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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the russian army repelled 17 attacks in su, zelensky’s formation lost almost 900 more soldiers, mercenary officers, five tanks and 12 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 28 self-propelled guns, close attention to the liberation of avdiivka, fighting for the city.
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including the veteran assault brigade, whose heroism was noted by vladimir putin. yegor grigoriev will tell you how our soldiers break into the crepe district. go! in the industrial zone near avdeevka , veteran fighters from the assault brigade are working in the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine. the combined group of troops of the first army corps squeezed out enemy in the forest plantation.
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ahead of our troops, overtook them ahead of these regular troops, broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the outskirts of avdeevka, captured 19 houses and held them, the men there are fighting properly, fighting for the russian donbass, which is shelled daily, until the center of the dpr,
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the invisibility of ukrainian strike weapons. in ovdeevka, the enemy, of course, uses copters with thermal imagers and night vision; it is extremely difficult to move. mostly these are drones, drones, drones, they are feared. and such arrivals and such shelling. from drones kamikazes are saved by layers of dugout fortifications. nets, earth, logs, boxes with stones, but sometimes even under such a pie of protection, a stray fragment flies in. so, it turns out that everything was torn out, the reservation was broken, she, that is, continued it. if this had not happened, it would have flown in, but that’s it, most likely it’s 200. the ukrainian military takes up defense in residential areas, of course, it’s more profitable, but civilians suffer, many have left, the population is now 30 times smaller, the british bbc emphasizes, there are those who are waiting for the russian world, but it seems they don’t have a chance in the ssu they will leave, avdeevka has already been turned into a ghost town, a ukrainian tank is hitting the house with direct fire, they give an explanation behind the scenes, supposedly destroyed...
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more restrained than the experts on ukrainian tv. the situation may become threatening, the situation is quite threatening, de facto, the russian army is already in the suburbs, in the private development of avdievka, in the southwestern regions and the trends are such that the enemy is accumulating resources, most likely he will try to develop success. the liberation of avdiivka is a big step towards the return of all donetsk land, which the volunteers from the veteran brigade so strive for, thanks them for their dedicated work back in december.
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with details margarita semenyuk: they tried to make this product as simple and understandable as possible, it is
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a suitcase with directional antennas, there are already more than a thousand of such electronic warfare devices at the front, which have already been invented by freelance systems for suppressing enemy drones by the designers of the kulibin popular front club. it's hard to imagine what they're saying when they're just screaming in delight because they're life saved they made a new system , thunderstorm-armor, it’s called, this is a dome-type system designed for armored vehicles, robotic pillbox systems, dynamic defenses, at the popular front forum everything is for victory, design engineers present their technical developments, which have already become companions for fighters in the fight against the enemy. in my hands is a model of a domestic attack drone, these are assembled in rostov. area it has a modular part, the bupula operator can change the signal frequency level on the spot by changing only the tail part, the elements of the drone are printed on a 3d printer, which speeds up the production process; the electronic part, propellers and motors will also be produced at this enterprise. among the five hundred
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participants, volunteers from different regions of russia, olga schneider came from the amur region, where volunteers organized a community and are preparing freeze-dried borscht. 15.00 portions have already been sent to the front. boy, participant. tea with a soldier, usually make a postcard with your own hands, tea or coffee is glued to the other side, a chocolate bar is glued, candy and write letters
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, more or less recovered for months, went there again to work on crutches, a lot of shrapnel, two in the head, starting from the head to the heels, hit the floor with stakes, couldn’t, came back. many volunteers literally crossed the border in the morning and came to tula to take part in the forum of the presidential movement, everything for victory, and tomorrow they return to the front line to join the fighters. the guys are really waiting for us, they asked us for three niva cars in order to move around there, let’s call it the gray zone, in order to to bring out the wounded in order to... carry out ammunition there, because such vehicles are more maneuverable and the enemy doesn’t pay attention to them as much. eight discussion platforms were opened on the basis of the state weapons museum, the organizers of the popular front chose tula as a landmark place in the city of the hero of dozens of defense enterprises, which are famous for the development and
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production of multiple launch rocket systems , anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft missile systems , radar stations. the choice of tolya land is not accidental, because it is not only the weapons capital. how his relatives dress our guys who go to the front line. more than 11 billion rubles have been collected by volunteers from all residents of a large country since the start of the project to help the defenders of donbass - everything for victory. during this time , over a hundred war correspondents, artists, politicians and tv presenters joined the project and supervised the collections. margarita
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semenyuk, dmitry shevilev, maxim devitaykin, ivan kuznetsov, valeria sapegina. news tula. hello, we found out why i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll get out and tell you about sbp. download the application from bpa, link your bank account. and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you, it’s easy to find, but if you’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s a sbp button for online purchases, well, see you later, magnet - price , what is needed, sustelsky servirat 999, what men are silent about, that life is out of control, to stop being a man - these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes
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renival. that the main thing in business is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free account opening and maintenance for 5 years. and all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the award for your favorite small business. leave a request on the sber website. the church for me is people, all kinds of people, who make mistakes, who fall, but the most important thing in the church is these people stand up, then you have freedom, freedom to love, freedom. don’t be afraid, where there is love, there is no fear, in 2014 there were
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the first shellings of the monastery, it started from the airport, and then, naturally, the radius kept expanding and expanding, the monastery was also hit, like... yes, the church was hit by a direct shell hit the roof of the temple caught fire and the entire second floor burned out, there was no roof, there was no altar, everything was leaking, in general it was so eerie. literally a few years before the war we built a school, there was nothing left, just the foundation, it was painful, because building it all brick by brick and then it all gets destroyed before your eyes, it’s not easy. after such a short but mournful period, the first liturgy was served, a lot of people came, i pray that everything
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ended quickly, the war, there was no war, it’s very bad, everyone is dying. in the world in ukraine, the patriarch prays every day, with his blessing this prayer is performed in all churches, everyone has their own trouble and their own pain, and people endure it, and you remember what happened, and no matter how hard it was for you, lord was always there, there was always hope that
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it wouldn’t always be like this, that time would change, in principle that’s what happened, maybe not quite as... i wanted, but in principle for us, i think we are back, almost back to their home, everyone knows well, faith, hope, love and math sofia, girls, not even girls, girls who possessed such inner strength and such integrity that they were not broken by fierce torment, sophisticated torment, and this is not no... not some kind of fairy tales, these are descriptions of martyrs, so the so-called acts of martyrdom are historical sources that have been preserved, and from these documents one could judge the incredible strength of people who were subjected to terrible trials, torment and maintained their loyalty to god and preserved their
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inner integrity. i used this comparison with antiquity, well, because it is kind of christomatic. people generally know about what the church has gone through, but even in the absence of such persecution in seemingly peaceful times, preserving the integrity of the human person is a huge task, the task is primarily the person himself, and the church is called upon to help, today, when very often it turns out that there is no one to help a person, or there are poor mothers who think about leaving the child, not leaving, these are things that who except...
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i remember, my the children are sleeping, you whisper in a whisper to a woman who is crying somewhere in another city and says that there is a lot of pressure on her from different sides, she cannot find the strength in herself, this is literally a conversation for one or 2-3 days, and a life is saved, in the month of august we dissuaded 104 women, that’s 104 child who were saved, in the name of the father, amen, and the son, amen, and the holy spirit. amen. oh, what great guys, what wonderful kids. the church not only opposes abortion, it helps women who find themselves in difficult situations. on the initiative of patriarch kirill,
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the russian orthodox church built 58 houses for mothers throughout the country. here a woman with a child can get a roof over her head and be safe. i was left homeless, sitting at a bus stop near work, because honestly there was nowhere to go. i have a girlfriend i told you about the house for my mother. and i came here. the apartment was unsuitable for living with a child. guardians came every day. the child would have been taken to an orphanage and decided to disappear. “are you capable of loving or not, here now in this particular situation, i don’t know what will happen tomorrow, now we can do something or not, we are capable of loving, if we are able, then we are following what
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christ said , the seventies, yes such a soviet union, there was no russian orthodox church in the philippines, the beginning of the mission, somewhere 2014". metropolitans, archbishops, bishops, all the priestly, monastic ranks of the church, god protects our country, every sunday
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i attend the liturgy, although it takes place quite far from my home, but this place is in my heart, i always rush there, you see, here you can’t look after everything , we’re going to drink, we’ll take care of food , which turns out to them, really greatly improves and changes their lives, they hear about faith from our missionaries, they ask them
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to teach, young minds, just blind faith is not enough for them, they want something... something new for myself understand, be able to explain to others, when i became an orthodox christian, i learned to love other people and help them. i pray to god that someday i will become a priest. three of our students are already studying, very successfully, at the st. petersburg theological academy. the orthodox faith blooms in the souls of people like a flower. we fulfill the commandment of christ, go and teach all nations. this is our responsibility to preach the word of god to all peoples, without exception. in these footage
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, for the first time in the kremlin cathedral, his holiness the patriarch ordains a citizen of north korea, a graduate of the khabarovsk seminary. he will have to serve in his homeland, in the capital of the country of state atheism, where any religion has been prohibited for the last 50 years. the orthodox mission in korea has existed since the 19th century, but after a series of revolutions and civil wars, all churches were destroyed and priests were persecuted by law. in 2002 , the leader of the dprk kimchong-il during his...
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orthodox churches on all continents, due to time zone differences, liturgy on the planet the earth goes on continuously. for the first time in the history of the russian church, its primate visited 27 countries outside the canonical territory of the russian church, making 402 visits. of our church in russia and abroad, not a single head of the church has made so many trips in its entire history, he overcomes enormous
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distances to get to where they are waiting for him, waiting to ask about something important to him, to hear the sermon of the holy one, to receive a blessing just to see your testimony, in these 10 years from the date of your infronization, you, if i’m not mistaken, more than 200 trips, 220, something like that? when i travel to especially remote places where not only the patriarch’s foot has never set foot, the bishop’s foot has never set foot before, i meet people who really help me understand, including what should be at the center of our agenda today , this is
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life. no, it’s simply not visible from the capital, so i’m generally surprised at what i see, firstly, of course, meeting amazing people, they always told me chukotka, chukotka, chukotka, in chukotka i met such wonderful people than in all-terrain vehicles were waiting for you, firstly, people are busy with business, they raise deer, they live in their yorts.
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around the country - this is a very important part of my ministry. the patriarch, it seems to me, is a person who thinks not only in categories here now, he thinks long-term. on february 12 , 2016, at the havana airport, the pope and the patriarch of moscow met for the first time in history. the press called this event the meeting of the millennium, representing two branches of christianity, separated by centuries of hostility, pope francis and patriarch kirill signed a joint declaration on the main problems of christianity in the modern world. a patriarch, he must be a politician, he must weigh his every word not only from a spiritual point of view, but from a political point of view.
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and this is a terrible responsibility, this is constant tension, because he speaks not only on his own behalf, he speaks on behalf of the church, and this is the head of the church, today two churches can actively work together, protecting christians around the world, so that there is no war to be respected everywhere human life and so that through the participation of the church. in the life of modern society , the most holy and blessed name of the father and son of the holy spirit was glorified. everyone who passes by this church is amazed by its beauty, and even if they are far from christ, even if they are not entirely christians,
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this church is still beautiful. in russian, the liturgy in french is very valuable. we meet with the parishioners of this church with great joy. they say: you have sincerity in the temple, there is no haste, and as a result, literally in the last six months, several people have converted to orthodoxy; these are belgians, catholics, who come from belgium here for church services.


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