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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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i’m satisfied with the collapsed regstag , that’s my approach, i’m aware of it, i’m just quoting a great film, but it’s already been written there, then i think that if we act according to your scenario, then there will be nothing to write on, well why so, there is always dust, baby, something always remains, most likely there will be nothing there anymore, that’s also an option, okay, i like it too, it’s normal in hiroshima that it was used, he has it.
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february, the european union group will control all these matters, it will drown under attack on the kusil, this is not the point, who will drown there, will they be able to drag queen elizabeth there, i mean into an aircraft carrier or a princely one, for the united states to remove ike dwight isunhauer from there, that is, the main thing is that they will drown ushi, no, the main thing is that yes, the main thing is to drown, that they will.
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china, but also, probably, to prepare taiwan to repel a possible chinese invasion, because, well , the question of a possible, possible military invasion of china in taiwan came up on the practical agenda, after a little over a year passed, and october 7th.
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and finally, january of the whole year, now there is a proxy war on the territory of the united states of america itself, i mean the conflict in texas, that is, now this very biden administration has to wage four proxy wars at the same time, and i, frankly, don’t really see .
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well, he will forget, of course, only he starts his morning anew, yes, this is a wonderful state, just to envy everyone, yes, but biden will not be forgotten, you know, his great friends, so to speak, especially in during the presidential election campaign, donald trump says every day that it was this madman, so to speak, who put america on the brink of the world.
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the executive branch of the united states of america and not only the executive , because the house of representatives is elected, and a third of the senators, most of the governors, here, of course, it is possible to achieve some compromises and concessions in the sense that , so to speak, we will we are building a fence on the border with mexico, and... and you, so to speak, are allocating funds to us for ukraine, i'm afraid it will be very difficult to achieve, if not impossible, why are you afraid of this? no, it’s not me who’s afraid, you need to be afraid, so to speak , the official agrees with you that the negotiations are difficult, difficult, yes, difficult,
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he says very lamely, which means there’s a khan in general, well, yes, the americans are just hearing, but they could have given mccon to ukraine money, but japan and europe will give it.
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well, in russia, yes, well, listen, well, in principle , now the situation really looks like a perfect storm, from which the world has always emerged with a big war, but that’s exactly it, in this same tragedy, here we have a fundamental difference now with andrei, because andrei believes that in every war there is logic, goals, tasks, nothing like that at all, soldiers flare up illogically, often completely develop according to their own laws, and it has never happened that the tasks set at first.
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the kussites don’t care about this, they will now destroy a couple of american bases, they will destroy a couple of american ships, the biden administration will have to withdraw troops from iraq, and if they withdraw troops from iraq and have to withdraw troops from syria, this is a prefab that i wonder how the arab states will react if regarding american bases on their territory, as for hirsch, but i have a question, has anyone heard what we were talking about, i have a question yes... no, well, just between us dmitry gennadvich always asks
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who has more hirsch, i don’t know what hirsch i have, he says that i have more, you have more, just like that, but i don’t know what it is, buy yourself a chocolate bar with this name, we know, in times of harsh, terrible totalitarianism was such an effective way of using technical personnel, called sharashki. i had an idea, during the discussion, but if you gather philosophers and writers into sharashkas, their efficiency will also increase, well, that is, they gathered 20 people, i love liberals, they make such stranglers of freedom, but no, because that it’s fun with songs and dances, and tell them each to write a stick on their head. in 3 weeks
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20 plays will appear, two will be decent, but give them some kind of bonus, let them shoot, let them continue to write, well, what kind of sodism, don’t shoot anyone, previously, instead of these sharashkas, there were houses of creativity, it also worked well, not from the house of creativity, you could leave, there’s no need. also left the house of creativity of his own free will , as for soviet writers, fodeev complained to the great leader teacher that they write denunciations, drink, commit adultery and behave disgracefully, to which the intelligentsia, that taarisch stalin answered him, i have for there are no other writers, work with it, that’s why i’m saying it, but this is all a joke, so it’s about biden, jokers. feeling like biden knows who
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scurried around the databases and knows for sure that this is not iran, for this reason he doesn’t talk about iran, but he doesn’t really want to tell the rumor either, i don’t know anything, i’m kind of a small person, i don’t know anything, now as for , well, after this mess, tell me who shied away, i know, well, because these phrases, no, i don’t know anything, yes, what are you, what are you, come on. everything alternative will gradually be destroyed, they believed in it, they
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signed up for it, they put their lives under it, suddenly it suddenly turned out that this is not so, that is why they are carrying such a blizzard, they actually have the feeling that if they say something liberal many, many times, then liberalism will return, they need to be treated in its pure form, this...
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it is absolutely impossible for scorpions in a jar, they they themselves can’t figure it out, so the only option to do something is to slowly but surely develop your own country, in this sense, for me, in today’s speech by the supreme commander-in-chief, the key point was the thing that i ’m trying to fight already, well, there are two decades at least, from which practically nothing came of it.
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can the academy of sciences sit down and write a textbook? how can she do the examination? no, she is an examination, she is not, she is, as it were, she is the center that organizes this, it is the task of the academy itself to do this, andrey, now, now, and then people just now came, where, where to the academy of sciences, what’s the difference, where they came, there is a difference, that is, since the ninety- first year they have not seen anything, since the ninety-first year at the academy. that there is only one main path civilization and that the idol of communism has been defeated, that our whole history is terrible, that we are a monster,
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these same people must tell us that russia is our great power, i will explain how this works, i don’t just want to understand, that’s it... and that’s it for them we'll believe it. i'll just explain how it's done. the president of the academy of sciences appoints a person in his secretariat who will actually write the relevant ones. and he should be born yesterday, right? who is the person? well , this man, he was born with a biography yesterday, all these years he, because otherwise the question arises: how were you able to grow to such a position that you would be noticed in an atmosphere when everything you say now contradicts what was customary in the country to say nine, and he was appointed, well...
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and not by chance, that’s why putin never follows the path of extremism, he never calls to take everyone, expel them, never, our country has a very tragic experience in this, very tragic, and then those who are appointed to clean up, the question arises, how did you work in the clean up? , you need to be more careful, but we need to figure it out, but it’s very important to find the criteria, that’s right, that’s right, according to the latest yes, so i’ll head the commission, usually everyone who proposes such things ends up , why is there no one, and i, they say, well, i’m busy, i’m transferring, according to the latest according to the data, the military department
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of the central committee of the democratic party of the united states did not approve the decree of the president of ukraine vladimir zelensky on the removal from office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. what should i say in general about this? conflict? in my opinion, but these are purely my assessments, of course, but based on my ideas about the art of war, this conflict started during the summer campaign of 2023, then the operational-strategic competence on the part of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, collided with the absence similar competence...
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apparently one must assume that it was then that this conflict started, because after all, uh, well, with some deep knowledge of the strategy of operational art, well, where did take, for example, vladimir zelensky , well, somehow his entire biography does not in any way suggest that he somehow mastered these sciences for some time, well, at least in theory, not to mention in practice, well, that’s why on this field, a scandal arose ...
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who need to be drafted into the ranks of the ukrainian army, whether it is a lot or a little, in fact, because the president of ukraine was presented with a corresponding analytical
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note prepared. general staff, main organizational and mobilization directorate, where it was very clearly stated i think so, because, well, at one time i made a din to the president of ukraine, yes, din, yes, they call it, the chief organizational one, well, all this was presented on behalf of the general staff, apparently with two signatures, valery zaluzhny chief of the general staff sheptalo, and there everything was described by category, the terms of conscription, what who will go to , this is for long-term manning, this is for the formation of strategic reserves, this is... for training centers, this is what we need for these purposes, and you will pay attention to what vladimir was talking about zelensky during the scion line, oh some kind of social justice , right, which should be observed during this mobilization, it is quite likely that valery zaluzhny told him that in general there is no mobilization with a human face, this is also a basis for conflict, it is quite possible that again, vladimir
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zelensky, that’s all we do.
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clearly worked out and thought out in peacetime, in wartime to sort things out, this only leads to this, well, in the end it’s even funny, because well, it’s some kind of three-day epic, then he leaves him, then doesn’t leave me out, in the end , i don’t understand anything at all, i don’t understand how they exercise command of the troops, that is, if they have a minister of defense, that’s right , they have a chief of the general staff, they also have a headquarters... and they have a commander in chief, yes, but who makes the decision? well, again , the last word remains, in theory it should remain with the supreme commander-in-chief, but is there simply a conflict between the chief of staff and the commander-in-chief, and i don’t understand how this scheme works at all, i just don’t really understand who is responsible for what, this is who i am the scheme, what kind of control scheme i personally understand, the supreme commander-in-chief.
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headquarters, well, several members, a working body, the body of the supreme commander-in-chief, the general staff, and under it the operational-strategic associations, a single, strict, clear vertical, there is no place for the minister of defense here in a warring country, since the same comrade stalin, he was the supreme commander-in-chief people's commissar of defense, he combined these duties, when some other person appears, he again has ambitions, a showdown,
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