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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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changes in requirements for additives and simplification of their labeling. these are the facts, we continue. vladimir putin takes part in the congress of the all-russian social and state movement of children and youth, the first movement. the event takes place on the site of the international exhibition forum russia at vdnkh. let me remind you that the first movement was created in 2022 with the support of the president. the congress is the highest governing
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body of the youth movement. activists of different ages take part in it. together with adults, they solve pressing issues organizations, and also determine the future direction of work. together with representatives of the movement, vladimir putin performed the anthem of our country on stage. our power. russia beloved. our country, mighty glory , your heritage, give us all, glory to the entire fatherland, our freedom,
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details of the crash of the il-76 near belgorod, the case is being investigated under the article terrorism. the plane, as confirmed by the department, was shot down by a missile from the american patriat complex. on board, let me remind you, there were ukrainian prisoners who were being transported for exchange, as well as our crew escort officers. russia insists on an international investigation. all details and latest information in the material by stanislav bernewald. it has been proven that the military aircraft il-76.
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ukrainian prisoners of war on board were shot down by a patriot missile, the russian investigative committee reports, citing an examination of fuselage fragments seized at the crash site. during the inspection of the scene , 116 fragments of bodies and mechanisms of two missiles were discovered. the seized fragments have clear markings designations in english. research has made it possible to detect traces of hexogen with impurities in washes from objects. up to 10% octogen, which is typical for foreign-made explosives. examinations carried out by the investigation and fragments of missiles with foreign markings found at the scene of the tragedy indicate that they are structural elements of the mim-104a anti-aircraft guided missile of the patriot complex. this complex has several modifications; according to experts, the ukrainian army currently has an air defense system second.
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who among them will not be interested in conducting an investigation and stumble upon themselves in this investigation. our position is absolutely transparent, understandable, and the position of the collective west, which is a direct participant in this armed conflict, is also obvious. as experts suggest, the crew of the patriot air defense system that attacked the il-76 with ukrainian prisoners was most likely mixed. it included both ukrainians occupying lower
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positions and american specialists. the strike on the plane was carried out purposefully. we seen on the locator screen a. a fairly large target, especially since the system allows it to be classified, that is, by the size of the reflected surface, especially since the il-76 plane flew without turning off the transponders, that is, it was clearly defined even in civilian programs, that is, make a mistake and supposedly, relatively speaking, shoot there hit by a fighter, but getting hit means hitting a transport...
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this once again proves who they are transferring weapons to and should also bear responsibility for this, let them ask biden, congress has these powers, let them take him and bring him to justice. later , the document itself appeared on the website of the state duma, submitted for consideration by the committee on international affairs; deputies of the state duma called on members of the congress of the united states of america. condemn the crime of the terrorist kiev regime, renounce its support and help bring to justice the direct perpetrators of the inhumane terrorist act. officially, kiev speaks of the need for an international investigation, but unofficially, in local media journalists continue to play up the theme
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that the il-76 was carrying missiles for the s-300 and was shot down. it seems that in ukraine itself, few people believe in these fairy tales. stanislav bernwald, news. the russian military, who were rescued from ukrainian captivity, returned to their homeland; they were delivered to the capital by the russian aerospace forces. 195 people were released, many now face treatment and work with psychologists. our correspondent igor pikhanov met the fighters at the airfield. el 76 ministry of defense aircraft taxis along the runway strip to the building of the airport near moscow. late in the evening, dozens of people, military personnel, doctors and journalists, arrived to meet him. on this day, the passengers on board became the main and honored guests of the aeroharbour. russian soldiers returned from ukrainian captivity, some of whom were there for more than a year. many thanks to the ministry of defense to everyone
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who tried to think about us. indeed, thank you very much, i want to say hello to my family and friends. soldiers and officers help their colleagues load into warm buses, people are tired after a long flight waiting for an exchange captives. the military transport plane delivered 195 soldiers to their homeland. many still do not believe that the horrors and hardships of captivity are already behind us. some were captured by militants in the summer; in winter they had to wear thin clothing that did not suit the weather. their abunion is bad, they give it, not very good. like in prison. like in the zone, well, physically and sometimes with your hands. soldiers were kept in cozimates throughout ukraine, from the front-line territories to the western parts of square. many people talk about bullying, poor medical care for the wounded, that they were used as slave labor.
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after the exchange procedure, everyone was fed, dressed in new warm clothes and given the opportunity to call home. all facts of war crimes will be recorded by members of the investigative committee. the most important. patience, patience, everything, it’s normal that they will exchange, well, they exchanged , they managed to tell their relatives, but they managed to tell them how you were received in general, well, they were misleading, of course, everyone is happy, they are waiting impatiently, not all the fighters managed to tell the good news, relatives, many did not remember the numbers of their relatives, therefore, they send good news home with the help of journalists, i am very happy. i say hello to my wife, three children, everything is fine , cancel it, i want to say hello to my relatives, these are my mother, wife, daughter, mother-in-law, grandmothers, grandfathers, after damp basements and
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cold cells, some military people have worsened chronic diseases, the soldiers were taken to the capital’s hospital and ministry of defense, where they will provide all the necessary assistance, where they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation. in addition, psychologists will work with the military. doctors say soldiers come first now care, good nutrition and rest are needed. soon the fighters will be able to return home, these are regions from the lpr and. to primorye. igor pikhanov, artyom grigoryan, lead. at the megamarket you will always find something to give to your loved ones, especially during holiday sales. for example, tall's frying pan for only 1,799 rubles. play is an unusual service that allows you to pay in installments. you don't need to apply for a new card to look for a list of stores.
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of the prostate, afalase. afalase - a modern drug for early treatment bph. find a property and submit just one application for a mortgage in the domclick service. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can! connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and get a superbox as a gift, you can! yota! alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it's not just profitable. alpha is profitable. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avito delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. in brussels is the leader. european union countries have agreed on a new package of financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. the meeting took place under the sound
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of tractors, and thousands of farmers were protesting near the summit site. they are unhappy that the european union ignores their problems, but pays too much attention to ukraine. we will learn more from our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. she comes into direct contact with the facts. regina, greetings, but before i ask you about the details. such a decision, i want several urgent messages from lentinformagentv read on this topic, here is the european commission, but it reports that it will annually prepare a report for eu leaders on the implementation of... the conditions for financial assistance to ukraine, these are the results of the summit, here, of course, it is very confusing to see this word annually, what is meant here, we need to agree on everything at once , discuss everything a little at a time, and one more thing that i would like to point out, what to emphasize, the eu leaders welcomed the decision to use income from russian assets to support
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ukraine, but still, let’s talk about everything in more detail, what are you... until the end of today, or even tomorrow morning, it became a big surprise for many journalists, including, and until recently they did not explain to us under what conditions this happened, but just recently viktor orban himself published video, apparently not wanting to entrust this honor to anyone else, where he explained that, first of all, he was convinced by the fact that hungarian money, blocked
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money from the pan-european budget, which is due to budapest, will not... there will be no time between representatives of different parties the european parliament and in particular the hungarian parliament, how reasonable was viktor orban’s decision to agree to the proposal of the european commission. in any case, as i said, 2 hours later, just 2 hours after the start of this not just another summit, the president of the european council, chal-michel, announced that an agreement had been reached. we have an agreement.
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all 27 leaders agreed to an additional package of financial assistance to ukraine. volume of 50 billion euros. the money will come from the eu budget. this ensures consistent long-term predictable financing for ukraine. the european union takes leadership and responsibility for supporting ukraine. we know what's at stake. to answer your question, we are talking about 50 billion euros, which will be transferred between fifty and twenty- seven years. i'm sorry: 37 billion of them will be loans, the rest will be transferred as aid. first of all. for maintaining the macro-financial situation in ukraine and its transition to green standards corresponding to the standards of the european union. and at the same time it is also known that this new mechanism this will allow you to potentially use income and dividends from frozen russian funds, which you mentioned, natalya. i will also add that the chairman of the european parliament,
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where i am now, and who , as you can see, are with me, distraught farmers, said. that this agreement is not perfect, but it is an agreement. let me start by welcoming the agreement reached on financial support for ukraine - this is good news. ukraine is our priority, which is why we needed all 27 countries concluded this agreement within the framework of the eu budget. this is what was expected of us. ukrainian security is european security, and we must adhere to the commitments we made 2 years ago.
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at his desk, vladimir putin's friend and autocrat who continues to silence journalists and persecute minorities. the eu must not accept the destruction of democracy and the rule of law in hungary. eu countries. the time has come to carry out the procedure provided for in article seven and deprive viktor orbán of his voting rights in the council. however, representatives of the liberal faction in the european parliament say that today
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it is bad news for the european union to reach this agreement; this was stated, in particular, by an independent liberal deputy representing austria. the european union has no strategy for ending the war in ukraine and does not seem interested in peaceful solutions. at the same. time, brussels is betting on the long-term allocation of billions to ukraine, although this money could be much better used in the eu in the countries themselves, the member states, about which this is evidenced, in particular, by the protests of farmers in front of the council building. ukraine has long turned into a bottomless financial barrel. i will add that according to the current decision, the european commission will report annually on how money is used for ukrainian aid, and only after 2 years, in theory, it will be possible to change it.
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i would like to say that, of course, the picture of where you are is impressive, and what is happening there, that is, at the very moment when farmers are burning tires under the windows of the european parliament, they actually gathered there on tractors, they arrived straight away, demanding attention to their issues, to agrarian issues, the european commission finds nothing else but, of course, to deal with ukrainian issues and allocate money primarily to ukraine, this , of course, is the most important thing when the tires are burning,
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now there is footage from the presidential press service, i greet everyone, those who are present here have just seen met with children, with young people, also with schoolchildren, teenagers, from the movement of the first, they have a congress today, the final day, but that's what i thought, huh...


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