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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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economy briefly: the growth rate of russian industry is five times higher than the level of the twenty-second year, according to rosstat, industrial production is in the black by 3.5%. the top industries are related to the military-industrial complex and import substitution, so the production of computers, electronics and optics is up by a third, and the increase in metal products is by a quarter. experts expect the industry to add another 2-3% this year. russia took third place in terms of supply. pipeline gas to the european union. in the twenty-third year, 2,300 were sent there million cubic meters per month. this is 17% of all european imports, writes tas. norway became the main supplier with a share of 54%. algeria comes in second place, 19%. in 2023, russians paid for 2/3 of their purchases by bank transfer. tas was informed about this by the it company atol. the average bill for such operations is about 700 rubles. at the same time, buyers increasingly
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prefer electronic checks to paper checks. their share at the end of the year increased to 29%. st. petersburg became the leader in non-cash payments - almost 90%. in moscow this figure is slightly lower - 87%. and the russians bought 95 tons of gold bullion in a year, deputy finance minister alexey moiseev stated. according to him, for citizens drak-metal has become a replacement for the dollar. in the first place in popularity were ingots weighing 100 g, followed by kilogram ones. let me remind you that in 2022, the authorities exempted individuals from taxes on the purchase of gold bars, and this led to record demand; then russians bought 100 tons of gold in a year. it was economic news, briefly. when we congratulate dad and zhenya on the holiday, they turn from loved ones into non-nadovah nadovyh. i need it, well
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will help, magnet - the price is what you need, chernogolovka from 1499. touch, croque to the star, burger kill, water, on fire, in the know! what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free opening and maintenance accounts for 5 years. all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award. leave a request on the sber website. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on avito work. you will find not just a job, but your
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place. an extraordinary leaders' summit is taking place in brussels today. european union and the main topic on the agenda is the coordination of financial assistance for ukraine, a message comes from brussels for the first of the statements of european leaders, as german chancellor olaf scholz calls on eu countries urgently start discussing an increase in military supplies to ukraine, the prime minister of belgium believes that eu countries today will still be able to reach a compromise on financing kiev. let me remind you that the last time the leaders gathered, it was not possible to achieve a compromise due to the position of hungary, but it is known that... the president of france and the prime minister had a meeting with italy late the night before. turkey supplied more than 3
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million chicken eggs to russia, rosselkhoznadzor reports. in general, imports of these products compared to january 2023, has doubled. increase in foreign. supplies allowed us to stabilize the situation on the russian market. in addition to cooperation in agriculture, ankara and moscow are developing trade in other areas. see which ones in the special report by leila alnazarova. and we are located not far from bursa, which is the fourth largest city in turkey. and here is located one of the largest enterprises in the republic for the production of hard-boiled eggs. year they began to supply products to russia.
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the factory is located in the picturesque city of karaj hit. it is 3 hours drive from istanbul. disinfection procedures, it is necessary to treat the territory of the plant , shoes, hands and all clothes are strictly passed through with a special solution, but now you need to put on special equipment, good afternoon, hello , welcome, thank you, that's it, we are ready, now we can move on. well, now we’re going to decontaminate the car, the
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sanitization is completed, we can drive in, the whole procedure took no more than 10 minutes. the history of the burdan poultry farm, which is part of the matly group of companies, dates back to 2010 year, then the first production building was erected in karajay. a year ago, the holding bought out brandkinva, according to the manager of foreign trade operations at melexlan, this made it possible to expand the line of products; pasteurized table eggs were added, as well as chicken meat, sausages, and salami nuggets. both companies collectively produce a day of approx.
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only veterinarian staff who are treating the premises can enter the poultry house. with any external influence there is a risk of illness or a stressful situation for birds, and this in turn may affect performance. each chicken produces no more than one egg per day, says haidar berg. at a poultry factory, he is in charge of production. to ensure biosafety , we are required to comply with a number of requirements. you, for example, now. that is why they are dressed like an astronaut at the entrance, you are disinfected, our employees take a shower every day at
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the enterprise before going inside, at the exit also, all our clothes are subject to daily processing at the factory, this is very important, chickens get sick very quickly, and the disease spreads instantly, which will certainly immediately affect productivity, so we are taking all measures to exclude such a scenario. the factory in karazhay is equipped with new advanced equipment. powerful egg sorting machines are located here, which make it possible to cope with large volumes of production and also minimize manual labor. and this equipment allows you to obtain information about the quality parameters of products. there are six cameras installed inside, they take pictures of the eggs, and this is where the evaluation takes place. strength by hit. all this data goes straight to
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this computer. let's look at today's figures. so, blue and red colors indicate that the eggs are dirty or broken. they are assigned class b. there are few of them, about 2.5%. they are usually used for pasteurization. well, the green color indicates that high-quality products are already class a. class a, in turn , is sorted by size, large, small and medium, large, small and medium, the latter, the most in demand for export. we have been exporting burdan yumurtasylan for many years products on a weekly basis to the united arab emirates, qatar-bahrain. over the past year, we have entered the african market in countries such as sierra leone and gambia. we recently entered russia.
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control and surveillance activities, products were inspected upon arrival to the russian federation, their compliance with the documents with which they were accompanied was also checked, i’m talking about veterinary accompanying certificates, and selective monitoring of these products was carried out, all products that arrived met the requirements russian federation. traditionally, russia exported eggs from the countries of the eurasian economic union, belarus, kazakhstan and armenia, but since december 2023 the list has been expanded. rosselskosnadzor assessed
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these enterprises and the products they produce, and accordingly , a decision was made to admit six enterprises from the republic of azerbaijan and twenty -one turkish enterprises to the russian market. at the moment , 5.5 million eggs have already been imported from azerbaijan to russia, and more than 3 million from turkey. such volumes in a short time have... this is the first belarusian manufacturers also contributed. according to experts, the increase in imports had a positive impact on the cost of these products, which last year, according to rosstat, increased by 61%. the government’s decision is certainly correct, that is, domestic producers of the country must understand that they, in fact, are not in greenhouse conditions. and there is possible competition with imperious suppliers, but at the same time, of course, among other things, it is necessary to consider not only imports, as the world
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saturation of the market, but the promotion and development internal domestic production , because by and large only it is capable of satisfying demand, if we divide these 46 billion into days, and into 365 days, we get 120, approximately 125 million eggs per day should be prepaid in the country from where, if for example let's look at belarus, which imported about 11 million in the first 9 days of the twenty-second year, that is, this is even less than 1% of the needs of our market, since the twenty-second year moscow and ankara. are actively developing trade in the automotive sector, after since the cessation of supplies of original parts for a number of car brands to russia from europe and japan, turkey has promptly established the export of similar spare parts of its own production. ainur chale is one of five girls working at a plant producing air suspension systems; she
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says she chose her profession consciously; she has been interested in car parts since childhood. urun aly. i take the workpiece, supply air with the help of knives, cut it in the marked places, here it is measured down to the millimeter, so i get this cylinder. anur installs a shock absorber cabs with air springs, this important element of the suspension minimizes swaying when driving on uneven roads, reduces vibrations from holes and stones, in other words, creates comfort for the driver. at the company...
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a car under a pressure of 7 bar is carried out a test that allows you to determine the expiration date of the spare part. on average, a suspension system comes with a 2-year warranty. bss was established in 2020 in turkey's automotive production center in bursa. it specializes in the production of air suspension systems under the boltek brand. for large manufacturers.
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the last 2 years, due to the fact that many european and american manufacturers stopped supplying products to russia. opportunities have arisen in this market that have allowed us to increase supplies. since 2022, sales growth has been 100%. currently, exports to russia account for 25% of our total volume of foreign supplies. for the production of pendants, materials are used, most of which. indonesia. therefore, russian partners place high demands on the quality of the final product. as you know, reacts to both heat and cold, but we
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managed to create products that are in demand in russia because our suspension systems respond. products sold are supplied from turkey, we turned our attention to the turkish side , primarily due to the proximity, let’s say, to us, very short logistics compared to india and china, our average delivery time is 10-14 days, that is once a month after shipment from the
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manufacturer's warehouse, in fact, within two weeks we are already guaranteed, well practically guaranteed, excluding. storms in the black sea or some other logistical nuances, but in general we receive the goods quite quickly. the sory cosmetics group of companies, which includes six brands producing navel, decorative cosmetics, hair products, as well as various types of sprays, has a business model unique to turkey. the holding was created in the ninety-second year and for 24 years it was engaged in exclusive export.
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russia today is one of our target markets in the world. according to the group's ceo company sores aleja chita, the russian market's expectations for product quality are higher than in other regions where their brands are represented. we have known the russian client for many years, we know what the russian consumer needs and wants, and we develop some products that are specifically suited to their needs. for example, usually all over the world people use a twenty to thirty percent volume of oxidizing cream, in russia it is five percent. there is also a difference in a number of professional products, for example, hair dye in russia, like as a rule, they buy without ammonia, while everyone uses it. the cosmetics production plant is equipped with its own laboratory,
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which has been approved by the turkish competent authorities since 2016. about 30-35 chemists from pharmaceutical companies work here. per minute, 250 bottles per day - that’s 300. holding 40 group produces such equipment and has already collaborated with
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one of the russian companies in this direction for sale. moreover, they are able to create turnkey production capacity for any cosmetics brand. plans to go out with such a business model to the russian market. goods that are imported into russia. from turkey and other countries must meet established safety standards and quality indicators in order to confirm the compliance of products, materials, devices with the requirements, they are assessed. if the results are positive, the importer is issued a document that gives the right to supply to the russian market, says the general director of the normastandard company, who has been involved in certification issues for 20 years.
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translation into russian, instructions for using the product. after studying the company’s documentation, inspecting production facilities, sending a sample of the product to
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the laboratory, it takes from 10 to 90 days, depending on the category of the product, before receiving a response. inspections of enterprises are carried out under the supervision of certified specialists. today in turkey there are only eight people in different fields from cosmetics to children's toys, including zhildysabekova. she came to istanbul 2 years ago, before that she graduated from a technical university in kyrgyzstan in a specialized specialty and worked for 5 years in the certification body of a country that is a member of the eac. let me tell you, despite the fact that the inspector has received a certificate, every year he is required to improve his qualifications and undergo re-certification. for each product category, yes, we issue certificates, there are a lot of certificates. here we indicate the brand
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of the manufacturer the applicant, the applicant must be registered in the customs union, here the applicant must be in the customs union, without such paper, without this certificates, products cannot enter the territory; without this certificate they will not be allowed through. the prospects for russian-turkish relations are strengthened by turkey’s strategic neutrality in the face of sanctions pressure on russia. today ankara is one of moscow’s most important trading partners, both in terms of supplying its own goods, replacing the products of countries that have imposed restrictions on us, and organizing parallel imports. if topcia continues to maintain the trend towards political independence and
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independence, then such areas as external. trade, industrial cooperation, agriculture, import of technological products with high added value, energy and tourism, key areas of cooperation for russian and turkish business in the coming years. hello, i am your stress, and this is your energy, i love it when you are exhausted, like a squeezed lemon, stress leaves you exhausted, elkar contains elkarnit, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elkar - you can fight stress. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? you can, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles.
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and get superboxes as a gift, you can! iota! what is the most important thing in business? this is love! sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free account opening and maintenance for 5 years. and all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award, leave a request on the sber website. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avito delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, maybe soseson, anywhere appetite, only dad will reduce, have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, have a beastly appetite, sausages will help, want to stay with your future dreams,
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12:00 pm
195 russians have returned to their homeland, a board with military personnel freed from ukrainian captivity landed in the moscow region, and our correspondent spoke with the soldiers. a large fire is being extinguished in buynaksk, the roof of the central supermarket caught fire, the area was covered in half an hour. on the agenda is the allocation of billions for ukraine, there are hundreds of farmers on the streets demanding subsidies. an extraordinary eu summit is taking place today. the main task is to achieve hungary’s consent to support kiev. trucks that were torn apart and flew away, a massive accident involving heavy trucks occurred on the yekaterinburg-tyumen highway. traffic was blocked in both directions; it is
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possible that the cause of the accident was an accident.


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