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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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in a simple format, understandable to any teenager, they made an interactive tour of the temple, yes, you can accordingly go, for example, to the altar, here you go, you can go in, see what kind of table this is, what kind of chair this is and see what they have there from above, yes, you can’t see the dome from here, you can take it and read what kind of icon it is, who the saint is, the saint of god, this one or that one. stand up, let's pray, whoever wants to pray, maybe before we dine together , men can take off their hats, this is the custom, blessed be our god, always, now and always and forever, up to 100 people come to us a day, but in winter up to 150.
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after that, he worked as a paramedic on a mercy bus. in 2002 , police reception centers for the homeless were closed in moscow. in winter, 1,226 people froze to death. during that terrible winter , the mercy bus took to the streets of moscow. just to welcome people to you, so they can come in and warm up. for some, medical care, bandages. now there are 10 more such buses traveling around russia. yes, merciful.
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participate in the favorite small business award. leave a request on the sber website. salvation in the broad christian sense is the opportunity to find god and eternal life. the path to immortality passes through the gates of the church, they are open. the russian orthodox church is one of the largest, most dynamic. she brings something very interesting to this world, and people feel it.
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the orthodox church , the only canonical church in ukraine, and of course, the head of the church, his beatitude metropolitan annufius, while the ukrainian authorities openly support schismatic groups that are not recognized by anyone in the orthodox world, and contrary to all the canons, the patriarch of constantinople decided to give autocephaly, that is, the status of an independent church.
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to which i was answered: no, you must come, only in constantinople in istanbul the patriarch will talk to you, i realized that this is such a desire, well, what is called, to put in your place, one of my colleagues told me: there is no need to go, this is humiliating, but i thought, no, this is not humiliating, yes, it is humiliating for those who pay attention to these toys, but i don’t pay attention to them. i am ready to go anywhere on foot, just to prevent this kind of development of an event, which, unfortunately, we have come to today. i went to constantinople. on the morning of august 31, 2018,
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istanbul's lantern quarter, where the patriarchate of constantinople is located. on december 15, 2018, the so-called
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unification council, created on poroshenko’s initiative, proclaimed the creation of a local church in ukraine. on january 6, 2019 , this new church structure received the tomos, a document on autocephaly. according to which this structure is now fully subordinate to the patriarch of constantinople. has been difficult lately, the situation is a difficult question, for all of us, ukraine, what will happen next, what do you think? the situation is very difficult, and this is what is called, perhaps, what colors both my life and the lives of a huge number of orthodox people, in these mournful tones, what about? we are talking, we are talking about the fact that
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persecution is being unleashed against a significant part of the people, respectable, honest, law-abiding citizens of ukraine, only because they remain faithful to the canonical church. all this occurs in europe in a country that declares its adherence to european values, so... all these testimonies about personal tragedies, about churches that are captured by schismatics, about how difficult it is for people today to simply openly confess their loyalty to the church, so, of course, the trials that befell the ukrainian orthodox church are something completely special, and you know, very a large number of examples of amazing resistance to...
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destroy the unity of our church, because you said that they are attacking the last strong island of freedom, absolutely right, it is the island of freedom, it is the island of freedom, because the church and christianity arms a person’s ability to evaluate the surrounding reality and the signals coming to a person, there must be a clear criterion, propaganda, culture, pseudoculture, mass culture can confuse a person so much that he will lose this criterion if he does not have an exact point reference point, the christian
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value system provides such a reference point, and therefore ensures the preservation of a person’s internal freedom. and when they say that, let’s say, the church wants to deprive freedom, this is not true, the church, in my opinion, i always i'm just saying. our country went through a very difficult time;
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many believers, priests, monks, and ordinary lay people suffered. new martyrs became those who retained faith in themselves and confessed christ, even to death. in 2005, the first grave containing it was found. five people were buried, the sentence was carried out right here, 90 years have passed since the punishment cell arose here and...
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this was probably one of the most difficult tasks in which i had to wash in a ten-liter basin, in my life, such a small basin with cold water, to wash the cassock, rinse it, then there were no heaters either, the construction boom began with the election of his holiness patriarch kiril.
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for 7 years, this same jumping money was donated voluntarily for the construction of the temple, the temple was not being built quickly, but it was being built when
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defense minister serdyukov arrived, but he gave instructions to demolish the temple within 24 hours. about 10,000 paratroopers demonstrated on poklonnaya gora. on the same day we reported to the holy patriarch, the holy patriarch on the same day had the opportunity to report to the leadership of the country, and this, if i may say so, is administrative lawlessness. within a day there was a reaction from above. the minister of defense has already backed down. life to the fatherland, faith to god, and honor to no one, and so it was, and so it will be, today the state pays off old debts to the church, rightly returning churches and monasteries to it. no one other than patriarch kirill could motivate the state to solve this very
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difficult task. a few years ago, when it was just being discussed. such a question: you once said that today the relationship between church and state, they are close, probably, well, in any case , such a relationship has never existed, a unique relationship, there is such a concept as a symphony,
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yes, i spoke about this concept on the first day after my enthronement, speaking in the kremlin, i said that... this image symphony, or as we now say with a different emphasis in symphony , it was ideal in byzantium, the byzantines tried to build relations between church and state on the principle of a symphony, that is , consonance, yeah, once it worked, sometimes it didn’t even work out, and we know how the imperial power intervened in church affairs, removed the patriarchs of constantinople, well, there was a lot of good and bad. throughout history , in general, this balance has usually always been shifted towards state power, it dominated in one way or another, even in the soviet union, when it...
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some enemies call this the merging of the church with the state, but no merging is happening, this it is clear that the state remains secular, but there is a dialogue on the most important issues, the result of this dialogue is not necessarily complete satisfaction of what the church would like to see, yes, but this dialogue leads to the fact that, firstly, problems are removed that could, so to speak, hurt society.
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after enthronement, the patriarch created a completely new advisory church body, the inter-council presence. already 10 years ago, it was clear that society
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had changed a lot; it had become important for people to take part in those key, important decisions that the church offered them. decisions about the life of the church began to be made by a very large number of people, most active bishops, priests, deacons.
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like the internet, especially social networks , if the apostle paul lived today, he would not get out of contact, blessed is he who lays down his life for his friends, you may not know this line, but there are people who do not they know, it’s rubbish, but they were imbued with this evangelical energy through the church. we have six colonies that we serve; we correspond with prisoners, and we send parcels to them monthly; letters
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from prisoners come to the church with lists of necessary things. we send parcels personally to each person, we take a letter with a request, select the desired height, size, put it all in a box, every month almost 100 parcels in response. then, and you know, they were cautious, the question was considered in the eyes, that this is some kind of action for you, or have you come for a long time?
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resisted, they suggested that it should be some kind of basic colonel with work experience, his holiness then categorically objected that we do not need, we do not need the revival of the institution of commissioners for affairs religion, as it was under soviet rule, of course, we cannot influence the term that is given to a person, but the main thing is to support
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him... all prisoners know that the priest will never betray them, will not tell them about some of their secrets that they they say in confession. many people really come to faith here, begin to wear crosses , begin to strive to go to church, and it seems to me that in that case, a criminal can only be released as a human being if he is here in prison, has met people, has had human relationships. "hello, hello, i greet you, god save me, in those cells in which he, his holiness the patriarch , entered, i later visited them, in each of these cells there was a miracle, including one of the people who was under investigation, his preventive measure was changed." “well, i
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would like to bless you, to admonish you so that your marriage is preserved, despite the very special, special circumstances in which it will take place, she is definitely reading the mind or not the prime minister, anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. look first in the app or on website.
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the russian army repelled 17 attacks in su, zelensky’s formation lost almost 900 more soldiers and mercenary officers, five tanks and 12 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 28 galbits and self-propelled guns, close attention to the liberation of avdiivka, fighting for the city.


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