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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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away, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be ours, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down. serve under contract. a special board of the ministry of defense delivered russian military personnel to moscow, who were returned from ukrainian captivity. everyone will receive the necessary psychological and medical assistance, they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation. russia and ukraine carried out an exchange using the formula 195 to 195. the russian media is grateful to the united arab emirates for mediating agreeing on the procedure. our correspondent is now at the airfield, where... aircraft
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of the ministry of defense in the near future we expect to find out all the details from him. the russian army repelled 10 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, including six in the kupinsky direction. on krasnolimansky they took more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost another 900 soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and 10 other armored vehicles, as well as four self-propelled guns and howitzers were destroyed. air defense forces shot down nine missiles from the american hymers system. and 81 combat drones. about the situation on front lines, stanislav nazarov. during the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces , our drone operators discover a car with a swastika on the roof, symbolizing the nazi ss division. when ready, one shell fires. ready, loaded, fire, fire. there is too little time to aim the gun, but the crew of the self-propelled artillery mount 2s1.
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the carnation of the first slavic brigade manages to obtain the exact coordinates. after the third shot, spotters report the destruction of the target. the crew is preparing to leave for another firing position. lately we work at night, at night, to prevent the enemy from using drones. disguise is life. there are no other options, and , accordingly, movement and movement were immediately shot at, if possible, in... to the positions of ukrainian neo-nazis from these lines of defense of donetsk, about 8 km, artillery works against the militants. artillery crews of the first slavic brigade work from firing positions against enemy infantry. after hitting the target, the crew camouflages the self-propelled gun and heads for cover. vrevna is generally at three row roll: the first roll, then the film falls asleep, well, lies down, then a little. land
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so that then another attack is trying to pass something in small groups somewhere, but mainly on the defensive. sergei has been fighting since august 2014, he started with the militia, infantry, attack aircraft, together with his comrades from the repair battalion he installed this protective canopy against drones on his own. when support is really needed, we can go out into the open, at the moment we are in a closed firing position, the senior battery officer gives the target, effectively we aim as much as possible. while one platoon is preparing to leave the position, the other crew is aimed at the electronic warfare station of ukrainian militants; after an accurate hit on the equipment, the target is destroyed. stanislav nazarov, vitali kadanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. and the russian military, who were managed to be returned from ukrainian captivity, were brought to moscow. the exchange took place according to the formula 190. 5 for 1995 among those who met our
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correspondent igor pikhanov, now he is in direct contact with the studio. igor, hello, we are waiting for all the details from you. hello, anton, well, today for a huge number of military personnel, a huge number of their friends and relatives , this is a joyful event that i have been waiting for for several months, literally. a few minutes 15 ago this il-76 board delivered 1955 military personnel who were in captivity here to the moscow region, they were met by military police officers, buses were brought here, they loaded people, they are now leaving on the territory of the military unit where they will be stationed, where they will subsequently be provided with all the necessary assistance, including... winter deception
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, they wore there, they wore cold clothes there, some even said that they were forced to work, coerced, there was physical and moral influence, but fortunately, now this is all in the past, now they are returning home, many have not even informed their loved ones that they are already in their homeland, because this plane arrived only today on the territory of... the russian federation, let's listen to the joyful moment of the guys' arrival in the moscow region, they had a great flight, thanks to the ministry defense and to the top leadership of our country for bringing us back home, thanks to our loved ones,
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they judged and huge gratitude to my wife for believing until the last, the flight was normal, excellent, we are glad that we returned, there was a storm of emotions, just a lot of very feelings. managed to report, yes, they let me contact you, what did they, how, how did they perceive it? well, mom, of course , immediately burst into tears, grandparents too, now the board is already preparing for departure, this big board il-76, this is a transport aircraft, it delivered the guys to the moscow region during... transportation the guys were accompanied by employees of the ministry of defense, there were also employees of the ministry of health there, they monitored their condition, some soldiers were wounded, and now they are all receiving all the necessary help. anton,
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yes, igor, thank you, of course, there is really a lot to be done ahead, but nevertheless the guys returned to their homeland, this is very good. igor pikhanov told us about the return of russian soldiers from ukrainian captivity. special operations veterans who return to civilian life should be in maximum demand in civilian life. service to convey his experience and knowledge, vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with his confidants. this is what the president said about the fearlessness of our soldiers. actually, the whole country knows in one of the most important areas where fighting is currently taking place, this is avdievka, this group of veterans. ahead of our troops overtook them in front of these regular troops, broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the outskirts of avdeevka, captured 19 houses and held them
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successfully, the men there fight as they should, they fight as they should, because these are the people of course, we should be involved in educating young people. the younger generation. a russian il-76 with ukrainian prisoners on board was shot down by the american patriot air defense system. moscow insists on an international investigation into this crime, vladimir putin emphasized. why did they do this? i don't know. you can still imagine why they are shelling peaceful cities, there are several goals: to divert the attention of the sponsors’ own population from failures in the framework. so -called counter-offensive, show that they can do something, provoke us into retaliatory mirror actions for attacks on civilian and peaceful targets on the territory of ukraine itself, the plane was shot down, this has already been established precisely by the american
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patriot system, this has already been established by an examination, this is the first, second, ukrainian authorities where they defended the phrase that they would like to hold an international one. more than five thousand people, outstanding doctors, scientists, heroes of labor and heroes of russia took part in the meeting. vladimir putin noted that for fighters who are already returning to peaceful life, the country has a set of support measures; a
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defenders of the fatherland fund has also been created for the families of those at war. answering the question of where the demilitarized line would be, putin emphasized that it should be at such a distance that would... please, it’s up to them how to deal with their
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military personnel. russian banks should start working in the donbass and novorossiya without fear of sanctions, vladimir putin said. he held a meeting on the development of new regions. as the president noted, integration is progressing at a good pace, thanks to the coordinated work of all structures, local and federal. but much remains to be done. elizaveta khramtsova will talk about the assigned tasks. not just the development of the revival of new regions in the spotlight, president vladimir putin, at a meeting dedicated to the present and future of the entities reunited with russia, drew attention to the fact that in this large-scale work there cannot be trifles, for example, in the desire to bring the staffing table of a cultural institution or sports section in accordance with the general federal regulations, you cannot rush, every decision must be made responsibly, all steps must not only be prompt.
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management systems are being built at the level of federal subjects and locally. this also applies to cultural institutions, including in municipalities and rural areas. it employs specialists with extensive experience and authority, who are trusted and valued by people. they carry out an educational, educational mission of great importance, and work with children and youth. i would like to emphasize that with all administrative reorganizations, i know that there is such a question, it has been discussed, with all these issues, of course, in no case should a reduction in staff, rates, and salaries be allowed in rural sports cultural institutions. the president placed special emphasis on banking. services, everyone remembers how, after crimea returned home, financial institutions were afraid to open a branch on the peninsula.
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the experience of the last year and a half shows that banks have become more active in entering new russian regions, and yet, the president urged them to be bolder. the economy is gradually recovering, including industry; more than one and a half hundred mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and mining enterprises have resumed work. other important industries in all these regions , support for farmers has been established, banks and shops are operating, well, as for banks, i would ask you to pay attention to our colleagues, they will hear us, for sure, we need to, well, there is nothing to be afraid of, everything is what they were afraid of before sanctions, everything has already happened, what is there to be afraid of, we need to enter these territories, more actively and work there, i turn to our major financial institutions, after. organization in the donbass in novorussia of a free economic zone, the same as in the crimea in
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sevastopol, 75 enterprises became its participants, projects were announced that would save the creation of more than 42 thousand jobs. the key goal in the coming years is to ensure that in new regions people live at the same level as in the rest of the country, therefore there are many tasks to be implemented and the approach to them will be comprehensive. development of our historical for this, we have launched a comprehensive program for the regions, it contains almost 300 activities that are linked to specific targets in literally all areas, including the economy and infrastructure, healthcare and education.
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it’s not just the federal government that’s responsible. 82 regions of russia are helping to revive the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions. private business is also getting involved, planning for several years ahead makes it possible. further development is impossible without planning, what you decided that to extend the program for 5 years with a forecast until the thirtieth year is a very serious step in development, now my colleagues and i, with regional leaders, with all federal departments, taking into account the fact that each federal department allocates a certain amount
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of funding , we are now preparing a program actually until the thirtieth year, i hope that this system... work will allow us to maximally improve the lives of people in new territories, for, unfortunately, obvious reasons, the medicine of the donbass regions, starting since 2014, it has made particularly strong progress in traumatology and prosthetics. last spring, president vladimir putin ordered the reconstruction of the donetsk republican prosthetic and orthopedic center, and now it is again welcoming residents of donbass. the center is unique in its comprehensive approach to solving the patient’s problem. here you can find everything from the production of prosthetics. rehabilitation and laser correction of scars, a multifunctional medical, multidisciplinary medical center of the federal medical and biological agency began operating in mariupol, it was created in record time, it took less than a year and a half. using the most modern equipment, you can conduct examinations in all profiles, which means that you won’t have to travel far for high-tech help. 11
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operating rooms are already ready for work. the first building of the multidisciplinary center is now accepting patients. the second will expand the hospital four times, add 12 more departments, and construction will be completed by december of this year. there are already 300 specialists, but three times as many will be needed. and therefore, of course, we touched upon the topic of housing at the meeting; this is an absolute priority in the development of new regions of russia. thus, in lugansk, a residential building was commissioned, the construction of which was frozen in 2014. moscow helped complete this facility. the capital, let me remind you, took patronage over the lnpr. now 24 apartments are ready in the five-story building ; they will become part of the so-called maneuverable fund, that is , teachers and doctors who come to work in the region will live here. in addition, participants of a special military operation, disabled people of the great patriotic war and orphans. and in melitopol , the dormitory building of the city multidisciplinary college opened after a major renovation;
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the five-story building, which is designed for approximately 160 people, not only renovated the residential and administrative premises. classrooms, heating, water supply and ventilation systems were completely repaired, electrical wiring was replaced. college students told the president. in the new conditions, they have more and more motivation to study and work for the benefit of their region in the future. at the meeting it was noted that people want to live in new regions of russia, we are ready to connect the future with them and the task of our large country is to create all the conditions for the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions. the un security council discussed the situation in the middle east. russia's vasily nebenze emphasized that the council of ministers could not accept a single statement demanding an end to violence only because of the position of the us delegation. in addition, he noted that the actions of washington and london could lead to further escalation in
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the region. yugoslavia, afghanistan, iraq, libya and syria. at the same time, theses about the fight against terrorism and the so-called right to self-defense. we categorically condemn the aggression against yemen, undertaken without appropriate sanctions from the security council.
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they accepted signatures and other documents from candidates for the post of president of the russian federation, so there was no more time left for anyone to provide these documents; in the morning, they visited the center with a clearing house. representative from the russian freedom and justice party, andrei bogdanov, he first handed over the documents and provided 105,000 signatures, but after a while he said, that i forgot. about his foreign account, which is the basis for his removal from the election race, well, he didn’t wait for formalities, he announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy
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, anatoly batashov, an environmental activist and blogger, also withdrew his candidacy, he failed to collect the required number of signatures, but so today he revealed such a secret, said that he was able to save at least 20 trees, saving paper in this way, another candidate, a self-nominated candidate, like anatoly batashov, the russian rada, she is also an environmental activist, she is a blogger, today she brought signatures to the central election commission, one of the last, she handed them in , brought several boxes, some representatives, including the media, had questions about how many of these signatures there are, because as a movement activist, she had to collect at least 300,000 votes in her support, i hope we did everything right. and the final decision remains for the cycle, and i don’t yet know what number they will let us through, we still have a little intrigue
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until the decision, as i understand it, it will be in february, we collected everything until the last minute, they were traveling from different cities, and these were two sleepless days for the whole team, that’s how we usually are at the last moment, today boris nadezhdin also handed over his signatures, he was nominated by the civil party ... initiative, he came with his team to submit signatures, provided 105,000 signatures, it is worth paying attention to the fact that boris nadezhdin is a special supporter of rapprochement with europe, he is a supporter of european values ​​and has received the attention of european media, including asian ones media, today there were a lot of journalists who are closely following the progress of the election campaign of boris nadezhdin, boris nadezhdin today introduced everyone to...
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signatures at the central election commission they checked the number of signatures that he brought, including the candidate boris nadezhda, but it’s worth noting , that it’s still obvious that there’s such a lack of sleep on the part of the team, it sometimes affects the result, because there were still some roughness defects, look, just take a look, see what the situation is, there are 79 sheets here, not 143, that’s it in general, she’s kind of strange, to be honest, for some reason they’ve wanted everyone. no, this is of course not a violation, in general, of course , the law says five signatures on a sheet, consider it strange that those candidates
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who are officially registered are already actively conducting their election campaign, these are candidates from parliamentary parties, in particular nikolai kharitonov, from the communist party of the russian federation, today together with his colleagues held a press conference, discussed problems in education, for example, the communist party of the russian federation proposes to ban the closure of educational institutions institutions even in small villages, here’s k700. tractor plant, young people 30-33 years old, today they don’t even have their own apartment, it’s no coincidence that we have our own, it’s no coincidence that we were in the khavarovsk territory, when we met with young students, the medical institute of railway transport, a good, excellent specialist for the far eastern federal district, but they they say, well , even 2% of an apartment is unaffordable, so we say without interest to the court the first apartment for 20 years for a young family, for young people? picked up all over the country, all over the country has picked it up, and this decision certainly needs to be made. leonid slutsky visited the youth forum, he met with schoolchildren and students and there, in particular
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, spoke about the project that the party is actively promoting to support the employment of specialists in physics and mathematics, even from student, and even from school . while this project is not fully promoted, you can join when you finish school, you can try now. a network of integrating centers around the country that will find jobs in our academic institutes for graduates of physics and mathematical specialties of universities, future mathematicians and physicists who will find here an opportunity for research, for scientific creative growth, high salaries, which are very high there, we do it, a registered candidate from the party is new people,
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and not always effective , so the heat comes out directly, well, through the cracks, through the windows, these are large heat losses, i planned to present my program tomorrow, on the last day more than 400 proposals arrived, until february 10 the central election commission must check all the documents that have already been received to designate those candidates who are officially registered will continue the presidential race. egor grigoriev, maxim
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