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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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which crashed near belgorod, was shot down from the american patriot complex. new details of the investigation. ahead of treatment and work with psychologists, the vks team delivered russian military personnel to the capital, who were rescued from ukrainian captivity. how do those released feel and what do they say about the conditions of detention? in the center of european attention in belgium there is a massive protest of farmers, as well as the eu summit, where assistance to kiev has already been agreed upon.
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known by this hour: significant date: today 15 years since the enthronement of patriarch kiril of moscow all russia. vladimir putin congratulated the representative of the russian orthodox church on his anniversary. all those killed in the l76 crash in the belgorod region have been identified. this was reported by the investigative committee of russia. earlier , the department stated that the military transport plane was shot down by an american missile. let me remind you that on board there were ukrainian prisoners who were being transported for exchange, as well as our escort officers. here is a statement from the official representative of the investigative committee. during while inspecting the scene of the incident at a distance of 1 km 800 m northeast and 4 km 800 m southeast of the alleged site of the aircraft attack, 116 fragments of bodies and mechanisms of two missiles were discovered. the seized
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fragments are clearly marked in english. studies using ion mobility spectrometry, gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection , and high-performance liquid chromatography with mass selective detection have revealed traces of hexogen in swabs from objects. with impurities of up to 10% octogen, which is typical for foreign explosives... available markings, examinations, fragments seized from the scene of the incident, according to their design features, geometric characteristics , are structural elements of an anti-aircraft guided missile (mim-104) of the us complex. washington made the americans accomplices in the bloody tragedy, so
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we won’t make any preliminary statements; it is clear that none of them will be interested in conducting an investigation and stumbling upon themselves. our the position is absolutely transparent and understandable, and the position of the collective west, which is a direct participant in this armed conflict, is also obvious. the state duma adopted a draft appeal to the us congress after the tragedy with the collapse of l76.
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they must bear responsibility for this, let them ask biden, congress has these powers, let them take it and hold him accountable. on other topics: many years of work aimed at strengthening the unity and cohesion of russians. today is 15 years since internation of the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill, vladimir putin congratulated the representative of the russian orthodox church on the anniversary. good afternoon. i greet you, i
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sincerely congratulate you on the holiday , happy intor day, thank you very much, 15 years, i think you didn’t even notice how these 15 years flew by, you’re right, it’s time to meet. quickly, thank you for yours, friends, thank you very much, these 15 years have been marked by a very high level of church-state relations, thanks to which it was possible to achieve what in the past it was even impossible to imagine, this is the opening of new dioceses, churches, monasteries, but the most important thing is very broad work with young people, with children, something that was really banned for many years in our country and something that is now actively developing, i sincerely thank you for the support that you provide to all citizens of russia, but i would especially like to mention those who belong to our church, you help the church itself as an institution. in the church, the day
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of enthronement is celebrated as a holiday, the patriarch performs divine services on cathedral of christ the savior, with the participation of hierarchs of priests. then the representatives congratulate and sum up the development of church life ahead of his patriarchate. today, after 11 p.m. moscow time, watch andrei kandrashov’s documentary on our channel, which is dedicated to this important date. what a difficult time you are having, personally. what have you been praying for all this time? the church, after all , deals with the human soul, works for the salvation of man. if i'm not mistaken, you have more than 200 trains. i meet people. which greatly help me understand what should be at the center of our agenda today. the patriarch, he must be a politician, he must weigh his every word, this is a terrible responsibility, in total there are 300 million orthodox believers in the world, then 150 are the russian orthodox church. everything important
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in the church is concentrated in a conversation between two people, a priest, where the main revolution of consciousness, soul and life takes place. "god grant that the time will come when all of us, as children of god, have gone through the most difficult along the historical path of searches, losses of finds, joys and disappointments, we will climb steps, difficult steps, towards god. at the summit in brussels, eu leaders agreed on a new package of financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros, against.
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angry farmers came to the walls of the european parliament, to the walls of the european council, so that their voice could be heard. however, for example, kaja kallas wrote on her twitter following a short discussion that the most important decision was made by the president of the european commission, who, in principle, are getting married today agricultural producers, called today a great, good day for europe, since an agreement was reached that the eu countries were able to agree on. a new aid package of 50 billion euros for the next 5 years became known literally an hour and a half after the start of this summit, which was predicted to have a record duration, but charles michel, president of the european council, announced the agreement shortly before noon local time. we have an agreement, all
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27 leaders have agreed to additional a package of financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. the money will come. from the eu budget. this provides consistent, long-term, predictable financing for ukraine. the european union takes leadership and responsibility for supporting ukraine. we know what's at stake. as it became known, this agreement was adopted even before all the leaders began their general discussion after a meeting between hungarian prime minister viktor orban and the president of the european commission ulslav fondeyan, as well as with the leaders of italy, germany, france, later to them in this conversation. where poland and belgium joined, after that the agreement was announced, which allowed, in particular, the president of the european parliament roberta mezsoli to also state at her briefing that she welcomed this agreement. allow me, i will start by
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welcoming the agreement reached on financial support for ukraine - this is good news. ukraine is our priority, which is why we needed all 27 countries to enter into this agreement within the eu budget. this is what was expected of us. ukrainian security - this is european security, and we must adhere to the commitments that we made 2 years ago that we will be with ukraine for as long as necessary. let me remind you that viktor orbán, the prime minister of hungary , blocked this agreement for several months, in particular the planned planning summit at the end of december last year ended with no agreement on this issue, as the media reported, this was due to the fact that that hungary sought to unblock the budget, which until now brussels did not send hungary, apparently brussels agreed to this condition, the second one.
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the mistake of europe is that the voice of the people is not taken seriously, the leaders do not take the opinion of the people seriously, this is the number one problem, we can discuss migration or the conflict in ukraine, whatever, but the voice of the people on the streets is ignored, this is a democratic deficit. at today's next summit, the leaders of the european union countries came with one single question: to convince them to remove the fact that it has already happened.
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security, this is obvious and it is unacceptable and we must think about everyone possible measures against orban, but not today. considering that on the main and only issue outside the next summit , an agreement was reached relatively quickly among the people who gathered here in the building of the european parliament and the european council, there is hope that maybe the presidents and prime ministers of the alliance countries will still consider the problem that led to mass protests throughout europe, primarily by agricultural producers. regina, thank you for your detailed story, together with you we are following what is happening, these i will remind you that the statements that were made were made
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by my colleague regina sevastyanova, who was in direct contact with the studio. the russian military is storming the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces and the northern villages of priyutnoye in the zaporozhye region, the defense reported this and shared footage of combat work: russian army units in infantry fighting vehicles, reinforced by a tank platoon , moved into the attack area under the cover of drones. having deployed into battle formation, the troops opened fire from tanks and infantry fighting vehicles at... and after that, the military assault unit entered the positions of the ukrainian armed forces and occupied them. one of the important areas of the special operation, where active hostilities are currently taking place, is avdievka. what was happening at this site was discussed at a meeting between vladimir putin and proxies at the election headquarters. we talked about the fearlessness of our fighters, an experience that they should pass on to the younger generation in the future. actually, the whole country knows in one of the most important areas where military operations are currently taking place,
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this is avdievka, this group of veterans, ahead of our troops, overtook them ahead of these regular troops, broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the outskirts of avdeevka, captured 19 houses and did not hold them. “the men there are fighting as they should, as they should, they are fighting, because these are the people, of course, who should be engaged in educating young people, the younger generation. the russian aerospace forces board delivered russian military personnel to the capital, who were rescued from ukrainian captivity; 195 people were freed " now they will have to undergo long-term treatment and work with psychologists. some were held captive for more than a year. our soldiers were kept in cozimats all over." ukraine from the front lines territories to the western parts. many talk about the abuse of poor
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medical care for the wounded, and how they were used as slave labor. after the exchange procedure, everyone was fed, dressed in new warm clothes and given the opportunity to call home. all facts of war crimes will be recorded by members of the investigative committee. mikhail mishustin arrived on a working visit to kazakhstan. tomorrow the russian prime minister will take part in a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council. today he started his trip with bilateral meetings with colleagues, the head of the government of the republic, alekhan ismailov, and the chairman of the cabinet of ministers of kyrgyzstan, okolbek japarov. we are sincerely interested in strengthening friendly, partnership relations with kyrgyzstan, which have always been based on the principles of mutual respect, good neighborliness and consideration of each other’s interests. it is important that russian-kyrgyz interaction and trade and economic cooperation are developing successfully. in january-november last
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year, mutual trade turnover reached the level of 285 billion rubles and a share. today, february 1, a law came into force according to which the activities of banks and microcredit organizations in collecting debts from citizens are transferred to the control of bailiffs; the department will maintain a list of banks and microfinance organizations by analogy with the register of collectors. the law will also allow collectors to interact with debtors through the state services portal. the head of the department, dmitry arrestov, spoke about this at a briefing. summing up the work of the service over
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the past year, he noted that citizens began to trust the bailiffs in the department more protecting their own. 37,000 people applied for rights in 12 months, professional collectors , in the total volume of violations committed, occupy the very last place, their violations account for about 13%, and the remaining 87%, violations are committed by microfinance , mainly credit organizations, with which we have been working since february 1 of the current we have to work very hard over the years to introduce them... the legal framework for return by legal means. hundreds of activists from all over the country today arrived in tula, where the popular front forum is taking place - everything for victory. these are people a variety of professions, but they all help fighters in the special operation zone. our correspondent margarta semenyuk is observing the forum's earnings. she again gets into direct contact with the studio. margarit, greetings, tell us how the forum is going, what is being discussed and who you have already
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managed to communicate with. yes, welcome. yuri , the forum is active, the second block of discussion platforms has already started, in fact there are really a lot of participants here from different regions of the country, they all have amazing, unique stories, but what unites them all together is, of course assistance to the front, i note that the people’s front project is all for victory; in almost 2 years of the project’s implementation, it has collected almost 11 billion rubles ; it has existed since 2022. during this time, hundreds of war correspondents , artists, politicians, tv presenters joined all the caring residents of our large country who help our soldiers at the front, for example, all caring residents promptly collect medical tactical first aid kits, donate warm clothes, diesel generators, cars, in general everything you need soldiers at the front. most volunteer
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organizations and volunteer movements already number hundreds of people who in one way or another help in... the front, for example, many today literally broke out in order to come here for one day and take part in this forum, already today, some tomorrow , immediately, immediately return for the so-called ribbon to the front to our military personnel, because they are already waiting for them there, in general the work is streamlined to the point of automaticity, of course there is close interaction between volunteers and military personnel, and this allows very quickly fulfill all the necessary lists of needs, of course deliver... to our guys who are, well, let’s call it there, in the bakhmut area, and the guys are really waiting for us, they asked us for three niva cars in order to move around there, let’s call it
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there is a gray zone in order to remove the wounded, in order to carry out ammunition there, because such vehicles... they are more maneuverable and the enemy does not pay attention to them as much, well, the geography of the forum participants is quite wide, volunteers have arrived even from the far east, for example, in the amur region, caring residents organized a community for the production of freeze-dried borscht, already this year they prepared 15,000 portions, which were sent to the front, all this is power... all this was done by only 10 people, they also joined to all volunteer movements, they sew camouflage nets, cast dugout candles, sew tactical stretchers, and even recently... they bought an excavator to dig a trench, i suggest listening to the commentary, boy, of the participant, from my dads, we took a group photo
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of how they were making borscht, we took a photo, literally a month later this box of borscht ended up on the front line, it was very touching, after that the kids began to get involved themselves, can we come and help, they started announcing promotions, and today i mentioned them, the event is called tea with a soldier, they usually make a postcard with their own hands. together to the front so that the manufacturers personally do not just hand them over, but go to hand them over to the military personnel and are also sent to the front on the spot, the developers and carry out technical tests.
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let's return to one of the main topics of the issue: the investigation into the crash of the russian military transport aircraft l-76 in the belgorod region. the investigative committee reported that about 700 fragments of the bodies of the victims and part of the documents were removed from the crash site, as noted by the department, the results of genetic testing. .. allowed us to make an unambiguous conclusion about the belonging of the seized fragments of bodies to six crew members, three military police officers and 65 ukrainian military personnel who died in the plane crash as a result of attacks of the ukrainian armed forces on january 24. the eu will allocate an aid package to ukraine of 50 billion, but a specific amount will not need to be agreed upon immediately every year. let me remind you that this topic is being followed by my colleague vera moroz, she is live again. vera, hello again, let’s remind you what we decided with hungary? yes, yuri, greetings, budapest, as they say in the european commission, did not refuse to abstain, but this did not bother anyone, while hungary itself,
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apparently, will not receive money from the eu budget for now. the funds are still frozen. the main agenda of the emergency summit in brussels is how ukraine will buy weapons and how it will pay salaries to its teachers. a package of 50 billion euros has been agreed upon, first. the head of the european council, charles michel, announced this on the social network x. but there are a number of nuances here. the european union is indeed ready to allocate 50 billion euros to kiev until 2027, but they will not pay the entire amount immediately for 4 years. funding will be agreed upon annually. as hungary demanded, if necessary , the package will be revised in a few years. at the same time, funds for hungary itself are still in frozen let me remind you that first.
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participate, but it is one thing not to participate, and another thing to oppose. at the moment, no one has done this. the decision by those who say that they no longer want the european union to transfer 50 billion euros to ukraine was bad news for european taxpayers. this opinion was expressed by mep harald velimsky, who heads the delegation of the austrian freedom party in the european parliament. money is flowing to a country that ranks 104th in the recently released corruption index, and this place much lower than in any other eu state. true, some of the funds are provided in
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the form of loans, but no one... believes that ukraine will ever return them. in the end, eu members are again responsible for this. this january became the first month since 2022 when kiev received virtually no international financial assistance. on the one hand, there are disagreements in the eu, on the other hand , in the american congress, where they still cannot approve more than 60 billion dollars, which the white house has requested. earlier , german chancellor olaf scholz recalled that germany will allocate 7 to 8 billion euros for military assistance this year. since the twenty-second year, 27 eu countries have already transferred military equipment, weapons and ammunition worth 28 billion. berlin believes that other participants could give more money. since 2022, the united states has allocated a total of $70 billion to support ukraine, and the european union - 85 billion euros in
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dollars - that’s more than 190 billion, in fact, funds from taxpayers’ pockets that could go to social needs, it’s surprising that in protests are growing in europe mood, local business, and especially farmers, are dissatisfied with the way brussels and the governments of the countries set priorities, while it seems that no amount of money will save ukraine, the budget deficit this year will be about 40 billion dollars, prime minister of ukraine denis shmygal, still in end of last year. sounded the alarm: the country's economy is in survival mode. the office of the president of ukraine says that an additional 10-15 billion dollars are needed. the ukrainian economy is generally unviable in the absence of assistance from western countries, but again, it is necessary understand that it will not be viable even with continued assistance from western countries, because basically this assistance will be imposed by time and debts... at the end of last
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year, ukraine’s total public debt reached a historical maximum, it increased by a third and exceeded $145 billion, here’s how borrowed funds and other funds are being spent , raising questions. aid is allocated without additional conditions, in fact, the ukrainian authorities can spend it as they want, corruption is rampant in the country and... naturally, most of the funds go to offshore accounts of functionaries of the ukrainian government, and does not reach the recipients. kiev expects that money under the long-term assistance program from the eu will begin to arrive in march. this was stated by the minister of finance of ukraine sergei marchenko. he added that he was now waiting for good news from the united states, as the minister admitted that without western help, ukraine would face an economic crisis and hyperinflation.
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those who come to kuva have the fun of riding in a pink american car, but we chose something different when traveling around this island.
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we miss you, we miss you, we believe in the russians, you know, we always believed in the russians, my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, figure skater, but i’m not skating, just skating. focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will prepare myself, the thirst for victory is in her blood, go ahead, why take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like mom, ice three, soon, eh...


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