal with their military personnel, for those fighters of the russian army who are returning to peaceful life in the country now have a whole range of support measures, for the families of those fighting too, it was at the presidential post that putin proposed... to make a system out of this
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, including creating a fund for defenders of the fatherland, but it is provided for, they tell the candidate , his confidants, not everything yet, there is a slight injustice, now brothers and sisters of any age. servicemen receive compensation in the event of the death of a soldier, but do not receive, with the exception of children of disabled people who reach the age of twenty-three, they lose the right to compensation measures in support of the death of a svo participant. thank you for your advice, but apparently they proceeded from the fact that at 17 you still don’t have your own income, at 25 it already arises, that’s what it’s all about, we shouldn’t be talking about redistribution, but to ensure the interests of everyone, well , let’s think about it this is not about at all... officers , having already left the front, meet with children, organize sports and patriotic sections , and here putin’s headquarters thinks a systematic approach is needed. in our opinion, we need, how to put it correctly, a single assembly point of all fragments of the upbringing of a citizen,
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a citizen of russia, there is, in the best and most literal sense of the word, love for the motherland, otherwise called patriotism. well, how can you not love your homeland, it’s the same as not loving your family, not loving your mother, your children, the same with your homeland, there are things that should be, well, embedded right in the subcortex, although this is what is happening in due to the fact that russia is forced to defend its interests, including through armed struggle, and that in this regard, the beginning in society it happens that this historical russia has risen, still suggests that we have a foundation of education and it is quite strong and so solid, all this foam, which is always present in any society, is little by little, little by little, being washed away. education is also a sport, although the idea of ​​international olympism has recently been completely discredited. modern international
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officials distort, simply distort the very idea of ​​international olympism, any sport is a human right, therefore any restrictions this. restriction of human rights, of course , international officials, they must have character and clean hands, because if there are any problems here, then fears immediately arise about their future, just like in the wada now officials, where the top officials end up the duty is already due in the twenty-fifth year, i really want to extend this period and do everything to meet the expectations of those who support them. on the eve of the conversation with the candidate, putin’s confidants met to process thousands of requests and suggestions from citizens who spent a month and a half collecting around the country. at a meeting with proxies of candidate vladimir putin, it is clear how the country has changed under president putin, from historical achievements, donetsk, lugansk,
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zaporozhye, kherson and crimea, again russia to the largest infrastructure projects, the famous bridge to the peninsula or the first in the modern history of the country , a spaceport built from scratch. the people gathered here, each in their own sphere, saw all these changes with their own eyes, and personally helped many come true. most often, besides special operations, they talk, of course, about the social sector ; in recent years it has been the largest block of the country’s budget, which has helped, for example, to preserve people’s health, even when it , de facto, came under western sanctions. the need, simply the urgent need , to create absolute technological sovereignty of our healthcare. one of the most important tasks, this is a completely obvious thing, here is the heavy equipment that in previous years we purchased 100% abroad, which means that some of our so-called partners, despite the fact that this is a purely humanitarian sphere, purely humanitarian healthcare, but they refuse to provide services and
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carry out routine maintenance, of course, life itself forces us to engage in this area of ​​activity, but not everyone refuses, some work. give them their due, despite all the contradictions in the political or security field. the reserves of safety, putin says, the economy has enough not only for medicine, in transport engineering, for example, 80% of parts, russian in the field of aviation 90% of engine construction is already a completely localized product, 90%. yes, thank you for the applause, this is applause for those who do it. this is an outstanding achievement. here is the engine that we made pd-14 for russian-made ms-21 aircraft and were not allowed to use for others for 30 years , we started it in the soviet union, finished it all in the eighties, the finish line, here we are, done, and on a new
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base, modern, powerful, good , efficient, reliable, better than certain models on the world market, putin was also offered to extend the preferential program loan rates for social public. organization and create a single navigator for support measures that are due to the families of fighters, the candidate approved the ideas, and also promised, even after the year of the family, to maintain the priorities of the state, we have a whole family policy.
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the deputies present adopted it unanimously, so that now appropriate amendments will be made to the criminal code, according to which convicted persons will be able to seize funds and other assets used to finance illegal activities. bill on scoundrels and traitors, and those who today spit in the back of our soldiers, transfer money to the armed forces of the country that is at war with us, are located abroad, receive income from real estate property located on the territory of our country, the citizens of these people have done everything for this , so that they live comfortably, receive an honorary title, awards, property, and today they use these funds in order to spoil the country, betraying it, betraying its soldiers,
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officers, throwing mud at them, and criticizing them, the bill gives the right to attract them to liability, property confiscation, deprivation of honorary titles, this is a long-awaited bill, citizens are demanding its adoption. the european union will not have time to transfer the promised million shells to ukraine. according to bloomberg, by march the kiev regime will receive no more than 600 thousand, so western media are already predicting a critical shortage of ammunition in the ukrainian troops. the situation with financial assistance is no better: european officials are trying to squeeze out the eu budget to satisfy the appetites of the kiev regime, but there is no final decision yet. the west's attempts to save ukraine are being monitored by the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. holocaust remembrance day , which is celebrated on january 27 this year, fell on a saturday when the bundestag does not work, so
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the german parliament remembered the victims of the genocide of jews in the reich today, on the podium eva szepesi, she was 12 when the red army entered wasvenets, before fleeing the guards at the concentration camp rounded up the prisoners for execution, and they threw her into the barracks, thinking she was dead. i don’t know how long i lay there, at some point i broke down. putin's russia is not our partner, it is the enemy of our
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freedom. we will not shake hands with any political group that questions this fundamental belief, and any compromise will end there. the german chancellor came to parliament in an anxious mood. a month has already passed since the new year, and there are no signals from washington about positive progress in terms of allocating american money to ukraine. scholz, of course, tried to convey confidence to the audience that they would come. to ukraine, dear friends, we must do everything it is possible at the international level so that we do not end up in this position, because it would be arrogance to think that we can cope alone, this is not the case, we need unity and solidarity. such recognition was probably not easy for scholz, because quite recently german leadership in supporting ukraine was a source of great pride, and
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now he has to sound sos signals. in the dra budget, the constitutional court prohibited the use of extra-budgetary funds. as a patch, here, as they say, the first one went, the scholz government is already directly squeezing out the difficult one. i would like to say a few words about the real financial situation. we simply don't have any more money. the government has spent 800 billion euros over the past few years on coronavirus and energy aid packages to subsidize gas and electricity prices. now it's time for payback. it turns out that on average the state compensated citizens and industry for inflation, covid lockdowns and growth in energy resources at a rate of 200 billion euros per year, this is approximately half of the state budget, which allowed the germans to become poorer less rapidly. now everything, the new reality promises to become much more merciless, taking into account, moreover, the need to increase military production, increase the size
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of the army, constantly conduct maneuvers, scare russia, activities are not cheap. exercise steadfast defender 24 begins in europe. nato is practicing the transfer of first-echelon troops to the eastern flank. 90 thousand soldiers, 500 tanks, 600 armored vehicles must arrive in the baltic states and poland as quickly as possible in order to blockade the kaliningrad region while it is still in the order of combat training. the day before, the netherlands, germany and poland signed an agreement on de-bureaucratization of military logistics. in an emergency, trains with equipment will go east from...
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the americans do not have them in service, this was specially invented for ukraine, the projectile itself consists of two parts: a small-diameter bomb and a rocket engine from dismantled rockets. in turn, france,
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if you believe this photo, managed to transfer the next scalp cruise missiles to kiev. the inscription on the body is in french: greetings from paris, russians, get to hell, most likely the ukrainians themselves painted it, although maybe not, maybe macron gave the order. the price, the real price of russia's victory is too high for all of us, both in the short and long term. therefore, the sensible response is to come together and support ukraine throughout this year and beyond. no matter what it costs, in order to launch cruise missiles, airplanes are already needed, ukraine’s legacy of the ussr is ending, and the minister of defense the netherlands today tried to support kiev’s hopes of receiving american f-16s. we are working very hard on this, ukraine is working hard on this, i am sure that it
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will happen this year, i can’t say the exact day and time yet. there is no clarity on the timing.
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“from february 1, access to the zaporozhye npp will be limited, as the press service of the enterprise reports, only specialists who have entered into an employment contract with the operating company will be able to work at the nuclear plant. we are bringing the regulations in accordance with russian requirements security, according to them , only full-time specialists of the operating organization can have access to the station, so we decided to change the procedure for access to the station, it will come into force on february 1."
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russia has taken first place in the world in terms of gas availability for the population. statistics that deputy prime minister alexander novak announced today, reporting on the results of gasification over the past year. as part of the social program, one and a half million applications for gas pipeline installation have already been accepted from home owners. a third of them have already completed. with details stanislav vasilchenko. russia comes first. world gasification this year. today , 74% of all its regions receive natural gas. this statement was made by russian deputy prime minister alexander novak at a meeting of the federal
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headquarters for gasification. every day , gazprom connects two or three settlements to the most economical, environmentally friendly and safe fuel. a five-year program for the development of gas supply and gasification is being implemented by paogazprom in 72 regions of the russian federation. only for 2024 for this highlight. regions, krasnoyarsk region, irkutsk region, transbaikal region, buryatia. by order of the president, social facilities are provided with gasification free of charge, this applies to schools, clinics, kindergartens, and
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nursing and obstetric centers. the initiative will allow funds that were previously spent on the purchase of fuel oil or firewood to be directed to solving other pressing issues in the region. there is another special order from the president, which is dedicated to supporting preferential categories of citizens. the federal budget provides support to regional budgets. and categories of beneficiaries, veterans of the great patriotic war, large families, participants in a special military operation, families of participants, they all receive compensation for the purchase of that minimum necessary set of equipment, there is a gas stove, a gas analyzer, a boiler in the house, internal wiring, only in the kaluga region 400 families have already taken advantage of this support; one of them was introduced live; the head of the family, a participant in a military special operation and the father of two sons, gathered together with his wife.
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region to connect to gas even more thank you, proceed, colleagues, the launch has been completed, thank you, thank you, tyumen subscribers, gazprom is simplifying the application process, the service is now available online, it was decided to reduce the connection time, according to sergei gustov, general director of gazprom mezhregion gas , today more than one and a half have been submitted for degasification. a certificate of ownership of the house and you are a participant in the large presidential gasification program, which means gazprom will build a gas pipeline to your land plot. in 2025 program post-gasification will not be completed; on instructions from vladimir putin, it has become indefinite. the technical feasibility of gasifying the country,
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the president. beloved monster, manager of the universe of screws, my mistress.
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and cucumbers. thank you, good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will discuss key issues of socio-economic development, and in fact, to put it bluntly, the revival of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson.


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