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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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in february, more than 40 benefit payments were indexed to the amount of inflation that accumulated over the past year, which is 7.4%. what size will the mother's be now? capital and other payments, which are received in total by about 20 million people. we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, the increase will affect monthly cash payments. they are received by veterans of the great patriotic war, heroes of russia and the ussr, heroes of labor, chernobyl survivors, and disabled people of all three groups. the amount of payments depends on the category of citizens, and can be viewed on the website social fund of russia. in addition, the size of the amount received is influenced by how a citizen is.
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receives social services: travel, medications and vouchers to a sanatorium. there are two options: either in kind or in money. we have already talked about how you can manage a set of social services in one of the previous issues. from february 1, we are increasing the cost of a set of social services. and of course, in order to correctly determine what choice you should make, you need to understand: do you use this or that specific social service for which you can receive compensation. thus, if you do not use sanatorium-resort treatment, do not plan or do not plan to use intercity transport, or do not plan to purchase medications, then of course you can refuse the replacement directly, if you do, then of course you should not make a replacement, you get cash. a set of social services is the so-called state insurance against the fact that something might happen to you, therefore. everyone
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who is assigned a set of social services, whom there is the right to choose, these are, as a rule, people who have certain deviations in their health, i would recommend not to refuse a set of social services in kind , not to replace them with payments. for pensioners over 80 years of age, a double fixed payment is provided for the old-age insurance pension, it will amount to almost 16,300 rubles. the increase is automatically assigned in the month when a person turns 80 years old, and the pensioners' account is received in the next month after the birthday. recalculation occurs automatically without applications. pensioners who care for disabled family members and people with disabilities since childhood also receive a bonus. if they care for one person, then this is almost 11,000 rubles. if two of them are 13.5, three are more than 16,000. the largest amount that maternity capital will index. from february 1 it is 630,000.
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i would still choose children's education as an investment. families who have received maternity capital come to me, and of course, i want to warn everyone of our tv viewers that in no way if you don’t respond to calls from scammers to cash out maternity capital funds, it’s better to consider the opportunity to invest them, and what you can invest in, of course, is real estate. child benefits will also increase; this table shows their basic amount from february 1. that is, without taking into account
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regional coefficients. in polar regions or areas with a difficult climate, benefits will be greater, for example, in chukotka they double, in the yamalo-neninets district they increase by one and a half. so, let’s repeat the main thing: from february 1 to the inflation rate for the past year various payments and benefits have increased. the recalculation will happen automatically; no applications need to be submitted anywhere. about 20 million citizens of our country will receive more money. if you want to know more about the social protection system that operates in our country, write to us on telegram. send your questions. we will send them to experts and tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions. now back to the topic of the investigation into the crash of the l-76 near belgorod, where ukrainian and russian prisoners died officers. the investigative committee reported that examinations showed that fragments of missiles found at the scene of the incident were elements of ammunition from the american patriot complex. this is what the official
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representative of the department said. during the inspection of the crime scene at a distance of 1 km 800 m northeast and... the seized fragments are clearly marked in english. studies using ion mobility spectrometry, gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection and high-performance liquid chromatography with mass selective. hexogen with impurities of up to 10% octogen, which made it possible to detect traces characteristic of foreign-made explosives in washes from objects. according to the conclusion of the examinations carried out during the investigation, the fragments seized from the scene of the incident,
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according to their design features, geometric characteristics and existing markings, are structural elements of the anti-aircraft control system.
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a book publishing project was presented today at the house of the russian historical society page of soviet russian history 1917-2017. currently , 37 volumes have been published within the series. today, the chairman of the russian historical society, who took part in...
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it is fundamentally important that professional historians, major specialists with the necessary qualifications, take part in the work on the book series. the capital, or rather, even under it, a new museum has opened. it was equipped on the site of a former civil defense shelter at the mantulin plant. just a year ago the underground bunker was abandoned, but enthusiasts put it in order and collected dozens of exhibits there. my colleague sophia. 7 m underground, there is no communication here, but it is light, warm and dry, this is a civilian shelter, in which in the seventies, in the event of a nuclear war, more than 600 people could take refuge, even if the chance of an accident at a nuclear power plant is small, it must be taken into account and be prepared for
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extreme situations where everyone from young to old was preparing for an attack with weapons of mass destruction, this sealed bag stood right in the stroller, it was supposed to protect the most... from toxic substances and radioactive dust. all objects at the exhibition are contact objects. let's now set off an alarm siren that alerts the population to the approaching danger. this shelter belonged to the mantulin plant, when the factory building was demolished, the bunker fell into disrepair and became like an abandoned basement. volunteer enthusiasts came to the aid of the historical site, who in just a month returned it to its previous appearance and turned it into a museum of underground moscow. that is, our museum is no longer for preserving some valuable exhibits, but for people, so for the opportunity to directly immerse yourself in the era, touch the era, and get to know it.
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for numbers, i make sure to switch to the register, well , that’s all, our message via an underground secure communication line goes to another bunker. excursions here are conducted by researchers and employees of underground structures, they destroy urban myths and tell you how to behave in the event of a nuclear threat. the most popular thing we heard was, firstly, about some ancient underground passages from the time of ivan the terrible, of which no one actually exists i’ve never found it, this is such a popular fairy tale about secret government dungeons, which are thousands of tiers under the whole city, secret metro 2, which has its branches in all directions, and about large animals underground, this is the most famous topic, mutant rats. something else, the area of ​​this shelter is more than 600 km, in addition to the shelters themselves, there are filters,
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ventilation chambers, bathrooms, a first-aid post, warehouses and four exits, including emergency ones, if you need to go outside to find out if there is radiation, chemistry, there's a fire here we put on such a suit, we walk, we walk, when we return, we clean everything off it, we run it, and take a shower, wash it off, clean everything. we don’t need a suit inside; in case of destruction, we could get out of the building through an emergency exit, just one of them - a heavy metal door, but here is the same staircase that led to the surface. the underground moscow museum is located next to moscow city, it is ready to receive visitors, at the same time, to show the secrets of the whole world hidden under the capital. sofia sergieva, vladimir shabalin, sergey shcheptev, lead. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply
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for them, we take out loans at sovcom bank, we get loans approved quickly, we at sovcom bank, loans that everyone knows, good afternoon, my name is victor and i’m an entrepreneur, last year i didn’t have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season , and these months passed by my business, this year... everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for the sales season begins, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, so that twice.. .do you get up at night? afalaza! at the first prostate symptoms - afalase.
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afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let’s dance together and dance, everyone who wants to sing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo and one more. renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and caring people. formula adak motor oil takayama protects the engine instantly adapting to any mode of its operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. hello, found out that i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll come out and tell you about sbpay. download the sbpay app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything. via an nfc sign in one touch or via the sbp qr code. thanks for making it easy to find. well, if you are too lazy to go somewhere, there is
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an sbp button for online shopping. well, see you later. construction of a tunnel for the future metro station has begun in nizhny novgorod; it will be dug by a special complex, which should speed up construction several times over subways. it covers approximately 250 m per month and is designed to work in unstable ground. report by irina vodina about the start of work. serious preparations are behind us; the giant drilling rig was assembled and tested for more than a month. there is a long way ahead; vladimir will have to build a one and a half kilometer tunnel. i'm starting. with the press of a button, all mechanisms are activated. dear passengers, daneli prohodchevsky shield vladimir, departs from sinai station to freedom square station. nikita eremeev at the start of the main stage
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work on the construction of new metro stations in nizhny novgorod, it is no coincidence that he has been interested in the topic of trains since childhood, and even created a remote control at home. in the future, i’m thinking of going to study to become a driver in our metro, if i become an honorary employee, during this time, while the station is being built, and you can choose as an honorary driver who will send the first train, your dream, the tunneling is carried out from the control cabin, vladimir will have to work around the clock , a team of 49 specialists will service it per shift, the shield, by the way, for the first time they were called a male name in honor of the grand duke vladimir, who baptized russia. petrobuilders from all over the country have done a lot of preparatory work; together with the ministry of construction and the leadership of the nizhny novgorod region, many organizational issues have been resolved. each machine is unique in its own way, this machine is a plant that is 80 m long and weighs more than 500 tons. the shield has already
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passed the enclosing structure of the starting pit, its... speed of movement is slightly more than 200 linear meters per month. within approximately 9 months, unless some internal factors related to rocks and so on are affected, we will come to freedom square, which will significantly relieve our transport component, yes, because in the city center the streets are very narrow, parking is not very convenient, this has always been the case, and of course the metro in this direction will benefit us. this is the first ton-passage of metro in russia under the infrastructure budget loan program. the maximum laying depth is 22-25 m. this is only the beginning of work, quite soon another tunnel-boring complex will set off from the same starting pit towards freedom square. in total , three such accounts will be mining underground in nizhny novgorod. the cost of the project to extend the avtozavodskaya metro line is 35.5 billion rubles. the construction completion date is
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the end of 2025. irina vodin, evgeny fakhrudinov, marina ikonnikova, vesti privolzhye. for 1 ruble from the budget there is 1 ruble 72 kopecks from business. this principle is now used to fund advanced engineering schools in the country. he talked about this in interview with our channel, minister of science and higher education valery folkov. how does this project help prepare qualified personnel for business, as well as develop technologies at universities? and how much money has been allocated from the budget for the development of this area in 2024. and what are the results of work in new regions? see all the details about this. in an interview. valery nikolaevich, good afternoon. hello. tell us how the idea of ​​advanced engineering schools came about and how can we estimate the shortage of engineers, for example, in 2021? the idea itself the project for advanced engineering schools appeared back in 2020, when we were designing a large program, priority 2030. even then we understood that engineering education
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required a radical restructuring. and at the same time we felt a great demand from business. what was it? the request, i would say, there are two of them, they are interconnected: on the one hand, the request for qualified engineering personnel, it would seem, about 40% of all budget places that we allocate are engineers, while there are not enough good engineers on the market, means something if not, that means we’re not preparing the right way, today we need, as in the middle of the 20th century at one time, we combined engineering and physics for large-scale projects, space nuclear, today we need to combine engineering with... numbers, since almost all engineering education is gone into digital, the transformation of engineering education is the first request, the second request is from business, you traditionally know, universities should provide more research and development, that is, not only teach, but help solve specific engineering problems, we have combined this by putting both tasks for each of the engineering schools,
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that is, it turns out that the business outsources some tasks that have just been agreed upon with the business, you become the first. what has changed since the advent of advanced engineering schools? in the twenty-second year we only selected in the middle of the year, in the twenty -third year we selected another 20 engineering schools, now we have 50 of them. this is the third year of full implementation of the project, but the first thing we felt was, of course, a completely different level of business involvement, this is expressed in how much they invest in our universities, what problems are solved jointly, what is the difference, that is, before there were departments that often also worked directly with business, this is the system that existed, how
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it differs and what advantages do advanced engineering schools have ? previously , in most cases we simply teach, in this case the twist in the model is that education itself becomes a tool for research and development, this is the emergence of real projects, it is only possible when you have a partner, you need to... take yourself responsibility and assign tasks to these engineering schools, since this is a risk for the enterprise, what we are moving away from is excessive territorialization, a good enterprise is always developing, it has existing technological equipment that is being modernized, and there is a look into the future, a good specialist or a good university , he prepares in two registers, works for the technological structure that exists, looks a little ahead, or maybe far ahead, and prepares such specialists. which the enterprise itself is not yet ready to accept, but it understands that in 5-7 years it will have a completely different level of technical equipment. valery nikolaevich, you said
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that the problem is constantly changing, which has to be solved, but how does the space change and how does it help? we are located in the new baumanki campus, just before the new year on the 28th we commissioned a building for an advanced engineering school 500 km over the past 3 years. another 170,000 km have been designed, including, look, there are two new dormitories, one of which we see for 3,500 students, of course, this increases the competitiveness of the university, because students from russia, from all over the world can come not only to receive a quality education, but also to live in comfortable conditions, this makes it attractive to receive education, because imagine, six floors, each floor... named with a company, here are roscosmos, gazprom, transneft, and a whole number of other companies, where a specific space is equipped with them. you
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they said that students will live in the dormitory not only from russia, that is, foreigners will come, of course, well, the russian higher education system is one of the most attractive in the world, we are in sixth place in terms of the number of students and we set ourselves the task of entering the top five in the near future , we have more than 355,000 foreign students studying. despite everything, despite the situation with coronavirus, despite all geopolitical challenges, this turbulent state in which the world finds itself, the number of foreign the number of students in russia is increasing, this was also shown in 2023, now we are preparing in the twenty-fourth for a new admissions company. valery nikolaevich, 50 advanced engineering schools were created in thirty-two regions, and how much money was allocated for them in the twenty-third year and, accordingly, in the twenty-fourth year, how much is allocated? until the twenty-fourth year we have 37 billion in total, but in the twenty-fourth year it’s 16.5 billion, but these are only the funds allocated by the federal budget for new schools,
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which we selected in the twenty-third year we gave 4.290 million, about the same amount there was a small difference from business, but if you look at the twenty-fourth year all together, then we did the calculations and it turns out that about a ruble of state money gives 1 ruble 72 kopecks uh, not the state, that is, it gives it to the company. valery nikolaevich, and one more question: a lot has been done in new regions, and new laboratories were opened there and equipment was supplied there, so if we talk about the results of the twenty-third year, what are these, what are the results? first, we we restored two universities in mariupol , which were in ruins, it was simply impossible to carry out the educational process there, so the mariupol state university named after kuindzhi and the azov state technical university, two universities, we have six or seven educational buildings there, were by september 1st. ..
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in order not to lose the connection between science and education and to help universities in new territories integrate into socio-economic development, we, with the support and jointly with the ministry of industry and trade, created five engineering centers, this is no longer just educational laboratory equipment, this is serious research and, in some cases, even production equipment in accordance with the profile of the university, which makes each of the universities more attractive for those enterprises that are located in these regions. and well, it’s clear, they have their own specialization, we know it, there , for example, donbass, donetsk, lugansk people’s republic, this is everything related to metallurgy, mining and so
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on, we could continue further specifics. the work is systemic, we believe that integration has fundamentally completed the main stage, now it is important for all our universities, all higher education institutions and scientific institutes to move towards full development, have development programs, clearly understand what to rely on, what are the priorities, and most importantly, how to be useful to each of the regions in solving the problems that they face. but these engineering centers, do they already have applications from businesses? yes, there are already applications, moreover, it’s real. again, problems that will be solved at the equipment that was purchased, students can do internships there, study, they can conduct research there, but the most important thing is that all these engineering centers are under the task of the real sector, well, the entire twenty- third year, as you understand, was devoted to ensuring that all this identify, find personnel, appoint universities, curators, restore closer relations, broken, by the way, with enterprises; the enterprises themselves are also on the rise.
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somewhere they are experiencing difficulties, but nevertheless we are still working in parallel with solving problems restoration of industry in new regions or development of agriculture, we also help so that our universities do not lag behind. valery nikolaevich, thank you very much for finding time for ours, thank you, it’s always a pleasure.
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each advanced engineering school is a hand-picked story, what you are doing now is trendy, what can go down in history, this is an incredible feeling.
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significant date: today is 15 years since the enthronement of the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill, with the preparation of the representative of the russian vladimir putin congratulated the orthodox church. ahead of treatment and work with psychologists, the vks board delivered to the capital russian military personnel who were rescued from ukrainian captivity. how do those released feel and what
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do they say about the conditions of detention? tractors have reached brussels, a mass protest of farmers is taking place in belgium, demonstrators are protesting against the agricultural policy of the european union. what is the situation at this time? over 100 thousand family teams, including those from abroad. winners will be announced soon in moscow remote stage of the competition, this is a family affair for us. who's in the lead? the military transport l-76, which crashed near belgorod in january , was shot down by missiles from the american patriot complex, the results of the examinations were announced by the russian investigative committee. on board, let me remind you, there were ukrainian prisoners who were being transported for exchange, as well as our escort officers. here is a statement from the official representative of the investigative committee. during the inspection of the scene of the incident at a distance of 1 km 800 m northeast.


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