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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 31, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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case of capture by our troops from the uvalka corridor on the border of lithuania and poland, such a conspiracy theory is now for some reason especially in demand among the collective west, well, in fact, they promise to prepare with the help of maneuvers of a record scale on land and sea, although the announced figures immediately raise certain doubts, since for the declared tens of thousands of personnel, only 50 ships, one and a half hundred tanks, and a little bit of other equipment will be allocated, hence it is quite logical... whose military potential has already been compared with russian and came to very inconvenient conclusions for london, evgeniy teshkovets will confirm, the north atlantic alliance is playing a false game.
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while nato forces are frolicking in the baltic mud, the participating countries are trying to answer the question for themselves: are they really ready to fight? this is the video they are discussing in britain: a comparison of the military potential of the united kingdom and russia. 3,000 russian soldiers against 190,000 british, 14 thousand combat vehicles against several hundred. generally reflects the order of the numbers, but they are very inaccurate, apparently, the video was clearly not made by a military expert.
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there is too much british propaganda, or they don’t read it at all, because only leniv has not spoken about the problems of the british army in recent years; there is a catastrophic shortage in the kingdom’s armed forces; since 2000, the number has decreased by a third by 65,000 people. the guardian writes that young people do not want to become soldiers. after the iraqi lies and the afghan failure, who would want to? the ministry of defense is desperately looking for the keys to the hearts of young warriors, knows the target audience, and places it. such posters: snowflakes and selfie lovers, the army needs your compassion and self-confidence. the most difficult situation in the fleet. while the military calls on the government to quickly update its aging fleet of ships, london is decommissioning two working frigates because there is no one to serve them. well, that's the icing on the cake. mms britain posted a vacancy on social networks for the position of rear admiral, head of submarine fleet operations. it's a disgrace, write british veterans.
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submariners, those who must fight are young people, and young people are oriented completely different values, calling for such mobilization there, in my opinion, is practically impossible, the economy in great britain is simply not capable of providing such logistical support for its military operation, and without logistical support there will be no war, no serious...
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level of chapagalism by 2028 this year, the german army will owe 56 billion euros. perhaps the latest subsidies to farmers will be cancelled, free school breakfasts will be cancelled, if they have not already been canceled, accordingly, in order to expand the number of staff, but rather without a return to military... conscription, this is unlikely to be possible, by the way, pistoris last year hinted that they could go back from the contract system to conscription, because there are not so many people willing to serve bunaswehr, especially in the context of the militarization of the country too much. while the big nato armies are counting pennies, the smaller powers are laughing nervously at the situation. the mood in european society is illustrated by this humorous video from norwegian television: norway's defense plan when russia. will attack, there will be no resistance
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implied. in the north, the russians will be met by our first line of defense, the garrison at varanger and the battalion at scholde, where they will surrender. they do not have the military capabilities to resist russia, but in the current situation they are following the command from washington, showing their transatlantic unity. in
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general, it’s good that the largest nato exercises since the cold war are taking place right now, in winter, let the europeans run around with rifles to their advantage, cool their heads, think carefully, maybe they will understand... that all this is not for them it is necessary, the fighters of the russian group of troops-center took more advantageous positions in the krasnaya limansky section of the special operation, in addition, they inflicted massive fire damage, including from the elite special forces formation of the ukrainian armed forces. according to the ministry of defense, as a result, the enemy lost up to 280 manpower, in which he was already unable to oppose anything to the power of our artillery. grigory vdovin visited the location of one of her calculations. it so happened that russian artillery systems. are named after flowers, this one is geocinth, a delicate flower, a terrible weapon. the coordinates of the target have been received; it is located at a distance of approximately 30 km from this point. geocinth, a powerful weapon, shoots far. let's grow up! this artillery crew has been fighting together for a long time,
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all commands are understood perfectly, each in his place. our team is friendly, people have a variety of professions and are repairmen of automobile workshops. what did you do before the war? i studied before the war, could you imagine in such a capacity? no, i didn’t know that sooner or later i would become military or platoon commander. i studied to become a master of refrigeration-compressor machines, the shells are scattered around the area , of course it’s impossible to keep them all together, and no one is doing this, the counter-battery efforts of the enemy’s attempts, even theoretically, should not be rewarded, they are both body fuglas, uv 59 - these are newer ones. developments fly an order of magnitude further than the twenty-ninth, these are older -style shells, which means there is a greater opportunity to hit enemy equipment at a longer distance. someone here is fighting the north military district first, but there are also a lot of veterans, those who stood up to defend their native land back so far away, now in 1914, i worked in a taxi,
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was engaged in construction, worked in security, i went to serve at the age of 35 in 1414, i didn’t serve urgently, well, it turned out, you see, the situation turned upside down, it had to. passes will become more specific, and of course, the latest press, a military newspaper for the military and children's letters, from school 125 to the first b-grade, one of the first graders definitely managed to make his message non-standard, and so that you're not bored, here's an anecdote, in a restaurant a visitor asks the waiter, tell
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me, do you have a wild duck, no, but for you we can make a domestic one, grigory dovin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev, andrey rudenko, news from the donetsk people's republic. called for massive bombing of moscow, since this quote, it would be fair, is the position of the great-granddaughter of the legendary pilot valery chkalov, daria bogdanova, which she voiced in an interview with a foreign agent. bogdanova lives abroad and has been collecting in support for a long time ukrainian militants, in particular, purchases drones, however, as it turned out, it is ready for more, including sponsoring a nuclear strike on the russian capital, even despite the fact that its relatives along the line remain here.
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a person cannot call for a nuclear strike on the city where his mother lives. well, what bogdanova allows herself to say publicly, other trans-ukrainian russians with famous surnames try to voice only in private. conversations, this is how it became known that lyudmila ulitskaya had her book her earnings are sent to the kiev regime, the writer was exposed by lexus pranksters, which she also admitted and listened to evgenia petrukhin. in her apartment in germany , there is a ukrainian flag in the hallway, a clear indication of the position, so that, apparently, everyone who comes in has an idea of ​​the political views of the hostess. lyudmila ulitskaya took up a rotten pen, if only because she.
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ulitskaya, in fact, admitted her sympathies for the ukrainian regime, she justified the terrorist attacks that were committed on our territory, precisely by this regime, which she's sympathetic. this is a justification for terrorism as such. ulitskaya calls dasha’s father, the philosopher alexander dugin, garbage; ulitskaya, as well as zakhar prilepin, think his thoughts are so hard on her ears. got rid of the title of a person because he supports russia. my royalties go to ukraine,
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ulitskaya claims, and royalties from the sale of books in russia, somehow hypocritically, lyudmila evgenievna, books are still being published, in stores they sell them sealed in transparent bags, but for now they are selling, my royalties go to ukraine. actually, this time amazing honesty from the street, especially... considering the fact that at the end of november she, together with the writers sorokin and erofeev, stated that they had never financed military organizations, they just said that it just so happened that the book they signed, the book somehow ended up for an auction in support of the terrorist organization " russian freedom legion". there is clearly an anti-russian tone here. the time has come when kiev must separate from muscovite russia, says the writer, that is, she directly draws a line, including geographical. excluding the common cultural code of russia and ukraine. all russians in crimea
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ulitskaya, judging by these statements, are considered social elements regarding the status of crimea, she has her own ideas. i dream in my heart that crimea will be a federal state within ukraine, russia, whatever, that it will be a separate federation. from one extreme to another, she is thrown, she is on one side. “i would dream that crimea would become either an independent state or a federation within either russia or ukraine. this time, but with on the other hand, she is not against the fact that crimea was given to ukraine, those people who live there, they, russians, russians, they are obliged to leave this territory, this is the kind of federation she comes up with, very dubious, that is, ulitskaya , essentially proposes to evict all russians from crimea, you see, i am jewish by nationality, so the topic of persecution, expulsion from country to
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country, is a very familiar topic for my people, which means, well, it will have to, apparently somehow peoples should also move along this path, along the path of resettlement, search for a home, she believes that since the jews wandered, now the russians should also wander, regardless of what the russians shed for this peninsula. they gave their blood and lives, but here is another question: who after this can she consider herself from the point of view of literature, is it really a russian writer? after these anti-russian revelations by the writer, state duma deputies asked for clarification from the ministry of education and science regarding ulitskaya’s title. she was indeed an honorary professor at the russian mendeleev university of chemical technology. but how it turned out that from august twenty-third the title of honorary professor was given to the street. deprived, here is the document, but after her statements by our pranker you can
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get on the list of terrorists and extremists, especially since there is such a request, representatives of the public movement call of the people have already contacted the investigative committee at the prosecutor's office. ulitskaya says that she likes zelensky, she is even concerned about how her favorite will cope with corruption in square. the only strange thing is that all her support is remote, maybe it’s time to head to kiev, or ulitskaya believes that... the ukrainian flag in the berlin hallway is enough. around paris today, a ring of farmer protests has finally closed, the participants of which have blocked all highways leading to the french capital and do not... intend to retreat if the authorities do not listen to their demands to return subsidies for agriculture instead of endlessly pumping money into ukraine. our european correspondent anastasia popova was looking into whether the macron administration is ready for at least some kind of dialogue. the head of the ministry of internal affairs, gerald ramanan, decided to stop the tractor drivers moving from the south of france at all costs; he
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sent new police reinforcements. an armored vehicle and gendarmerie blocked the column again. walking through fields or through small towns. slowly but surely, french farmers are moving closer and closer to paris in order to take it into a tight ring. the most desperate still make it to the rongis wholesale market at dawn. 15 people are detained by the police. eight entrances across the french capital are still completely closed. refuse imported goods, buy everything french.
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this is demanded by those who have not left the highway for three days. as for chicken, this is just one ukrainian oligarch, and we have many small farms here. this is unacceptable for us, we do not want ukrainians in europe, they should not join the eu. if vladimir could send us some fertilizer, some nitrogen and some gas, that would be great. but this is not russia, europe doesn’t want it, refuses, imposes sanctions. oh, how we’re tired of this europe, it’s nothing but problems. participate in the blockade, traffic is paralyzed on hundreds of roads, giant bonfires near montluçon in the center of france, a highway near the city of nimes is burning, near avenion they are emptying a truck with foreign lettuce, destroying tomatoes, pouring imported wine on the road, they are beginning to lose patience, the head of the trade union is trying to calm down his own. this is a national issue, but it is linked
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to a european one. european issues cannot be resolved in 3 days, so i try to encourage everyone. will extend duty-free transport of ukrainian goods in june, but promises to introduce some kind of emergency brake so that the european market will finally didn't choke. for the most sensitive products - meat, poultry, eggs and sugar - emergency measures are envisaged to stabilize imports at the average levels of the twenty-second and twenty-third years; if the import of these products exceeds these volumes, duties will be restored.
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farmers are not satisfied with such half-measures; tomorrow they intend to go on strike at the walls of the european parliament, movement. the olympics are for everyone, for perverts too, transgender people are trying to apply for the games in paris, will they be allowed to participate? alfa bank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for transfers of payments. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. i pay for techno. cyberweek at the megamarket. buy a steam generator for only
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months, 0 rub. down payment, 0% overpayment, tv yandex tv station salisi for only 34,999 and also in installments bambi and el dorado. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. a sore throat is a minus. on the plus side, there is miramestin, miromestin - it’s logical to have one in your medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia, i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, you’re an alpha! she feels like a 13-year-old schoolgirl, so she not
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only goes to the pool with real girls, but also changes clothes with and takes a shower with them. a crazy story from canada, where a fifty-year-old man, nicholas seledu, a professor at the university of toronto, and part-time pervert, was first allowed to train in a children's swimming club. together with teenagers, then officially accepted into the women's team and even allowed to compete, in response to fair questions from parents, sports officials only state that these are the rules of trans inclusion, and the fact that an adult man disguises himself as a child is just a question conventions. leading canadian media do not seem to notice the wildness of the situation ; the trans-swimmer’s adventures in children’s locker rooms are monitored, in fact, by only one portal, which is financed by viewers, and then by journalists. they constantly threaten the police for violating the rights of extremist lgbt people. well , now the global translobby has reached a new level. having changed their biological
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sex, athletes are trying to paint the upcoming olympics in paris in rainbow colors. anastasia found out what medals they are applying for ivanova. the closer we get to the olympics, the thicker the bunch of perverts who want to participate in it. but, as it turned out, you still have to fight to submit applications. and... thomas hired lawyers to get restrictions on the participation of transgender people in competitions lifted, because he dreams of getting into...
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international competitions, however, there are no final restrictions regarding the olympics . we really hope that this decision will not be made, well, people want to change their gender, let them change, but they need separate competitions. let them be the transgender olympic games could now be actively trying to keep up with the times, but let them hold such games, let them hold them, but we do not accept such disciplines. may previously allowed transgender athletes to compete as women if their testosterone levels were below 10 nanomoles per liter, and at least a year before their first competition, but it turned out that elevated hormone levels do occur in female athletes, then they moved on, it is now
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being discussed that pervert...pervert will face more severe restrictions, roughly speaking, if you want to compete with women, you must complete the so-called transition before puberty, that is , you must be stuffed with hormones , you must already be stuffed with hormones , the child must already be wild, just like if all transgender people are still allowed to participate in the olympics, this will turn into the fact that, well , women’s sports will simply be destroyed, we will never allow this to happen on the territory of our country in our competitions, so... what will happen in the end? yes, as long as they do all this and show such tolerance, then in the end it will turn out that our friendship games there will be more popular, and if i also talk about some sports that we can create, it will turn out that there will be no place for transgender people, then it will turn out that only us we will stand up for the protection of sports. what is happening in sports in the west can hardly be called rivalry, because valentina petril, a forty-nine-year-old italian, was allowed
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to run on the same track with young girls. so why can’t history repeat itself, because the perverts have a reason to shout that they they are prohibited for political reasons, and what is the reason for putting pressure on the could, this is the creation of an additional informational reason that somewhere in some issues transgender people are allegedly being discriminated against, and secondly, this is another victory. another reason for pride, i am sure that the western lobby of transgender people will definitely push through this situation, just as they pushed through the situation with lgbt propaganda at the football championship in qatar, although the qatari authorities and the organizers of the football championship resisted, but the physiology was political laws cannot be abolished, athletes understand this, but can their experience be understood, those who come to the club have fun,
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take a ride in... in a pink american car, we chose something else to move around this island, i witnessed all these moments leonid ilyich's visit to cuba. brezhets became the first soviet leader to gather in havana, why exactly then, with what and for what purpose? here it is, the same well where the rebels hid their weapons and on the side of which a conversation took place with...
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army! including six in kupinsky direction. on krasnolimansky they took more advantageous positions. zerensky’s formation lost another 900 soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and 10 other armored vehicles, as well as four self-propelled guns and a howitzer were destroyed. air defense forces shot down nine missiles from the american haimers system and 81 combat drones. about the situation on the front line, stanislav nazarov.


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