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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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specialists from different countries know that karnet, krasnopol, smerch, hurricane are tula weapons, defense enterprises of the tula region firmly occupy leading positions in the development and production of multiple launch rocket systems, small arms and cannon weapons, anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft missile systems, radar stations, that is why this forum is being held here at the state weapons museum, inventors, engineers, designers, representatives of the military-industrial complex are discussing the topic of weapons today and its modernization, for example, electronics today penetrates into all spheres of activity and the task is to improve our weapons, the inventors of the kulibin popular front club today showed us a new radar warfare system, thunderstorm systems, and i suggest listening to the inventor’s commentary. hard to imagine. what do they say when
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they just scream in delight because their life is saved, but there is a lot of feedback that really, when you don’t believe in anything, it works, that’s it it’s an indescribable feeling when you save someone’s life, so we try to support them as much as possible, they’ve even now made a new system, it’s called thunderstorm armor, this is a dome-type system designed for armored vehicles. great attention, of course, is paid at the forum to volunteers, who from the very beginning of the special operation have been helping the front and moving behind the so-called ribbon to support our soldiers and, of course, be with them. for example, at the beginning of june twenty-two , the popular front launched a project everything for victories for the defenders of donbass in seven.
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she is 72 years old and she works behind the ribbon along with nurses in a military hospital, i suggest listening to her commentary, what is needed, every now and then, we need to help the nurse , they help the nurse, we need to feed the sick, i feed the sick or soldiers, we need to help wash there, when bring them, i help wash the food, also...
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now all participants can go through the excursion halls of the state weapons museum, now there’s a coffee break, and right after two o’clock the next stage will begin discussions. margarita, thank you, margarita semenyuk was in direct contact with the chairs where the public forum is taking place - everything for victory. russia needs engineers, specialists of a new format, capable of solving the most complex high-tech business problems. where he cooks. footage of how partnerships between universities and manufacturers are built, there is a decision about this in the program with maria kudryavtseva, watch right after the advertisement, at avito work it’s easy to find your place, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess, who started a new job today? grandma,
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on our minds now? one benefit! discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, 0 rub. down payment 0%. we are looking for installments in mvidio and eldorado, rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once, order sovita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment. formula adapt takayama engine oil instantly adapts to any engine operating conditions. and in real time it activates those additives. which are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. in the sportsmaster app there is a drawing of cool gifts. the main prize is an apartment. download the application, spin the ball for prizes , complete tasks to get more gifts. you are ready to enter the game, ready to forget
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about 40% of all budget places are engineers, while there are not enough good engineers on the market, to know something is wrong, you need to understand, what is happening? we are focused on the product, this is our main kpi, unlike in previous years, where the main kpi is the article. scientists help gain knowledge through research, engineers find practical applications for it, and businesses produce products and services based on all this. konstantin tsialkovsky, mikhail lomanosov, nikola tesla and leonardo da vinci. each of them with their own inventions
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changed the world. today, the real sector of the economy has a demand for high-quality engineers. the goal is to bring your unique products to the market. which means it must change. both the approach to personnel training and the solution already exist. advanced engineering schools began to be opened on the basis of universities; business does not wait for diplomas to be awarded, but comes with a targeted request to the university, behind the scenes. and new developments. in 2022, 30 such schools were created in 15 regions of the country, last year there were 50. what has already come out of this cooperation? it's more like test drive at the test site, but in reality i’m driving around the university territory, and this is an electric atv made by students under the guidance of experienced mentors. and this is an option for those who do not like high speeds off-road, an unmanned shuttle
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, by the way, is another development of the university, and this is a completely russian-assembled car or is there something foreign here, this is not an assembly, this is production, the parts are made here at the university or from our russian partners, tell me honestly, you think the instructions are complicated in spanish, but no, in russian, i always feel that i have already passed the growth test. pablo ituraldo came to russia from latin america to study 20 years ago, now he is the director of an advanced engineering school of electric transport at the moscow polytechnic institute, which has more than 90 completed projects and a world speed record on the ice of lake baikal for an electric bike assembled here. we work here 14-15 hours a day, everyone tells us, well , a car appears in 5 years in other countries, we’re good, we talk to autotor, they say we need it in 2 years or through. are companies luring you away? and
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there are such companies, sometimes, sometimes , they come up and ask who we are, what we are doing in the project, whether we want to change our activities, but we hold on, of course, it’s not so easy to lure these personnel away, in an advanced engineering school students receive a salary, and the results of their work often become the topic of diplomas, among the already solved problems is an increase in power. often for such work specific equipment is required , the school writes this, yes, that is, there are already people , there is already equipment and this allows us, well there are probably 10 more projects right on the side to launch, and where is the equipment for which the students developed an engine for snowmobiles, keep in mind they are all already sold , more than 150 companies have already joined in the work in 2022, they have invested in advanced engineering schools carried out and research and development for business more 6 billion rubles, last year this
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figure exceeded 11.5 billion. and another important point is that such schools are a federal project that works in accordance with the goals of the national project science and universities. in essence, the university becomes a sought-after business partner on the market. valery nikolaevich, what is this? mission control center? scientific youth space center, where students, on the one hand, learn to control satellites, on the other hand, they actually control real satellites, of course, those that were also created here in balmatka, here you can change the trajectory, determine new parameters, and what we can do directly now, let's now look at the movement of one of the antennas, taking into account the azimuth of the elevation angle, we get a point adjustment, as with advanced engineering schools, with all common approaches, each advanced engineering school is hand-assembled. history, here , understanding the general tasks, it is necessary that there is interest from the industry, and real involvement from
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the university, the legendary baumanka, where benches, tupolev, sukhoi and korolev sat at their desks, to open up new space, that is, the university also decided to lead an advanced engineering school one of the first in the country, they have already created, for example, these zero-gravity simulators, where they conduct tests of small space devices, innovative materials and engines custom-made for businesses. that is, it turns out that the business outsources some tasks that we agreed with the business to the university: you become partners, you help us create programs, you help us work with teachers, that is, you give your own , you help improve the qualifications of those who works at universities, you give real problems, because when you solve a real engineering problem, this is a different level of responsibility and immersion, not train, excuse me, on cats, but knowing that you are solving a real engineering problem tomorrow is... the task will affect the launch of a specific large, complex technical
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product, this is a completely different perception. sechenov university is a place where many future doctors dream of studying, but what are the dreams of employers who will then hire them? it’s just now the middle of the working week, morning, classes are going on everywhere, let’s see what’s happening in the laboratories. hello! hello, what do you have here? happening? and here we have experiments in the scientific and medical menu, chicken fillet. do you have chicken with you? no jokes. here they are honing a unique technology, the request for it is not just from surgeons, from a specific clinic, a special composition is applied to the wound area and the laser seals the edges, the scar is almost invisible, that is, it turns out, it’s like glue, this material, the allegory is like - two metals are soldered and solder is needed, in our case an aqueous solution of human protein, blood protein and nanoparticles are used, which form a certain
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nano-structure, and which we came up with, we developed, patented it and it is not... anywhere else in the world, medicine should be for people, increase the comfort of patients, when you have not just learned some knowledge that is written in textbooks that are invented in the seventies, and you are even part of something that can go down in history, this is an incredible feeling, can we say that here is an advanced engineering school, university, students, full-fledged business partners, yes, because, again intellectual property is formed within universities, there is a struggle for the best students, that is, both from business and from the university, well, this means that everyone needs good future workers, and advanced engineering schools produce just such people. another lab, let's see what 's going on here. good afternoon, it smells very much
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like vinegar, as if you were closing cucumbers here, which in fact, we have collagen secretion. by the way, acetic acid, as in the pickling of cucumbers, and in our case, the release of collagen is approximately the same. this the laboratory was opened after the launch of another support program, priority 2030. we received a grant, bought equipment and, at the request of business, created innovative membranes for implantation in dentistry, and then , based on them, developed an artificial cornea for vision restoration. we make it almost impossible, we make sure that it is both durable and transparent, that’s all.
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dachas, so that the research was transformed and implemented, everything changed, new young people came and became infected with collagen you need to get infected, if you don’t love him, nothing will work out for you, he’s alive. new methods for assessing quality appeared, we received equipment and this made it possible to create a product that no one had dreamed of for several years. and not just a high-tech product, but a solution demanded by business. in partners, one of the leading ones though.
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519 new technologies, a year later there are already more than 2260, well, in the universities themselves, thanks to support, more and more modern sites are appearing where future engineers are trained. here we are in the new baumanka campus, in front of new year, on the 28th, a building for an advanced engineering school was commissioned, 5,000 km, can you imagine, six floors, roscosmos, gazprom and transne are here. what is a campus and how does it differ from what was built before? this is complex, the student should be comfortable, he should, for example , live in a dormitory, come to the educational and laboratory building, then after that go in for sports and play kvn somewhere, right? such an integrated approach is always an infrastructural breakthrough in the development of a university. moscow is only one of five cities where construction of
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world-class campuses is underway includes kaliningrad, novosibirs, chelyabinsk and nizhny novgorod. 1030 to open at least 25 such campuses throughout the country; in the new baumanke building, students have already launched equipment and begun research. the most difficult thing is to rebuild your ideas about life, so the university today, you know, there is a rattle all over the country, how hard it is for them to change. the most serious change, as we know, occurs in the head, to teach differently, to new quality level, to conduct research, this is aerobatics and where we are striving. our task is to provide start-up support, to help in the future, each such school must earn its own living, that is, look for a business for itself, the business will invest money here, and this will allow it to support the school. improve education and in many ways, by the way, reduce the burden on the federal budget. and thanks to technology, it is possible to reduce the burden on the future
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engineer and scientist. this innovative school uses a new development of higher school of economics, also created thanks to priority 2030. a unique 4k test that will help reveal a child’s talents. and all this in the format of a real online adventure. we use it for... a more successful person who will come out of here as a child, well, yes, we are trying to do this, of course, we only managed to talk about some areas where business
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works closely with universities, but if we take only advanced engineering schools, highly qualified specialists are already being trained in twenty areas, for example, artificial intelligence, rocket and space technology and nuclear engineering, here are the results: in 2022 these are approximately 600... finished projects, research and development in the interests of business, after just a year, there are already more than a thousand of them, while these numbers are only growing, which means we don’t put an end to it, but write a continuation, it follows, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you to understand in detail. it’s not difficult, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, like voting on a smartphone, on sunday early in the morning during the absolute parade the children cried out:
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people, get up, everyone is going to vote, she said mom sleepy, let's choose remotely, dad supported the pharynx, we choose electronically, the woman said to grandfather, i'm a father, i'll go with you, but our generation loves paper ballots, but the young shift is electronically modern. i am progress, not an opponent. hold the alarm clock, grandson. this is all quite reasonable, and it can be done remotely. we’ll go with you, mother, to choose the old fashioned way, using our usual method. at the site, as usual. it is free to choose in the country. important, honest, convenient. this is the studio philip trofimov leading us. telegram took sixth place, but in a sense not at all entered the top three most popular applications in the world at the end of last year. two analytical companies immediately published their reports for the twenty-third year and the results were similar, and it was noted that the global ranking this time underwent significant changes, since this was
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actually the first year after the end of mass quarantines, that is, the year when users returned to their usual patterns behavior of using smartphones, for example, mobile games have dropped out of the tops, not a single one remains in the top 10, according to data ai, but this former apny, the first 10 applications: in terms of the number of downloads over the past year, they consist almost exclusively of social networks of communication tools, including business telegram in sixth place, which in itself is a good result, and if you look at the conditional ranking of developers, then it’s in the top three , because the first five positions are occupied by applications from two companies, three are social networks and the messenger of the mark suckerberg corporation, and two more performed by the chinese company, these are short music videos tiktok, which are actively limiting spreading. in western countries, as a threat to personal data, and a program for easy editing of such videos , kapkat. the irony is that, according to security experts, it requests similar rights to access data
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according to the app data report, over the past year it was downloaded 389 million times in the us last spring, it even overtook tiktok in downloads, but to it regulators have no complaints, and no one is banning it. telegram, i must say, is not far behind this phenomenon, 355. well, just talk to it, well, with availability of internet access, of course , it must be said that similar integration of part of gpt has already been shown by volkswagen and mercedes-benz, both german concerns have added similar
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capabilities for... navigation and enabling some functions in the car not with simple commands, in free dialogue mode . in russia, by the way, they took this path 6 years ago, when yandex began producing branded radios, or rather, entire on-board computers, with all its services, including, of course, alice for the factory equipment of renault nissan cars, toyota and honda. this was true at the previous stage of development of neural network technologies before the advent of g5 models. now for generative models. new generations exist in russia in isolation from the auto industry, but they are developing, so sberbank , for example, updated its large gigachat language model, it was further trained and, as they say, in some tests it is now ahead of one of the latest versions of chat gpt, in addition, it has added knowledge in the field of economics, law and medicine, and also expanded the context, the amount of information that can be fed to the neural network the entrance, in the commercial version for business, is
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completely straight away. we used to have 4.00 tokens here, it’s easier to count in a4 pages, yes, that is, there are six a4 pages, and we have now doubled this for the pro model, that is, now 12 a4 pages can be given to the model for input , and the model , which is gigachat light plus, we expanded its context to 32 thousand tokens, this is... well, more than 40 a4 pages, this is just big, there you can upload reports, large documents to work with them. it is worth noting large generative neural networks in general, and part of gpt in particular, continues to cause concern for security specialists, options for data leakage through industrial enterprises, well, that is , quite a lot of queries to the neural network have already been found, another very unusual scenario was published the other day: an american
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user, a resident of new york, discovered: in the histories of their dialogues with gps other people's dialogues, and they contained, for example, fragments of an unpublished research paper, someone's presentation, and even login-password pairs for logging into the system of a pharmacy chain; judging by the context, it was a technical support employee who tried using a neural network to solve the problem of its users, how all this turned out to be in someone else’s history of dialogues of unknown people, according to open ai, the americans stole and used accounts from the territory of sri lanka. the americans themselves assure. that he has a complex password and they simply couldn’t hack it, you’re the best, si city, ice three, soon, in this war, of course, now the full struggle of technology has begun, who is technically superior to the one who has the advantage, here we train people at work with mavics, that is, direct adjustments, reconnaissance, well, resets,
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there’s just some kind of sports excitement between each other, of course, the target is hit, there’s an order, there are tasks, we carry out the battle, we’re probably charged. significant date: today is 15 years since the enthronement of patriarch of moscow all russia kirill. vladimir putin congratulated the representative of the russian orthodox church on his anniversary. ahead of treatment and work with psychologists, the vks board delivered to the capital russian military personnel who were rescued from ukrainian captivity.
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how do you feel? released and what do they say about the conditions of detention? tractors we reached brussels, and a massive farmers’ protest is taking place in belgium. the demonstrators oppose the agricultural policy of the european union. what is the situation at this time? over 100,000 family teams, including those from abroad, in moscow will soon name the winners of the remote stage of the competition, this is our family team. who's in the lead? now, in addition to the urgent messages that are coming at these moments on the feeds of news agencies, judging by the fragments seized at the crash site of the il-76, the ukrainian armed forces used an anti-aircraft guided missile mim 104a of the patriot complex. the investigative committee of russia reports this. and in the area of ​​the l-76 crash near belgorod, 116 fragments of two anti-aircraft missiles with inscriptions in
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english were found, they quote.


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