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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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salads cucumbers legendary viyadobiki bun with sesame, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary pita, this is big hit, big hit, only in a tasty point. now footage from the presidential press service. thank you. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will discuss key issues of socio-economic development, and in fact , to put it bluntly, the revival of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson. areas, i draw your attention to
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colleagues, in this large complex, responsible work, there are no little things, everything is important, everything that surrounds people, the conditions in which they live, study, work, raise children. in this regard, i would like to start with a topic that was recently raised at a meeting with participants and winners of all-russian family competitions, it is like this: everyday, completely peaceful, but for people, apparently, it matters, for example, the head of a family from the lugansk people's republic republic, spoke about how much support is needed for music schools, regional and local cultural institutions, and such projects are implemented by the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. i would like to note that in addition to specialized federal projects and programs, the pound purchases music.
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tools, equipment, equipment for cultural centers, including in rural areas, for children's creative schools, donbass and novorussia. i would like to note right away that business actively participated; it was they who supported such initiatives and provided financial support to the fund in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles. most importantly, citizens are sincerely grateful for such projects, and i would like to repeat that they are in demand, people need them, and... of all generations, families, youth of donbass and novorussia, they serve to preserve and develop the culture of these regions, so i ask you to be sure to continue programs through the cultural initiatives fund, in this regard there is another topic, now there is active integration of donbass and new russia into a single legal space of the country, management systems are being built at the level of federal subjects and locally, this applies to institutions.
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allow staff cuts, rates, salaries, rural cultural sports institutions, well i know that we have our own standards, everything is clear , questions, of course, are under no circumstances allowed , but you can’t do it from today to tomorrow, you can’t just turn everything off, where there were 10 people, leave two, well, you can’t do that, i tell you i ask you not to do this, i appeal to the regional authorities and... to
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the federal ones, especially since we are talking about financing, well, minimal financing, i understand, i say again, there are standards, there are norms, we need to gradually move towards them, but you need to go calmly, think about employing these people, so that they not only were they employed, they could work according to their skill level, but it can’t be done just at the drop of a hat from today to tomorrow, it needs to be prepared calmly, we will do it without any...
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we have the level of funding planned, the money has been counted, it is there, and we need so that they do not disappear anywhere, in general, in approximately the same volume, in the same volume, every year, in general, the socio-economic development and integration of the reunited regions has gained
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a good pace, primarily thanks to the clear, well-coordinated work of the government, federal ministries, departments and of course colleagues in... the federation regularly pay pensions, benefits, and implement other social support measures. they have already covered more than 2 million people, and by next year about 3 million citizens will receive such payments. the economy is gradually recovering, including industry, over one and a half hundred mechanical engineering and metallurgy enterprises have resumed work. mining, other important industries in all these regions, support for farmers has been established, banks are operating and shops, well, as for banks , i would ask you to pay attention to our colleagues, they will hear us, for sure, we need to uh, well, there’s nothing to be afraid of, everything is already what we were afraid of before
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the sanctions, everything has already happened, what should we be afraid of? to enter these territories more actively and work there, i appeal to our large financial institutions, and... after the organization of a free economic zone in the donbass in novorus, the same as in the crimea in sevastopol, 75 enterprises became its participants, projects were announced that allow preserving create more than 42 thousand work places. in less than 2 years , more than 2,000 km of roads and about 6,500 residential roads have been restored in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions.
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infrastructure, schools, hospitals, we need to create new industries, new social facilities, jobs, set the impetus for long-term, sustainable development of all spheres of life in these regions, this is our priority, key task, i would like to once again set all of us, all of us colleagues, for exactly this responsible ultimately productive work, let's... discuss all these proposed topics, we will talk on this topic if necessary, and i know that there are issues that require solutions, we will come up with these solutions, please, dear vich, on your instructions, we are working within the framework of the approved
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program of socio-economic development, in this program, we brought together everyone, this is the entire government, and state authorities, and the presidential administration, all state-owned companies, all... 82 regions of the boss, which means everyone is interested, including who provides sponsorship assistance, who also provides patronage assistance in this program, 32 federal government, which means that from 24 we launched a state construction program for 3 years ahead with a list of all objects, this is also a decision that will help us smoothly carry out this work, i can say that today this project is one of the largest infrastructure projects in the country , today 34,000 builders, 4.0 units of equipment are involved in the work, and the materials produced in the territories are increasing every year, yes, this gives work to a large number of related territories throughout our country. this means that all our major government customers
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are taking part, this is a single customer and the territory development fund, the highway , the military construction company, rosseti, all the large network companies are working on this task, and we understand that today... this infrastructure development program, it gives a huge boost, gives a huge tax base, and what can i say that our tax base is growing with additional volumes, and we believe that this year too... objects, every month we have this number this is a huge volume from small to huge being added. one positive thing we have is that your decision on preferential mortgages, which was made in the middle of the year, has already given impetus to housing construction.
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installed 10 checkpoints, all of them practically large, and increased the throughput from 7.00 vehicles per day to 35, that is , we have practically solved this problem of traffic jams at border crossings, i want to say here a huge thank you to our colleagues from the fsb border service, builders, regions, like new, so to everyone at the border regions, we also tried our best to bring the roads into line, to synchronize the quality of roads from one side to the other.
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a fairly large number of new gas pipelines, eight water pipelines with a length of hundreds of kilometers were built, which made it possible to solve this problem. we, vladimirevich, had questions regarding communications, but the ministry of communications is doing a good job, a large number of new stations have been installed, communications work is now improving every month, and we are already beginning to feel it. an unprecedented amount of work has been done on restoration of social infrastructure. listen to the numbers. 15-16 516 kindergartens were renovated, 574 schools were built in
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preparation for this season, and some schools, such as school number 15 mariupol, it was actually rebuilt anew, and the regions-chiefs, and the teams of the governors themselves, and federal customers, here more than a thousand objects were prepared for the school season, we work systematically, and what’s more, you also commissioned a catering unit for hot meals... the construction company did an excellent job school, then, just like a model. the azov
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polytechnic state university was launched by september 1 for 6,000 builders, you were there, you saw when this construction was actively underway. mariupol state university for 2.0 students was also launched. now these are modern universities, where it is pleasant to study and you can get a quality education. with the ministry of education and science, we have made a 3-year program for the restoration of all higher and secondary technical institutions, that is, this work has switched to a smooth systemic basis, it is actively being carried out work to restore sports facilities from basic ones, such as the lichovitsa sports complex. the seaside park has almost already been restored, is in operation, you have also seen this park, 78 hectares of the park are now fully operational, there are a lot of people, colleagues will probably confirm that people enjoy their holidays, a huge amount of work has been done on healthcare, which means how renovation , restoration, and new construction, and equipping existing ones, and this work continues, i think we will be there by next
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year, you also saw the hospital intensive treatment in mariupol, we will also have it by next year... everything is finished, most of the buildings have already been repaired, are operational, equipment has been supplied. our financial sector is gradually developing, more than 500 bank branches, 86 thousand legal entity accounts and 4.9 million individual accounts have been opened. this means that the development of the financial sector is also a very important issue. work on the free economic zone is underway very actively; the adopted law allows us to say with confidence that more and more quantity.
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and reached 2 million hectares, despite everything, farmers are working, no matter how difficult it is. well , i’m finishing my speech, i want to say that , of course, further development is impossible without planning, the fact that you decided to extend the program for 5 years with a forecast until the thirtieth year is a very serious step in development. now my colleagues and i, with regional leaders, with all federal departments, taking into account the fact that each federal department allocates something specific. amount of funding, we are preparing now the program is actually up to the thirtieth year. thank you for your attention, i hope that this systematic work will allow us to improve the lives of people in new territories as much as possible. thank you. thank you, thank you. as i understand it, we are planning to open a number of social facilities. yes, vladimirevich, every month some new objects come to us, today we didn’t even agree, we
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did nothing special there, here are a number of objects that are ready to open, let us listen to them, open them, take a look. so shoplitsova irina vladimirovna, please, microphone, good evening, vladimir vladimirovich, state unitary enterprise of the donetsk people's republic, donetsk republican prosthetic and orthopedic center, director shupletsova irina vladimirovna. the history of our company begins with a thousand.
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processes, the heating system, hot and cold water supply were replaced , the entrance lobbies were replaced, landscaping was carried out, the elevator system was replaced and much more, but the most important area in restoring activity our enterprise is to create on the basis of the enterprise a department of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation for disabled people, including combat disabled people, which is intended to provide services not only for physical, but also for medical rehabilitation. comfortable rooms have been created that meet all accessibility requirements for people with limited mobility. the team of the donetsk republican prosthetic and orthopedic
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center expresses gratitude to everyone who took part in the restoration of the child. our company, we hope that prosthetic and orthopedic care and a complex of physical, rehabilitation, and psychological measures will bring patients, including participants in a special military operation, maximum restoration of health, strengthening psychological well-being and confidence in the future. thank you. irina viktorovna. as i understand it, up to 7,000 people will be able to use the services of your company during the year. yes, we serve up to 7,000 people annually. yeah, well, people there can use the services of your enterprise, well, all kinds of people, there and women can use it and men and
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so on, as i understand it, this is modern equipment that allows you to do all this at the highest level, yes, absolutely right, but how many people do you employ? we employ 88 people now, excellent , good, we wish you success, i am sure that you will honorably perform the function for which the enterprise was created decades ago, and for which it has been updated now, i have no doubt that you and all the best to all your staff, thank you very much. thank you, thank you big, yeah, veronika igorevna, head of the fmba, she is, as i understand it, in
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mariupol, yes, veronika igorevna, thank you very much, thank you, deeply, dear vladimir vladimirovich, on your instructions, dated june 29 , twenty-two, as soon as possible . in less than a year and a half, a multidisciplinary medical center of the federal medical and biological agency was created in mariupol. the creation of a large federal high-tech center solves the most important task of providing high-tech and highly qualified specialized medical care for residents of the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. and residents of other regions of the russian federation, immediately after the order, under the leadership of marat shakerzyanovich, an interdepartmental working group was created, and fmba, and the ministry of construction, and
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the ministry of defense, which ifmba quickly worked on in a short time, and developed and approved a medical and technical task, was selected general contractor, military construction company, and representatives of all interested... departments constantly accompanied this construction on site at all stages, which made it possible to complete it in the shortest possible time in 10 months, that is, by the end of october twenty-third, 2 months earlier than expected. already at the beginning of december, the center was transferred to the southern district medical center of the fmba of russia. on december 20, we received licenses for medical activities in... 54 types of primary health care, thirty-two types of specialized care, eight types of high-tech care, and also that
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extremely important, nine types of examinations and examinations in the field of industrial, marine, diving and acid medicine, which is important in connection with the need to provide medical care to employees of seaports... a powerful consultative and diagnostic center for 400 appointments has now been created per day during two-shift work, equipped with the most modern equipment for radiation, functional, endoscopic, laboratory diagnostics, which includes an outpatient rehabilitation service and day hospital, inpatient building, more than a table with the possibility of some expansion, it includes a modern operating unit of eleven
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operating rooms, including two hybrid operating rooms and one x-ray endovascular, which allows high-tech operations on the heart and blood vessels in case of combined trauma, while simultaneously operating on several human organ systems has been created. modern intensive care unit with 18 beds. it is important to note that 98% of the equipment that was purchased, respectively, installed and launched in the center, this equipment is of russian and belarusian production, so the center is actually completely self-sufficient. in parallel with construction, the agency formed and trained a team of specialists. currently, the team consists of 535 people, of which more than 100 are doctors, 300 of them have permanent jobs, the rest are recruited on a rotational basis from leading medical centers.
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fund of this center, and to sort of form a correspondence between the maximum calculated power, operational activity and the possibility of follow-up treatment for patients after surgery. this means that for this year it is planned to create a second hospital building with 330 beds, thus the bed capacity will increase from 100 to more than 400 beds, and
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an additional 12 departments will be opened. including a burn center, a hemodialysis center, an inpatient rehabilitation department, and a separate disinfection service unit. thus, at the end of this year, upon completion of the second stage, the center will provide all types of specialized and high-tech medical care. such an expansion of the center will certainly require an increase in the staff of the center, and the staff will increase almost three times,
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if possible, it will be resolved by the end of the year before the completion of the second stage of creating the center, so i would like to thank the representatives of all organizations that took part in such rapid formation of such a large high-tech center. thank you very much, if you allow me, the chief doctor is with me.
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mariupol, not only for our republic, but and for all residents of the lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye and kherson regions, and all of new russia. now they will be able to undergo examinations in all profiles in a modern center using advanced equipment and, what is very important, receive high-tech medical care directly near their home, that is, in difficult cases, people will not need to travel to federal clinics
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hundreds of kilometers away. capital, residents of the rostov region and crimea will also be able to seek high-tech medical care. the modern equipment with which our complex is equipped will allow, in addition to all traditional interventions, to perform complex high-tech operations, choose a more gentle option of anesthesia, reduce time, overall trauma and blood loss during surgery. the center is fully ready for work, including surgery. and anesthetist resuscitation service. the presence of hybrid operating centria will allow surgical interventions that combine open and endovascular stages in one operation, which is very important in somatic patients. severe patients. x-ray navigation in these operating rooms will allow monitoring the results of bypass surgery. the center's activities are based on two things.


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