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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 2, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, look only without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look before everyone else, in the application or on the website.
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our country, mighty will, great glory is your heritage for all bregmen, having saved the fatherland, our freedom,
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it is difficult to imagine that biden would come out to the youth, be able not only to sing the anthem, but to say at least some words, but listen, in recent times of democracy they stopped understanding altogether, because if you look at the countries of real democracy, these are now those that for some reason the west calls authoritarian, it is there that they think about the people, talk about the people, understand the interests of the majority, and take them into account.
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then the west generally agreed to a phenomenal formulation that elections do not say anything, because if they elect non-democratic leaders, then this is not democracy, but what kind of democratic leaders are, well, these are those who coincide in their views not with america, with democratic party of america, that too more careful and that’s why they are so honest that it’s even admirable, for example stoltenberg, it seemed to me that he was not an american.
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they threaten our free world and openly challenge american influence, and not just america. they are trying to trample on the global rules that keep us all safe. china is the most serious long-term challenge, and russia is the most urgent. he is developing new strategic weapons to threaten the united states and its allies. his war is aimed not only at establishing control over ukraine, but to restore russia’s influence in the world and form an alternative one. a world
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order where us power is weakened, nato is disorganized, and small democracies are forced to bow. he is so scared that when he says the name putin, he immediately feels that everything is just out of fear, what sincerity, sincerity, they say these are americans, this is all threatening your order, it’s surprising of course, besides, they are doing military exercises there carry out, germany, the netherlands and poland sign a declaration on development of the west-east corridor, a logistics hub for the war with moscow, i don’t understand why they need this when all of them are blown away by the nuclear wind? does nuclear wind need a logistics corridor, here is a logistics corridor , perhaps somewhere there, i’m not sure, but what i remember about nuclear weapons, there was nothing about a logistics corridor for the spread of radiation and shock waves, it will break through any
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corridor that it will be needed, although it’s hard to call it a corridor, it’s just that the whole world is in ruins, but not now. again for our foreign friends who will translate this program, gasp, gasp, be indignant, let me remind you that this is a phrase from a film, and widely quoted at the same time, widely quoted, and speaking quite seriously, well, we are faced with a phenomenal level of russophobia, that is, in reality we now understand that how naive we were, what we were prepared for, and we are losing the last illusion, today we have lost the illusion that hungary... is worried about us, but no one is worried about us, everyone is worried about themselves, everyone is worried only about themselves, so and they gave 50 billion to ukraine, well, until the twenty-seventh years, but it doesn’t matter, and
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no one is even going to think about the interests of some europeans, they don’t exist at all, yes, in principle, that’s what stoltenberg said, it sounds very correct, there are no europeans. to be honest, that’s why we need to treat it all this way, but we started talking about it, we just exchanged two words with dima, but think how interesting it is, but no one said a word about the residents of crimea, about the residents of donbass , zaporozhye, kherson region, in general about people.
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he even understands, yes, but does anyone care? the voice of the residents of navorusia, they have the right to determine their own path, for europeans this very
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idea seems wild, when they were worried about the opinions of people, when they talk about new leaders, so i have a wonderful new leader for america. wonderful, he performed amazingly at the national prayer breakfast. my prayer for all of us. in my church we sing the twenty-second psalm as a hymn. it says, he will lift you up on the wings of an eagle, on the breath of dawn, and you will shine like the sun. until we see you again, may the lord keep you in the palm of my hand. not my prayer for all of us, the differences between us are really very strong, we step on each other, but remember, let's remember who we are, damn it, we are the united states of america, it's about dignity respect, didn't stay in
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church for long, immediately remembered his real master, so biden, master, is your devil. lucifer rules you, yes, vitalitovich, well, i ’ll start with putin’s meeting, but he’s not with the children. i want to say a few words about the fact that today putin had this meeting with patriarch of moscow sirus on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the enthronement of patriarch kirill, as well as on the upcoming meeting of putin with the academic community on february 8, 300 years of the russian academy of sciences , the corresponding meetings and
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path are planned, which in many respects corresponds to reality, i would say that it is not enough
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for our great country political thinkers of this level, i do not mean the official status, in this case, those people who inevitably listen to a significant part of society, some part society, these are just my hopes for the possible reform of the social sciences within the framework
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, it lacks what it needs for success, hungary has little political weight within europe, this is not france, this is not germany, this is not even italy, so such a thing would arise orban, in relation to the european union, could be called.
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living in the old way, the top cannot rule in the old way, but we must admit that the anglo-saxon or... euro-atlantic bureaucratic class or ruling class is much more united or better governed from some kind of it from some kind of deep state, what the soviet class was - the ruler before the official perestroika and the subsequent collapse of the soviet union, what methods they use there can
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be discussed for a long time, this is being discussed, but so far they are holding on quite successfully, in this sense... so orban, it means, had to retreat completely, not completely, it doesn’t matter, all sorts of other seemingly boisterous political masses, but while the top is sufficiently consolidated and does not give up its position, meanwhile, it is also impossible it’s not worth noting that the interests of these very bottoms and the ruling tops are increasingly diverging, and that’s all.
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for just one party, but now there are no such people in the political sense, since there are no political ideologies, this is absolutely, in my opinion, reminiscent of the state of soviet society before the collapse of the soviet union, but i repeat, the consolidation of their ruling class is much greater than ours , and politics is ultimately always implemented through... this can be called a black swan, or a white goose, or something else, through action some politician, i repeat, orban’s political weight is not enough to become this euro-yeltsin, who will come from this environment, not from the people, no politicians come from the people now, he will come from this bureaucratic one, from the very
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ruling one class, and in the name of their selfish interests, it doesn’t matter. he’s rightly afraid, because there’s no place for stoltenberg there, it’s different, ours hasn’t formed yet, i’m not saying that it’s not enough, it hasn’t formed yet, we have a partially russian, russian ruling class, chinese, which will probably be talked about here, but inside russian, too, not everything is clear, i don’t know iranian, what else is there -
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the arabs have something, in italy, our loved ones probably don’t, italy, and here, for now, italy there, here. but in general it has not yet taken shape, but processes can go very quickly, either one figure appears in the west in this anglo-saxon, german tefton environment, or something happens, well, i don’t mean a nuclear war, which is in vain, something... that's what happens, in this case i don't consider, i don't consider the option, well in the sense that... the transformation of the world does not occur according to the principle of evolution from one to another, but as stoltenberg correctly notes again, an alternative world comes, that is, the border is sharp, and this alternative world, i just have the feeling that you do you think that this political class and its processes live their own separate life, yes, but
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i must tell you a secret that no, what kind of political class do you mean? you suddenly said that there is a certain unified political class in china, iran, well, let’s say, a big one the south, no, i said that it has not yet developed, but it will never develop, well, it cannot, because the nature of power is different there, well, this can be discussed, but he has never been in the world, in this case the anglo-saxon ruling class for the whole world has developed, as it has not developed, they control all international organizations, they control europe and they control the whole world.
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but china and russia have no single colonial past, so this approach is basically impossible here, because our political elite is formed within sovereign cultures and sovereign states. in contrast to, let's say, the elite of the anglo-saxon world, which in its origin is just a cancerous tumor, which america let into the colonized countries that it captured, therefore two different genesis of the political elite, which show that they cannot be brought to a single one, as soon as that ruling class falls, then within the new political class there will be some kind of exchange with sovereignties, parts of sovereignty will not lead to a single one. to the political class and china, what does united mean, well, united, that was your formulation, well, united is the word, well, united, but in the judge there is always one, it was your formation, a single
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political class, but it doesn’t exist, we speak different languages , all russians will never speak chinese, all chinese will never speak on their own, you just said that there will be a single political class, now i won’t speak, don’t cling to words, why else cling to the tail of your jacket or something, well, we ’re discussing, that means we’re... i’ll start by going through the national prayer breakfast, so that our audience and our audience understand, this is one of those cult
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events in the united states, a festival of hypocrisy, where people gather who don’t believe in anything in god, not in hell, not in anything, and they pronounce some religious words there and so on, it’s generally a big party, yes. for which some of our people, very recently, paid money beyond the control, so to speak, of the consciousness of the average person, to sit by the toilet a person, and not an average one either, to sit by the toilet, this meant what is called, by the way, this is what we discussed with you, in my opinion, initiation, this was one of the higher ones, yes, then, of course, there now, no, this is not captivity, this is not yet , they were twice a year, but this time, no, well, it was for members of the cpsu central committee, but here they gave money to come, still no, in captivity of the cpsu central committee, for what kind of money, who could come, these are
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all conventions, wow little things, i will continue, but the meaning of what happened there is a demonstration of one’s adherence to religious hypocrisy, and it turns out to be some kind of pretzel, yes, which in general, in my opinion, is not very good. understands where he is, remembers, scary to say, the one who is the patron of the majority of those sitting in the hall, but what cannot be talked about, of course, i think that this is the debunking of some cults, i was thinking, here we are there all the time they told a joke about a saying, an anecdote, that democracy is the power of democrats, and we ourselves didn’t notice. how did this saying become a reality, and what is democracy? well we they said, yes, democracy is a procedure , it has ceased to be a procedure, the americans
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showed us that you can be a democracy without procedures, then democracy became a set of rituals, well, you can go to elections , you have to go, it doesn’t matter what they think, god bless him, but there must be elections, because these are rituals, by the way, the prayer breakfast is a ritual, yes, that’s it, as they say. what is this kind of ritual called, collective happening, yes, now it turns out that rituals are not needed, that the key rituals of democracy turn out to be for this political systems are absolutely unnecessary, they are simply not needed, yes, elections, election results will be calculated by artificial intelligence, and transition. to various kinds of oligarchic forms of government, de facto, well, look what a parliamentary republic is now, so we say there elsin, elsin, yeltsin, yes, but
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look where he will come from? what parliamentary republics, what presidential republics, this is a pure oligarchic form of government, yes, in which they begin, in france even the rituals that symbolized democracy, there is no purely hereditary form of power, there are no heirs, and there cannot be in this system, but nevertheless, of course, this is all happening before our eyes, it happened, but over the last... 10, 15 years, and i tell you this from personal experience, a difficult fate brought me in 9.6 to brussels in nato, precisely in nato, i’ll tell you, this is how russia joined nato, no, it just didn’t join there, but very yours , yes, well, yes, in my person she individually joined nato, but she really wanted to and systematically, in fact, there there were different forms, let’s
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still accept us somewhere. yes, for example, the idea was to join the parliamentary assembly of the north atlantic alliance, and if they weren’t accepted into the normal nato, well, let’s at least join there and so on, by the way, as associated members, that is, our delegation was present there, but i ’ll tell you this, but there were europeans there, yes, it is clear that they were, the americans were in charge, the second in seniority, even in the distribution of positions were the british, but the europeans were there, and the europeans had... a voice, the europeans showed that they were europeans, yes , sometimes this display was such a squeak, but nevertheless, now no, now there really are no europeans, and this again happened in our memory, this happened in one generation, in order to erase the identity of a large subject , and the european union, europe
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is a historical, centuries-old entity. the italians, the french, they mean that because of some european bureaucrats, the money hasn’t been put into the wrong pocket yet, of course, well, of course, so to speak, it will, but they are already on they will start a war, yes, but they are all happy with it, the war is inevitable, but it is a war that is not just inevitable, the war over the last 5 years from the outskirts has come close to their doorstep, and the europeans are all
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happy with it, the former.
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we need to stop believing that somewhere where it’s about us loved ones, i’ll tell you this, we don’t know anymore, some kind of pancake hero will appear who will save us in hungary or, now things haven’t worked out in hungary, they'll appear now...


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