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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the daily losses of the armed forces of ukraine in the donetsk direction of the special operation exceeded 200 manpower; during the counter-battery fight , the russian military managed to disable three american-made artillery systems at once, one british gun, five self-propelled guns and a rszzo grad vehicle and several howitzers, all this is information from the ministry of defense, well... close attention is now focused on the battles for the liberation of avdeevka, where our fighters are gradually breaking into the fortified kiev regime. the latest reports from egor grigoriev. go! in the industrial zone near avdeevka , veteran fighters from the assault brigade are working in the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine. come on, come on, come on! down, down!
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well done! the combined group of troops of the first army corps squeezed the enemy out of the forest plantation and residential area. we developed a detailed plan of attack and monitored the weather. consider the fog, the thermal imager does not work. that is, the birds do not see us, that is, they cannot correct the artery. it’s good that the command sort of selects such moments, these weather forecasts, what is the best time to enter. many veteran volunteers since 2014 defended their native donbass. fighters.
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they are fighting for the russian donbass, for donetsk, which is shelled every day from avdeevka in a straight line to the center of the dpr, 15 km; on ukrainian tv they are no longer afraid to tell the truth, just as they are creating terror in the ssu. let's not forget that avdeek is still a knife to the throat, represented by the throat of donetsk to everything that it is connected with, what we are talking about, in fact, just look at the map to see such a thing as the yasenovad interchange, it’s like such a tactical...
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land, logs, boxes with stones, but sometimes layers of dugout fortifications, nets, even under such a protection pie a stray fragment flies in, so it turns out that everything was torn out, the armor was pierced, that is, it went through it, if this had not happened, it would have flown in , but that’s all, most likely it’s 200, the ukrainian military is occupying defenses in residential areas, of course, so you...
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are already in the suburbs in the private development of avdievka in the southwestern regions and the trends are such that the enemy is accumulating resources, most likely he will try to develop success. the liberation of avdiivka is a big step towards the return of all donetsk land, which the volunteers from the veteran brigade so strive for; the president thanked them for their dedicated work back in december. at the end of the year with vladimir putin, the soldiers spoke about the situation at the front, about their readiness to pass on their experience to the younger generation after the victory. there the guys are shouting, this is our motto,
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yes, it’s a veteran’s, of course, hard work lies ahead, the gate to donetsk, as avdievka is called, simply cannot be opened, but our military will definitely not lack perseverance. we press, we press, we win. egor grigoriev, news. in the kremlin today confirmed russia’s full readiness for an international investigation into the il-76 crash in the belgorod region. as dmitry peskov emphasized, moscow has nothing to hide in this regard, but the collective west and its kiev servants. the truth is probably not needed, especially since the investigative committee just confirmed that the plane was shot down by an american anti-aircraft missile system from the position of the ukrainian armed forces. stanislav bernwalt will talk about the progress of the investigation and the reaction to it. it has been proven that the il-76 military aircraft with ukrainian prisoners of war on board was shot down by a missile
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patriot complex. this was reported by the russian investigative committee, citing an examination of fuselage fragments seized at the crash site. during the inspection of the crime scene. 116 fragments of bodies and mechanisms of two missiles were discovered. the seized fragments are clearly marked in english. research has made it possible to detect traces of hexogen with impurities of up to 10% octogen in washes from objects, which is typical for foreign-made explosives. examinations carried out by the investigation and found on the spot tragedy, fragments of missiles with foreign markings indicate that they are structural elements of the mim-104a anti-aircraft guided missile of the petriot complex. this complex has several modifications; according to experts, the ukrainian army currently has second- and third-generation air defense systems, which
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are longer-range. russia is ready to continue the investigation together with international specialized organizations. the president spoke about this the day before. the president. openly publicly yesterday stated that we are ready for an international investigation of this horrific act, and we are interested in it , now we are hearing voices from europeans saying that, they say, give us paper, without paper we will not consider anything, it is clear that none of them will be interested in carrying out investigation stumble upon ourselves in this investigation, our position is absolutely transparent, understandable, and the position of the collective west: which is a direct participant in this armed conflict, it is also obvious. according to experts, the calculation the ptriut air defense system that attacked the il-76 with ukrainian prisoners was most likely mixed. it included both ukrainians occupying lower
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positions and american specialists. the strike on the plane was carried out purposefully. we saw enough on the locator screen. a large target, and even more so the system allows it to be classified, that is, by the size of the reflected surface, especially since the il-76 plane flew without turning off the transponders, that is, it was clearly defined even in civilian programs, that is, to make a mistake and supposedly, relatively speaking there to shoot at a fighter, but hitting it means hitting a transport plane. this, well, it’s not that, it’s not that it’s not a mistake, it’s a conscious action, of course. the state duma decided to address the us congress due to the crash of the il-76. this was announced by the speaker of the lower house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin. they must know who they are supplying weapons to,
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terrorists. but take responsibility for it. and the fact that there were prisoners of war on board, whom zelensky destroyed. this once again proves who they are transferring weapons to and should also bear for this responsibility, let them ask biden, congress has these powers, let them take it and hold him accountable. later , the document itself appeared on the state duma website, submitted for consideration by the international affairs committee. the kiev regime, refuse its support and help bring to justice the direct perpetrators of the inhumane terrorist act. officially, kiev talks about the need for an international investigation, but unofficially, in the local media, journalists continue to stir up the topic,
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that the il-76 was carrying missiles for the s-300 and was shot down. it seems that in ukraine itself, few people believe in these fairy tales. stanislav berdnald, lead. the patriotic spirit of russian youth is worthy of the highest praise, and most importantly, it is supported by concrete deeds that benefit, including new regions. vladimir putin made such statements today at an exhibition at the forum. russia, where the congress of the first movement is taking place. its ranks, as the president emphasized, have already been joined by millions of people, all of whom set an example of truly active citizenship. evgeny rishetnev has details. the idea of ​​​​re-creating such a massive all-russian children's and youth movement has been in the air for quite some time, but it finally took shape only in the summer of twenty -two, now there are already more than 4 million participants in all russian regions, so after such a short time.
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technologies, visited the vk pavilion, where they introduced the achievements of the industry as a whole and the flagship services of the company itself. this,
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of course, is the social network vkontakte, vk music, vk clips, vk video, paste - russia's largest gaming platform. there are also educational technologies from uchiru and vk education for schoolchildren and students in the it and digital sphere of creative industries, courses, internships, olympiads and championships. german, for example, leads in the vertical video section of vk.
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people who do not spare themselves, do not spare themselves, defending the interests of their homeland within the framework of a special military operation. about 400,000 books were collected for their peers in the donbass and sent to the donbass and novorossiya. this is all completely concrete, absolutely tangible. things. the exhibition of achievements of the national economy was hidden for a long time behind a faceless abbreviation. the park, attractions, restaurants - it's all good.
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dreamed, they dreamed that one day it would exist, and this was at the very beginning of the last century, today there is this bridge, we built it, and... another one, even larger than the one that people dreamed about, and there are still many achievements that we could not even dream of at one time, i am sure that if you also feel purposeful, confident, and purposefully move towards your goal, make our dream come true, we will succeed even
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more, and even the first ones, it is customary to say thank you to mentors and teachers, once or twice. three, thank you, suddenly picked up by the children , thank you turns into a completely different word. and then the guys on stage spontaneously start singing the anthem. putin supports and the whole room joins in. help, the unity of the peoples of russia and historical memory, these are the values ​​of the movement of the former, which are becoming more and more widespread, and the common goal is the greatness and prosperity of the country. evgeny reshatnev, nikita korneev, ivan malyshev, mikhail alterkop and maria radimova. well, today the head of state took part in the opening ceremony of new scientific and educational campuses,
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which were built on the territories of several regions of russia, from moscow to tatarstan, bashkiria and the south. this is a multifunctional library building , the restoration of, in fact, a dilapidated building , which today looks very good and is also ready to accept students, before that we introduced a whole series of buildings, you just said about the students who
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stand next to you, next to the rector, maybe one of they will say what they liked the most, that’s what you paid attention to and... land plots of property , both federal and regional, so that when creating, for example, like in moscow , projects, yes, immediately provide for the effective use of that , that there is also development, because i am absolutely convinced that
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each campus will lead to development around the territory, the rector of the moscow institute, now it is called a university and a construction one, spoke about how his university is developing, and said that moscow is not i was greedy, i cut down 35 hectares there, and this creates opportunities for the development of the university, very good, i draw the attention of all colleagues present at the meeting to this circumstance in advance. when planning relevant projects, keep in mind that this would be very useful for the development of a higher educational institution, well, everything related to a higher educational institution and the functioning of a locality. engineers, inventors, builders, doctors, sewing workshop masters and even chefs, volunteers from various professions gathered
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today in tula at the popular front forum “everything for victory”. behind each of the six hundred participants is a whole team that... helps our soldiers on the front line every day. during the forum, volunteers had the opportunity not only to share their experience with like-minded people, but also to discuss pressing issues with representatives of relevant ministries and the chair. report by margarita semenyuk. we tried to make this product as simple and understandable as possible. it is a suitcase with directional antennas. such radio electronic devices fighting a thunderstorm at the front, more than a thousand have already invented freelance systems for suppressing enemy drones. it works, there’s this indescribable feeling when you save someone’s life, it
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’s really when you don’t believe in anything, and we try to support them as much as possible, they’ve just made a new system, it’s called thunderstorm-armor, this is it a dome-type system designed for armored vehicles, robotic pillbox complexes and dynamic defenses on the popular front forum - everything for the victory of the engineer. instructors present their technical developments, which have already become companions for fighters in the fight against the enemy. in my hands is a model of a domestic attack drone, these are assembled in the rostov region, it has a modular part, the bupula operator can change the signal frequency level on the spot by changing only the tail part. the drone's elements are 3d printed, which speeds up the production process. this plant will also produce electronic parts, propellers and motors. among five hundred participants.
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placement there with sanitary requirements, hygienic, i optimize the food there , when we unload our free time, we
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won’t do anything, humanitarian worker, it’s the hands that are not afraid, not afraid to work behind the ribbon , pensioner natalya pasiko, at 72 years old, a native resident of donbass, along with nurses , helps wounded patients, what is needed , that’s what i do, i need to help the nurse, i help the nurse, i need to feed the sick, i feed the sick.
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which even during the great patriotic war did everything for the front, everything for victory, now the tui arms factories, the most of different profiles, they are doing everything to
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ensure that our guys do not need anything, do not need any weapons, in addition , we need to say a special word of gratitude to the governor of the toy region, alexei gennadyvich dyumin, because he dresses our guys who are leaving like relatives . to the front line, more than 11 billion rubles have been collected by volunteers from all residents of a large country since the start of the project to help the defenders of donbass, everything for victory. during this time , over a hundred war correspondents, artists, and politicians joined the project and supervised the collections. and tv presenters. margarita semenyuk, dmitry shevilev, maxim devitaikin, ivan kuznetsov, valeria sapegina, tula news. large-scale projects, modern technologies. new horizons: russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements on the main
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exhibition floor. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that delights russia. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the exhibition forum. russia! visitors to kuva have the fun of riding a pink one american car. we chose something different for moving around this island. i witnessed all these moments of the visit.
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russia, that russia is helping, we miss you, we miss you, we believe in the russians, you see, we have always believed in the russians,
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