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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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partners, i want to say that we are also considering work on the university, on campus development, and also as a demographic factor, because we want our children to stay on sakhalin, not to leave anywhere, so that they can start families here, get an education, so that they have high-tech jobs, good wages, and we want more students to come to us from... other regions of the far east, so we live and work so that the university is built on time and that it integrates v business processes that are happening now on sakhalin, thank you, thank you very much, i ask you, thank you very much, you presented your
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projects, it is clear that this is a very large-scale project to create university campuses, which is being implemented on your instructions, and it is a powerful driver of regional development, to be honest, we ourselves did not expect that there would be such a scale, we see a huge growing interest from subjects, businesses, valery nikolaevich said that during the first application waves were submitted, 27 were submitted for...
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there are much more regions that want to open new campuses than the bar you set for us of 25 world-class university campuses; by the way, they are being built not only as part of a federal project, but are being created on the basis of izbgu, itmo, in orel on your direct instructions, to ulan od, smolensk, rybensky, moscow state university, which was discussed today, and it is extremely important that these are world-class standards, a reference space there. this was said, it
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was observed everywhere, and we are closely following this, and we see serious groundwork, also also in kemerovo, in irkutsk, yakutsk, murmansk, in tula, this is a separate campus of a very interesting pvpk, the first in our country, in other cities, a total of 23 regions that are now ready to join the project, we have them all at the end of the booklet listed, and vladimirovich, we will separately report to you on proposals for extension. programs according to selection criteria, and it is very important that the substantive agenda of the campus is in the constant attention of the ministries of science and regions; they are all focused on the very specific implementation of your instructions for achieving technological sovereignty, training promising engineering personnel, great attention is paid to the teaching of fundamental disciplines: physics, mathematics, chemistry, and campuses, of course, contribute to achieving national goals.
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the development that you indicated to us is very important, that this is also the shared responsibility of governors, rectors, investors, but also of course the government, and you correctly noted that it is necessary to maintain quality, and i want to assure you that on michal’s instructions vladimirovich, he is very tough controls, we actually monitor the progress of each project on a daily basis, all the information is displayed on his dashboard, and weekly marashezyanich and i report the status at planning meetings. and a year ago, you remember, we showed you the monitoring system that is in use. dear vladimirovich, you always tell us about feedback, and i want to say that a huge number of students and graduate students would like to convey their deep gratitude to you; these are those who will receive or have already received additional opportunities for self-realization, development of their talents in completely new conditions, which, of course, they did not have before, that’s why. they will move our
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science and technology forward, create breakthrough projects, thank you, thank you very much, colleagues, who would like to speak on the topic? have you noticed the project in moscow, yes, if we talk about the campus, there are only 17 existing projects that are already in work today, this is 2,300 m2, this is a gigantic infrastructure project, and i would like to ask the government for instructions to us together with regions still look at the most efficient use of land plots of property, both federal and regional, in order to create projects like you, using the example... moscow projects, yes, immediately provide for both the effective use of what is there and development, because i i am absolutely convinced that each campus will lead to development around the territory, this is the first thing i would ask for an instruction, the second point is that we have very large expenses for accommodation, which means that out of
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the volume of expenses, a lot of our expenses go specifically to hostel, and even today as part of comprehensive development, as part of the development program, including housing construction and hostel facilities. i would also ask for instructions to prepare new approaches , especially for attracting investors to this area in the world, because this is quite developed, when a hostel is built by an investor, and then universities use them, we already have this in some projects, if there was your instruction , we would work again, we discussed this with colleagues several times, the governors understand this, this would also be such an additional source of improving living conditions, living conditions of both the students themselves, teachers, and the territories around these...
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yes, the construction worker talked about how his university was developing, and said that moscow did not put out fires, it cut 35 hectares there, and this creates opportunity for the development of the university, very
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good, i draw the attention of all colleagues present at the meeting to this circumstance, in advance when planning relevant projects, keep in mind that this would be very useful for the development a higher educational institution, everything related to a higher educational institution and the functioning of a city settlement in this case, you just need to think about it in advance so that next to such a modern and promising space something does not arise that will interfere with development, on the contrary, it is necessary to create conditions there for the development of both the city and you... the educational institution. varosh spoke about money, but we have the first part of the project - eight campuses, yes, 250 billion, from the federal budget 101 billion, everything seems to be there with the arrangement, yes, here is the second stage, nine
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campuses, 258 billion is needed there and 103 billion from the federal budget and money while we are there for these purposes. well, great, that is, the second stage of nine campuses, and what’s more, we understand how to finance the third stage, service it financially, so that there are 25, but the need is even greater, we have 23 more campuses on the bench, yes, yes , but this is already
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in the longer term, which means that when you expect to start the second stage, well, the second stage has been taken away from us already, and the third... we are going to gather this year has not been selected, understand, when will the practical work begin? on different projects at different stages, because somewhere there is a stage. which leader , today we asked to speak, this is sakhalin, they
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designed it very quickly, essentially, despite the fact that they are in the second stage, we laid the stone, in my opinion, in july or august last year, in july 2023 there, everyone else, starting from the end of this year, will leave the main board with an examination, starting from next year construction will already be underway, will everyone leave the examination this year? well, a significant part will be this year, some of the campuses will come out of the second stage examination in the twenty -fifth, but starting from the twenty-sixth they will all be built, you should definitely look, valery nikolaevich, because well, in yuzhno-sakhalinsk on sakhalin, in principle, now everything is developing very well financially, there is active income, but this is not the case in all regions, and they will need real help in order for them to even complete projects during. we are closely monitoring the situation, because we still have concessions, there
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are complex relationships between concessionaires and regions, but i can say that today we are making good progress on the first stage and are already building the second stage. i’ll add, if possible, here, according to the schedules that we now have, these are agreements that are legally binding for the commissioning of almost all nine projects, this... no later than the fourth quarter of 27, many earlier, including yuzhno-sokolinsko , this is november of the twenty-sixth year, it’s already final that’s all, we need to keep an eye on this, we must definitely look at who is doing what, who has enough money, who doesn’t have enough, he was lucky in kogolym, he was lavish and not greedy, he did everything, in the same veliky novgorod, lukol doesn’t work there, there are few people working there, from large companies, there is no oil or gas there, but there are people, and people are waiting for this project and counting on it, and not
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just veliky novgorod, and others, i ’ll tell you now, i’ll point my finger there, and there will be approximately the same situation, so you must definitely monitor what is happening in to each of these points, okay, so colleagues, who would like to add something to what we are talking about now? that’s it, then i ask valerie nikolaevich to prepare a draft decision so that we have such reference points that we could, looking at which we could understand where we are at a specific moment in time when implementing this large-scale and, of course, very necessary not only for higher education, but for the economy, and for the entire country of projects. thank you, it will be done, thank you, yes, thank you very much everyone all the best to the participants. this was footage of vladimir putin participating in the opening of campuses.
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russia of the future. what is she like? more than 30,000 proposals for the development of the country were received at the forum strong ideas for new times. the acceptance of applications on the crowdplatform ended the day before. the forum was organized by the agency for strategic initiatives and the roscongress foundation with the support of the russian federation. the ideas are interesting, there are really a lot of them, more than last year. then. about 24,000 projects were submitted. for the competition of growing russian brands "know our" received 12 thousand applications, almost 2 and a half times more than a year earlier. according to the general director of the agency for strategic initiatives svetlana chubsheva. the whole country is participating in the forum. applications were received from every region of russia. the most active were bashkiria, moscow and nizhny novgorod region. we are very pleased when every year we see how from such small seeds, from
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a small idea, some powerful idea, a powerful federal program, really matures, it would be impossible uh not the implementation of this project is not asya’s work without our experts, because it is the expert advice, it is our experts who help us find this focus, and... hear, feel, these trends. in siberia, the irkutsk region and residents of the region are leading in the number of applications to the forum for strong ideas for the new time. sent more than 500 proposals, some of them were presented as part of the business mission of the axis and the russian federation in irkutsk. the presentation of ideas took place at the site of the library quarter, just this project, which involves the creation of a multifunctional cultural and leisure educational space based on libraries, was included in the top 100 ideas of the last forum. well, in 2022
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, the irkutsk project to create an ecological campus ecotseh entered the top 10 ideas. forum and received the support of the president. the campus is being developed on the territory of the former timber exchange of the baikal pulp and paper mill. in the near future, the eco-shop will become a year-round project workshop for young eco-entrepreneurs, developers of new eco-technologies, and researchers. among the decisions announced by the region this year the industry 4.0 project in a children's hospital implies the development of robotics in the clinic. also, residents of the irkutsk region proposed creating.
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with the leadership of svetlana vitalna, of course, within the framework of the expert council, we will determine what the strongest ideas will be presented to the president on february 20. as part of the business mission, we discussed the quality of life in irkutsk, as svetlana chubsheva said, in the region , according to the results of the rating, there was an improvement in the values ​​​​for 35 rating indicators, including citizens who highly appreciate the opportunities that exist throughout territory of the region for opening. his case, satisfaction with receiving medical care has also increased, the indicator exceeds the national average, the same applies to social protection. the further implementation of the national social initiative became one of the points of the new cooperation agreement, which was signed by svetlana chubsheva and the head of the region igor kobzev.
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the irkutsk region, among the pilot regions , is actively implementing a national social initiative. within the framework of which the practice of the regional social standard is implemented, we are working with indicators of the quality of life rating, which for us is an indicator of the social well-being of residents , we are introducing a model of a friendly organization in the social environment, the sphere, this is the work of the institute of regional service commissioner, we did all this in accordance with your instructions. the agency for strategic initiatives and the regional leadership also agreed on cooperation in the field of the creative economy, and a separate agreement was signed on the implementation of a regional standard for creative industries. it is a set of twelve recommended steps aimed at supporting this sector of the economy. as noted today at the quality of life council
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, the irkutsk region today ranks third in the siberian federal district in terms of the number of enterprise representatives. took part in the competitive selection of the russian ministry of culture for the creation of creative industries schools in the regions on the basis of cultural institutions licensed for educational activities. let me remind you that the irkutsk region is the fifth region where asi and rbrf come with business missions. the purpose of such trips is to undertake together with representatives of local authorities and residents of the region. experts to formulate new projects and programs for the development of the region and the country as a whole, including strong ideas for the new time based on the forum projects. hello, we found out that i
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your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department. in the studio maxim movchan. in dagestan. security forces are looking for a suspect in the murder of mixed martial arts fighter magomed rasul mutaev. the day before the criminal ambushed him near the entrance to the entrance and opened fire with a pistol. according to investigators, this could have been revenge. first things first sarkar magomedov. here it is, the scene of the murder, which was captured by the cctv camera. judging by the footage, the killer was hiding in this entrance. the door was open precisely so that it could be seen when the target was approaching and committing the murder. the incident was recorded by this camera, aimed directly at the entrance, mma fighter mogomed rasul mutaev does not reach him a few steps, when from in the darkness, a killer jumps out to meet him and
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shoots at point-blank range. seven out of eight shots hit the fighter, only one missed and struck a spark on the asphalt, that’s the hole. well, at about 22:30 i heard shots, but i didn’t pay attention, i live there, kaptsakhskaya street is behind me too, but as usual at that time i thought it was popping - when the residents of neighboring houses came running to the sound of shots, the criminal had already disappeared, apparently, it was not difficult for him to plan the attack, the house is new, neighbors are really friendly they don’t know, on the cameras we saw the swing door in the entrance was open, you don’t have an intercom there, but there’s always a swing door, but there’s no intercom, of course it’s a pity, i saw him often passing by, i wasn’t particularly familiar with him, of course, he’s like with a bag during training, probably, yes, yes, i walked with a bag during training. in one of these trainings, magomed raslu mutaev was returning this time, here is the last photo that he posted on social networks: family friends say that the 21-year-old fighter showed great promise, many athletes respect him.
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in short, he was a month and a half ago , in short, they humiliated him harshly, well, this kid, there were about 15 of them there , a green face there, back and forth , they did such a bad thing to him, and the fact that this could end badly in the athlete’s environment was supposed, but to prevent they couldn’t, both and the deceased suspect , according to acquaintances with a difficult character, this was not the first attack on the murdered mutaev, here is footage of the previous one, that time the fighter managed to dodge the shots and even
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return fire. he has a weapon on photographs, his alleged killer kadyrkhanov also liked to pose with a firearm; the investigation will determine whether this is the same pistol from which mutaev could have been shot. the investigative department for the leninsky district of the city of makhachkala, the investigative department of skarossiy for the republic of dagestan, opened a criminal case into the murder of a twenty-one-year-old local resident. now nadyrkhan kadyrkhanov is wanted. according to some reports, he fled the crime scene in a so-called bunker, a car with tinted windows, with his family young. man the connection does not work. for plowing, or what? sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov, abdulla magomedov, news. duty department. and now the most up-to-date news that our editorial team receives directly from the agency's news feeds. so, the master of jiu jitsu, seri kibatov, who the day before beat a schoolboy half to death in a parking lot in moscow , was arrested by court decision. this was reported by the official telegram channel of the moscow prosecutor's office. the thirty-eight-year-old athlete attacked teenagers who behaved too emotionally in the parking lot. later
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batov allegedly stated. mistook children for drug pawns. today , the head of the department for interaction with the media of the investigative committee of russia, major general of justice svetlana lvovna petrenko, celebrates her birthday. with pleasure and with all our hearts , the team of legal programs of the russia-24 tv channel and the authors of the telegram channel honest detective join in the numerous congratulations addressed to this charming, fragile woman. svetlana lvovna, we wish you good health and strength in serving the fatherland and despite everything.
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negligence or circumstance. surgut investigators delved into the medical history of a girl who died in a city hospital. according to relatives, despite the patient’s complaints, the doctors literally abandoned her to her fate. svetlana krukovskaya, more details. kind, cheerful, responsible, she loved traveling, meeting with the whole family, and worked as a history teacher at school. twenty-three-year-old svetlana sobakina died in the infectious diseases department of the surgut hospital, says and... sister olga, according to doctors, from inflammation of the heart muscle. an ambulance took the girl straight from work due to severe dizziness and complaints of chest pain. at first, svetlana was completely denied hospitalization, but then she was allocated a bed. at the hospital, her condition worsened sharply and she was diagnosed with an acute respiratory tract infection. when my grandmother called the department, they told her that she was nervous and that after discharge she should be
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shown to a psychiatrist. this is an ordinary urvi, she is pretending, on the day we picked her up, her uncle stopped by this is the same department,” to which he was told that at 2 o’clock one ventricle failed, then the second, but if at 2 o’clock her ventricle failed, why didn’t you take her to the cardio center? the last messages were sent on the morning of december 29, svetlana asked to take her home, the girl did not contact her again. on the same day she was admitted to intensive care, a few hours later she was gone, the dog’s family blames the doctors, they believe that the light had a chance to die, and the family’s lawyer has no doubt about this. today we also know that during the period while she was in a medical institution by specialized specialists, she was never examined, and examinations appeared only after her death, the situation attracted the attention of the chairman of the investigative committee.


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